

单词 杀虎斩蛟

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External sources (not reviewed)

會否對政府資源有影響 y
[...] 倡議者建議政府應進行污水收集系統工 程,提升蛟騰一帶的供水系統。
The proponent suggests that Government should implement a sewerage scheme and upgrade the water supply
[...] system of the Wu Kau Tang area.
整个整个家庭被冷血 的犹太复国主义部斩尽杀绝,妇孺和其他平民一道 成为蓄意进攻的目标和遭到屠杀。
Whole families are being eliminated in cold blood by the Zionist forces, and women and children, along with other civilians, are being deliberately targeted and massacred.
未能肯定倡議者屬意的排污方案與 政府為蛟騰提供的污水渠計劃╱安排 是否配合。
It is uncertain whether the preferred option for sewage disposal is compatible with the government’s plan/schedule to
[...] provide sewerage to Wu Kau Tang.
将气缸 (1) 放到 旁边带软钳夹虎钳中
Place cylinder (1)
[...] sideways in a vise with soft jaws.
在其关于共有问题的报告中,行预咨委会就 虎 小 组 的利用问题提 出了详尽的评论和建议(见 [...]
A/64/660,第 41-42 段)。
The Committee provided detailed comments and
[...] recommendations on the use of tiger teams in its report [...]
on cross-cutting issues (see A/64/660, paras. 41-42).
墨西哥记者玛利亚·伊丽莎白·马西亚斯·卡斯特罗遇害就是 一个典型的例子,人们在新拉雷多市附近发现了她 斩 首 的 尸身,同时发现了一 张纸条,上面写着她杀是因 为在社会媒体网站上报道新闻。
The killing of Mexican reporter,
Maria Elizabeth Marcias
[...] Castro, whose decapitated body was found near the city of Nuevo Laredo, along with a note saying she had been killed for reporting news [...]
on social media websites, is a case in point.
周兴和来俊臣都没有得到好下场;周兴被仇 杀 于 流 放途中,来俊臣后来失宠 斩 , 斩 首 那 天,洛阳城的老百姓倾城而出,都来看热闹。
Neither Zhou Xing nor Lai Jun Cheng came to
good end; the former
[...] was assassinated by his enemy in exile, while the latter was killed by angry civilians [...]
after he lost the favor of Wu Ze Tian.
2008 年 9 月为世界粮食计划署工作的一名索马里司机据报 杀 害 和 斩 首。
The reported killing and beheading of a Somali [...]
driver working for the World Food Programme in September 2008.
虽然这种现象一直存在,但是近年来店铺租金涨幅过大,工业厂房租售价格上扬,房地产基金REIT推波助涨的手法,都成为中小企业成长的“拦 虎 ” , 扼 杀 他 们 生存的“杀手锏”。
Although this has always been the case, increase in recent shop rentals have been huge, rentals and prices of industrial space have likewise increased, REITS have driven up commercial rentals, and these have all become the bugbear of the SMEs with a grave impact on their ultimate survival.
这位来自于委內瑞拉的海蛟龙, 屢次打破以不携带氧气配备的自由潜水成绩,成为Oris品牌中耀眼的冠军。
The free-diver from Venezuela, who regularly breaks records for apnea free-diving without oxygen equipment, becomes a champion of the Oris brand.
這位來自委內瑞拉的水蛟龍,亦是Oris的腕表夥伴,在同一重量級數中完成了103米和103 點的高分。
The Venezuelan free-diver and watch partner of Oris finished third with 103m and 103 points in the constant weight class.
就公私營界別合 作的試驗計劃,政府於 2005 年 6
[...] 月收到很多申請,分別建議在沙螺洞、沙 田的梅子林、船灣的蛟騰、 大嶼山的大蠔等地進行公私營合作計劃,但時 [...]
至今天已經是 2007 年 10 月,還是不動聲色的。
As for the trial schemes involving co-operation between the public and private sectors, the Government received in June 2005 a number of applications
proposing the implementation of co-operation
[...] schemes in Sha Lo Tung, Mui Tsz Lam in [...]
Sha Tin, Wu Kau Tang in Plover Cove, and Tai Ho on Lantau.
