

单词 涌现

External sources (not reviewed)

人与生物圈计划将人类视为生物问题的核心所在,始终将不 涌现 的环 境、科学和社会问题作为研究对象。
By placing human beings in the centre of ecological issues, MAB
[...] constantly keeps pace with emerging environmental, [...]
scientific and societal issues.
委员会自认为只描述了涌现出的 反政府武装团体及其活动的一 部分。
The commission assumes to have described only part of the spectrum of anti-Government armed groups that have emerged and their activities.
[...] 型组织所赞助的宗教讨论会从多个方面为以下描述的 小型暴力组织涌现打下了基础。
In many ways the religious discussions they sponsor have laid the
[...] groundwork for the emergence of small violent [...]
groups described below.
为确保教科文组织的工作发挥更大的全球影响,特别重视增强社会科学研究与政策制定的 联系,以便反映不涌现的种 族和社会挑战以及教科文组织理事机构通过的战略,并促使各级决 策者慎重加以考虑。
To ensure greater impact of UNESCO’s work globally, special emphasis was placed on enhancing the link between social science
research and
[...] policy-making so that emerging ethical and social challenges and the strategies adopted by UNESCO’s governing bodies could be reflected upon [...]
and duly taken into
account by policy-makers at all levels.
在这种有利的情况下,裁军谈判会议应不会辜负自2009 年工作计划通过以 来涌现的各种期望。
In this hopeful context, the Conference on Disarmament cannot unduly disappoint the hopes that have been raised since the adoption of its 2009 programme of work.
大规模和高标准的区域贸易协定不 涌现 , 例 如跨 太平洋伙伴关系协定,就有可能转变为亚太自由贸易区,其中包括亚太经济合作 [...]
组织(亚佩克)成员;欧洲联盟和美国提出的 2014 年跨大西洋协定;中国、大韩 民国和日本三方之间的自由贸易区等等,方框 5 均有概述。
Large-scale and high standard regional
[...] trade agreements are emerging, such as a trans-Pacific [...]
partnership agreement, which might
turn into a Free Trade Area of Asia-Pacific across the members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), a transatlantic agreement between the European Union and the United States proposed for 2014, and a tripartite free trade area among China, the Republic of Korea and Japan, as outlined in box 5.
过去的十年中,创新前景不断发生着变化:经济的快速增长使新的创新 资源不涌现——尤其在亚洲——同时,创新模式也越来越开放、国际化,对知识市场的依赖性也在 逐渐增强。
Over the past decade, the innovation landscape has
[...] continuously changed: driven by fast economic growth, new sources of innovation have emerged – especially [...]
in Asia – and innovation
models are becoming increasingly open, international, and reliant on markets for knowledge.
实际上,在提供标签内容和信息的大量活动中都存在着挑战 —
[...] 包括市场推广、产品规格、图片印刷、成分标签编印、合规性、条形码编印和品牌推广 — 这些都会在包装设计和开发期涌现。
In reality, the challenge exists in the numerous activities that provide label content and information—including marketing promotions, product specifications, artwork,
ingredients labeling, compliance, bar-coding and
[...] branding—which all come together during [...]
package design and development.
据此,在过去几年涌现了一 系列区 域和次区域合作框架,其中包括南盟灾害管 理综合框架、东盟灾害管理和紧急反应协 定、以及太平洋减少灾害风险和灾害管理行 动框架。
Accordingly, a number of regional and subregional frameworks for cooperation have emerged over the past few years, including the SAARC Comprehensive Framework on Disaster Management, the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) and the Pacific Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management Framework for Action (RFA).
目前在中国、南亚、非洲,一些实际的运动已经迅速、深入、带着转变的大 涌现 出 来
Actual movements have emerged in China, South Asia and Africa that are rapid, deep, and transformational.
然而,随着先进科技和现代材质大 涌现 , 机 械机芯式手表的生产方式发生了重大变化。
But, the development of greater
[...] technology and modern materials has [...]
changed the way mechanical movement watches are manufactured.
近年来,西方乃至世界各涌现出了 诸多的当代艺术博物馆,这些博物馆的数量正在稳定地增长。
A tourist traveling to a bigger city expects to find there a museum of contemporary art as he or she expects to find there an Italian restaurant or a concert hall.
涌现的全 球紧凑型电子设备的需求带动输力强的测量探头需求的增加。
Surging global demand for compact electronic devices led to an increasing demand for Solartron Metrology gauging probes.
许多研究已经得出结论,决定技术转让成功的最明显的单项因素就是本土技术能 力是否能早涌现。
Many studies have concluded the most distinctive single factor determining the success of technology transfer is the early emergence of an indigenous technological capacity.5 But developing countries vary widely in the quality and capacity of their scientific and technical infrastructures.
服务及网络设备提供商必须继续致力于创新,以便在移动用户的大 涌现 及 全方位的云服务出现的情况下, 通过新的商业模式来驱动业绩持续增长,。
Service and network providers must
continue to innovate to
[...] accommodate a surge of mobile users and the emergence of all-encompassing [...]
cloud services via new
business models that are driving significant revenue.
洛杉矶时报》记者大卫·皮尔森(David Pierson)曾写道:“中国房地产的繁荣促成了高档盥洗市场的牛市”,“虽然大多数人对那种不到20美元的西方风格的马桶很满意,但是还是有越来越多的名 涌现 出 来
David Pierson wrote in the LA Times on October 21, 2010, “China’s housing boom has unleashed a bull market in fancy plumbing” and “although many are satisfied with Western-style toilets that often cost no more than $20 here, pricier name brands are gaining traction.
电信领域突涌现出大 量新闻,新的迹象表明3G和4G空间的后来者中国移动(HKEx: [...]
