单词 | is the 03.10.2012 |
释义 | Examples:Although the peony is beautiful, it depends entirely on help from the green leaves (idiom). However brilliant you may be, you can't do anything without support from others.—牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶 • 牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶持 is it worth the trouble?—何苦呢 Brevity is the soul of wit. —少说为佳 materialism, philosophical doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality—唯物主义 is the same as—犹言 virtue is one foot tall, the devil ten foot (idiom); It takes constant vigilance stave off evil.—道高一尺,魔高一丈 Failure is the mother of success.—失败是成功之母 what is the meaning of?—何谓 deference is no substitute for obedience (idiom); follow sb's precepts is the sincerest form of respect—恭敬不如从命 the philosophy of materialism, doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality—唯物论 it can clearly be seen (that this is the case)—可见 the rich man cannot be benevolent (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24).—为仁不富 nickname for sb who is the most powerful in an area—太岁 fig. the best is saved for last—好酒沉甕底 this is the moment shine—成败在此一举 good preparation is the key success—厚积薄发 Actual practice is the sole criterion for judging truth (item from Deng Xiaoping theory, from 1978)—实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Today is the key the past.—现在是过去钥匙 Necessity is the mother of invention (European proverb).—需要是发明之母 knowledge is the best charity—授人以鱼不如授人以渔 lit. the raw rice is now cooked (idiom); fig. it is done and can't be changed—生米做成熟饭 saying in which the second part, uttered after a pause or totally left out, is the intended meaning of the allegory presented in the first part—歇后语 Food is the God of the people. (idiom); People view food as the primary need.—民以食为天 early planning is the key success—一年之计在于春 Greed is the root of all evil.—贪婪是万恶之源 act according to whatever is the current outlook—顺风转舵 If the basin is square, the water in it will also be square. [idiom.]—盂方水方 Money is the root of all evil.—钱是万恶之源 the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak—力不从心 location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in TCM—脉口 romance is in the air—风花雪月 the die is cast—無可挽回 fig. a young woman is very different from the little girl she once was—女大十八变 the past is vanished like the wind; gone beyond recall—往事如风 (adverbial expression indicating that the attention of the subject of the verb is focused on what they are doing, not distracted by anything else)—在那儿 lit. there is a knife above the character for lust—色字头上一把刀 posthumous or ghost marriage (in which at least one of the bride and groom is dead)—冥婚 lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked (idiom); fig. subordinates imitate their superiors' vices—上梁不正下梁歪 Helen Keller (1880-1968), famous American deaf-blind author and activist (whose story is told in biopic The Miracle Worker)—海伦・凯勒 the eye is bewildered by five colors (idiom); a dazzling riot of colors—目迷五色 Magadha, ancient India kingdom reported be the birthplace of Buddhism—摩揭陀 a woman's place is in the home (old view)—相夫教子 fate is unfavorable (idiom); the omens are not good—时运不济 the theory that geological change is caused by catastrophic events such as the Biblical flood—灾变论 one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with)—所属 the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort—事在人为 neap tide (the smallest tide, when moon is at first or third quarter)—小潮 particle indicating that a previously asked question is be applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?")—呢 the master leads you the door, the rest is up to you—师父领进门,修行在个人 help the needy for justice (idiom); to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy—仗义疏财 Good has its reward and evil has its recompense. The payback is just a matter of time—善有善报,恶有恶报,若然不报时晨未到 wine-lover's heart is not in the cup (idiom); a drinker not really interested in alcohol—醉翁之意不在酒 lit. the gate of a noble house is like the sea—侯门似海 the implied message is deep (idiom); having deep implications—寓意深远 switch hook (button or cradle of a telephone, whose function is disconnect the call)—叉簧 the whole truth is revealed (idiom); everything becomes clear—真相大白 a romance where the man is significantly older than the woman—老牛吃嫩草 The north wind is icy cold.—朔风凛冽 difficult travel (i.e. the road is bad)—难走 the people's livelihood is reduced destitution (idiom); a time of famine and impoverishment—民生凋敝 a wrong repeated becomes right (idiom); a lie or an error passed on for a long time may be taken for the truth—积非成是 It is hard escape the dragnet of the law—难逃法网 lit. only one branch of the tree is thriving [idiom.]—一枝独秀 the swallow's nest is built one beakful of mud at a time [idiom.]—燕子衔泥垒大窝 control a key point is to be master of the situation [idiom.]—以一驭万 lit. there is no road the sky, nor door into the earth [idiom.]—上天无路,入地无门 The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.—心有余而力不足 (onom.) sound of the wind or the breathing of sb. who is sound asleep—呼呼 lit. kill the donkey when the grinding is done [idiom.]—卸磨杀驴 think of the pain when the pain is gone [idiom.]—痛定思痛 lit. be confined within a circle drawn on the ground [idiom.]—画地为牢 See also:be v —有 v • 是 v • 存在 v • 当 v • 成为 v • 做 v • 属 v • 乃 v • 乃是 v the 1960s—六十年代 the 1970s—七十年代 |
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