

单词 一箭双鵰

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所以,我希望政 府能就這數方面繼續下工夫,希望可 一箭 雙 鵰 , 既能提供就業,也可 為社會帶來幫助。
Therefore, I hope that the Government will continue to exert more efforts in these respects, with a view to achieving a win-win situation by providing employment and helping the community.
這反而一箭雙鵰的做 法,不單止可以環保 回收廢物,還可創造就業機會,為何政府不考慮這一點呢?
This is a way that can
[...] kill two birds with one stone, because while [...]
waste can be recovered in an environmentally-friendly
manner, employment opportunities can also be created.
如果特首能 夠理解到本土產業的重要性,不但可帶動經濟發展,更可創造工作職位,實一箭雙鵰,特首何樂而不為呢?
If the Chief Executive can also appreciate the importance of the local industries, not only economic development can be taken forward, jobs can also be created.
因此,這 可說一箭雙鵰,既 可改善護理安老院舍的需求,亦可以為這些地方創造更 多就業機會。
So, this is like
[...] killing two birds with one stone as the demand [...]
for care and attention homes can be better met while more
employment opportunities can be created in these districts.
這些投 資移民是可以帶一箭雙鵰的效 果,如 一箭 雙 鵰 , 即 是在投資數年 後,原來是可以賺錢,不是蝕本,是賺錢,而在賺錢之餘,還可以取得 在港居留身份,從而可以選擇是否在港居住。
These investment migrants can realize
[...] the benefits of killing two birds with one stone, meaning that they can [...]
make profits and not losses
after investing their monies for a few years, and in the meantime obtain the right of abode in Hong Kong so that they can choose whether or not to reside in Hong Kong.
其實,發展更多產業可一箭雙 鵰,射出了一枝箭 ,可以帶來很多效果。
In fact, by developing more industries, the
[...] Government can kill two birds with one stone, that is, making multiple [...]
achievements with a single initiative.
如果政府 做得好,便可以一箭雙鵰的作 用,既可杜絕無良僱主拖欠強積金供款,也 可打擊欠薪。
If the Government can do well on these, there can be an effect of killing two birds with one stone.
我 們如要針 對 青 年 人 的 失 業 問 題 ,政府應 重 這 方 面 的 工 作 , 這一箭 雙 鵰 , 既 可以減低失業率, 亦可以為香港將來的 人 才 奠 下 基 礎 , 我 在此藉 今 天 的機會,促 請 政 府加強 推 廣 電子政 府 這 概 念 。
In addition to putting emphasis on increasing both the number and the tonnage of registered vessels, the country has also been putting in much effort to collaborate with the commercial sector to develop businesses related to the shipping industry.
[...] 年对行政首长理事会秘书处的作用和职能进 行过审查,该审查没有改变一双重 地点结构,而是肯定了其适当性。
The Committee was further informed that a review of the role and functioning of
the CEB secretariat carried out in 2007 did
[...] not change this dual-location structure [...]
but, rather, confirmed its appropriateness.
双方还商定,如果三分一/三 分 之二的分摊比例是偿还人事费的公平假设,则将其应用于以前未分摊的 费用:一般临时人员、计算机、办公场地和审计费用。
It was also agreed
[...] that, if the one-third/two-thirds formula was a fair [...]
assumption for the reimbursement of staffing costs,
it should also be used for costs that had previously not been shared: general temporary assistance, computer, office space and audit costs.
一箭雙鵰的做 法,但為甚麼政府卻不考慮,卻想出“置 安心”計劃呢?
This is to kill
[...] two birds with one stone, so why [...]
does the Government not consider this but came up with the MHP Plan instead?
