

单词 一年半



about a year

See also:

一年 n

first year n

一半 adj

half adj

半年 n

half n
six months n

External sources (not reviewed)

所 以,陳 議 員,這 個
[...] 例子可以證明城規程序的效率可以很高, 由尋找土地至土地投入市場,前後只需短 一年半 時 間 便已完成。
So, Mr CHAN, this example can prove that the town planning
procedure can be very efficient and it may just
[...] take a year and a half from identifying [...]
a site to placing it for sale in the market.
此外,自一年半前上 任执政以来,马蒂内利总统的政府 一直在审查巴拿马担负的人权领域国际义务。
Moreover, since it
[...] took office, a year a half ago, the Administration [...]
of President Martinelli had been reviewing Panama’s
international obligations in the area of human rights.
在加沙,在“铸铅行动”发一年半后以及实行封锁三年之后,封锁依然存在,尽 管近来采取了一些值得欢迎的缓解措施。
In Gaza, a year and half after operation Cast [...]
Lead and three years after it was first instituted, the blockade is still
in place, despite recent welcome steps to ease it.
服務業對未來 12 個月的業務前景較前抱有更大信心,樂觀度 一年半 以 來 最佳。
Looking ahead to the next 12 months, service sector business optimism was
[...] the highest in one-and-a-half years, with confidence [...]
improving across the board.
[...] 一位新主管(逾期超过三年)、间接税管理局主管、通信监管机构理事会的成员(逾一年半),以 及波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那输电公司总经理(逾期一年),这些都影 [...]
Numerous senior service appointments remain long overdue at the State level, including the appointment of a new Head of the Communications Regulatory Agency (more than three years overdue), the Head of the Indirect Tax Authority, members of
the Communications Regulatory Agency
[...] Council (a year and a half overdue), and the General [...]
Manager of the Company for the
Transmission of Electric Power in Bosnia and Herzegovina (one year overdue), all of which affect the efficiency of decision-making in those institutions.
檢查護照的有效期,若還有至 一年半 的 有效期,那可以先選擇申請了打工渡假後再更新。
You may use the old passport for applying the visa.
2004年3月,在任命首席检察一年半 多 后 ,我被任命为法庭的首席辩护人, 这时距开始第一个审判只有三个月,辩护方人员配置和资源已经确定,进行真正 [...]
When I was appointed that Court’s Principal Defender in March
[...] 2004, over a year and a half after the Chief Prosecutor’s [...]
appointment, and only three
months before the first trial began, the staffing and resources for the defence had already been decided, and it was rather late in the game for any real counterbalancing.
2011年,推出国际版的传言再次浮出水面,但随後中国主板市场崩溃,过 一年半 的 走势仍极为疲软。
Talk for an International Board launch began to grow again in 2011;
but then the main Chinese stock markets collapsed, and they have been extremely weak
[...] for most of the last year and a half.
我相 信我們十分瞭 解 大 家 對減低 交
[...] 通費的 期 望 , 所以, 在 過去一 年 半 期間, 我們的 部 門 一直積極與各公 [...]
共 交 通 營 辦 商商討 , 鼓勵他們因應各自 的 營 運 情況, 盡量調低票價及提供 乘 車 優 惠 。
So for the past year and a half, our department has [...]
been discussing with the transport operators and encourage them to make
every possible attempt to reduce fares and to offer concessions taking account of their respective situations.
第四季中國製造業產出上升, 一年半 以 來 首次錄得增幅;巴西製造業生產也有增長,為2012年第一季以來首見,而增速則為2011年第一季以來最快。
China's goods producers registered higher output for the first
[...] time in a year-and-a-half in Q4, while Brazilian [...]
manufacturing production increased
for the first time since Q1, expanding at the fastest rate since the first quarter of 2011.
由于他为政治犯代言,他在阿根廷军事独裁时期被逮捕并受到酷刑和行政拘留 一年半。
As a result of his involvement in representing political prisoners, he was arrested
