单词 | 党内 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 党内 —within the party (esp. Chinese communist party)See also:党 n—party n • society n • association n 党—club • surname Dang
特别是随着自由政党的组建以及这些 政 党内 自 由活动开展,促进投 票表达的权利得到保障和实施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The right to vote is guaranteed and [...] exercised particularly via the formation of [...] free political parties and the unrestricted [...]conduct of activities within these parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,还应该有党内机制 ,严 厉制裁违反《行为守则》的政党候选人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, there should be internal party mechanisms with [...] the capacity to impose strong sanctions against party candidates who violate such codes of conduct. daccess-ods.un.org |
政党或其官员煽动种族情绪的言论受到 了 党内 批 评 和 民间团体组织或与歧视作斗争国家理事会的批评。 daccess-ods.un.org | Incidents of racial incitements by [...] political parties or their officials had been criticized both internally and by civil society [...]groups or NCCD. daccess-ods.un.org |
高级政治机制面临各种挑战,包括某些 政 党内部 的反对,而为整编和转业提出的行动计划似乎仍然需 [...] 要经过大量谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are various challenges facing the high-level [...] political mechanism, including opposition within some [...] of the political parties, while the proposed [...]action plan for integration and [...]rehabilitation appears still to require significant negotiation. daccess-ods.un.org |
政党应制订战略,提高 少数群体妇女参与的水平,规定具体的目标,包括确 保 党内 各 级 男女代表的平 衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Parties should develop strategies to increase the level of [...] minority women’s participation with specific targets, including by [...] ensuring gender-balanced representation within their ranks. daccess-ods.un.org |
在他们任期结束后的两年内,应禁止他们在 政 党内 担 任 职务。 daccess-ods.un.org | They should be barred from holding [...] positions in political parties during and up to [...]two years after the expiry of their terms of office. daccess-ods.un.org |
毛派干部采用暴力或以暴力相威胁以及 [...] 不遵守多元性或法治行动、党的领导层未能针对采用 此类行为的人采取坚定的行动,以及无法表明其在长 期明确坚持多党民主的党内意识 形态方面进行辩论 ——所有这些都令人怀疑尼共(毛主义)在 12 点谅解 中所承诺的战略选择是否真心实意,或该党领导层是 [...]否有能力确保全党都遵守这项选择。 daccess-ods.un.org | Actions of Maoist cadres which involve violence or threats of violence and do not respect pluralism or the rule of law, the failure of the party leadership to take firm action [...] against those who [...] commit such acts, and internal ideological debates which do not convey a clear long-term adherence to multi-party democracy: [...]all these lead some [...]to question the sincerity of the strategic choice the CPN (M) committed itself to in the 12-point understanding or the ability of its leadership to ensure that the party as a whole respects it. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为报复,效忠于瓦塔拉总统的一些青年团体在布瓦凯和阿比让洗劫了属于 巴博先生党内高级官员的两座房子。 daccess-ods.un.org | In retaliation, youth groups loyal to President Ouattara looted two houses, in Bouaké and Abidjan, [...] belonging to senior officials of Mr. Gbagbo’s party. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员还强调,同等重 要的是,传统政党对党内成员 发表的的不容忍、种族主义和仇外言论也应采取这 [...] 种立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the Special Rapporteur emphasizes that it is equally [...] important that such a stance be taken by [...] traditional political parties against expressions [...]of intolerance, racism and xenophobia [...]when these expressions come from their own ranks. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管该派别的支持者在国际论坛上多次采取 外交举措以破坏过渡进程,但是,有几佛独立党其 [...] 他成员参与的过渡政府仍集中精力,接 触 党内 该派 别,以实现在第2048 (2012)号决议、西非经共体达 [...]喀尔和亚穆苏克罗首脑会议公报以及2012年7月14日 非洲联盟和平与安全理事会决议中所要求的包容与 共识。 daccess-ods.un.org | Notwithstanding several diplomatic initiatives taken to undermine the process by supporters of the faction at international forums, the Transitional Government, which includes other PAIGC members, has maintained [...] its focus on reaching out to that very [...] faction within the party to achieve the [...]inclusiveness and consensus called for in [...]resolution 2048 (2012), the final communiqués of the ECOWAS summits of Dakar and Yamoussoukro, as well as the African Union Peace and Security Council resolution of 14 July 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