大会第 2065(XX)号决议和后来多项决议,以及非殖民化特别委员会的决议, 都把马尔维纳斯群岛问题称一种特 别的殖民地情况,尤其是因为它涉及阿根廷 与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国之间的主权争端,规定结束这种情况的方式是通 过谈判和平解决主权之争,并敦促两国政府不再迟延,立即依照大会和特别委员 会的建议进双边谈判。
The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 2065 (XX) and in subsequent resolutions, and the Special Committee on Decolonization, have described the question of the Malvinas Islands as a special and particular colonial situation involving a sovereignty dispute between Argentina
and the United
[...] Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, have established that the way to put an end to that situation is the peaceful and negotiated solution of the sovereignty dispute, and have requested both Governments to continue without delay the bilateral negotiations recommended by the General Assembly and the Special Committee.
因此,32 C/5 要汲取的教训就是不再延续任何 一双年 度的承诺,而把本部门的计划集中于确定的优先领域。
Thus, the lessons learned for document 32 C/5 include not to carry over any commitments from the previous biennium, the programme of the Sector focusing on identified priority areas.
至於加快 學校改善工程步伐,既 有助於改善學校環境,提高教 學 效能, 又 有助於增加就 業 機 會,更一箭雙鵰之 舉 , 值 得 支持。
The efforts to speed up school improvement works are killing two birds with one stone as they will help to improve the learning environment and efficiency of teaching, as well as increasing employment opportunities.
[...] 買宿位的成本昂貴,如果在偏遠地方興建安老院舍,可說是 一箭 數 鵰 ”, 包括改善輪候人士的困苦,創造更多就業,以及解決退休老人的問題。
Besides, it is more expensive for the Government to buy places in urban areas. If residential care
homes are built in remote districts, it
[...] can kill two birds with one stone for this [...]
will relieve the plight of those on the
waiting list, create more employment opportunities and solve the problem of the retired elderly.
I hope the Secretary can offer a supplement to them and this supplement will arguably
[...] amount to killing two birds with one stone.
如果能夠搬出大 樓,可帶來一箭三鵰”的效果,可紓緩港島核心商業區優質寫字樓的 需求,又可藉部門分散落區,為地方上創造新的發展機會,更可為特 [...]
The relocation of government departments out
of the buildings can create the effect of
[...] "killing three birds with one stone", for it can [...]
ease the demand for quality offices
in CBD on Hong Kong island, create new opportunities of development in the districts through the relocation of government departments to various districts, and generate huge proceeds from properties for the Treasury of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
[...] 少影響該區的次生樹林、內灘植物、㆝然溪流、稀有/受限制/受保護的植物、 青(A016)魚和白腹鵰。
Mitigation measures for the development are recommended to avoid or reduce the potential impacts on the secondary woodlands,
backshore vegetation, natural streams, rare/restricted/protected plant species, Rice Fish and the
[...] White-bellied Sea Eagle.
環保團體更 認 為這次檢討的範圍應 涵蓋其 他自然保育問題,包括保育政府
土地上生態易受破壞的生境;更新受 保護物種清單;為全球 、地區和本地重要物種(
[...] 例如鮑氏雙足 蜥 及 白 腹鵰 ) 推行保育計劃;恢復已 退 [...]
化的生境,例如低地 河澗和 濕 地; 以及對販賣野生生物( 特別是鳥 類 ) 加強執 法和實施更嚴格的管制。
Those include conservation of ecologically sensitive habitats on Government land, updating of the protected species lists, implementation of conservation plans for species of global, regional and local importance
(e.g. the Bogadek’s Legless Lizard and the
[...] White-bellied Sea Eagle), restoration [...]
of degraded habitats such as lowland streams
and wetlands, the need for enhanced enforcement and tighter controls over wildlife trade especially in birds.
另外,亦建議在發現白腹鵰的樹 林週邊設置㆒個佔㆞約十公 頃的水泊緩衝區。
A buffer zone comprising an area of open
water of about 10 hectares surrounding the woodland, where the
[...] White-bellied Sea Eagles were found, [...]
is also recommended.
