

单词 东欧平原

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

此 奖可以发给影响爱沙尼亚社会道德价值观念,推进合 欧 洲 原 则 的 政治文化,促平等,解决困扰社会的危机或问题等等的公众人物。
The award may be given to a public figure who has influenced ethical values of Estonian
society, advanced political
[...] culture in line with European principles, promoted equality, settled crises [...]
or problems that harass society, etc.
正是基 于这原则,中国批评前苏联干 东欧 事 务 以及以美国为首的 北约干预前南斯拉夫内政的做法,对此,中国谴责其为“霸权主 义”。
These principles were central to critiques of Soviet intervention in Eastern Europe and continued through [...]
to the U.S.-led
NATO intervention in the former Yugoslavia, which China denounced as “hegemonist”.
执行局还将审议关于下列国家的 20
[...] 地区的埃塞俄比亚、加蓬、加纳、毛里塔尼亚、圣多美和普林西比、塞内加尔和 津巴布韦;阿拉伯国家地区的摩洛哥、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和也门;亚洲和平 洋地 区的孟加拉国、老挝人民民主共和国、蒙古和菲律宾 东欧 和 中 亚地区的阿 尔巴尼亚(共同国家方案文件草案)、吉尔吉斯斯坦和乌克兰;以及拉丁美洲和加 [...]
The Executive Board will also have before it for discussion 20 draft country programme documents for Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritania, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal and Zimbabwe in the Africa region; Morocco, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen in the Arab States region; Bangladesh, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mongolia and the
Philippines in the Asia and the Pacific region; Albania (draft common country
[...] programme document), Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions; and El Salvador, Englishand [...]
Dutch-speaking Caribbean countries, and Honduras in the Latin America and Caribbean region.
埃及和中东地区各国对中东核武器的严重影响及此种武器对区域和国际的平与安 全所带来的重大战略威胁深感关切,因此它们早就热切地在几个论坛上 讨论了这个问题:开始是在 1974 年在大会上要求在东建立 无核武器区,其后 在国原子能机构大会上要求在东 适 用国 际 原 子 能 机构的保障监督,并在历届 《不扩散核武器条约》(《条约》)缔约国审议大会上提出了此种要求。
Concerned at the serious implications and the profound strategic threat of nuclear weapons in the Middle East with
regard to regional
[...] and international peace and security, Egypt and other States in the region have been keen to address this issue in several forums from an early date, beginning in the General Assembly in 1974, by calling for the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, and then at the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), by calling for the application of IAEA safeguards in all States of the Middle East, as well as at [...]
successive Review Conferences
of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
在审查期内,通过召回人员发现了那些存在严重差距的地区和分地区:非洲(例如东非 和南非,包括印度洋岛国);亚太地区(如中亚和 平 洋 小 岛国);拉丁美洲及加勒比地区 差价(尤其是那些加勒比小岛国)和欧洲(尤其 欧 和 东欧 )。
The staff retreat held during the review period identified those regions and subregions where serious gaps exist: in Africa (e.g. in eastern and southern Africa, including the Indian Ocean Island States); in Asia-Pacific (e.g. in Central Asia and in the
Small Pacific Island
[...] States); in Latin America and the Caribbean (especially the Small Caribbean Island States); and in Europe (especially in Central and Eastern Europe).
11 月 20
[...] 日,安理会还举行了辩论,以听取主管政治事务助理秘书长海尔·门 克欧斯、维持平行动 部非洲二司司长拉伊 东 · 泽 嫩加和国际海事组织秘书 长埃夫西米奥斯·米乔普勒斯的情况通报,并审议了秘书长关于索马里局势,包 [...]
Also on 20 November, the Council held a debate to hear briefings by the Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Haile Menkeirios,
the Director of the
[...] Africa II Division of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Raisedon Zenenga, and the [...]
Secretary-General of
the International Maritime Organization, Efthimios Mitropoulos, and to consider the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Somalia (S/2008/709), including on the fight against piracy off the coast of Somalia.
