

单词 传赞

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

蓝心活动进行传,并赞助了 毒品和犯罪问题办公室的打 击贩运活动,为此设计了将蓝心纳入在内的一些商品。
Both companies have promoted the United Nations Blue Heart campaign and sponsored UNODC anti-trafficking activities by designing merchandise that incorporates the blue heart.
[...] 正在进行之中,这是集中强化磋商,包括同本部门的所 传 统 赞 助 者 和相关人员进行磋商的 结果。
At the regional level, the development of draft regional strategies for SHS activities and action has been completed or is at an advanced stage, as a
result of the intensive consultations
[...] including all the major traditional constituencies [...]
and stakeholders of the Sector.
您是否考虑过成为某些展会传资料 的独 赞 助 商
Have you thought about being sole sponsor of some of the show’s promotional materials?
Corzan科赞™ HP管材继承传统Corzan科赞™管 道的全部优点,并且获得了第三方对更高的24448单元分类的认证。
With Corzan HP pipe,
[...] you get all the benefits of traditional Corzan piping, including third-party [...]
certification of the higher cell class of 24448.
一些发言者评论了新闻部的传方 案, 称 赞 该 部 对学生和年轻人的工作。
Several speakers
[...] commented on the outreach programmes of the Department of Public Information and lauded the work of [...]
the Department with students and young people.
参与赞助的会员还能自行设定目标,并定期透过E-mail 接收到赞助资金如何被运用,有多少福音书透 赞 助 传 扬 出 去,以及分享接受赞助会员的见证故事。
Sponsors receive E-mails showing how their funds are being used to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, complete with stories by those who are being sponsored.
它特别高兴地注 意到,塞浦路斯政府十分重视赞同 关 于提 传 统 宗 教团体的政治代表性和促进 其认同和文化的建议。
It was particularly pleased to note that the recommendations regarding
further promotion of political
[...] representation of members of traditional religious groups and [...]
the promotion of their identity and
culture had received the full attention and agreement of the Government.
作为《世界卫生组织烟草管制框架公约》的缔约 国,我们执行的立法中,除其他外包括禁止在封闭的 公共场所吸烟;禁止传、推销和赞 助 烟 草制品;以 及禁止向未成年人出售烟草制品。
As a State party to the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, we have implemented legislation which, among other things, bans smoking in enclosed public spaces; forbids the advertising, promoting and sponsoring of tobacco products; and prohibits the sale of tobacco products to minors.
该评赞扬国 际传播发 展计划的工作方法的改进和该计划实施及资助项目的创新方式,这是一项三年期改革计划 [...]
The evaluation commended the improvements [...]
in the IPDC’s working methods and the innovative manner in which the programme
implements and funds projects as a result of a three-year reform plan acknowledged.
有几位代表在 发言中特赞赏传播和 信息战略的横向性,涉及 到教育,科学知识及文化的交流等方面。
Several speakers
[...] underlined with appreciation the transverse [...]
character of the strategy on communication and information,
which related to education, sharing of scientific knowledge and cultural exchanges.
在领奖致辞中,陶睿斯先生说:“江诗丹顿Patrimony Contemporary飞返星期日历腕表获得2007年度钟表大奖,是评委会对尊重日内瓦标记的江诗丹顿卓越钟 传 统 的 嘉奖 赞 誉 , 也是对江诗丹顿250年不绝的技术成就、优雅艺术和灵活创新的嘉奖。
On receiving the prize, Juan-Carlos Torres said: “By its decision to give first prize for the Watch of the Year 2007 to Vacheron Constantin for its Patrimony Contemporary Retrograde Date and Day, the jury has rewarded and honoured the excellence of the horological tradition that respects the Geneva Hallmark.
专家赞同执行和传各土 著人民独立和与国家教育合体制联手编制的条 约教育课程。
The experts endorsed the implementation and dissemination of treaty education [...]
curricula developed independently by indigenous
peoples and in conjunction with State educational systems.
赞赏地注意到联合国继续大力支持和鼓励泛加勒比防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病伙 伴关系,2010 年 11 月 1 日是该伙伴关系成立十周年,作为一个区域反应机制, 其宗旨是建立一个使人们普遍获得艾滋病毒预防、治疗、护理和支助的体制,从 而减少艾滋病毒和艾滋病传播和 影响,赞赏地 注意到两组织的官员为加强两组织在犯罪、毒品管制和暴力行为等 领域的合作多次进行磋商和信息交流
Noting that in October and November 2010, parts of the Caribbean region, including Haiti, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, were severely affected, in varying degrees of intensity, by Hurricane Tomas which caused significant loss of life and extensive damage to infrastructure, with consequent negative effects on the development efforts of the countries affected, Noting with appreciation the robust support and encouragement that the United Nations continues to give to the Pan-Caribbean Partnership against HIV/AIDS, which observed on 1 November 2010 the tenth anniversary of its establishment as a regional response mechanism for reducing the spread and impact of HIV and AIDS through a system of universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support
了解更多信息,请获赞助机会宣传 册 (P DF) 或联系我们。
To learn more, access our Sponsorship Opportunity brochure (PDF) or contact us.
58. 关于在使用新媒体的同时应继续使 传 统媒 体,赞扬联 合国西班牙语电台所做的工作,以及 该电台和电视服务的总体扩展,还有文件的数字化, 这一切都是为了保护本组织的遗产。
In respect of traditional media, which should continue to be used along with new media, he commended the work of United [...]
Nations Radio in Spanish,
and the general expansion of the radio and television services, as well as the digitization of documents to preserve the Organization’s heritage.
