单词 | 演算 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 演算 noun —algorithm n (almost always used)less common: calculus n 演算 verb —calculate v演算 —perform calculationsExamples:演算法 n—algorithm n 逻辑演算—logical calculation
以下提供的搜尋功能所用演算法的 一些資訊有助於您更好地理解搜尋結果。 seagate.com | To help you better understand the search results, here is some [...] information on the algorithms used by the Search [...]feature. seagate.com |
若要儲存您的演算法, 您需要指定檔案名稱,並且從左側窗格樹狀目錄中選擇資料夾,以指定 [...] 用於儲存該方法的資料夾之路徑。 seagate.com | To save your algorithm, you need to give [...] it a filename and show the path to the folder you want to store it in by selecting [...]the folder from the tree shown in the left pane. seagate.com |
對於其他演算法而 言,則依相關的國際標準,並應包括質數的測 試。 epki.com.tw | As regards other algorithms follow the international [...] standard including prime number testing. epki.com.tw |
對 稱演算法 優點,一定要配合數據保密的要求。 hongkongpost.gov.hk | The strength of [...] the symmetric algorithm should match [...]the requirements for data confidentiality. hongkongpost.gov.hk |
由於使用 RSA 演算法來加密及解密冗長的訊息時,可 能需要很長時間,一種更新、更快的 演算 法 因 此應運而生。 hongkongpost.gov.hk | However the RSA algorithm can be quite time-consuming when encrypting and decrypting large messages and, to improve the performance of [...] the whole process, [...]faster alternatives have been developed. hongkongpost.gov.hk |
(A) 下列的電訊裝備和配件(具備或不具備密碼功能,而該密 碼功能使用密碼匙長度不超過56位元的對 稱 演算法 stc.tid.gov.hk | (A) Telecommunications equipment and accessories [...] (equipped with, or without cryptographic function [...] employing symmetric algorithm with key length [...]of 56 bits or less) as follows stc.tid.gov.hk |
本系統運用不同之資訊技術與演算方 式,將不同平台之行動網路元件整合於單一 系統架構下,透過系統提供之介面,完成手機局端之資源開通、資源異動、簡訊 [...] 服務、地理位置資訊等等多樣性服務。 chttl.com.tw | This system uses different information [...] technologies and performing algorithms, combine the mobile [...]network components of different [...]platforms under the single systematic structure, through the interface that the system offered, such variety services as the resources activator, resource fluctuation, message service, position service, and so on. chttl.com.tw |
Process Touch包括流量管理的软件演算法和 一个工艺流程的数据库模型。 foss.cn | Process Touch [...] includes software algorithms for flow administration [...]and a database model of the process flow. foss.nl |
利用快速又穩定的演算法找 出局部鍍膜瑕疵 (深色或亮色的片狀) 以及污點和不均勻之處。 gpsolar.de | Fast and stable algorithms look for local [...] coating defects (dark or bright flakes) as well as stains and inhomogeneities. gpsolar.de |
結合與儀器一起開發並擁 有專利之演算及數 據處理技術結構,GMW 感應器將提供更完備之天氣預測(對龍捲 風、颶風及颱風等惡劣天氣之預測尤其出色)及用於建立氣候模型的數據。 asiasat.com | Together with the proprietary algorithms and data processing [...] architecture which have been developed with the instrument, [...]the GMW Sensor will provide greatly improved weather forecasting (and in particular for severe weather such as tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons) and data for climate modeling. asiasat.com |
z 導航:利用打點方式紀錄您的路徑,經由特 殊 演算 法 標示並儲存您的軌跡點,及搜尋特 定位置。 globalsat.com.tw | Tracking your route as crumb method; marking and saving your tracking points [...] by a special algorithm; finding specified [...]locations. globalsat.com.tw |
該系列器件還加入了一個硬件加密引擎,帶有先進加 密 演算 法 (A ES)、三重資料加密標準(3DES)和安全雜 湊 演算 法 (Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA)支援,用於加密/解密數據或通訊,同時使用一個真亂數據發生器(TRNG)生成多樣化的獨特密匙。 ipress.com.hk | The series also includes a hardware encryption engine with Advanced Encryption [...] Standard (AES), Triple Data [...] Encryption Standard (3DES) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) support to encrypt/decrypt data or communications [...]while a [...]true random number generator (TRNG) can be used to generate or diversify unique keys. ipress.com.hk |