and subjected to torture and administrative
[...] detention for a year and a half during the Argentinean [...]
military dictatorship.
Saïd Chihoub 于一年半前离家,并询问Saïd 在哪里。
The commander1 showed Saadi Chihoub a photo of his eldest [...]
son, Saïd Chihoub, who had left the family home about a year and
a half earlier, and asked where he was.
[...] 后,他们被移交给赤道几内亚安全部队军官,然后被秘密押解至马拉博,没有经 过正式引渡程序。他们被隔离拘留 一年半 , 并 遭受了酷刑。
For one and a half years they were held [...]
incommunicado and underwent torture.
一年是一天,一晚上的神,他们的分工是(如下) 一年半 期 间 ,太阳发展到北部将会有一天,这期间它去南方的夜晚。
A year is a day and a night of the gods; their division is
[...] (as follows): the half year during which [...]
the sun progresses to the north will be
the day, that during which it goes southwards night.
建设和平委员一年半来的 活动表明它在完成 任务方面取得了重大进展,也表明有必要采取全面步 [...]
骤执行大会和安全理事会关于联合国建设和平架构 审查中所提建议的决议。
The activities of the Peacebuilding Commission during
[...] this past year and a half show the important [...]
progress it has made in fulfilling its
mandate and the need to take comprehensive steps to implement the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council regarding the recommendations that emerged from the review of the United Nations peacebuilding architecture.
唐 神人鑑鏡匣」歷一年半的精 心修護,甫於七月底完成修復。
The restoration of the mirror case was finished at the end
[...] of July, after one and a half years of detailed work.
2012 年 1 月 12 日,中国中央电视台(CCTV)
[...] 节目——《焦点访谈》报道,贵州省乌江流域 的渔业受到了上游大型国有企业——贵州开磷集团有限责任公司下属工厂所释放黄磷的严重污 染,这起引人注目的工业污染案件在事 一年半 以 后 仍未解决。
On 12 January 2012, the Chinese Central Television (CCTV) program, Topics in Focus reported that a dramatic case of industrial pollution had not been settled even one and a half years after the aquaculture on the Wu River in Guizhou province was severely damaged by the
release of phosphorus
[...] yellow from an upstream plant owned by a large state-owned enterprise, Guizhou Kailin (Group) Co.
一一年上半 年期貨與實物市場之間的結構及割裂已有所緩和,業內營銷活動現時已基本恢復正常。
The structure and disconnect between the futures and physical markets, experienced during H1 2011, has abated and marketing activities within the industry have now largely returned to normal.
日被捕,但法院在2000年3 月才开始审理,审理程序于2000年12
[...] 月结束。 因此,他等待案件接受司法审查的时间超过 一年半 , 这 明显违反了《公约》此 条款。
Therefore, he was waiting for judicial examination of his case
[...] for more than one and a half years, in clear [...]
violation of this provision of the Covenant.
政府會半年檢討資助款一次, 以確保資助款額是按有受託兒童使用的名 額來計算,以及有需要的人士才獲豁免全部 一 半 費 用。
The amount of subsidy will be reviewed on a half-yearly basis to ensure that the subsidy is only provided for filled places and the full or half fee waiving is only given to those [...]
in need.
November/December to
[...] April/May is the wetter, hotter half of the year, while the real [...]
Wet, particularly affecting northern
coastal areas, is January to March.
雖然二一零年上半年平均 實現售價較二零零九年同期為高,但毛利率則下調,主 要是由於下列因素:(1)焦炭業務毛虧擴大,焦炭銷售佔本集團本期營業額的4%;以 及(2)本期每噸平均原煤成本單價增加,原煤成本單價上升是因為(i)於二零一零年第 二季煤礦更換工作支架而曾暫停生產,使原煤產量由二零零九年上半年度約325萬噸 下降至二一零年上半年度約 296萬噸;及(ii)於上文「銷售成本」內提及本期人工成本 和折舊增加,以及新增徵稅均使平均生產成本單價上升。
Even though the average realised selling
[...] prices in the first half of 2010 were higher than that in the same period of 2009, gross profit margin decreased due to (1) the increase in gross loss on coke production that accounted for 4% of the Group’s turnover; and (2) during the period, the increase in unit cost of raw coking coal was attributable by (i) increase in average unit cost as a result of the decrease in production volume of raw coal from approximately 3.25 million tonnes in the first half of 2009 to 2.96 million tonnes in the first half of 2010 due to temporary [...]