这里有着稀树草原林区和雨林地区的截然不同的风貌 ——东北部,安恒高地平原上突然耸起,一直延伸到 Carpentaria 湾。
It's a distinct region of savanna woodlands
and rainforest pockets
[...] – in the northeast, the Arnhem Land plateau rises abruptly from the plain and continues [...]
to the Gulf of Carpentaria.
令人遗憾的是,占领国以色列继续无视国际社会,无视根据安理会有关决议、 土地换平原则和以 1967 年以前边界为基础的两国解决方案形成的二十年之久 的东和平进程 长期框架(也是阿拉伯和平倡议的核心),严重违反国际法,包括 严重违反《日内瓦第四公约》。
Regrettably, Israel, the occupying Power, continues to ignore the international community, to flout the long-standing
parameters of the
[...] two-decades-old Middle East peace process — founded upon relevant Security Council resolutions, the landfor-peace principle and the two-State solution [...]
based on the pre-1967 borders, which forms the core of the Arab Peace Initiative — and to grossly violate
international law, including perpetration of grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
东方的 领土,涵盖了显着的表面Mont Ventoux山的最高点,其中占主导地位的自然景观最肥沃 平原 , 在 法国南部的水果和蔬菜。
Mountains cover a significant surface of the
[...] territory in the East, with the Mont Ventoux being its highest point which dominates the natural landscape over the most fertile plain for fruits and [...]
vegetables in Southern France.
在这一进程中,举行 了五个地区的全委会磋商会议(阿拉伯国家在摩洛哥拉巴特;亚洲及 平 洋 地 区在大韩民国原;欧洲和 北美在联合王国伦敦;非洲在乌干达坎帕拉;拉丁美洲和加勒比地区在特立尼 达和多巴哥西班牙港),之前还举行了多国磋商会议。
This process has further involved five regional consultations with National Commissions
(Rabat, Morocco, for
[...] the Arab States; Changwon, Republic of Korea, for Asia and the Pacific; London, United Kingdom, for Europe and North America; [...]
Kampala, Uganda,
for Africa; and Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, for Latin America and the Caribbean), preceded by cluster consultations.
联合石化亚洲有限公司位于中国香港,主要主要负责中东、 东原 油 贸易业务;联合石化英国有限公司位于英国伦敦,主要负责西非、北非、地中海 欧 洲 地 区原油、成品油业务;联合石化新加坡有限公司位于新加坡,主要负责亚太地区成品油、天然气等业务;联合石化美洲有限公司位于美国纽约,主要负责南、北美地区的原油、成品油、天然气等业务;在香港上市的中石化冠德控股有限公司负责开展国际仓储、物流业务;联合石化越南代表处位于越南胡志明,主要协调终端客户、搭建与该地区有关各方的交 平 台。
UNIPEC America Inc. in New York focuses on crude oil, oil product and Natural gas trade in North and South America; Sinopec Kantons Holdings Ltd. listed in Hong Kong is set up with a focus on international warehousing & logistics and UNIPEC Representative Office in Vietnam, located in Ho Chi Minh city, is responsible for end user coordination and  the establishment of a platform for communication.
东,“和平伙伴关系计划”得到 欧 盟 委 员会的预算外资金,该计划的目的是提 高巴勒斯坦和以色列两国传媒人员以及民间社会报道冲突、对话和展开公开讨论的能力。
In the Middle East, a “Partnership for Peace Programme” to build the [...]
capacity of the Palestinian and Israeli media professionals
and civil society in conflict-sensitive reporting, dialogue and public discussion received extrabudgetary funding from the European Commission.
欧 洲原子能共同体作为热核实验堆项目 东 道 方 所发挥的作用,在热核实验堆项 目的七家国内机构中,欧洲国内机构拥有特殊地位。
Among the seven domestic
[...] agencies of the ITER project, the European domestic agency holds special status [...]
owing to the role
of EURATOM as host party of the ITER project.
