单词 | 着称於世 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 着称于世—world-renownedSee also:着称—be widely known as
有赖於其铝合金车体结构,全新的 SL 系列拥有与S 系列的高度安全配备,并可称得上是全世界最安全的跑车。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Thanks to the crash-optimised aluminum [...] structure, standard-fit PRE-SAFE® and assistance sys-tems on the same highlevel asthe S-Class, the SLis the world'ssafest roadster. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
一直以来领导着许多 响誉国际的爵士管弦乐队,如闻名 於世的 MKS大乐队。 oris.ch | He has since [...] gone on to leadseveralworld renownedjazz orchestras includingthefamous MKS Big Band. oris.ch |
公司自成立以来,RAYMOND WEIL根植於世界的艺术和文化,特别是通过其馆藏(帕西法尔瓦格纳,威尔第的“纳布科”,莫扎特唐璜“等)的名称,并 有长期合作关系特权与音乐的世界:国际艺术家,着名的音乐活动的合作夥伴创造独特的钟表... zh.horloger-paris.com | Since itsinception, RAYMOND WEIL is rooted inthe world of Art and Culture in particular through the names of itscollections (Parsifal Wagner, Verdi's Nabucco, Mozart don giovanni ... etc) and has longstanding relationships privileged with theworld of music: creating [...] unique timepieces for [...]international artists, partner of prestigious musical events ... en.horloger-paris.com |
第7届台北光电周「LED照明展」,即将於201 1/ 6/14 ~16期间展开,云光科技本次参展,推出多种最适合办公室、商空运用的LED平面光源照明产品,且营造参访者能实地体验以舒适与高效能 着称的 LED照明灯具所呈现出最理想光环境,感受新世纪照明的魅力! lighting.epoch-optic.com | The ultra-slim and energy-saving LED panel light, designed and developed by EPOCH, has passed the primary of 2011 Golden Pin Design Award. lighting.epoch-optic.com |
利曼24小时耐力赛」、「F1世界汽车锦标赛」,与「WRC世界汽车拉力锦标赛」,并称为世界三 大汽车赛事,因其长时间的高强度对抗而 着称。 think-silly.com | THE 24 HOURS LE MANS’, ‘FORMULA ONE’ [...] and ‘WRC’(WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP) are the most important carraces,famous for challenging [...]the contestants’ longevity and power limit. think-silly.com |
近二十年来,随着世界各地人民在经济与文化上的交流和互动日益频繁,以及经济相互依存度的大幅度提高,「地球村」与「世界公民」(或称「地 球村村民」)的提法出现在媒体的频率也愈来愈多。 hkupop.hku.hk | In the past two decades, the ever-increasing frequent exchanges and interactions of peoplearoundthe world economically and culturally, as well as the intensifying degree of economic dependency between [...] countries, had led to [...]the increased mentions of "global village" and "global citizen" (also known as "global villager") in media. hkupop.hku.hk |
世界衞生组 织 ( 下称“ 世衞”)和聯合国糧食及农业组织( 下称“ 糧农组织”)建议,人体每 日从反式脂肪酸及饱和脂肪酸摄入的能量,应分别低於总能量的 1% 及 10%。 cfs.gov.hk | The WorldHealth Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations recommend that daily energy intake from TFA or SFA should beless than 1%or 10% of total energy [...] intake, respectively. cfs.gov.hk |
它经历了1963年的一级方程式赛季,其中以勇敢 着称的苏堤斯以他的法拉利F156参加了一级方程式世界锦 标赛。 shell.com.hk | It was put through its paces during [...] the 1963 Formula One [...] season as Surtees, known forhis bravery, took part inthe F1 WorldChampionship in his Ferrari F156. shell.com.hk |
以常设性建筑而言,奥运椭圆形运动场位於温哥华南侧,运用许多回收素材,在一般人眼中,这些材料已失去用途与美感,屋顶使用以黄杉制成的木板,这种树木深受近期松甲虫病所害,不只是再利用受损木材,椭圆形运动场更是温哥华最 着称的体育相关设施。 thisbigcity.net | The roof incorporates plywood made from Douglas fir trees, the tree most devastated by recent beetle infestations, and does so in a way that isn’t simply reusing supposedly damaged goods: the Oval is the Vancouver area’s most stunning piece of sports-related architecture. thisbigcity.net |