Nicetas,朋友和他的对手伊格传记作 者, 赞 P h o ti us在语法上的技巧,诗歌,修辞学,哲学,医学,法律,“和所有的科学”(“生命之南Ignatii”在曼西,十六,229)。
Nicetas, the
[...] friend and biographer of his rival Ignatius, praises Photius's skill in [...]
grammar, poetry, rhetoric, philosophy,
medicine, law, "and all science" ("Vita S. Ignatii" in Mansi, XVI, 229).
之后,据说是出身于水户的第19代横纲「常陆山」的随从「关根安中」在巡回中到处演唱,当时它的独特唱法和美妙歌声,受 赞 赏 , 流 传 至 全 国。
Anchu Sekine, who was an attendant to Hitachiyama, a sumo wrestler from Mito (Ibaraki’s capital city) and the 19th Yokozuna (Grand Champion of Sumo) in Japan, often sang Iso-bushi songs on the
sumo circuit, which made him a popular figure in sumo wrestling and one
[...] of the primary disseminators of Iso-bushi [...]
in Japan.
受 访者 还赞 家 乐福 “传材料中传递了 简单易懂的信息”。
Respondents also praised the retailer for its “easyto-understand messages found in clear promotional materials.
背景:巴林王国政府向教科文组织提出在其领土上建立一个由教科文组赞助的信息传播技术地区中心,并请总干事协助准备提交教科文组 织理事机构的必要文件材料。
Background: The Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain proposed to UNESCO to establish on its territory a regional centre for information and communication technology placed under the auspices of UNESCO and requested the Director–General’s assistance in preparing the necessary documentation to be submitted to UNESCO’s governing bodies.
建议大会第三十四届会议批准在巴林王国麦纳麦建立由教科文组 赞 助 的 信息传 播技术地区中心(第 2 类),并授权总干事签署 177 EX/24 号文件附件中的协定。
Recommends to the General Conference, at its 34th session, to approve the establishment of the regional centre for information and communication technology (CICT) in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, as a centre under the auspices of UNESCO (category 2), and to authorize the Director-General to sign the Agreement presented in the annex to document 177 EX/24.
说,委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国代表团 赞 新 闻传播联 合国信息和提高对国际社会至关重要的问题 的认识所做的努力。
(Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) said
[...] that his delegation commended the efforts made by the Department of Information to spread the message of [...]
the United Nations and
to raise awareness of issues of importance to the international community.
该组织为基于深入研究、分析和 最佳做法制定的框架和指南提赞助 和 宣 传。
One third of the United Nations audit services surveyed do not have such a programme in place (ICAO, IMO, ITU and UPU).
此外,为确保在拟订获取和惠益分享国际制度的过程中充分处理传统知识问 题和尊重土著人民的权利,一些缔约方和区域集团还与秘书处合作,推出了自己的 倡议,例如由欧赞助的与遗传资源 相关 传 统 知识及获取和惠益分享国际制度问 题维也纳研讨会(2008 年 12 月 15 日至 17 日);由德赞助的与遗传资源相关传 统知 识及获取和惠益分享国际制度问题维尔姆研讨会(2009 年 6 月 6 日至 10 日, 维尔姆岛)。
With a view to ensuring that traditional knowledge issues and indigenous peoples rights are fully addressed in the development of an international regime on access and benefit-sharing, some parties and regional groupings, in collaboration with the secretariat, have also pursued their own
initiatives, such as the
[...] European Union-sponsored Vienna workshop on matters related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources and the international access and benefit-sharing regime, which was held from 15 to 17 December 2008, and the Vilm workshop on matters related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources and [...]
the international regime
on access and benefit-sharing, which was sponsored by the Government of Germany and held on the Ilse of Vilm from 6 to 10 June 2009.
Schaevitz 是广受认可赞誉的传感器 品牌,拥有超过 60 年使用应变计、线性差分变压器 (LVDT)、磁阻位移、倾斜、液位、压力及很多其它基于传感器的产品,研究、设计和制造中、低批量加固型工业传感器的经验。
Schaevitz is a widely recognized and respected sensor brand name with over 60 years of design, manufacturing and expertise for low to medium volume, rugged industrial sensors using strain gage, linear differential transformers (LVDT), reluctive displacement, tilt, fluid level, pressure and many other lines of sensor-based products.
星睿,由梅赛德斯-奔驰倾力打造的认证二手车业务,沿袭百年荣耀及矢志不渝的品质信念,将盛 赞 誉 的星 芒 传 奇 倾 情呈现,并赋予认证二手车业务以全新内涵:尊崇备至、品质卓越。
Inheriting the star's century glory and commitment, [...]
the StarElite Pre-Owned Program provides the same level of assurance
and quality that would stand up to the Mercedes-Benz name.
需要做出的决定:希望执行局建议大会第三 十四届会议批准在巴林王国麦纳麦建立由教 科文组赞助的信息传播技 术地区中心 (第 2 类),并授权总干事签署 177 EX/24 号文件附件中的协定。
The present document consists of a report by the Director-General assessing the feasibility of the proposal, supplemented by an annex containing the draft agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain concerning the proposed Centre.
欢迎巴林王国政府关于建立由教科文组 赞 助 的 “信息 传 播 技 术地区中心”的 建议,认为这符合教科文组织《中期战略》关于应用信息和传播技术促进知识获 得和共享的指导原则,符合大会第 33 C/90 号决议的规定
Welcomes the proposal of the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain to establish the regional centre for information and communication technology under the auspices of UNESCO, as being in line with the guiding principles of UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy regarding applications of ICTs to harness the potential of ICTs for knowledge acquisition and sharing, as well as in conformity with 33 C/Resolution 90




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