經由實驗測試 過程可知本演算法在 無使用者介入情況下,根據影像間的色彩特徵值差異,有效 [...] 評估色彩轉換的程度,調整成最適合的色彩資訊,產生出適合的結果影像序列。 chttl.com.tw | From experimental [...] results, the proposed algorithm can automatically [...]and effectively produce the suitable color information [...]and images sequence by the attributes differences between image colors. chttl.com.tw |
(2) 董事可藉電話會議方式或所有參與會議人士能夠同時及即時彼此互通訊息之其他通 [...] 訊設備參與任何董事會會議,就計 演算 法 定 人數而言,以上述方式參與應構成出席會 [...]議,猶如該等參與人親身出席。 clh.com.hk | (2) Directors may participate in any meeting of the Board by means of a conference telephone, electronic or other communications equipment through which all persons participating in the meeting can communicate with each other [...] simultaneously and instantaneously and, for [...] the purpose of counting a quorum, such [...]participation shall constitute presence [...]at a meeting as if those participating were present in person. clh.com.hk |
高速計數器是以中斷方式處理,與 演算 週 期 時間無關。 liyanplc.com | ♦ High Speed Counter operated by the principle of interrupt; this means they are event triggered and independent of cycle time. liyanplc.com |
用戶金鑰可於IC卡內部或其他軟硬體密碼模組產生 R S A 演算 法中 所需的質數,但不保證該質數為強質數。 epki.com.tw | Subscriber key can generate the prime number inside the IC card or other [...] software/hardware cryptographic module [...] required by RSA algorithm but does not [...]ensure the prime number is a strong prime. epki.com.tw |
并且即使你在华盛顿州或中国小村庄里没 有 演算 老 师 ,如果没有老师可以教 你 演算 , 你可以使用互联网的力量,在世界各地上这些课程。 embassyusa.cn | And even if you don’t have a calculus teacher, a teacher in your small village in the State of Washington or in China, if you don’t have a teacher who can teach you calculus, use the power of the internet to take those courses all around the world. eng.embassyusa.cn |
SmartTxt 是精密的演算法,能夠增強應用程式的文字閱讀效果,例如通常更需要焦點及集中的 [...] PDF 文件或電子書。 philips.com.hk | SmartTxt is a sophisticated algorithm that enhances [...] reading of text based application such as PDF documents or ebooks which [...]usually requires more focus and concentration. philips.com.hk |
某些建模软件使用较旧的 NURBS 估计演算法,该演算法需要额外的两个节点值,总数为 ( 阶数 + N + 1 ) 个节点。 rhinoceros.helpmax.net | Some modelers that use older algorithms for NURBS evaluation require two extra knot values for a total of degree+N+1 knots. rhinoceros.helpmax.net |
物業回報所用計算模型與公司債券類似,即無風險債券回報加風險溢價,再加代表剩餘價值轉變及租金選擇 權價值轉變的演算法。 prudential.co.uk | Property returns are modelled in a similar fashion to corporate bonds, namely as the return on a risk-free bond, plus a risk premium, plus a process representative of the change in residual values and the change in value of the call option on rents. prudential.co.uk |
我們的專業知識領域包括精算、巨災管理、模 型 演算 以 及 評等諮詢。 aon.com | Areas of [...] expertise include actuarial, catastrophe [...]management and modelling and rating agency counsel. aon.com |
IVP得到眾多第三方應用開發商的支援,將領先的圖像應用移植到IVP平臺,包括創新的多幀圖像捕捉、視頻預處理和後處 理 演算 法 , 以及不斷發展的新技術,如視頻穩定、高動態範圍(HDR)成像、高動態範圍視頻、人臉識別與跟蹤、低照度圖像增強、數碼變焦和手勢識別等。 electronictechnology.com.hk | IVP is supported by a network of third-party application developers who are actively porting leading-edge image applications to the IVP platform including innovative multi-frame image [...] capture and video pre- and [...] post-processing algorithms, as well as established, yet evolving, technologies [...]such as video stabilization, [...]high dynamic range (HDR) image, video HDR, object and face recognition and tracking, low-light image enhancement, digital zoom and gesture recognition. electronictechnology.com.hk |
