

单词 不以规矩,不能成方圆

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,客人要遵守做客规矩,呆在为他们具体指定的方 , 而 不能 进 入主 人的私人房间。
However, guests are
[...] bound by the rules of hospitality to remain in the places specifically assigned to them and not to enter [...]
the private rooms of their host.
在无损本条前述规定的情况下,本航行 合约所载豁免、限制、条件和自由 以 及 根据本航行合约适用于承运人或承运人有权享有的各项权利、责任豁 免权、辩护和任何性质的豁免权,亦须供及须扩及保障如前述行事及为本条所有前 规 定 的目的行事的承运人 的每位该等雇员或代理人(包括如前述的该等承包商),承运人为或须被视为为及代 不 时 作 为(或 能成 为) 其雇员或代理人的人士(包括如前述的该等承包商)的利益而作为代理人或受托人行事,而所有此等人士 在此范围内须或须被视为航行合约的订 方。
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of this clause, every exemption,
limitation, condition
[...] and liberty herein contained and every right, exemption from liability, defence and immunity of whatsoever nature applicable to the Carrier or to which the Carrier is entitled hereunder shall also be available and shall extend to protect every such servant or agent of the Carrier (including such contractors as aforesaid) acting as aforesaid and for the purpose of all the foregoing provisions of this clause, the Carrier is or shall be deemed to be acting as agent or trustee on behalf of and for the benefit of all persons who are or might be the Carrier's servants or agents from time to time (including such contractors as aforesaid) and all such persons shall to this extent be or be deemed to be parties to the Passage [...]
填充的洞孔类型包括圆 形、矩形和不规则形 状 (例如,双穿孔,或从文件夹中取出文档时能 会发生的轻微撕裂)。
The types of holes that are filled include: round, rectangular, and irregularly shaped (e.g., double-punched or those having a [...]
slight tear that could have occurred when the document was removed from a binder).
为此,目前行政部门的主持人和 行政主管官员承受着巨大的压力,迫使他们墨守 规 , 不 仅 得围 着 规矩 推 磨 ,还要 立等可取成果。
In this connection, a lot of pressure is currently put on directors of
administration and chief administrative officers
[...] both to comply with the rules and to work around them to achieve prompt results.
如果机构、基金方案以及国 际金融机能够圆满实 施一项统筹战略,安理会确保和平与安全的努力就会有更 大的可能取成功(包 括通过增强稳定对当地民众的利害关系,并且使他 不那 么可能支持或参加反叛团体等途径)。
A well-executed, integrated strategy on the part of the agencies, funds and programmes
and the international
[...] financial institutions can significantly increase the prospects for success of the Council’s efforts to ensure peace and security (including by increasing the local population’s stake in stability and making them less likely to support or join rebel groups).
对经济损失以规定,可能不必要 限制条款草案范围,例如使条款草案无法 处理某些活动,这些活动的目的是减轻现有的环境破坏可能给未来的人类 成的 损失。
A requirement of economic loss might unnecessarily limit the scope of the draft articles, by, for example, precluding them from also dealing with activities designed to mitigate potential future human loss arising from existing environmental damage.
正所謂 “無矩不能成方圓” ,一定要有法律的規管。
Without a pair of compasses and a set square it is hard to draw a perfect circle and a square", as the saying goes, there must be laws in place to regulate the situation.
而底层延绳钓可能接触和损害海洋底层动物,使底层物体位不规范, 延绳钓渔业的确有潜力在捕鱼 不 对 生境 造 成 严 重 损害,并按照相对节能源的方式进行。
While bottom-set longlines may
snag and damage benthic
[...] epifauna and irregular objects on the bottom, longline fisheries do offer the potential to conduct fishing without severe habitat damage and to do so in a relatively energy-conscious manner.
33 除成中规中矩的反 对外,这些反应明确地将球踢回给了保 方 , 要保 留 方 对保 留进行修改或说明以使保 留符合反对方认为出自条约法的要求。
The Kingdom of Denmark further expresses its
[...] willingness to engage in any further dialogue, which may serve to settle differences in interpretation.33 While these reactions do indeed constitute objections, [...]
they clearly invite the author of the reservation to modify or
clarify its reservation in order to bring it into line with what the author of the objection considers to be the requirements of treaty law.