12GB 號工程計劃的範圍包括沿現有由西( 白鶴洲) 至東( 沙頭角) 的 邊界巡邏通路( 全長約 21.7 公里) 南緣興建輔助邊界圍網,以及在落馬 洲河套及蠔殼圍、虎山和 蓮麻坑村和 虎 山 沿 深圳河岸興建主圍網 和邊界巡邏通路的新段( 全長約 9.6 公里) 。
The scope of 12GB is to construct an SBF along the southern edge of the existing BPR (approximately 21.7 kilometres) from Pak Hok Chau in the west to Sha Tau Kok in the east, and to construct new sections of the PBF and the BPR (approximately 9.6 kilometres in total) along Shenzhen River near Lok Ma Chau Loop and Hoo Hok Wai, Pak Fu Shan and Lin Ma Hang.
我们提供各种规格和配置的固定式和移动式搅拌机,采用水平或垂 蛟 龙 系 统。
We offer stationary and mobile mixers in various sizes and configurations, with horizontal or vertical auger systems.
尼加拉瓜 拒绝接受这场侵略行径,并最强烈地谴责占领国以色 列在巴勒斯坦被占领土内斩尽杀绝 的 做法。
Nicaragua rejects that aggression and condemns in the strongest terms the extermination practiced by Israel, the occupying Power, in the occupied Palestinian territories.
经由八组国家代表队经历淘汰赛后,,AMOTEL 一路过斩将成为SFWC的冠军获得美金10,000元及取得前往参加十二月三号在韩国举行的2011年WCG比赛。
With 8 International representatives battling to edge each other out, AMOTEL survived to the last moment and proclaimed that title as SFWC Winner 2011, with sweet prize cash USD $10,000 and began their last journey to WCG 2011 at South Korea, on December 3rd 2011.
ARMADA1500 SoC平台(88DE3100)最斩获备 受尊敬的美国商业大奖中的两项—— [...]
The ARMADA 1500 SoC platform
[...] (88DE3100) recently received two esteemed American [...]
Business Awards in the “Best New Hardware
Product or Service” and “Favorite Hardware People’s Choice” categories.
根據世 界 自然(香港 )基金
[...] 會的資 料 顯示,單在蛟騰 風 水 林 便 找 到 164 [...]
種 樹 木 , 當 中 逾 10 種 屬 稀 有 品 種;此外, 該 處 也 是 逾 30 種 蜻蜓及 逾 50 種 蝴蝶的家園 。
According to the information of
World Wild Fund Hong Kong, in the "fung shui"
[...] woods of Wu Kau Tang alone, there [...]
are already 164 species of trees, 10 of which are rare species.
The bottom auger has a special cutting device that efficiently cuts an even and homogenous ration.
現在正值這位海蛟龍的 體能顛峰期,而他對打破dynamic Pan American的紀錄亦興致勃勃。
Now in peak physical fitness, he will attempt to beat the dynamic Pan American record with flippers.
其它演习见, 《军事时评:解放军应淡定的加强实战演习》,《人民日 报》,2010 年
[...] 9 月 26 日;《“南海舰队组织蛟龙—— 2010 实兵实弹演习》,新浪军事新闻,2010 [...]
年 11 月 4 日;《南海舰队演习击中目标仍不合格 原因让官兵信
服》,《解放军日报》,2010 年 12 月 22 日。
For other exercises, see “军事时评: 解放军应淡定的加强实战演习” [“Military commentary: PLA should calmly strengthen combat exercises”], People’s Daily, 26 September 2010;
“南海舰队组织”蛟龙—2010 实兵实弹演习” [“South Sea Fleet
[...] organises the Jiaolong 2010 live fire [...]
exercises”], Sina Military News, 4 November 2010;
“南海舰队演习击中目标仍不合格 原因让官兵信服” [“South Sea Fleet exercises show target-interception rate not up to standards; officers and soldiers convinced”], PLA Daily, 22 December 2010.