借助演算法, 产生了无穷无尽的形态模拟,当观众抓住地铁把手时,这些人物就瘫倒在地。 shanghaibiennale.org | This is conjoined with an algorithm that causes an [...] infinite variety in the ways the physical simulation makes these figures [...]fall to the ground whenever the viewer grasps the subway handle and triggers their collapse. shanghaibiennale.org |
ADI電源管理產品行銷經理Brian Wengreen表示,”ADP 1649以及ADP [...] 1660不僅具有業界最低的Rds(on)功率FET以提高效率與減少輸入電流,同時還具有其它的特殊功能,例如像是能夠在低電量狀況下自動調整閃光電流 的 演算 法 則。 analog.com | The ADP1649 and ADP1660 not only have the industry’s lowest Rds(on) power FETs, which boosts efficiency and reduces [...] input current, they also have special [...] features, for example algorithms that adjust flash [...]current autonomously during low battery conditions. analog.com |
實驗結果顯示,本論文提出的二維模擬退火波段選取方法有不錯的效率,並 且能夠作為現今特徵抽取演算法中 的另一種選擇。 csprs.org.tw | The experimental results show [...] that the proposed 2DSABS approach is effective and can be used as an alternative to the existing feature extraction algorithms. csprs.org.tw |
DEM 最初發展之目的在分析不連續岩石 塊體行為,著重於剛體運動及不連續體介面之處理,四十餘年的 發展使得 DEM 已經被廣泛應用於各種工程領域,故能提供豐富 的元件或材料動態互制演算法以 補強平台在離散力學方面的能 力。 ncree.org | The purposes of the platform will cover structural collapse and impact analysis of fluids on solids (such as the effects of flood, tsunami, and debris flow on structures) in the near future. ncree.org |
正常而言,在天空無遮蔽物的狀況下,GPS的準確度大約是每秒3~10公尺,就算 是3D定位的狀況下也是如此;因此GPS的數據有時候會因為訊號不穩而變的不可 靠,現今有一些GPS產品已內建校正 演算 法 及 輔助方式去加強GPS的接收效能, 以達到最佳的狀態。 globalsat.com.tw | Nowadays, the GPS consumer product has built in adjust algorithm and assisted method to extend capability of GPS. globalsat.com.tw |
計算選擇權及保證價值(例如有關負債與資產的波幅及相互關係或動 態 演算 ) 所 需的假設已設為等同於最佳估計,並在重要及可行的 [...] 情況下反映假設與或然變數的動態關係。 prudential.co.uk | Assumptions required in the calculation of the value of options and guarantees, for [...] example relating to volatilities and [...] correlations, or dynamic algorithms linking liabilities [...]to assets, have been set equal to [...]the best estimates and, wherever material and practical, reflect any dynamic relationships between the assumptions and the stochastic variables. prudential.co.uk |
射出機的電子控制電路有電源、輸入輸出電路和比壓比流電路,其中壓力和流量電路可使用台達DVP04DA-SL類比輸出模組,經PLC比率運算指令DSCLP指 令 演算 之 後 ,其高解析數值0 ~ 32,000可轉化為0 ~ 10V的類比訊號,對應於射出機的流量與質量單位 的 演算 , 以 調整射出機之油壓缸運動速度與壓力。 delta.com.tw | The electric control circuit in an injection molding machine contains power supply, I/O circuit and potential/current transformer, in which the pressure and flow amount circuit pass Delta DVP04DA-SL analog output module. Through the proportional operation by DSCLP instruction in the PLC, its high-resolution value 0 ~ 32,000 can be converted to 0 ~ [...] 10V analog signal, corresponding to the calculation of flow amount and mass from the injection molding machine, to adjust the motion speed and pressure of the hydraulic cylinder in the injection molding machine. [...] delta.com.tw |
全新設計的演算程式 可控制油軌壓力、噴射容量和次數,使柴油引擎典型的燃燒特性幾乎完全消失:V8 [...] 引擎可和諧運轉、低振動且沒有柴油車慣有的擾人背景噪音。 pap.porsche.com | Completely new algorithms were developed to control [...] rail pressure, injection volumes and times – with the result that diesel-typical [...]combustion characteristics have practically disappeared altogether: The V8 runs harmoniously with low vibration and without any annoying diesel-like background noise. pap.porsche.com |