(b) 双方各自的箭鱼捕捞水平要符合确保这些资源的可持续能力以及维护 海洋生态系统的目标
(b) Conducting their respective swordfish fisheries to catch levels commensurate with the objective of ensuring the sustainability of these resources as well as safeguarding the marine ecosystem
虽然后来珍妮体重长了一斤多,但是瘦削的脸上 一双 眼 睛 还是显得很大,她需要继续食用营养糊。
Even though the little girl had gained over half a kilo since, her eyes were still huge in her too-thin face and she needed to continue being fed with the nut paste.
因此,在智利建立一个专门研究干旱和半干旱地带问题的地区中心,符合教科文组织 在一双年度及中期规划内在淡水问题方面确定的目标和预期计划。
The creation of a regional centre focusing on arid and semi-arid zones in Chile thus complies with the objectives set and with the foreseen programmes of UNESCO in fresh water for the coming biennium and the medium term.
因此,我们再次谴责最 近加沙地带巴勒斯坦好战分子对以色列南部的箭 袭击,并呼双方保 持最大程度的克制。
We therefore reiterate our
[...] condemnation of recent rocket attacks on southern Israel by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, and call for maximum restraint from both sides.
否則,本來,政府提供無硫柴油的稅務優惠一箭雙鵰的, 既可改善空氣質素,亦可紓緩業界沉重的經營壓力,但結果 卻只是肥了油公司的口袋。
Otherwise, the tax concession on sulphur-free diesel offered by the Government, which is intended for the improvement of air quality and alleviation of the heavy financial burden of the industry, killing two birds with one stone, will only fatten the pockets of oil companies.
一双管齐下的框 架由东盟+3于2000年确立的作为网络的清 [...]
The twofold framework is comprised [...]
of the Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI) established by the ASEAN+3 in 2000 as a network and
the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI).
他認為在石鼓洲發展綜合廢物管理設施 的建議與環評的原則(即避免、緩解、補償)互相違
[...] 背,但環評研究並未有提出緩解措施,對石鼓洲的 中華白海豚及白腹鵰失去 棲息地作出補償。
He opined that the proposed development of IWMF at SKC ran contrary to the EIA principles, viz. avoidance-mitigation-compensation, and that the EIA studies had failed to propose
mitigation measures to compensate for the loss of habitat for the Chinese White Dolphins and
[...] White-bellied Sea Eagles at SKC.
但是,不妨考虑这样一 个问题,这项法律增加了一“双重 惩 罚”,是不是没有违反多项国际法原则, [...]
例如不以出身国国籍为由进行歧视的原则或者国内法和国际法所体现的刑法面 前人人平等原则。
It might nevertheless be wondered
[...] whether, by adding this “double punishment”, the [...]
legislation does not violate several principles
of international law, such as non-discrimination on grounds of origin or nationality or the principle of equality, including equality before criminal law, that is enshrined in both domestic and international law.
3、插入的图片周围一些黑 色的小正方形,这些是尺寸句柄,把鼠标放到上面,鼠标就变成 双箭 头 的 形状,按下左键拖动鼠标,就可以改变图片的大小;同时,我们可得 一 个 “ 图片快捷工具栏”,如图(11): (知识点:调整图片大小
3, insert the picture around a number of small
black square, which is the size of the handle on the top of the mouse, the mouse becomes a double arrow shape, press the left button drag the mouse, you can change the picture size; At the same time, we get a "quick picture toolbar", in Figure (11): (knowledge points: adjust picture size)
这种规定的好处是它无可置疑地解决了在战争爆发时在前敌对国和任何同盟国或协约 国之间生效的一双边条约的状况,考虑到战争对条约――尤其是双边条约的影响所涉及 的问题相当棘手和令人困惑,若无这一规定,情况肯定不会是这样。
The merit of a provision of this kind is that it settles beyond possibility of doubt the position in regard to each bilateral treaty which was in force at the outbreak of war between the former enemy States and any of the Allied or Associated Powers, which would certainly not be the case in the absence of such a provision, having regard to the considerable difficulty and confusion which surrounds the subject of the effect of war on treaties, particularly bilateral treaties.




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