实验结果表明,艾虎对三种猎物的搜寻时间和搜寻频次基本一致,在搜寻猎物的过程中并非已知洞道系统中所存在的食物信息,是一种机会主义的捕食者;艾虎除了具有典型鼬科动物捕杀猎物的方法外,能够根据猎物的大小、活动性和反捕食能力采用不同的捕杀方法,在捕杀猎物的过程中首先捕杀高原鼢鼠,其致死部位全部为头部,其次捕杀高原鼠兔,其致死部位除了头部外,明显增加了颈部的比例,最后捕杀根田鼠,其致死部位主要是头部和胸部; 虎 在 捕 杀 猎 物 的过程中,追击根田鼠的时间最多,追击鼢鼠的时间最少,而用于捕杀根田鼠的时间最少,用于捕杀鼢鼠的时间最多, 虎 捕 杀 高 原 鼠兔后单位时间内获得的能量值最大,其次为捕杀高原鼢鼠,而捕杀根田鼠后单位时间内活动的能量值最小。
The zokor was bitten on the head, whereas the pika was killed by bites to the head or throat and the root vole was killed by bites to the head or chest.
(71) 烏蛟騰村農業貸款有限責任合作社。
(71) The Wu Kau Tang Village Agricultural [...]
Credit Co-operative Society, Limited.
鑒於虎個案,私隱專員公署建議政府當局 檢討應否將IP地址視為《私隱條例》所界定的"個人資料";考慮 [...]
應否以《私隱條例》規管香港的資料使用者在香港以外地方收 集及使用個人資料;以及就《私隱條例》中豁免條文(即第58條 ) 所訂"罪行"的定義諮詢公眾。
In light of the Yahoo case, PCPD had suggested [...]
to the Administration to review whether IP address should be regarded as
"personal data" within the definition of PD(P)O and to consider whether the collection and use of personal data outside Hong Kong by a data user in Hong Kong should be regulated by PD(P)O; as well as to consult the public on the definition of "crime" under the exemption provision of PD(P)O (i.e. section 58).
公私伙伴 关系在联盟工作中发挥日益重要的作用,是制订有全球影响力的具体项目的基 础,例如与思科、卡洛斯特·古尔本金安基金会和若干其他伙伴发起的“对话咖 啡馆”;世界文化间创新机制,与宝马集团一起设立的世界促进创新设施,帮助
发现和推广在不同文化之间搭桥的最有创新性的基层举措;不同文明联盟暑期学 校;与威望迪公司共同设立的联合工作队,以确定不同文化间对话和文化多样性
[...] 的影响;“为多样性和包容做一件事”运动,这一运动是与硅谷最大公司中的 20 家公司(雅虎、In tuit、英特尔和其他公司等)合作开展的。
They form the basis for the development of concrete projects with a global dimension, such as the “Dialogue Café” with Cisco, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and a number of other partners; the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation with the BMW Group to help identify and replicate the most innovative grass-roots initiatives for cross-cultural bridge-building; the Alliance of Civilizations summer schools; a joint task force with Vivendi on measuring the impact of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity; and the “Do one thing for diversity and inclusion”
campaign made possible through a partnership with 20 of the largest firms in
[...] Silicon Valley (Yahoo, Intuit, Intel [...]
and others).
保障回返的权利就等斩钉截 铁地否认 通过种族清洗和教派暴力获取的利益,为背井离 乡者也讨回一些公道,从而消除可能导致未来对 峙和冲突现象的一个隐患”(S/2007/643,第 55 段)。
ensuring the right to return constitutes a categorical rejection of the gains of ethnic cleansing ... and offers some measure of justice to those displaced from their homes and land, thereby removing a source of possible future tension and conflict” ( S/2007/643, para. 55).
申 請者建 議 加 強 保 育 的地點
分別位於拉姆薩爾 濕 地 內 的 土 地,拉姆薩爾 濕 地 以 外 的 后 海 灣 濕 地 、
[...] 沙 羅 洞 、 大 蠔 、蛟騰 、 茅 坪 和 梅 子 林 [...]
、 鳳 園 及 塱 原 , 還 有 榕樹澳 , 所 涉 及的保 育 土 地 面積超 過 500 公 頃 。
The applicants' proposed sites for enhanced conservation include land within Ramsar Site, Deep Bay
Wetland outside Ramsar Site, Sha Lo Tung,
[...] Tai Ho, Wu Kau Tang, Mau Ping and [...]
Mui Tsz Lam, Fung Yuen and Long Valley, as
well as Yung Shue O. The area of the conservation sites involved exceeds 500 hectares.




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