此外,国际化学年还将支持以下目标的实现:(a) 促进科学技术为可持续发展服务, (b) 推动教科文组织针对非洲及性别平等方面的优先工作 以 及 (c) 按照教科文组织大会第三 十四届会议期间举行的“科学技术为可持续发展服务与教科文组织的作用问题部长 圆 桌会 议”规定,管理科学技能力建设 方 面 的 国际合作。
In addition, the International Year of Chemistry will support the goals to (a) advance science and technology for sustainable development; (b) promote UNESCO’s priorities for Africa and
[...] equality; and (c) harness international cooperation for science and technology capacity-building set out in the Ministerial Round Table on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development and the Role of UNESCO, at the 34th session of the UNESCO General [...]
为了使所有适龄学习者能接受 教育并确保他 圆 满 完 成 学 业 ,教科文组织作为联合 国的专门教育机构,将继续根据实际情况制定有效的战略 方 法 , 提高教学质量,改进对学 习过程和学习成果的评估。
To enable all eligible learners to have access to education and to ensure that they complete their studies with success, UNESCO as the United Nations specialized agency for education, will [...]
continue to pursue the development of
contextually effective strategies and approaches to improve the quality of education and the assessment of learning processes and outcomes.
(b) 冰岛众多机构、组织和人员的专业知识、经验和支持似乎已可以认为从冰 方面 来说,已经以确保中心能够圆满地 履行上述第 7 段中所列出的职能,为教科文 组织实现语言和多语言使用方面的战略性计划目标,进而为实现更广意义上的促 [...]
(b) The skills, experience and commitment of a large number of Icelandic institutions, organizations and individuals appear
to ensure that, as far
[...] as Iceland is concerned, the centre will be able to duly perform the functions [...]
listed in paragraph
7 above, thereby contributing to UNESCO’s strategic programme objectives relating to languages and multilingualism and, more in general, to cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.
作为全新一代ES的最成员, ES 300h是豪华品牌同级别车型中唯一一款完全油电混合动力车型,采用LEXUS雷克萨斯Hybrid全混动科技,搭载2.5升阿特金森循环汽油发动机和电动机,可达到相当于3.0升汽油发动机的动力,同时配备双智能正时可变气门控制系统(VVT-i) 以 及 电 子无级变速系统,带来151千瓦的最大功率和213牛•米的峰值 矩 , 不 仅 能 够 产生源源不断的充沛动力,更能实现百公里5.4升的超低油耗。
[...] by Lexus Hybrid Drive technologies, ES 300h features a 2.5-liter, four-cylinder Atkinson cycle engine, on par with a 3.0 L gasoline engine. With the support of Variable Valve Timing with intelligence (VVT-i) and Electronically-controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (ECVT), ES can generate a maximum power of 151 kw and a peak torque of 213 N•m. While producing an inexhaustible source of tractions, the fuel consumption of ES 300h is as low as [...]
5.4 L/100 km.
另外还有许多政府无法回避的问题,包括:确 保汇率维持稳定状态,但也不要使汇率被高估,以
[...] 保护和推动制造业生产和工业生产;打击腐败;防 止可能出现的通胀;处理猖獗的土地投机行为和能发生的土地兼并以及确 保新的土地 规不 会造 成小土 地所有者以及拥有传统土地所有权的人们的 土地遭到流失。
There are many other issues that the authorities cannot avoid dealing with, including: ensuring the exchange rate remains stable, but also not overvalued, so as to protect and promote manufacturing and agricultural produc tion; tackling corruption; protecting against the possibility of rising inflation; dealing with rampant land speculation and the potential for
land grabbing; and
[...] ensuring that new land legislation does not lead to dispossession of small landholders and those holding [...]
traditional title.
由於重新安排的發射日期未能提供充足時間 ,於一旦首次發射能成功時 ,可以重新建造 及再次發射衛星 ,本公司繼續探討各方案 ,以確保對客戶提供的服不會間斷 。
As this rescheduled launch date may not provide sufficient time for such a re-build and re-launch in the event of an unsuccessful first launch, the Company continues to explore options to ensure the continuity of service to its customers.