941; NYSE: CHL)和中国联通(HKEx: 768; NYSE: CHU)变得越来越积极。
There’s a sudden mini-flood of news coming [...]
out of the telco space, with new signs that laggards China Mobile (HKEx: 941;
NYSE: CHL) and China Unicom (HKEx: 768; NYSE: CHU) are becoming a bit more aggressive in the important 3G and 4G spaces.
此外,贸发会议就 优惠效果、区域贸易协定大涌现造 成 的优惠流失以及北南双边自由贸易协定的 贸易分流效果开展了研究和分析。
Furthermore, it has conducted research and analysis on the effects of preferences and preference erosion due to proliferation of regional trade agreements and on the trade diverting effects of North-South bilateral free trade agreements.
汉斯格雅经典系列展现了在19世纪到20世纪新旧 交替阶涌现出来的各种富有现代感的经典设计元素。
Hansgrohe Classic reflects modern classic design [...]
elements from the turn of the 19th to the 20th century.
通过八年的不断发展,参与艾默生杯的在校学生数量不断增加,优秀作品不 涌现 , 艾默生杯这一广阔平台为培养未来行业人才以及促进院校相关专业的发展起到了良好的激励作用。
With growing participation in the past eight years, the Emerson Cup has experienced an increasing number of college students with excellent design and outstanding innovation. The Cup has created a platform to fostering industry talents for the future, promoting and incentivizing the growth of academic studies in the HVAC-related fields.
自2004年底流媒体平台建成以来,(原)北京网通本地IP网络经历了几次大的调整与改造,使得依托于其上的CDN网络就近选择状况发生很大变化,对流媒体业务的分发质量产生了很大的影响,因此迫切需要CDN网络随之进行适应性调整与改造;其次,在宽带接入用户数量迅猛增长的背景下,流媒体业务随之迅速发展,特别是直播业务的大量开展和新业务的不 涌现 , 流 媒体系统对直播业务的支撑能力表现不足,对新业务的支持能力灵活性不够;流媒体业务发展带来了业务种类的激增,对于业务管理及管理自动化提出了更高的要求,使得系统管理功能需要进一步优化与增强;另外,为配合集团SCDN网的部署,需要进一步发展完善流媒体平台中心节点。
Since the streaming media platform was established at the end of 2004, the local IP network of former China Netcom Beijing has undergone several big adjustments and upgrading, to make CDN network relying on it change a lot for near selection conditions, greatly affecting distribution quality of streaming media services, thus it is urgently required to carry out adaptability adjustment and reconstruction for CDN network.
在这一时期涌现出来的 两个主要增长引擎为中国和印度;前者在全球国内生产总值中的份额 已从 5%增至 17%,后者则从 3%增至 7%。
The two principal growth engines over this period were China, whose share in global GDP increased from 5 per cent to 17 per cent, and India, whose share increased from 3 per cent to 7 per cent.
此外,在 库尔德斯坦民主党和库尔德斯坦爱国联盟冲突期间失踪人员的问题 涌现 出 来 , 因为受害者家属已正式向库尔德斯坦地区议会人权委员会投诉。
In addition, the issue of persons who disappeared during the conflict between the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan has resurfaced, as the families of victims have formally filed complaints with the Human Rights Committee of the Kurdistan Regional Parliament.
国际不法行为通常是一个以上国家的合作的结果,鲜有一国的单独行动的情 况,在所谓的“全球反恐战争” 涌现 的 秘 密拘留做法更是如此,国际法下的国 家责任的一般原则确定不法行为中国家共谋的违法程度。
Recognizing that internationally wrongful conduct is often the result of the collaboration of more than one State, rather than one State acting alone - particularly found to be the case in the phenomenon of secret detention practices of the so called “global war on terror” - the general principles of State responsibility under international law establish the unlawfulness of the complicity of States in wrongful acts.41 In particular, a State that aids or assists another State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act is internationally responsible if it does so knowing the circumstances and if the act would have been wrongful if it had been committed by the assisting State.
请注意,FCS Express已经适应了它们的图像分析软件,这一类型数据不 涌现 , 因 此如果一个人要从尖端仪器上生成数据,必须留心,需匹配软件的数据类型。
Note that FCS Express has adapted their software for imaging cytometry, and so the types of data are proliferating so if one is generating data from a cutting-edge instrument, care must be taken to match the software to the data type.
从早在审查展开之前就开涌现的大 量来往信件来看,该系统显然在许多方 面需要改进:对工作人员姓名的管理和更新,以及与人力资源信息系统的联系; 更方便工作人员管理并具有逻辑核对功能的格式,可避免很多错误和遗漏数据的 可能性;按员额和工作地点自动发出提示通知和对已申报者进行分析。
Based on the considerable volume of correspondence, even before initiating the review, it is clear that the system requires improvement in a number of areas: the managing and updating of the names of staff and linkages with the human resources information system; formats for staff that are easier to manage and which have logical checks, avoiding many errors and the possibility of omitted data; and automated reminders and analysis of those who have filed by post and duty station.
且回顾2000年后如潮水般大涌现的男 子/女子组合。跟随着社会主流审美观,于 是 造 就 了 一 大 班 打 着 可 爱 旗 号 的 男 子 / 女 子组合,朗朗上口的卡拉OK曲调(或更甚 以 前 ) 其 销 量 通 常 就 可 以 轻 易 登 上 O r i con排行榜高位(日本Oricon排行榜的地 位相当于美国Billboards排行榜)。
Looking at the vast majority of boy/girl bands in Japan appearing after 2000, taste in mainstream society has turned to cute boys and girls singing catchy karaoke -style tunes (more so than before) that sell and often make Oricon Chart rankings (equivalent to the Billboards).




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