

单词 秋葵荚

See also:


okra, also known as ladies' fingers


sunflower n


External sources (not reviewed)

The young fruits are an
[...] important vegetable (okra) in S Asia.
加纳籽是一种原产于西非的灌木,可结出椭圆形的 荚 , 种子常被当做蔬菜食用,且据说有轻度的催情作用。
Native to West Africa, the Griffonia shrub produces an oval pod containing seeds traditionally eaten as vegetables and said to provoke a slightly aphrodisiac feeling of well-being.
这与影响 宽荚鱼鱼 量的严峻环境和科学工作组编写的相关 报告直接相连。
It is directly linked to the critical situation affecting the stock of jack mackerel and the related report prepared by the Science Working Group.
秘鲁的金枪鱼、荚鱼、 鲐鱼以及大鱿鱼法律要求悬挂该国国旗 的船主遵守适用的国家和区域养护和管理措施。
Peru’s legislation for tuna, horse mackerel, chub mackerel and giant squid fisheries required shipowners operating vessels flying its flag to comply with applicable national and regional conservation and management measures.
另一方面,产荚膜梭 状芽孢杆菌等部分致病细菌则主要在人体内释出毒素。
On the other hand, some pathogenic bacteria like Clostridium perfringens, primarily release toxin inside your body.
这些设施拥有一条从卸载到装运荚 鱼 和 鲐鱼等产品的综合加工线。
These facilities will have an integrated processing line from unloading to shipping for products including "Sekiaji" horse mackerel and "Sekisaba" common mackerel.
由于已知的、大量 水层鱼类资源,包括金枪鱼和荚鱼 等 具有很高单位价值的鱼种,这些资源的长 期开发对这一区域的经济和粮食安全具有重大意义。
Fisheries resources within 200 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia have been conservatively estimated to be capable of providing sustainable annual catches of 200,000 tons.26 Because of the known substantial pelagic fish resources, including tuna and mackerel species which have high unit values, the long-term development of these resources could be of vast importance to the economy and food security in the region.
根據董事會函件,富宏擁有的該等物業為位於香港新 葵 涌 和 宜合道131號恆利中 心的7樓A室、12樓B室、11樓、16樓及19樓A室及B室,該等物業包括一幢26層高工業 樓宇(其鋼筋混凝土工程於1992年竣工)內的8個工業單位。
According to the Letter from the Board, Richmind owns the Properties at Workshop A on 7th Floor, Workshop B on 12th Floor, Workshops A and B on 11th, 16th and 19th Floors, Henry Centre, No. 131 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong which comprise 8 industrial units within a 26-storey industrial building of reinforced concrete construction completed in 1992.
舉例來說,在㆒九九㆕年六月,由於㆝氣惡劣及發生嚴重交通意外,葵青區 出現嚴重的交通擠塞情況,當局遂提供來往青衣與荃灣之間的穿梭 [...]
渡輪服務;同年八月,由於發生山泥傾瀉,以致鴨 洲大橋須局部封閉,小 輪公司便特別調派渡輪至鴨 洲。
For example, in June last year, special ferry shuttle services were provided between Tsing
Yi and Tsuen Wan because of serious traffic
[...] congestion in Kwai Tsing District [...]
caused by a combination of poor weather and
bad traffic accidents, and in August last year, special ferries were deployed to Ap Lei Chau because of the partial closure of the Ap Lei Chau Bridge caused by a landslip.
根據豁免項目第10項,如果未經烹煮、包裝在並無載有其他配料的容器內和並 無添加其他配料,下列食品屬於肉類及海產:鹿筋/鹿尾羓/鹿鞭、雪蛤膏、鱷魚肉、 海參(遼參/禿參)、海龍、海馬、螺頭、螺片、花膠、元貝、鮑魚、魚翅和魚翅骨。
Under Exemption No. 10, items belonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced whelk, Fish belly, Scallop, Abalone, Shark fin and Shark fin bone.
近东救济工程处表示,两个事件致使加沙工作人员征聘工作变得尤为艰难:2008 年底和 2009 年初爆发加沙战争;2009 年秋审议 能否调整加沙和安曼财务部,以 实现精简业务流程的总体目标。
UNRWA stated that two events made staff recruitment in Gaza especially challenging, i.e., the outbreak of the Gaza war (late in 2008 and early in 2009) and the consideration during the fall of 2009 of a possible restructuring of the Finance Department in Gaza and Amman with the overall aim of streamlining business processes.
上世纪90年代突出的研究成果包括鉴定并确认硼和锌在棉花(Rashid等人 2000)、小麦、 柑橘、芒果和其它作物缺乏的面积,确定苹果 荚 果 作 物(如花生和鹰嘴豆)(Rashid等人, 1997; Rashid和 Din, 1992) 以及柑橘(Rashid等人. 1991)的铁缺乏,修正了更有效和经济的微 量营养素土壤测试(如Zn、Cu、 Fe和Mn的AB-DTPA以及B的盐酸稀释法) (Rashid 等人 1997c; Rashid等人, 1994),并且制订了一系列本地农作物基因型的植物分析诊断标准(Table 3)。