ImageDraw 允许你使用所有能的 GDI+ 来动态创建成图片 (支持图片文件,文本,如标题和水印 以及 AutoShapes (线条和箭头矩形,椭圆,多 边形,星形等)), 具有很多有用的内建图像效果,如渐弱阴影,倒影,透视图像,Polaroid, 幻灯片,缩放,大小变化,倾斜等等。
ImageDraw allows you to use all the potential of GDI+ to
[...] dynamically create composite images (Supporting image files, Texts like captions and watermarks as well as AutoShapes (lines and arrows, rectangles, ovals, polygons, stars, [...]
etc)) with lots
of useful built-in Imaging Effects like drop shadows, reflections, perspective views, Polaroid, filmstrip, scaling, resizing, skewing, and so on.
例如,这里的评注似可作如下说明:(f)项——筹资安排所在地或筹资批准所在地 或债务人主要银行所在地——只在银行控制债务人的情况下才相关;(k)项——雇 员所在地——或许在雇员能成为未来债权人的情况下才相关,但如果以下述 几点为依据就不那么重要了:对雇员的保护更多的是保护相 方 权 利问题,与 主要利益中心分析无关,而且《示范法》第 22 条无论如何都已处理这一问题; (e)项——适用于大部分争议的法律所属的法域,其重要 不 足 以成 为 一项决定 性因素,而且这种法域在任何情况下都有可能是一个与债务人的管理地或业务 实施地无关的法域,比(e)项更重要的因素反倒是债务人的管理地或业务实施 地。
That commentary might suggest, for example, that (f) the location from which financing was organized or authorized or the location of the debtor’s primary
bank, would only be
[...] important where the bank controlled the debtor; that (k) the location of employees, might be important where employees could be future creditors, or less important on the basis that protection of employees is more an issue of protecting the rights of interested parties, is not relevant to the COMI analysis and is, in any event addressed by article 22 of the Model Law; that (e) the jurisdiction whose law would apply to most disputes, was not sufficiently important to be a determining factor and could, in any event, be [...]
a jurisdiction unrelated
to the place from which the debtor was managed or conducted its business, factors that were both considered to be more important than (e).
在这个项目的框架内,开展了一项调查,以摸清雇主对两性平等的认识, 对两性平等问题和对私营部门执行两性平等 规 的 态度 ; 以 了 解欧 盟 成 员 国的私 营部门为了落实男女待遇平等原则,为了促进两性平等所用的准则、方法和措施 的概况;拟订爱沙尼亚私营部门工人的准则,特别是拟订工资计算和工作评价标 准的准则,以消除男女之间的工资差距;以加深私营部门对有关 规 的 认 识,增 进私营部门利用有方式方法促进两性平等的知识和 能 , 以 创 建 一个私营部门 雇主和感兴趣团体的网络,传播有关促进两性平等的信息、经验和最佳做法。
Within the framework of the project, a survey is carried out to find out the awareness of employers about gender equality, attitudes to the issue and implementation of gender equality legislation
in the private sector;
[...] to receive an overview of the guidelines, methods and measures used in the private sector of the EU member states to implement the principle of equal treatment of women and men and to promote gender equality; to draw up guidelines for the private sector workers in Estonia, inter alia for drafting the basic principles of wage calculation and criteria of work evaluation to eliminate the wage gap between women and men; to increase the private sector awareness of the relevant legislation and to improve their knowledge and skills in using the means and methods for [...]
promoting gender equality,
and to create a network of private sector employers and interest groups to mediate information, experience and best practices on promoting gender equality.
主席成员决 定,承担提高各自区域团体对《行动纲领》与实现千年发展目 标关联性认识的责任,并努力工作 以 确 保 关于“应对贫困、饥饿和两性平等的 挑战”和“实现健康和教育的目标” 圆 桌 会议与会者确认《行动纲领》的重要 性,这两圆桌会议按规划将属于大会高级别全体会议的一部分。
Members of the Bureau decided to take the responsibility for raising awareness among their respective regional groups about the relevance of the
Programme of Action to the
[...] achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and to work to ensure that the importance of the Programme of Action would be acknowledged by those taking part in the round tables on “Addressing the challenge of poverty, hunger and gender equality”, and on “Meeting the goals of health and education”, which were planned as part of the high-level plenary meeting.