柬埔寨王国政府鼓励各政党将妇女 列为 党 内职位的候选人,允许 妇女 拥 有 与 男 子 相同的机会参加议会选举 。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Royal Government of Cambodia has [...] encouraged political parties to put women into the party lists for [...]various positions that allow them [...]to have the same opportunity as men to stand for parliamentary election. daccess-ods.un.org |
几佛独立党内部出现分裂,有 35 名党员因为质 疑该党领袖卡洛斯·戈梅斯的资格而被暂停党籍,但 [...] 尽管如此,该党继续要求全面恢复宪政秩序,恢复依 照宪法选举产生的文官政府。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the PAIGC is facing internal divisions, with [...] 35 members suspended for questioning the credibility of the party’s leader, [...]Carlos Gomes Júnior, the party continues to call for the full restoration of constitutional order with the reinstatement of the constitutionally elected civilian authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
即便这些人及 巴基斯坦人民党内的其 他人不愿与当局合作,但巴基斯坦警方有办法传唤他们, [...] 令人吃惊的是,虽然这一罪行很严重,警方却没有这样做。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even if those persons and [...] others within the PPP did not wish [...]to cooperate with the authorities, the Pakistani police had [...]the means to summon participation, and it is surprising that they did not, given the seriousness of the crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
导致陷入僵局的一个主要原因是联合马列决定 在投票时保持中立,而这至少部分是由 该 党内 部 紧张 造成的。 daccess-ods.un.org | A primary reason for the deadlock is the UML decision to remain neutral in the balloting, which is at least in [...] part a result of internal party tensions. daccess-ods.un.org |
宪法规定,总统、副总统和内阁成员在任期 间不得参加任何党内活动。 crisisgroup.org | The president, vice presidents and [...] members of cabinet are constitutionally prohibited from taking part in any party activities while [...]in office. crisisgroup.org |
参加 12 个空缺席位竞选的 16 [...] 名候选人作为范米拉瓦拉斯党的代表提 出候选资格,提出是得到该党内部两 个不同领导班子的授权。 daccess-ods.un.org | A total of 16 candidates for the 12 open seats submitted their [...] candidatures as representatives of Fanmi Lavalas, citing authorization by two separate [...] leadership groups within the party. daccess-ods.un.org |
重申安全理事会的呼吁,要求各政党领袖采取跨越党派建立信心措施,在各 党内部促进政治参与和奉行非暴力,并确保遵守正当法律程序,并遵守 2009 年 4 月 [...] 2 日的联合公报中所载建议,其中呼吁就是设立独立的投诉警察委员会,以加 强警察的中立性和专业精神,并拟定《政党行为守则》。 daccess-ods.un.org | To reiterate the calls upon the leadership of the [...] political parties by the Security Council to undertake cross-party confidence-building [...]measures, [...]promote political participation and non-violence among their membership and ensure full adherence to due process of law and to the recommendations of the joint communiqué of 2 April 2009, which, inter alia, calls for the establishment of an independent police complaints committee to reinforce the neutrality and professionalism of the police, and a code of conduct for political parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
党内务虚会结束后,联塞建和办和政党登记委员会将在 2010 [...] 年 4 月举办一 次全国党际对话,以进一步促进各政党之间的信任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The intra-party retreats having [...] concluded, a national inter-party dialogue to further promote confidence among the political [...]parties will be organized by UNIPSIL and the Political Parties Registration Commission in April 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
面临安全、政治、社会和经济的多重挑战 , 党内 在 选 择何种前进道路上有着深刻的分歧。 crisisgroup.org | Facing multiple security, political, social and economic challenges, it is deeply divided over the way forward. crisisgroup.org |
然而,支持戈梅斯·茹尼奥尔先生的其他党员阻止他们进入党总部。4 月 24 日,一组自称几佛独立党内抗议 领袖的人发表一份声明,指责戈梅斯·茹 尼奥尔先生的一些违法行为,包括任人唯亲、操纵司法和腐败。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 24 April, a group describing itself as protest leaders within PAIGC issued a statement accusing Mr. Gomes Júnior of several violations, including nepotism, manipulation of justice and corruption. daccess-ods.un.org |