Salient research accomplishments of 1990s included identification and establishment of field scale deficiencies of B and Zn in cotton (Rashid et al., 2000), wheat, citrus, mango, and other corps, establishment of Fe deficiency in apple and legume crops (like peanut and chickpea) (Rashid et al., 1997; Rashid and Din, 1992) and citrus (Rashid et al. 1991), calibration of more efficient and economical soil tests for micronutrients (i.e., AB-DTPA for Zn Cu, Fe and Mn and dilute HCl for B) (Rashid et al., 1997c; Rashid et al., 1994) and determination of plant analysis diagnostic criteria for a number of locally grown crop genotypes (Table 3).
为 评 估 中 学 生 从 食 物 摄 入 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 情 况 , 用 以 估 计 摄 入 量 的 食 物 项 目 , 是 根 据 食 环 署 在 二 零 零 零 年 进 行 的 「 香 港 中 学 生 食 物 消 费 量 调 查 」 所 涵 盖 的 种 类 而 定 , 其 中 包 括 (i) 谷 类 及 谷 类 制 品 ; (ii) 荚 果 、 豆 类 及 其 制 品 ; (iii) 肉 类 、 家 禽 及 其 制 品 ( 包 括 什 脏 ) ; (iv) 朱 古 力 ; (v) 干 果 ; (vi) 果 汁 饮 品 , 以 及 (vii) 咖 啡 和 茶 。
In order to assess the dietary exposure of secondary school student to ochratoxin A, the food items used for exposure assessment were based on those covered in the Food Consumption Survey in Secondary School Students carried out by FEHD in 2000 including the following food groups: (i) cereals and cereal products, (ii) legumes, pulses and products (iii) meat, poultry and products (including offals), (iv) chocolate, (v) dried fruits, (vi) juice drinks, and (vii) coffee and tea.
(2) 代表委任表格及授權簽署該表格之授權書或其他授權文件(如有)或經公證人證明之該等 授權文件之認證副本,最遲須於大會或其任何續會之指定舉行時間48小時前送達本公司之
[...] 總辦事處及主要營業地點(地址為香港新 葵 涌 葵 喜 街 1-11號達利國際中心11樓),方 [...]
為 有效。
(2) To be valid, forms of proxy and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power of attorney must be deposited at the head office and principal place of business of the Company
at 11th Floor, High Fashion Centre, 1–11
[...] Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, [...]
Hong Kong not less than 48 hours before
the time appointed for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
阿兰藤黄为热带森林常见之树木,主要以其 荚 提 炼 的油深受农产品加工业和美容业等的青睐。
The oil from
[...] Allanblackia pods, a tree common [...]
to tropical forests, is used in the food and cosmetics industries.
[...] 豆类(例如羽扇豆和豌豆)、榨油种子粉(油菜籽粉、棉花籽粉 葵 花 ) 以及来 自其他谷物产品的蛋白(例如小麦、稻米和大麦)。
Other plant proteins that are being increasingly used include corn products (e.g. corn gluten meal), pulses (e.g. lupins
and peas), oilseed meals (rapeseed meal,
[...] cottonseed and sunflower), and protein [...]
from other cereal products (e.g. wheat, rice and barley).
(3) 根據香港特別行政區荃葵青地政處於 2007 年 3 月 21 日簽發的不反對通知書(註冊摘要號碼﹕07032802020015), A 座地下 G01 號單位可於現有大廈存在期間用於非住宅用途(酒店、加油站及安老院除外)。
(3) According to the No Objection Letter dated 21 March 2007 issued by The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by the District Lands Office / Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing registered vide Memorial No.07032802020015, Unit G01 on Ground Floor of Tower A may be used for non-residential purposes (excluding hotel, petrol filling station and residential care home) for the lifetime of the existing building.
(c) 政府會否考慮再諮葵青區議員 政府會否考慮再諮葵青區議員 政府會否考慮再諮葵青區議員 政府會否考慮再諮葵青區議員、分區委員會 、分區委員會 、分區委員會 、分區委員會、互助委員會及該區的立法局議 、互助委員會及該區的立法局議 、互助委員會及該區的立法局議 、互助委員會及該區的立法局議 員有關青衣北機場鐵路站防止噪音設施?
(c) whether the Government will consider further consulting members of the Kwai Tsing District Board, Area Committees and Mutual Aid Committees and the Legislative [...]
Council Member of the district concerned
about the noise prevention facilities at the Tsing Yi North airport railway station?
無論 閣下能否出席股東特別大會,務請將隨附之代表委任表格按其上印備之
[...] 指示填妥,並盡早交回本公司(地址為香港新 葵 涌 葵 喜 街1-11號達利國際中心 11樓),無論如何最遲須於大會指定舉行時間48小時前送達。
Whether or not you are able to attend the SGM, please complete and return the enclosed form of proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon and return it to the
Company at 11th Floor, High Fashion
[...] Centre, 1–11 Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, [...]
Hong Kong as soon as possible