在例中绘制三角形时,我们设置颜色为绿色,在使用stroke方法前我们改变颜色为红色,则绘制三角形的结果为为红色 不 是 绿色,该例中还 矩 形 、 圆 等 使 用 方 法。
Draw the triangle in the case, we set the color to green, in the use of the methodology we have to change the stroke color to
red, while the results of the triangle drawn
[...] in red rather than green, which cases are rectangular, round, etc. to use.
德州仪器(TI)业务拓展经理韩乾全分析道,众所周知,LED驱动模块工作环境温度较高,且模块散热条件较差,从而导致LED驱动电路一直在较高温度下工作,这会导致LED应用可靠性降低、使用寿命缩短等一系列问题,因此散热不得不重点考虑;可靠性和安规是很容易被有意忽略的部分,尤其是在强制执行相关规定前,为了降 成 本 , 部分LED照明厂商会省略可靠性和 规方 面 电 路;但这恰恰是LED照明产业能否长久发展的根本,也是LED驱动芯片厂商设 能 力 的 体现 不 同 的芯片厂商提供 方 案 , 增加这部分电路增加 成 本 差 别很大。
Texas Instruments (TI) Business Development Manager Han Gan in their analysis, it is well known, the LED driver module high ambient temperature, and the module thermal conditions is poor, leading to the LED driver circuit has been working at higher temperatures, this will lead to the reliability of LED applications reduce, shorten the life of a series of questions, so the heat had to focus to consider; reliability and safety regulations is very easy to ignore the part, especially before the enforcement of relevant provisions, in order to reduce costs, part
of the LED lighting manufacturers will be omitted reliability and safety circuits; but this is precisely the LED lighting industry can develop long-term fundamental, but also the embodiment of the LED driver chip manufacturers to design capacity, different chip manufacturers to provide programs to increase this part of the circuit to increase the costs vary greatly .
动态图像成支持图像(从文件, base64 字符串, BLOBs, 等等),文本(支持 autosize, 多行,自定义字体文件),以及 AutoShapes, 如线条,箭头矩形,圆矩形, 多边形,星形,椭圆等。
Dynamic image composition supporting Images (from files, base64 strings, BLOBs, etc.), Texts (autosize, multi-line, custom font files support), and AutoShapes like lines, arrows, rectangles, rounded rectangles, polygons, stars, ovals, and so on.
叶柄厚,8-15毫米; 叶片稍肉质,狭矩形,矩形椭圆形 ,或宽倒披针形的, 8-18 * 2.5-7 厘米,革质,干燥时的不规则和 小的瘤;中脉背面突出,次脉7-11对,斜,直,不明显。
Petiole thick, 8-15 mm; leaf blade slightly
[...] fleshy, narrowly rectangular, narrowly rectangular-elliptic, or broadly oblanceolate, 8-18 × 2.5-7 cm, leathery, with irregular and small warts when dry; midvein prominent abaxially, secondary veins 7-11 pairs, oblique, straight, not obvious.
尽管在税务征管领域对最不发达国家的技术援助经常由其他国家或组织以 双边方式提供,但应力求确保委员会的工作尽 能 对 这 些国家具有实际意义、确 保关于税务合作的技术合作规方案11 包括一个关于不发达国家的重要成 部分,以及确 保鼓励最不发达国家为委员会定于 2013 年选举的下届成员提名候 选人。
While technical assistance to least developed countries in the area of taxation administration is often provided bilaterally by other countries or organizations, efforts should be made
to ensure that the
[...] work of the Committee is as relevant as possible to those countries, that the activities under the regular programme of technical cooperation on tax cooperation11 include a significant least [...]
developed country
component, and that the least developed countries are encouraged to nominate candidates for the upcoming membership of the Committee, which is to be selected in 2013.