选举 后各政党内部继 续进行整合,在第一轮选举中赢得较多选票的所有政党对领导层 都进行了调整。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dynamics within political parties have further shifted [...] in the aftermath of the elections, and there have been leadership [...]changes in each of the parties that won a significant percentage of votes in the first round of the presidential elections. daccess-ods.un.org |
反对党为解除总理的职务而游说, 试图利用执政的几内亚和佛得角非洲独立党(几佛独 立 党)内 的 意 见分歧。 daccess-ods.un.org | The opposition lobbied for the dismissal of the Prime Minister, and [...] tried to exploit the dissensions within the [...] ruling African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape [...]Verde (PAIGC). daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管共产党控制各级政府官员和党内 职 务 的任命,一些镇、县和省级选举还带有竞争性不断增强的试验特征,包括候选人的自我提名、候选人的竞选演说、提名的公开审批以及两级间接选举体制。 embassyusa.cn | Although the CCP controlled appointments of officials to government and party positions at [...] all levels, some township, county, [...]and provincial elections featured experiments with increased competition, including self-nomination of candidates, campaign speeches by candidates, public vetting of nominees, and a two-tiered indirect election system. eng.embassyusa.cn |
5 月 28 日是颁布尼泊尔新宪法的最后期限,而且,必 [...] 须创造条件使联尼特派团的作用能够有序结束,这在 各政党内部和 之间引起紧张的讨论和思考。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 28 May deadline for the promulgation of Nepal’s new constitution and the need to create the conditions that will allow [...] UNMIN’s role to be brought to an orderly end have generated intense discussion and [...] reflection within and among the parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
4 月 5 日,库尔德斯坦地区政府以库尔德民 主 党内 奇 万·巴尔扎尼为首的 19 名内阁新成员宣誓就职。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 5 April, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s new [...] 19-member Cabinet, headed by Nechirvan Barzani of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, was inaugurated. daccess-ods.un.org |
青年党前副埃米尔 [...] Muktar Robow 据报 2011 年年中期继续在青年党内部参 与政治表态。 un.org | Former al-Shabaab Deputy Emir Muktar Robow reportedly continued to engage in political [...] posturing within the al-Shabaab organization during [...]the mid-2011. un.org |
最后一起案子在政治上特别重要, 因为被起诉的渔业部长在执政的全国人民大会党中 有许多追随者,而且在确保总统 2007 年选举期间获 得党内提名方面发挥了关键作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The last case, in particular, is of great political significance, as the indicted Minister of Fisheries has a [...] strong following within [...] the governing party, the All People’s Congress, and played a crucial role in securing the President’s party nomination for [...]the 2007 elections. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔弗雷多·斯特罗斯纳在位期间,机构变得腐败,国家机器成为独裁者操 纵选举的工具;政府表面上实行民主,而实际做的是控制反对党或者歪曲他们的 言论,甚至也包括执政党内部的 反对声音。 daccess-ods.un.org | Institutions were corrupted and the machinery of State became yet another tool in the hands of the dictator, who used it essentially to manipulate the electorate and bring in an ostensibly [...] democratic government, [...] while manipulating the opposition and using its members as well as the governing party for his own ends. daccess-ods.un.org |
94 昂山素季还决定将民盟注册为党 派,从而将其纳入国家正式政治进程中来,并参加 2012 年 4 [...] 月的议会补选,在巩发党主导的议会中赢 得席位,这些都表明她能顶住党内的 某 些压力,做 出艰难政治抉择的决心。 crisisgroup.org | It was her bold decision to meet President Thein Sein in Naypyitaw in August 2011, and subsequently declare that he wanted “to achieve real positive change”, that gave domestic and international credibility to the president’s reform plans.94 Her decision to bring the NLD into the formal political process by registering the party, [...] contesting the April 2012 by-elections and [...] taking up seats in the USDP-dominated legislature [...]showed her willingness to make difficult [...]political choices that were not popular with all of her constituents. crisisgroup.org |