closed down production
during the change of the long wall in our mines in the second quarter of 2010; and (ii) the increase in labour cost, depreciation and additional levies as mentioned in the above under “Cost of Sales”.
不过意大利提交一份 清单,列有自 2009 年下半年以来同以下国家签署或正在谈判的关于进行国际警 察反恐活动的协定、技术性谅解备忘录和双边备忘录:安哥拉、亚美尼亚、阿塞 拜疆、白俄罗斯、爱沙尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、格鲁吉亚、加纳、哈萨克斯坦、黎巴 嫩、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、尼日尔、葡萄牙、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、 南非和土耳其。
However, it provided a list of agreements, technical understandings and bilateral memorandums for international police cooperation relating to terrorism signed or under negotiation since the second half of 2009 with Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Latvia, Lithuania, Niger, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa and Turkey.
綜觀回歸後市民對政治環境滿意程度的走勢(可參閱半年結圖表),不滿數字由九七年下半年至今年 半年一 直 在 二成半至三成之間窄幅徘徊,而近半年則顯著由二成半上升至三成三。
On a macro level (please see the
[...] charts with half-yearly averages), the dissatisfaction figure has been fluctuating between a narrow range of 25% to 30%, until the first half of this [...]
year, when it went up from 25% to 33%.
2004 年 下半年,在 执行局秋季届会之后,还将举 一 轮 多 国磋商,并寻求具有更大的参与性,包括 教科文组织全国委员会和各国利益相关单位的参与,确定多国层面的优先需求,以供写进 33 C/5 文件。
The organization of a further round of cluster consultations later in 2004, following the autumn session of the Executive Board, will seek to introduce a more participatory process, including the involvement of National Commissions and stakeholders at the national level, in the identification of priority needs at the cluster level, proposed to be included in document 33 C/5.
(i) 联合国系统内的合作一协调 机构按部门分成四个小组,每个小组分别由联合国系统 一 个 机 构领头: “和平过渡、巩固和平及预防冲突” 部门小组旨在协助该国当局开展清查、分析、评估和 咨询行动;“教育” 部门小组包括联合国系统各机构、非政府组织和各部委代表,负责向 广大公众作宣传工作;联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题专题小组技术分组按照各机构头头确定 的指导方针,就实施防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病的国家战略提出建议;关于传播问题的部门小 组,旨在通过编半年期《简讯》来广泛传播信息。
The coordinating body is made up of four sectoral groups, each one led by an agency of the United Nations system: the “Transition, peace-building and conflict
[...] prevention” group aims to assist the national authorities in developing information gathering, analytical, evaluation and advisory activities; the “Education” group includes agencies of the United Nations system, NGOs and representatives of ministries, and has carried out awareness-raising activities for the general public; the technical team of the United Nations thematic group on HIV/AIDS, acting on the basis of guidelines set by executive heads, makes proposals on the implementation of national strategies to combat HIV/AIDS; the “Communication” group, aims to disseminate information widely by means of a biannual news bulletin.
秘书长在其报告(A/C.5/59/2 和 Corr.1,第 94 和第 95 段)中,在他提出法院 法官和两法庭法官的薪酬应从 160 000
美元增加到 177 000 美元的建议后说,大 会在其第 53/214
[...] 号决议第八节中决定把国际法院法官的退休养恤金定 年 薪的 一半,根 据这项决定,在 2005 年退休的法院法官的年度退休福利,将由每年 [...]
80 000 美元增加到 88 500 美元,自
