

单词 仙女座大星云

See also:


Andromeda (constellation)

仙女 n

fairies pl

星云 n

nebulae pl

External sources (not reviewed)

Brietta的言论,他们看起来很高兴,礼品 云 计 算 女 王 的 魔杖,回答说,这将是在晚上的第一个 星。
Brietta remarks that they look
[...] happy, and gifts the Cloud Queen with the Wand, who replies that it will be the first star at night.
四年前,我们开始一个发展信仰小团体的三年计划,以 大仙 圣 云仙 堂 为 试点。
Four years ago, we launched a three-year plan to develop small faith communities, with St. Vincent's Parish in Wong Tai Sin as the experimental parish.
欧米星座Star 24毫女表除 尺寸略小外,耀目的外观设计与27毫米表款相同,而其内部搭载的则是性能精准可靠的欧米茄1376石英机芯。
While boasting the dazzling aesthetic appeal of its 27 mm
[...] counterpart, the Constellation Star 24mm is powered by OMEGA’s [...]
calibre 1376, a quartz movement
with incredibly reliable precision.
该项目成功地促使许多当地的合作伙伴参与有关活动,如在中国,有中国社会科学院 (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国女 联 合 会(ACWF)、华东师 大 学 、 云 南 社 会科学院哲学 所、地方当局(大连市政府、金堂县政府(2002 年)、云南迪庆藏族自治州)以及中国教 [...]
The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy
of Social Sciences
[...] (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of [...]
Social Sciences, the
local authorities (Dalian City Government, Jintang Country Government (2002), the Yunnan Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) and Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.
就以公民黨的譚香文議員即將提出選舉呈請的 大仙 區 區 議會 星選 區 為例,對於當天有人堵塞票站內禁止拉票區的通道達 45 分鐘的情況,選 舉管理委員會(“選管會”)在回覆公民黨時亦承認,票站工作人員當時未 能有效控制票站的秩序,並對此表示遺憾。
Regarding the blockage of an access to a no canvassing zone within a polling station on the polling day for up to 45 minutes, even the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) has conceded in its reply to the Civic Party, and expressed regret, that the polling staff have failed to exercise effective crowd control at the polling station at that time.
作为一个恒星爆发后的结果,行星 星云 N GC 5 189位于距离地球约3000光年的南半球的 Mu s c a 星座 ( 在 拉 丁语中是“苍蝇”的意思),这是位于南十字星座附近的一小簇恒星。
The planetary nebula NGC 5189, actually the aftermath of a stellar explosion, lies about 3000 years [...]
away in the Southern Hemisphere constellation Musca (Latin for "fly"), a minor grouping of stars near the Southern Cross.
1999年 3月
[...] 10日,吳靄儀議員向當時的 梁愛詩司長提出不信任議案,理由是梁愛詩司長並沒有公平處理對仙女士作出檢控的決定,大眾難 以信任她可以維護香港的法治制 度。
On 10 March 1999, Dr Margaret NG moved a vote of no confidence in the former Secretary for Justice, Ms Elsie LEUNG, on the ground that she had not made the
decision on
[...] whether or not to prosecute Ms Sally AW Sian in a fair manner, thus making [...]
it difficult for the public to trust that she could
uphold the system of the rule of law in Hong Kong.
软件吸收了超过120.000颗恒星、行星 星座 、 星云 、 不 同星空效果,等等。
The program incorporates more than 120.000
[...] stars, planets, constellations, nebulae, various effects, etc.
舉例 來 說 ,
[...] 在 即 將 清 拆 的 牛頭角 和正在 拆卸的大 仙 東 、 南 、 西 、座 ,長者都被 編 往 一些偏 遠 地 方 的單位 [...]
,政府完全沒 有 理會 長 者 的 感 受 。
For example, elderly residents of the Ngau Tau Kok Estate,
soon to be demolished, and
[...] the North, South, East and West blocks of the Wong Tai Sin Estate, now [...]
under demolition, were all rehoused in remote areas.
1764年5月23日)“星团,在一架普通3英尺 [焦距 ]的望远镜中呈现 星云 形 状 ;但在极好的仪器中,能看到它是 大 量 的 小 [暗 ]恒星组成的;星团附近有颗相当明亮的恒星,被一团非常暗的光晕包围;按照Flamsteed命名法,这是人 座 的 9号 恒星 [人 座 9 ], 是颗7等星:这个星团呈现出拉长的形状,沿东北-西南方向伸长,介于人马的弓和蛇夫的脚之间。
(May 23, 1764) `A cluster which appears in the
[...] shape of a nebula when observed with an ordinary telescope of 3 feet [FL]; but with an excellent instrument one perceives nothing but a large quantity of small [faint] stars; near this cluster is a fairly bright star, surrounded by a very faint glow: this is the ninth star of Sagittarius, of seventh magnitude, according to Flamsteed [9 Sgr]: [...]
this cluster appears
in elongated shape, which extends from North-East to South-West, between the arc of Sagittarius & the foot of Ophiuchus.
Barbie, Raquelle and the fairies go to a clothing [...]
store, where they enter the Flyway (a fairy method of transport), teleporting
to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
该作品描写了丝崎的人们在探寻横 大 海 传入日本的佛舞起源的同时,代代传承表达菩萨 仙女 们 喜 悦之情的佛舞的故事和丝崎的自然风貌。
This film, in addition to tracing the
roots of this hotokemai from over the sea, depicts the nature and the people of
[...] Itosaki who have preserved the dance that expresses the joy of bodhisattvas and tennyo, celestial maidens.
但是美国国家科学基金会的Karl G. Jansky用大天线阵(VLA)望远镜(右图所示)拍下的一张新照片,促使了这个物体得到了新名字:海 星云。
But a new image of it taken by the
[...] National Science Foundation's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) telescope (right), has inspired a new name for the object: the Manatee Nebula.
