

单词 笔者

See also:

writing brush
the strokes of Chinese characters
write or compose
classifier for sums of money, deals

External sources (not reviewed)

笔者多年来花 费相当多的精力推广信息权是基本人权的理念,包括通过本书第一版和现在的第二版。
The author has, over the years, [...]
spent considerable energy promoting the idea of the right to information as a human right,
including through the first and now second editions of this book, and its growing recognition as such is a source of some satisfaction.
一位发言者表示,常任理事国不应当是唯一的 笔者 , 例如,有些情况下可 以有两个笔者,一 个来自该地区,一个是常任理事国。
One speaker commented that the permanent members should not be the only pen holders; for instance, there could be two pen holders for [...]
some situations, one
from the region and one permanent member.
(Note: The author disclaims any responsibility [...]
for decisions from the reading of this text).
经常在国会有关公共行 政和治理的听证会上作证,而且是提交国会的许多报告的主要 笔者。
Frequent witness at congressional hearings on public administration and governance and
[...] lead executive author of numerous reports [...]
to the Congress.
笔者确定 了两类:“此类条约的第一个分类,即体现了在当事方之间真正对等履行的整体条约,如禁 [...]
止核试验或扩散核武器的条约”和“以人权公约为典型的整体条约的第二变种”(ibid.,p. 352)。
The author identifies two categories: [...]
“the first sub-group of such treaties, namely integral treaties embodying genuine
reciprocity operative as between the parties, like treaties banning nuclear tests or the proliferation of nuclear weapons” and “integral treaties of the second variety, exemplified by human rights conventions” (ibid., p. 352).
笔者先后 试过一些办法,如利用工具菜单中的“自定义”添加命令、重装Word、帮助菜单的“检测并修复”,结果均未奏效。
I have tried a number of ways, such as the use of the Tools menu in the "Custom" Add command, reinstall Word, the Help menu's "Detect and Repair", the results were not effective.
Pdf格式文件向Doc文件转换相对比较难,因为Pdf格式与Doc格式解码格式不同,在Pdf下的回车符、换行符以及相关的图片格式无法直接转换成Doc文件 笔者 之 前 一直使用复制文本,然后粘贴到Word中实现Pdf向Doc格式的转换。
Pdf to Doc file format conversion is relatively difficult, because the format Pdf format Doc format decoding different under Pdf carriage return, line breaks and the associated image
format can not be directly converted to
[...] Doc document, the author until the use of [...]
copy text, paste it into Word and then
realized the format Pdf to Doc conversion.
但是它的独特性、一致性和没有矛盾性证明神自己是圣经的作者,祂引导每 笔者 , 以 确保他们所写 的内容与神所计划的完全相同。
Yet its unity, consistency and lack of
contradiction prove that God Himself is
[...] its main author, guiding every human author to assure [...]
that the product is exactly as He planned.
笔者想要 找的只是一些Sun硬件的售后支持,这耗去了30分钟来寻找想要的东西——一些Google搜索出来的页面(这些页面显示出了Sun一个主要的售后链接,但是根 笔者 长 期 的追踪,这个链接几周前还未存在)。
I just want to find some Sun hardware, after-sales support, which consumes a 30-minute to find what they want - out of some of Google search pages (these pages shows the Sun as a major post-sale link, but according to the author a long-term tracking, [...]
this link a few weeks ago have not yet exist).
美国爱荷华大学石濑宽和客座副教授 笔者 在 20 09年发表的论文中发现,社会关系资本在对提高国内生产总值(GDP)的贡献(社会关系资本收益率)和人均收入水平之间存在着紧密的负相关关系,其收益率在发展中国家非常高,而在发达国家,正如Olson教授所指出的,负面效果比较大(参见下图)。
Hirokazu Ishise, visiting assistant professor at the University of Iowa, and I found that social capital's contribution to gross domestic product (GDP)—i.e., aggregate return on social capital—has a strong negative correlation with the level of income per capita, and that while such return is particularly high in developing countries, social capital has more negative aspects than positive ones in advanced countries as pointed out by Professor Olson.