2005 年 1 月 1 日起生效,而且,根据国际法院法官 基薪拟议增加额,建议在付养恤金增加 10.6%,自 2005 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
In his report (A/C.5/59/2 and Corr.1, paras. 94-95), the Secretary-General, following his recommendation that emoluments of the members of the Court and the judges of the Tribunals be increased from US$ 160,000 to US$ 177,000, stated that, based on the decision of the General Assembly contained in section VIII of its resolution 53/214 to set
the retirement pension for the members
[...] of the Court at one half of the annual salary, [...]
the annual retirement benefit of a
member of the Court retiring in 2005 would increase from US$ 80,000 per annum to US$ 88,500 with effect from 1 January 2005 and that, based on the proposed increase in the base salary of the members of the Court, it was recommended that pensions in payment be increased by 10.6 per cent, effective 1 January 2005.
根据关于纳米比亚卫生动态性质的各种统计数据,政府充分了解,如果要实 现到 2015 年将儿童死亡率降低三分之二的年 发 展 目标,就必须在同一时期内 将全国的死亡率降一半(纳米 比亚共和国,2007;路线图:4);如果不进行营 养监测和促进孕产妇和儿童营养,不改善全国弱势群体(尤其是妇女、儿童的和 [...]
滋病毒传染给未出生的孩子;不改善保健服务的基础设施,那么,到 2015 年可 能无法实现千年发展目标 3、4、5 和 6。
Given various statistical data on the dynamic nature of health in Namibia, the Government is fully
informed that the
[...] Millennium Development Goal to reduce child mortality by two thirds by 2015 can only be achieved if national mortality is halved during the same period [...]
(Republic of Namibia,
2007; road map:4); and that without nutritional surveillance and promotion of maternal and child nutrition, as well as improving the national status of nutrition among the vulnerable groups (particularly women, children, and people living with HIV/AIDS); prevention of HIV transmission from mother to the unborn child through the use of antiretroviral treatment; and improvement of the infrastructure for health services, Millennium Development Goals 3, 4, 5, and 6 may not be achieved by 2015 (OECD, 2008:488; Republic of Namibia, 2010:3-4; Republic of Namibia, 2008.
刪除“鑒於”,並以“政府由年 12 月 1 日起,將歐盟 V 期柴油優 惠稅率減至每公升 0.56 元,惟”代替;在“屢創新高,”之後加上 “大大加重了運輸業界的成本及市民的生活負擔,”;在“無鉛汽油 稅”之後刪除“及歐盟 V 期柴油稅”;及在“削一半,” 之後加上 “以及完全豁免歐盟 V 期柴油稅,同時要確保油公司將稅務優惠全面 反映在零售價上,”。
To delete "as"
[...] after "That," and substitute with "the Government has, since 1 December last year, lowered the concessionary duty rate for Euro V diesel to $0.56 per litre, yet"; to add "thereby substantially increasing the cost of the transportation industry and the burden on people's livelihood," after "record highs,"; to delete "duties" after "to reduce the" and substitute with "duty"; to delete "and Euro V diesel" after "unleaded petrol"; and to add "and completely remit the duty on Euro V diesel, and at the same time [...]
ensure that oil companies
will fully reflect the duty concessions in the retail prices" after "by half".
刪除“鑒於”,並以“年由於 美元疲弱及全球對石油需求快速增 長,”代替;及在“無鉛汽油稅”之後刪除“及歐盟 V 期柴油稅削一半”,並以“減半,並全面撤銷柴油稅,以及為受影響較為嚴重的 行業提供柴油價格補貼”代替。
To delete "as" after "That," and substitute with "owing to the weak US dollar and rapid growth in global oil demand in recent years,"; to delete "duties" after "to reduce the" and substitute with "duty"; to delete "and Euro V diesel" after "unleaded petrol"; and to add "and completely abolish diesel duties, as well as provide subsidies on diesel prices to the more seriously affected industries" after "by half".




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