在举行的各次 工作会议中,有两次会议特别值得一提:在议会联盟召集的一次会议上,来自 20 多个国家的约 50 名议员成的代 表团展开了辩论,讨论议会在促进跨文化对话 和理解中的作用,以及议会参与国家计划和区域战略的程度;另一次 以 “ 应 对 仇视伊斯兰现象:利用相互尊重和包容的未用机会”为主题 圆 桌 会 ( 由 不同 文 明联盟、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲委员会和英国文化协会共同主办),这次会议 产生了意见分歧,并引发了一些争议。
Among the various working sessions, two deserve special mention: the meeting convened by IPU with a delegation of approximately 50 legislators from more than 20 countries who debated the role of parliaments in promoting cultural dialogue and understanding, as well as their participation in national plans and regional strategies; and the round table on “Addressing Islamophobia: building on unused opportunities for mutual respect and inclusion” (co-organized by the Alliance of Civilizations, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Council of Europe and the British Council), which generated polarized opinions and sparked some controversy.
因为条形图的起点在 Y 轴的 0 点,以图形不能够清楚的表示不同日粮直接的区 别:为了突出它们的区别,你可以在想查看的图形上按住鼠标左键向左 方 画 一 个 矩 形 从 而 放大条形图;也可以按照同样的方法向左上方画一个矩形,缩小条形图。
Because the bar chart starts at 0 on the Y axis, the chart may not clearly show the differences between diets: to highlight those differences, you can zoom in the chart by holding down the left mouse button (starting from the bottom left corner) and then drawing a rectangle around the area of interest.
但是,几名成员以下问 题表示顾虑:其中第二阶段技术转型的供金资格;待解决的 基准百分比(19.2%);一些建议的替代品的较高全球升温 能 值 ,特别是关系到第 60/44(f)(iv)号决定成本效益相关的供 规 定 ; 针对 方 厂 家 的技术援助的大量资金请求, 而无相关的 ODP 值;2012 年的消费量明显增长和维修行业的技术援助在遏制这种增长中 的作用;在执行消耗臭氧层物质政策和 规方 面 所 取得的进展 以 及 , 印度四氯化碳淘汰 计划的剩余余额 140 万美元,可用于氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的执行。
Several members, however, expressed concerns relating to: the funding eligibility of the second-stage conversions therein; the percentage of the baseline to be addressed (19.2 per cent); the
high-GWP value
[...] of some of the proposed alternatives, particularly in relation to the cost-effectiveness-related funding provisions of decision 60/44(f)(iv); the request for substantial funding for technical assistance for systems houses with no associated ODP value; the apparent growth in consumption in 2012 and the role of technical assistance in the servicing sector in curbing that growth; progress in implementing ODS policies and regulations; and the balance of US $1.4 million remaining from CTC phase-out in India, which might be used for implementation [...]
of the HPMP.
身体因应压力所产生的蛋白质能在 白 癜风——这是一种 成 人 们 在随机的皮肤区域失去色素从而导 不规 则 白 色斑块但其 方 面 感 觉像是正常皮肤的皮肤疾病——的发病中扮演着某种角色。
Proteins produced by the body in response to stress may play a role vitiligo, a skin condition that causes people to lose pigment in random areas of the skin, resulting in irregular white patches that otherwise feel like normal skin.
良心自由只是请求国家在可能的情况下考虑和保护个人良心的权利,不能成为拒绝履行法定义务或者请 以 其 他 方 式 代 替这些义务的理由。
freedom of conscience is merely a right to request the state to consider and protect the individual’s conscience, if it is possible, it cannot be the basis for refusing to carry out the duties under the law or request the provision of alternative ways to replace such duties.
XOOPS 作为一个成熟的网站建设管理工具, 以方 便 地 建设管理各类网站:内容管理与界面风格分离,便 方 便 灵 活的设计切 不 同 的 表现风格 成 熟 的 功 能 模 块化机制,有各种丰富多样的模块可供选择定制,比如新闻发布、文章管理、论坛、相册、资源下载、广告黄页、电子商务、博客和知识库等;具有完善的权限管理机制,可以针对不同用户群组设置不同的访问、编辑等权限。
XOOPS website as a mature construction management
[...] tool , you can easily manage all kinds of construction sites : separation of content management and interface style , designed to facilitate convenient and flexible switch between different styles of performance; Mature functional [...]
modular system
, a variety of modules to choose from variety of custom , such as press releases, article management , forums , photo albums , resources, downloads , advertising, yellow pages , e-commerce , blog and knowledge base ; with complete authority management mechanism , you can set for different user groups different access and editing rights.




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