笔者 曾于 2011 年 1 月在内罗毕与联合国环境规划署的一些法律专家举行初步的非正 [...]
式磋商,并于 2011 年 7 月与设在日内瓦的“国际环境组织”和“多边环境协 定”的几个秘书处的专家在日内瓦的“国际环境之家”举行了初步磋商。
The author conducted preliminary [...]
informal consultations with the legal experts of the United Nations Environmental Programme
(UNEP) in Nairobi in January 2011.
笔者”和 秘书处都可以帮助改善情况,更均匀 地安排一年的工作,错开报告期限,任务期应有长有短。
Both the pen holders and the secretariat [...]
could help by spreading the work more evenly over the course of the year and by
varying the deadlines for reports and the length of mandates.
直接或间接引用到其他网站 [超链接], 作者的责任不在, 将是一个责任,只有在这种情况下,, 在笔者有知 识的内容和它在技术上是可行的和合理的, 防止非法内容的使用.
With direct or indirect references to other websites [Hyperlinks], which lie
outside the
[...] responsibility of the author, would be a liability only in those cases in, in which the author has knowledge [...]
of the contents and it
would be technically possible and reasonable, to prevent the use of illegal content.
作家,谁自称Aristeas的,并说他是希腊和异教徒,他的整个工作表明,他是一个虔诚,热心的犹太人:他承认上帝的一个真正的上帝的犹太人,他宣称,上帝 笔者 的 镶嵌法,他是一个热情崇拜者耶路撒冷的圣殿,犹太人的土地和人民,其神圣的法律和有学问的人。
The writer, who calls himself Aristeas and says he is a Greek and a pagan, shows by his whole work that he is a pious, zealous Jew: he recognizes the God of
the Jews as the one true God; he declares
[...] that God is the author of the Mosaic [...]
law; he is an enthusiastic admirer of the
Temple of Jerusalem, the Jewish land and people, and its holy laws and learned men.
笔者并不 反对公约在联合王国和对维也纳公约第 66 条或其附件提出保留的国 家之间生效,并且只排除了第五部分在其条约关系中的适用。联合王国在 1989 年(with regard to Algeria’s reservation)和 1999 年(with regard to Cuba’s reservation)回顾这个宣言指出,“对 于意图排除(联合王国已经对之提出保留的)第 66 条之规定的全部或部分适用的任何其他保 留、或在苏联的保留之后提出的保留,联合王国认为:与已经或将要提出这种保留的国家之 间的条约关系不包括(对第 66 条的适用已为该保留所否定的)公约第五部分的规定”。
This declaration, which the United Kingdom recalled in 1989 (with regard to Algeria’s reservation) and 1999 (with regard to Cuba’s reservation), stated that “[w]ith respect to any other reservation the intention of which is to exclude the application, in whole or in part, of the provisions of article 66, to which the United Kingdom has already objected or which is made after the reservation by [the USSR], the United Kingdom will not consider its treaty relations with the State which has formulated or will formulate such a reservation as including those provisions of Part V of the Convention with regard to which the application of article 66 is rejected by the reservation” (ibid.).
笔者确定 了分散在欧洲各地的片段,这一次,属于第三Borgian片段相同的抄本。
The author identifies the fragments [...]
scattered throughout Europe which belonged once to the same codices as the thirty-two Borgian fragments.
那一次笔者领导 了某主要的制造商在协同设计方面的首次尝试,和它的由欧洲主要的六大运营商组成的投资组合协同进行用户界面设计。
At this time, the author led a major manufacturer’s [...]
first attempts at collaborative UI design across its European portfolio
with the top six European operators.
圣经由 40 多位不同笔者、用 三种不同的语言写成,历时 1400 多年的时间,是历史上最伟大的著 作。
Written by more
[...] than 40 different authors, in three languages, [...]
in a span of more than 1400 years, the Bible is the greatest
literary undertaking in history.
笔者还记得当日在ADA 颁奖典礼会场上,看见一个穿得时尚、貌似日本籍的亚洲人上台领奖,但后来发现竟然是一个泰国人。
As I remember at the presentation of ADA IAPLC 2007 ceremony, I saw a young gentleman with smart and modern dressing, his face look like a native Japanese.
笔者在对中国现有的建筑能耗研究的文献中的统计数字进行重新归纳处理之后, 得到了各个地区不同类型建筑的单位面积一次能耗强度,如图 5 所示。