亦为欧洲 电视新闻交换网提供了支助,以加 东 南 欧 国 家的 和 平 与 民主,强化地区网络, 令公共电视台能够根据地区特殊需要查找、播放和就接收新闻素材。
Support was also given to the Eurovision Regional News
[...] Exchange to strengthen peace and democracy in South-East European countries, reinforcing [...]
the regional network
that enables public television stations to shoot, send and receive news material according to specific regional needs.
另外,各区域的进度参差不齐,部分区域已超过了确定的目标(南亚 67%的中期成 果对性平等做 出了贡献,西部和中部非洲则为 66%),而其他区域,例如东欧/ 独联 体(39%)及东部和南部非洲(41%)需进一步努力才能达到预定目标。
Moreover, progress across regions has been uneven, with some regions having surpassed the target set (South Asia, with 67 per cent of
intermediate results
[...] contributing to gender equality, and West and Central Africa, with 66 per cent) while others, such as CEE/CIS (39 per cent) and Eastern and Southern [...]
Africa (41 per cent),
require further efforts to meet it.
执行局还将收到关于下列国家的 10 份供讨论的国家方案文件草案:非洲区 域的斯威士兰;阿拉伯国家区域的伊拉克和巴勒斯坦被占领土;亚洲和 平 洋区 域的柬埔寨、中国和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 东欧 和 中 亚区域的阿塞拜疆、白 俄罗斯、格鲁吉亚和土耳其。
The Executive Board will also have before it for discussion 10 draft country programme documents for Swaziland in the Africa region; Iraq and the Occupied Palestinian Territory in the Arab States region; Cambodia, China and the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea in the
[...] Asia and the Pacific region; and Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Turkey in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions.
阿巴斯总统进一步重申巴勒斯坦领导人愿意认真地进行和平的政治和外交 努力,以便根据 1967 年前的边界实现“两国解决方案”,包括明确根据 东 和平 进程 的长期工作范围,即有关的安全理事会决议、包括土地换 平原 则 在内的马 德里原则、阿拉伯和平倡议和四方路线图,就所有最终地位问题恢复可信、善意 的谈判。
President Abbas further reaffirmed the readiness of the Palestinian leadership to engage seriously in peaceful political and diplomatic efforts to achieve the twoState solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, including through the resumption of credible, good-faith negotiations on all final status issues based clearly on the
long-standing terms of
[...] reference of the Middle East Peace Process, namely, the relevant Security Council resolutions, the Madrid principles, including the principle [...]
of land for peace,
the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Roadmap.
此外,我们谨重申,我们仍致力于落实两国解 决方案,即:以色列与依照土地换 平原 则 建 立的东耶路 撒冷为首都、有生存能力的独立巴勒斯坦 国和平安全地毗邻共存,并致力于依照安全理事会 [...]
相关决议、四方路线图及阿拉伯和平倡议,建立公 正和全面的区域和平。
Furthermore, we would like to reiterate that we remain committed to the two-State solution of
Israel and a viable and independent
[...] Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side [...]
by side in peace and security
on the basis of the principle of land for peace and a just and comprehensive regional peace consistent with the relevant Security Council resolutions, the road map of the Quartet, and the Arab Peace Initiative.
中东特别是悲惨且旷日持久的巴勒斯坦问题现 在正处在一个关键时期,不结盟运动重申,我们打算 继续支持并尽一切可能办法积极地为在所有各项联 合国有关决议、马德里会议框架、土地换 平原 则、 阿拉伯和平倡议和路线图的基础上实现 东 公 正 、全 面、持久和平作出贡献。
At this critical period in the Middle East, particularly with regard to the long and tragic question of Palestine, the Non-Aligned Movement reaffirms its intention to continue to lend its support and actively contribute in every possible way to
achieve a just,
[...] comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East based on all relevant United Nations resolutions, the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, the principle of land for peace, [...]
the Arab Peace Initiative and the road map.