Seagate 素以技术领先地位及上市时间执行力 着称,这些强项一样落实於Cheetah 系列的硬碟机,因此,Cheetah 10K.6 和 15K.3 硬碟机是大幅降低系统 TCO 的首选机型。 seagate.com | Through Seagate's technology leadership and time-to-market execution demonstrated consistently with the Cheetah family of disc drives, the Cheetah 10K.6 and 15K.3 disc drives are the premier choices to ultimately reduce system TCO. seagate.com |
刘德明有接近20年的插画及作画经验,并且获奖无数,於多个 国际比赛中,包括着名的夏利豪现代绘画比赛及瑞士卡达颜色比赛CARAN D’ACHE,获得冠军;另外,刘氏亦以其在国际品牌的作品而 着称,例如香港迪士尼及香格里拉酒店等,成就斐然。 society.hkiff.org.hk | With over 20 years in illustration and painting, Lau has won awards in several competitions from international bodies including the prestigiousPhilippe Charriol Foundation, and Caran d’Ache. society.hkiff.org.hk |
从1986至1993 年,平治AMG 190E在德国巡回汽车锦标赛胜出50场赛事,而从1994 至 [...] 1996年,平治AMG C系列亦胜出32场赛事,连同於举世着名的德国房车赛及国际巡回汽车锦标赛夺得两项冠军锦标及两项车手锦标。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | From 1986 to 1993, the Mercedes-AMG 190E won 50 races in the German [...] Touring Car Championship. From 1994 to [...] 1996, the motorsport worldwitnessed 32 wins for [...]the Mercedes-Benz AMG C-Class, plus [...]two championship titles and two driver titles in the DTM and the ITC, one of the most grueling racing series in the world. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
徐先生现为国际娱乐有限公司、蒙古能源有限公司及Vision Values Holdings Limited(前称为「新世界移 动控股有限公司」)之独立非执行董事,该等公司之股份均於香港联合交易所有限公司上市。 htisec.com | Mr. Tsui is currently an independent non-executive director of International Entertainment Corporation, Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited and Vision Values Holdings Limited (formerly known as “New World Mobile Holdings Limited”). htisec.com |
中国2010年上海世界博览会,简称2010世博会,於201 0年5月1日至10月31日在中国上海举行,是我国首次举办的综合性世界博览会,更是继2008北京奥运後我国举办的又一国际盛事。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | This is the firstever WorldExposition to be held [...] by China and is another major event after the 2008 Beijing Olympics. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
位於现代化又吸引人的城巿,校园就在古老的教堂城巿旁并与之同名,York大学以研究 着称,并与英国前10大齐名,教学品质一流,优异的科系包括管理, 电脑,英语,健康相关课程等。 ukeas.com.tw | Sited on a modern, butvery attractive, campus just outside the ancient cathedral city of the same name, the University of York is a gem. ukeas.com |
在 伦敦期间,特别报告员与英国政府代表、议会成员及民间社会组织的代表举行了 [...] 非正式会议,以收集信息以及他们对正式政策和法律的看法,这些政策与法律涉 及设在英国的跨国公司对全世界土着人民的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | While in London, the Special Rapporteur held informal meetings with representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom, Members of Parliament and representatives of civil society organizations to gather information and views on official policies and [...] legislation concerning the impact of transnational companies based in the [...] United Kingdom onindigenous peoples aroundthe world. daccess-ods.un.org |
在第二个世界土着人民国 际十年的框架下,联合国系统及其会员国和土着人 民应当共同努力实现千年发展目标的第八个目标, [...] 尤其是消除极度贫困和饥饿,保护环境,建立世界 发展合作关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the context of the Second [...] International Decade oftheWorld’s Indigenous Peoples, the [...]United Nations system, Member States [...]and indigenous peoples should make every effort to achieve the eight Millennium Development Goals, in particular eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, environmental sustainability and the establishment of a global partnership for development. daccess-ods.un.org |