The primary energy intensity in terms of energy consumption per square meter for different types of buildings across various regions was derived after reprocessing the statistical data in the existing research literature related to building energy consumption in China, as shown in Figure 2-2.
本文介绍了有关ITC的基本信息,并根 笔者 及 其 律师事务所多年来在美国知识产权诉讼案中积累的经验,精选了一些需注意的方面,以帮助中国医疗器械公司避免ITC诉讼战或作好准备。
This article provides some basic information about the ITC and offers observations that can help CMDCs prepare for (or avoid) battles at the ITC, culled, in part, from my and my firm’s extensive IP litigation experience in the United States.
[...] 最重要的是与 PC 的问题的解决方案真笔者测试 ,不需要任何特殊知识的成本和.
Finally, you can add, that above all the
solutions to the problems with the PC really
[...] tested by the author and does not require [...]
any special knowledge of costs and.
笔者以为 ,安全设备的使用,和上述的道理是完全一样的,多学习些Linux系统、编程以及网络方面的知识,将自己的功力修炼得更高些,面对病毒、木马时,才能更加自信,对待自己的工作时才可以游刃有余。
I think that safety equipment use, and the truth is exactly the same study more some Linux systems, programming and network knowledge, will have his own ability and practice some more, the face of viruses, Trojan horses, the more confidence can be , when treatment can be its capability to their own work.
笔者发现 ,本届澳门G2E展进场参观的业者在询问台商产品时,以博弈软件OEM、ODM及在线博弈软件(online gaming)为探求大宗。
Among the show guests visiting GTI Magazine's booth to inquire about Taiwan-made products, most of them targeted gaming software OEM, ODM and online gaming.
作为烟草行业数据中心建设规范的 笔者 之 一 ,联信永益公司在烟草行业内成功为多家工业企业建设了数据中心,逐步形成了一整套完善的烟草企业数据中心解决方案。
As one drafter for construction codes [...]
in the tobacco industry data center, Surekam has successfully built data centers for
many industrial enterprises in the tobacco sector, and it has gradually made a complete solution in the tobacco enterprise data center.
笔者想感谢埃琳娜Lomakina,理查德·Bauserman,玛格丽特杨曼,吉Vaknin,杰西卡·斯奈德,克里斯Striemer,纳库尔Nataraj,红栗橱嗯的,TEJAS [...]
The authors would like to thank [...]
Elena Lomakina, Richard Bauserman, Margaret Youngman, Shay Vaknin, Jessica Snyder, Chris
Striemer, Nakul Nataraj, Hung Li Chung, Tejas Khire, and Eric Lam for their assistance with this project.
一则消息证实笔者的身 份(PDF签名)和文件的完整性。
A message confirms the author’s identity (PDF [...]
signature) and the integrity of the document.
在被调查的国家中——而且,笔者 所 知,在世界范围内——南非的独特做法是把私有机构 [...]
South Africa is unique among the countries surveyed and, to
[...] the best of the author’s knowledge, [...]
in the world, in placing private bodies, defined
as commercial entities, under an obligation to disclose information needed for the exercise or protection of any right.
由于每一个这种崭新的作品都针对用户全新的需求(至 笔者 认 为是这样), 作为中间媒介,我们必须把这些根本需求通过对不同关系的描述反应出来。
Since each of these newly generated works refers to a whole new need in
[...] users (at least as author thinks) we as [...]
mediators have to address this need in relation
to its roots through projecting relationships.
除此之外笔者还一 一拜访所有参展厂商摊位,冀望让展商更清楚明了本社杂志内容以及厂商所刊登的产品,且询问该厂商对于巴西市场的相关讯息;并在现场以拍照、摄影、收DM的方式来汇集最新展会信息;同时也汇集巴西SALEX主办单位以及台湾、中国、巴西当地参展厂商的宝贵意见,且实地走访游乐场,进而做出市场分析,以作为台湾业者未来投资巴西市场以及与巴西厂商贸易的最佳辅助工具。
Besides promoting their publication, GTI's other function is to collect local market information. Therefore, GTI staff called on each exhibitor to both promote GTI magazine and related publications and to acquire more information about the Brazilian market by taking photos and videos and collecting fliers.




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