尽管 1994 年(每 1,000 例活产中 26.9 例)-2009 年(每 1,000 例活产中
[...] 10.1 例),婴儿死亡率大幅下降,不过仍高于欧盟水平以及 东欧平 均 水 平。
Even though infant mortality rate declined substantially from 1994 (26.9 per 1000 live births) to 2009 (10.1 per
live births), the levels are still above that of the EU and the average for the
[...] countries of central and eastern Europe.
平等待遇法》将落实执行不论种族或族裔 人人待平等原则的欧盟理事会第 2000/43/EC 号指令和制订就业平等待遇总体 框架的欧盟理事会第 2000/78/EC 号指令。
The Equal Treatment Act will
[...] transpose the EU Council Directive 2000/43/EC implementing the principle of equal treatment between [...]
persons irrespective
of racial or ethnic origin, and the EU Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation.
在阿拉伯国家(2010 年 5 月 10 日至 13 日,摩洛哥拉巴特)、亚洲和平洋 ( 2010 年 5 月 21 日至 23 日,大韩民国原)、欧洲和 北美(2010 年 6 月 5 日至 8 日,联合王国伦敦)、 [...]
非洲(2010 年 6 月 15 日至 18 日,乌干达坎帕拉)以及拉丁美洲和加勒比(2010
年 7 月 5 日 至 7 日,西班牙的珀特、特立尼达和多巴哥)成果举行了磋商会。
The consultations successfully took place in the Arab States (Rabat,
Morocco, 10-13 May 2010),
[...] Asia and the Pacific (Changwon, Republic of Korea, 21-23 May 2010), Europe and North America (London, [...]
the United Kingdom,
5-8 June 2010), Africa (Kampala, Uganda, 15-18 June 2010) and in Latin America and the Caribbean (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 5-7 July 2010).
根据欧洲联盟委员会关于适欧洲原 子 能 联营保障监督措施的第 302/2005 号条例,参与进行非破坏性试验的公司现在在杂项物 平 衡 区 (附件 I-G)报告贫 化铀库存情况。
Under Commission
[...] Regulation (Euratom) No. 302/2005, on the application of Euratom safeguards, a company involved in non-destructive testing now reports a depleted uranium inventory at its facilities under the catch all material balance area (annex I-G).
土耳其代表强调如下几点:(a) 该组织欧洲— —第 三世界中心”不尊重土耳其的领土完整和政治统一,一直在违背《联合国宪章》 的基原则和 理事会第 1996/31 号决议的基本要求;(b) 该组织一直在对土耳其 进行无事实根据并有政治动机的指控;(c) 该组织一直在煽动和纵容针对联合国 会员国的恐怖主义行动,而这是被国际法所禁止的;(d) [...]
该组织已经成为恐怖主 义组织库尔德工人党/库尔德国民大会的宣传工具;(e)
该组织未能考虑到土耳 其之前关于需要捍卫《联合国宪章》和理事会第 1996/31 号决议所规定的该国的 义务与责任的发言。
The representative of Turkey underlined the
[...] following points: (a) the organization, Centre Europe-tiers monde had been failing to adhere to the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic [...]
requirements set
out in Council resolution 1996/31 by disrespecting the territorial integrity and political unity of Turkey; (b) the organization had been undertaking unsubstantiated and politically motivated allegations against Turkey; (c) the organization had been inciting and condoning acts of terrorism against States Members of the United Nations, which is prohibited under international law; (d) the organization had become a propaganda vehicle of the terrorist organization PKK/Kongra-Gel; and (e) the organization had not taken into consideration earlier statements of Turkey regarding the need to uphold its obligations and responsibilities under the Charter and Council resolution 1996/31.
为此,2009 年 6 月举行的第十九次缔约国会议通过了下一次委员会成员选
[...] [...] 举的如下席位安排,但有一项谅解是这一安排不会妨碍或影响未来的选举安排: 五名成员来自非洲国家;五名成员来自亚洲 - 太 平 洋 国家;三名成员来 东欧国 家 ;四名成员来自拉丁美洲和加勒比国家;三名成员来自西欧和其他国家;其余 [...]