我曾責備了陳景輝一頓,因為他創作了“80後 ”這個如此容易上口的 名稱,大家好像在星座般, 將這一代的新世代用“80後 ”來概括。
I once blamed CHAN King-fai for coining the very catchy
term of "post-80s", which induces everybody to make generalizations
[...] about this new generation similar to horoscope reading.
另一個登上 YouTube 國際畫面的,便是去年區議會選舉當天,公民黨的 議員譚香文和梁家傑在大仙龍星選 區的投票站門外,被對方的助選團包 圍,逼至牆角,不讓他們離開。
In another scene appearing on the international channel of YouTube, Miss TAM Heung-man and Mr
Alan LEONG of the Civic
[...] Party were seen besieged, pushed to the corner of a wall and prevented from leaving by the electioneering team of their rivals outside a polling station of the Lung Sing constituency [...]
in Wong Tai Sin on
the polling day of last year's District Councils Election.
我們立法會大 樓 頂 部有座 女 神 像 , 大 家 可 見 它 是 矇 着 雙 眼 , 目 的是希 [...]
望 告 訴 公 眾所謂 公平,是要不偏 私 地 對 待每一件 事,我 看 不到警 方 這個關涉這麼多市民的重 要部門 可 會 有 例 外。
At the top of our Legislative Council
[...] Building is the statue of a goddess. We can see that her [...]
eyes are blindfolded, which is intended
to tell the people that by being fair, it means that each and every incident is treated impartially.
今天除了譚志源和陳家強外,保安局局長黎棟國早上到 大仙 雙 鳳 街街市,環境局局長黃 星 亦 到 了牛頭角道寶恩大廈附近和保安道市政大廈參與清潔活動。
Secretary for Security TK Lai and
[...] Secretary for the Environment KS Wong also participated in the campaign this morning, [...]
visiting Sheung
Fung Street Market in Wong Tai Sin and Ngau Tau Kok Road.
东京银座万怡酒店位于东京最繁华的 Showa-Dori 大街,地处世界著名的座地区,附 云 集 了 日本首都的众多购物中心、商务中心、自然和人文景点。
Located in the
[...] world-famous Ginza District on Tokyo's premier Showa-Dori Avenue, the Courtyard by Marriott Tokyo Ginza Hotel is surrounded [...]
by shopping,
commercial, sightseeing and cultural attractions of Japan's capital.
女士,俗 語云 : “ 不進則退” , 如 果 我們滿足於目前現狀 , 為了 滿足自 己 的私欲 來推動社 會 一些不 平 衡 現 象 , 我們便 會 繼 續 消 磨 香港精神, 過 去 香港積 累 的 豐厚資 源 便 會 越 來 越 薄 弱 。
If we are satisfied with the present situation and promote some unbalanced phenomena in society in order to satisfy our selfish desires, we will continue to fritter away the Hong Kong spirit and the rich resources accumulated in the past will be nibbled away gradually.
仙女圈以 规则的图案出现并能持续存在几十年的时间,但这些点缀于纳米比亚沙漠中的神秘且引人注目的环的成因仍然是一个谜。
Fairy circles occur in regular [...]
patterns and can persist for decades, but the cause of these enigmatic and striking rings
that dot the Namibian desert remains a mystery.
这一国际使命使得大利的星座可能 为 2012 年启动的地质灾害超级站点所 用(地球观测组织专门研究有地球物理风险的地区的项目),其每年为针对这些 现象的分析提供宝贵的数据集。
This international vocation made it possible for the Italian constellation to put at the disposal of Geohazard supersites (the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) project dedicated to the study of areas under geophysical risks) an annual set of valuable data for the analysis of these phenomena, starting in 2012.
此次论坛高朋座,嘉宾云集, 其中不乏游戏行业高管和投资机 大 佬 , 包括广州菲音首席执行官黄凯,网龙网络首席财务官胡泽民,当乐董事长兼CEO肖永泉,顽石互动首席执行官吴刚,上海卓亨首席执行官张黄瞩等嘉宾,以及君联资本启明创投、经纬创投、IDG等诸多投资机构代表。
There were plenty of famous investors and CEOs togethered in the forum, including Kai Huang, CEO of Guangzhou Feiyin, Zemin Wu, CFO of NetDragon, Harry Xiao, Chairman and CEO of D.CN, Richard Wu, CEO of Wistone, Huangzhu Zhang, CEO of Shanghai DroidHen, etc. Besides, there were many investors attended as well, like Legend Capital, QiMing Ventures, Matrix Partners China, IDG capital, etc .
欧米茄推出精美雅致星座Star 24毫米和27毫女表, 不仅彰显了品牌对企业社会责任的重视与承诺,同时也为爱表人士提供了一个契机,使其可为慈善事业尽一己之力,协助国际奥比斯组织在世界范围内治疗可防治性失明。
The exquisite and sophisticated Constellation Star 24 mm and 27 mm express [...]
OMEGA’s commitment to social responsibility and
have made it possible for watch enthusiasts to make their own contribution to ORBIS International and its efforts to fight preventable blindness around the world.
[...] 现的会议成果,如重申为非洲国家发展空间技术并开展相关活动、实施非洲资 源管理星星座、与 联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息平台及其设在非洲的 [...]
The Committee noted with satisfaction the various outcomes of the Conference, reflected in the Mombasa Declaration adopted at the Conference, such as the reaffirmation of developing space technologies and related activities for African countries,
implementation of the African Resource
[...] Management satellite constellation, the establishment [...]
of an integrated regional disaster
management system in coordination with the United Nations Platform for Space -based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN -SPIDER) and its regional support offices in Africa, and the call for the accession of African countries to the United Nations treaties on outer space.




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