and in any event not later than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding such meeting.
Essential Oils
[...] of Rosemary, Geranium, Mint: fragrance [...]
and promote a feeling of well-being, tone and energize.
2004 年 下半年,在执行秋季届 会之后,还将举行一轮多国磋商,并寻求具有更大的参与性,包括 [...]
教科文组织全国委员会和各国利益相关单位的参与,确定多国层面的优先需求,以供写进 33 C/5 文件。
The organization of a further round of cluster consultations later in
[...] 2004, following the autumn session of the Executive [...]
Board, will seek to introduce a
more participatory process, including the involvement of National Commissions and stakeholders at the national level, in the identification of priority needs at the cluster level, proposed to be included in document 33 C/5.
比较理想的是,在这 种情形下,原则上所规定的临时预算最高限额方面的早期(第一 秋 季 ) 协议对于执行局和 总干事的工作不仅令人满意而且极其有效,同时,从后勤和财政的观点看,具有只需单一预 算情形的额外好处,因此可以编制 C/5 号文件。
Ideally, in such a scenario, an early (autumn, year one) agreement in principle on the foreseen provisional budget ceiling would be not only be desirable but extremely useful for the work of both the Executive Board and the Director-General respectively, having the additional advantage from the logistical and financial point of view of requiring only a single budget scenario and therefore the draft C/5 document to be prepared.
它也表明一个赛季2插曲,莫妮卡有一个暗恋他的她吻他作为他回到她的日记和她的 Ĵ - 荚 从 老 师的“没收藏匿”衣柜里的插曲年底,而他也将返回一些其他项目,其他一些学生。
It is also shown in an episode in season 2 that Monica has a crush on him as she kisses him
towards the end of the episode as he returned her
[...] diary and her J-pod from the teacher’s [...]
“Confiscated Stash” closet, while he
also returns some other items back to some other students.
有人举出南太平洋渔管组织通过的临时措施为例, 说明非及时通过或非建立在可靠的科学数据之上的措施,可以导致对物种的过度 开发,如南太平洋宽荚鱼。
The adoption of interim measures in SPRFMO was cited as an example of how measures that were not adopted in a timely manner or on the basis of sound scientific data could lead to the overexploitation of stocks, such as South Pacific jack mackerel.
为 评 估 现 时 香 港 食 物 含 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 水 平 , 这 项 研 究 包 括 含 有 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 主 要 食 物 类 别 , 即 (i) 谷 类 及 谷 类 制 品 ; (ii) 荚 果 、 豆 类 及 其 制 品 ; (iii) 肉 类 、 家 禽 及 其 制 品 ( 包 括 什 脏 ) ; (iv) 朱 古 力 及 可 可 制 品 ; (v) 干 果 ; (vi) 果 汁 饮 品 ; (vii) 咖 啡 和 茶 , 以 及 (viii) 香 料 和 调 味 料 。
To study the prevailing levels of ochratoxin A in the Hong Kong retail market, this study covers major food commodities associated with ochratoxin A contamination including (i) cereals and cereal products, (ii) legumes, pulses and products (iii) meat, poultry and products (including offals), (iv) chocolate and cocoa products, (v) dried fruits, (vi) juice drinks, (vii) coffee and tea, and (viii) spices and condiments.
2.5 如欲查詢或要求改正申領表上的個人資料,可以書面向持續進修基金辦事處提出(地址:新 葵 涌 興 芳路 166-174 號葵興政府合署 9 樓 916 室持續進修基金辦事處)。
2.5 Enquiries concerning the personal data provided in the applications and requests for the correction of such data may be made in writing to: Office of the
Continuing Education Fund, Room
[...] 916, 9/F., Kwai Hing Government Offices, 166-174 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories.
苏世民学者项目主任李葵表示 :“建设性合作是未来中美关系的重要基石,我感到非常激动能与陈校长、Schwarzman [...]
Said David Daokui Li, Dean of Schwarzman [...]
Scholars, “Constructive cooperation should be a key cornerstone of Sino-U.S. relations
for the future, and I am very excited to join President Chen, Mr. Schwarzman and the illustrious Advisory Board of Schwarzman Scholars to build a new center for scholarship and international discourse.
灰烬是主要肥料,而 某些种类的果树(洛葵、木 豆和一些豆类品种)和开花植物(万寿菊和波斯菊)则 充当农药,对作物发挥固氮功效。
Ash is the main fertilizing agent, while certain species of fruit plants (hibiscus safderifa, pigeon pea and some species of beans) and flowering plants (marigold and cosmos) act as pesticides, covering crops with nitrogen-fixing qualities.




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