Seagate 一向都是技术先驱,素以创造更新、更好、更快的技术 着称,因为,现今几乎所有产业对於这些类型的储存解决方案都有显着的需求。 seagate.com | Seagate has consistently been the leader in pioneering newer, better, and faster technologies because there is a clear need for these types of storage solutions for virtually every industry today," said Brian Dexheimer, Seagate executive vice president, Worldwide Sales, Marketing and Customer Service. seagate.com |
8.14 由 HKIRC 作出的关於申请的中文域名是否为其中文公司名称、 商业名称或 产品名称中的有意义含词的 决定均由 HKIRC 自行判断,任何人士不得提出反对,不论是否依据本《.香港 优先注册期规则》的 第 9 项或其他规定提出。 hkdnr.hk | 8.14 All decisions made by HKIRC in relation to whether the Chinese Domain Name is the meaningful subset of its Chinese company name, trade name or product name are in HKIRC‟s sole judgment and are not open to challenge, whether under Section 9 of these Pre Launch Priority Registration Period Rules or otherwise. hkdnr.hk |
有关规定将於二零 零七年七月十日生效,要求预先包装食物须 标示八种最常見致敏物质(如有的话),以及所使用食物添加剂的作用類别和其 本身名称或在食物添加剂国际编码系统中的識别编号,并在标示日期的格式 方面容许更大弹性。 cfs.gov.hk | The new labelling requirements in [...] prepackaged food products included declaring thepresence of the eight most common allergy causing substances, labelling the functional class of food additive and its specificname or itsidentification number under [...]the International [...]Numbering System for Food Additives, and labelling of date format in a more flexible manner. cfs.gov.hk |
成立了一个由来自世界各地区的着名专家和决策 者组成的国际顾问委员会,负责就成功的候选者的最后选定提出建议,并就所获结果的质量 和本计划项下鉴别出来的消除贫困最佳做法作出裁定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An International Advisory Committee composed of eminent experts and a number of policy-makers from different regions of the world was set up to advise on the final selection of successful candidates, to adjudicate on the quality of research results produced and on the good practices in poverty eradication identified under this programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在这里,您可以在亨利八世的御 厨体验都铎 (Tudor) 时期的生活;沉醉於着名的汉普顿迷宫;在美丽的皇家教堂 (Chapel Royal) 出席弥撒,以及探索获誉为世上最美丽花园之一的汉普顿花园。 visitbritain.com | Step back in time for a taste of Tudor life in [...] Henry VIII’s kitchens; lose yourselfin the famousHamptonCourt Maze; attend a service at the [...]beautiful Chapel Royal [...]and explore the Hampton Court gardens – internationally renowned for being amongst the most beautiful gardens in the world. visitbritain.com |
於回顾期间,本集团整体竞争优势日趋明显,并通过投资控股无锡市江南大世界投资发展有限公司(以下称「江南大世界」 )从事服务外包基地项目的建设与经营。 evoc.com.cn | During the period under review, the [...] Group’s overall [...] competitive edges had became increasingly apparent, and, through its holding investment in Wuxi Jiang Nan Da Shi Jie Investment Development Company Limited (hereinafter referred to“Jiang [...]Nan Da Shi Jie”), engaged [...]in construction and operation project of services outsourcing base. evoc.cn |
对於一位业界代表的提问,主席、赵卓寧先生及陈伟仁先生答称,如某化学物属豁 免物质,不属於《20 08年食物内防腐剂(修订)规例》内的防腐剂及抗氧化剂,但具备该 功能,仍须按照有关法例(例如《食物及药物(成分组合及标签)规例》(第132W章))在食 物上标示该化学物在食物中用作防腐剂或抗氧化剂。 cfs.gov.hk | In replying to anenquiry of a trade representative, the Chairman, Mr. C. L. CHIU and Mr. W. Y. C H A N advised that when a chemical was an exempted substance and was not consideredas preservative [...] or antioxidant under [...]Preservatives in Food (Amendment) Regulation 2008 but function as one, its function as preservative or antioxidant in the food should still be required to be labelled in the food product in accordance with relevant legislations (e.g. Food & Drugs (Composition and Labelling ) Regulations, Cap. 132W). cfs.gov.hk |