SPLOS/201 和 SPLOS/203,第 100 至 102 段)。
In this connection, at the nineteenth Meeting of States Parties, held in June 2009, the following arrangement for the allocation of seats for the next election of the members of the Commission was approved with the understanding that the arrangement would not prejudice or affect future arrangements for elections: five members from
African States; five members
[...] from Asia-Pacific States; three members from Eastern European States; four members [...]
from Latin American
and Caribbean States; three members from Western European and other States; and the remaining one member from among the African States, Asia-Pacific States and Western European and other States (see SPLOS/201 and SPLOS/203, paras. 100-102).
又重申全力支持以联合国有关决议、马德里会议的职权范围(包括土地 换平原则) 、阿拉伯国家联盟理事会第十四届会议通过的《阿拉伯和平倡议》6和 四方的《以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突的永久性两国解决方案路线图》4 为基础的东和 平进程 ,支持以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的现有协定,强调指出必须在中东建立全面、 公正和持久的和平,并为此欢迎四方和阿拉伯国家联盟目前作出的努力
Also reaffirms its full support for the Middle East peace process, based on the relevant United Nations resolutions, the terms of reference
of the Madrid Conference, including the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative adopted by the Council of the League of Arab States at its fourteenth session6and the Quartet road map to a permanent two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,4 and for the existing agreements between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, stresses the necessity for the establishment of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East, and welcomes in this regard the ongoing efforts of the Quartet and of the League of Arab States
在这方面,《热核实验堆协定》第 11 条授欧洲原子能共同体作为项目东道方 指定一个实体代其行事,以便为项目的实施向热核实验堆组织提供必要 的现场支持。
In that context, article 11 of the ITER Agreement authorizes EURATOM, as host party of the project, to appoint an entity to act on its behalf in order to provide the ITER Organization with the site support necessary for the implementation of the project.
[...] 的资料包括尼泊尔冲突各方,包括各方下属青年分支和前沿组织,以及在德赖(尼 泊尔南平原地区)和东部丘陵地区活动的武装团伙犯下的侵权行为。
The information provided includes violations perpetrated by parties to the conflict in Nepal, including youth wings and front organizations
affiliated with the parties, as well as armed groups operating in the
[...] Tarai (southern plains of Nepal) and eastern hill regions.
此外,委员会还剩以下五个待补空缺 东欧 国 家 一名,西欧和其他国家一名, 任期均从当选之日开始,至 2015 年委员会第五十三届会议闭会时届满;拉丁美 洲和加勒比国家两名,西欧和其他国家一名、任期均从委员会第四十一届会议 [...]
(2012 年举行)第一次会议举行之日开始,至
2016 年委员会第四十四届会议闭会 时届满(见理事会第 2011/201 E 号决定)。
In addition, there remain five unfilled vacancies
on the Commission as
[...] follows: one from Eastern European States and one from Western European and other States, [...]
both for a term beginning
on the date of election and expiring at the close of the Commission’s fifty-third session, in 2015; and two from Latin American and Caribbean States and one from Western European and other States, all for a term beginning at the first meeting of the Commission’s fifty-first session (held in 2012) and expiring at the close of the Commission’s fifty-fourth session, in 2016 (see Council decision 2011/201 E).
[...] 学大纲,教科文组织与从事伦理教育的专家一起,参加了在拉丁美洲及 欧 和 东欧 举 行 的一 些会议(巴拿马、以色列、立陶宛)。
With regard to stimulating ethical reflection and awareness-raising and in order to create networks of professional ethics teachers and develop ethics teaching programmes at regional level, UNESCO participated, with experts in the
teaching of ethics, in several meetings held in Latin America
[...] and in Central and Eastern Europe (Panama, Israel, [...]




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