政府咨询委员会在其涉及面很广的 ICANN 北京会议公报中,对一些申请字符串与地名的对应表 示了进一步保留意见,建议 ICANN 董事会对这些字符串不进行初始评估以后的处理,并要求董事会进 一步澄清申请人修改申请字符串的灵活度大小,以回应政府咨询委员会关注的具体问题。 | In its wide-ranging ICANN Beijing Meeting Communiqué, the GAC expressed further reservations regarding a number of applied-for strings on grounds of correspondence to geographical terms, advising the ICANN Board not to proceed beyond initial evaluation for these, and seeking further clarification from the Board on scope for flexibility of applicants to modify applied for strings to address specific GAC concerns. |
政府咨询委员会强调,政府间组织用公共资金执行着重要的全球公共使命,它们是各国政府 根据国际法建立的,它们的名称和缩略语应当在扩张后的 DNS 中得到特别保护。 | The GAC stresses that the IGOs perform an important global public mission with public funds, they are the creations of government under international law, and their names and acronyms warrant special protection in an expanded DNS. |
考虑到这一群体的组成,在 GNSO 流程 中为政府间组织取得协商一致的积极前景可能有限,但为了通过政府咨询委员会给董事会提建议这一 渠道分享 ICANN 内政府间组织保护方面的任何更大的成果,政府间组织的继续参与仍很重要。 | Prospects for positive consensus gains for IGOs within the GNSO process may be limited given the overall composition of the group, but continuing IGO engagement remains important for sharing any broader gains made on IGO protection within ICANN via GAC advice to the Board. |
相应的行动有:2004 年 5 月,在着重就 MOST 计划对毒 品问题进行为期六年研究的基础上,MOST、EHESS/MSH 和哥伦比亚现代集团依靠法国外 交部提供的支助,在教科文组织总部联合举办了一期关于“安第斯地区使用非法作物---政治 影响、社会运动和发展的备选方案”国际讨论会。 | Corresponding action included the organization of an International Colloquium on “Use of illicit crops in the Andean region – Political implications, social movements and alternative development paths”, based inter alia on six years of MOST research on drugs and jointly organized by MOST, EHESS/MSH and the Groupe Actualités Colombie (GAC), with the support of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at UNESCO Headquarters in May 2004. |
政府咨询委员会注意到各项仍待决定的落实问题,并致力于与各政府间组织、董事会和 ICANN 工作人员积极合作,争取找出一个行之有效的、及时的前进方向。 | The GAC is mindful of outstanding implementation issues and commits to actively working with IGOs, the Board, and ICANN Staff to find a workable and timely way forward. |
政府咨询委员会的该项原则进一步称,注册机构应采取程序,根据政府的要 求,对二级域中具有国家或地理意义的名称进行阻止/提出异议。 | Those GAC Principles further stated that new registries should adopt procedures for blocking/challenge of names with national or geographical significance at the second level upon demand of governments. |
ICANN政府咨询委员会(GAC)则于 2007 年发表了“政府咨询委员会关于新通用顶级域的原 则”,其中声明:“2.3 采用新通用顶级域的程序,必须适当考虑现有的第三方权利,尤其是商标权 以及政府间组织(IGO)对其名称和缩略语享有的权利。 | On its part, ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) issued in 2007 the “GAC Principles regarding New gTLDs,” which state inter alia: “2.3 The process for introducing new gTLDs must make proper allowance for prior third party rights, in particular trademark rights as well as rights in the names and acronyms of inter-governmental organizations (IGOs). |
对此,一个政府间组织联盟在政府咨询委员会多伦多建议的 基础上,编定了基于.int 的政府间组织保护标准,并随附了一份政府间组织名单,由该政府间组织联 盟于 2013 年 2 月 28 日交给 ICANN 董事会。 | In response, working on the basis of the GAC Toronto advice, an IGO coalition developed .int-based criteria for IGO protection and an accompanying list of IGOs, which were forwarded by the IGO coalition to the ICANN Board on February 28, 2013. |
政府咨询委员会还向董事会通报,在有关进一步落实的工作完成前,应当为政府间组织名称和缩 略语提供临时保护,在任何新通用顶级域授权之前暂停第三方注册。 | The GAC also advised the Board that, pending work on further implementation, interim protection for IGO names and acronyms should be provided through a moratorium on third-party registration prior to the delegation of any new gTLDs. |
政府咨询委员会在其 2010 年 3 月的《内罗毕公报》46 中,呼吁建立机制,处理与批准条件背道而驰的做法,并呼吁将ISO 3166-2 中未列入的常用缩略语或地区的名称予以考虑。 | The GAC in its March 2010 Nairobi Communiqué46 had called for a mechanism to address derivation from conditions of approval, and also inclusion of commonly used abbreviations or regions not listed in ISO 3166-2. |