单词 | 可回收 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 可回收—recyclable可收回adjective—recoverableless common: collectibleadj See also:可回adj—recyclable 回收n—recoveryn recyclingn 回收—recycle recovered retrieve recall (a defective product) 回收v—recoverv recallv
所有机体塑料零件、金属机箱零件及包装材料均采用 100%可回收材料。 philips.com.hk | All body plastic parts, metal chassis parts and packing [...] materials use100% recyclablematerials. philips.com.hk |
管理层相信任何该等假设的任何合理可能变动将不 会引致以上现金产生单位账面值总额超过其可回收金额。 westchinacement.com | Management believes that any reasonably possible change in any [...] of these assumptions would not cause the aggregate carrying amount of the above CGUs [...] to exceedtheir recoverableamounts. westchinacement.com |
所有人都应有效地利用水资源、以及电、气等各种能源,并将可回收材料与垃圾分别处理。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | You are encouraged to assist by [...] efficiently using water and power, such as gas and electricity, and [...] separatingoutrecyclable materials from [...]your rubbish. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
(b) 不可回收的制冷剂必须保存在特定区域,同时提供新的适当的销毁机制。 multilateralfund.org | (b) The refrigerants [...] that cannot be recycledmust bekept in [...]the location whilst a new appropriate destruction mechanism is provided. multilateralfund.org |
递延税项资产的可回收程度包括其中的 估计及假设,管理层定期对其进行审查。 glencore.com | The recoverability of deferred tax assets [...] including the estimates and assumptions contained thereinare reviewed regularly by management. glencore.com |
本集团评估各笔应收 货款之可回收金额,而不论是否有客观证据显示应收货款已减值。 wingtaiproperties.com | The Group assesses the recoverableamount of each individual trade receivables whether there is objective evidence that the trade receivablesare impaired. wingtaiproperties.com |
z 对于不可回收利用的瓦砾或者对环境有害的瓦砾,需要合适的瓦砾倾倒地点。 alnap.org | Appropriate dumping sites may be needed for rubble [...] that cannot be recycled, or thatpresents [...]an environmental hazard. alnap.org |
因此,总的来说,工作人员债权的监督和会计制度有待改进,对于财务表现和现金管 理(不可回收债权的潜在损失)来说会产生不可忽视的风险,并可能出现欺诈。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The monitoring and accounting of receivables on advances to staff therefore seemed generally to leave muchto be desired, posing a non-negligible risk to the Organization’s financial performance and cash management (potential losses on baddebts)and of potential fraud. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其储存产品所使用的零件 70% 以上都可回收利用,而且所有产品都不含卤素,并遵守严格的 [...] REACH 标准*。 seagate.com | Morethan 70 percent of materials used in its storage [...] products arerecyclable,and all of its [...]products are halogen-free* [...]and comply with the rigorous REACH standard. seagate.com |
贷款及应收款项及任何相关拨备於没有实际可 回收预期时被撇销。 wqfz.com | Loans and receivables together with any associated [...] allowance are written off when there is no realistic prospect offuture recovery. wqfz.com |
商誉所属现金产生单位,则每年定期进行减损测试,并就可回收金额低於帐面价 值之部分,认列减损损失。 weikeng.com.tw | The Group assesses the cash generating unit to which goodwill is [...] allocated on an annual basis and recognizes an impairment loss on the carrying value [...] in excess of the recoverable amount. weikeng.com.tw |
管理阶层相信该现金产生单位可回收金额所依据之关键假设,其任何合理之可 能变动将不致使帐面价值超过可回收金额,依上述关键假设计算之可回收金额与评 估日本公司供营运使用资产与商誉帐面价值相较,民国九十九年度及九十八年度均 无资产减损之情形。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Based on the key assumptions [...] of the cash-generating unit, the Corporation’s management believes thatthe carrying amounts of these operating assets and goodwill will not exceed their recoverable amounts even if there are changes in [...]the critical assumptions [...]used to estimate recoverable amounts as long as these changes are reasonable for the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010. english.taiwanmobile.com |
减 值存在於当某一资产或某一现金产生单元的账面价值超过其可回收金额时,可回收金额即其公允值减其出 售成本与其使用价值的较高者。 wqfz.com | An impairment exists when the carrying value of an asset or a cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverableamount, which isthe higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. wqfz.com |
使用软木、板岩等可再生或可回收利用的材料和VINNEX®粉末粘结剂可制成各种地面和墙面覆盖材料。 reports.wacker.com | Renewable orrecyclable raw materials [...] (such as natural cork or slate) can be used in conjunction with VINNEX® powders to [...]make flooring or wall coverings. reports.wacker.com |
锌及银有所减少主要是由於采矿消耗,及於 Century 重新评估岩土工程、文化及环境因素所致,这与 [...] Century 年限接近终结时的营运一致,及不计入 Golden Grove 之不可回收物质。 mmg.com | Reductions in zinc and silver were primarily due to mining depletion and re-evaluation of geotechnical, cultural and environmental factors, in line [...] with the operation approaching the end of mine life at Century, and [...] exclusion of non-recoverable materialat Golden Grove. mmg.com |
在上述环境举措方面,联黎部队将集中精力于确保联黎部队在捐助者支持下 [...] 牵头并已成功试点的项目连续性,例如,已从联黎部队阵地上的其他固体废物中 分开的可回收材料运输项目的连续性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In respect of the environmental initiatives mentioned above, UNIFIL will focus on ensuring continuity in projects that have been successfully piloted at its initiative [...] with the support of donors, such as the [...] transportationof recyclable material that [...]is separated from other solid waste in UNIFIL positions. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着Glencore已 确认其应占联营公司已入账之减值,Glencore已完成对被识别有减值迹象的投资的可回收金额的详细评估,认为可回收金额支持该等投资 的账面值,无需进行进一步减值。 glencore.com | Following the recognition of Glencore’s share of impairments booked by its Associates, Glencore [...] completed a detailed [...] assessment of the recoverable amount of investments where indicators of impairment were identified and concluded that the recoverablevalue supports the carrying value of these investments andthat nofurther [...]impairment is required. glencore.com |
大多数发达国家都通过废物特征研究(分析废物流)进行废物监测,通常进行 [...] 五年期客户调查,并对特定物资进行市场分析,评估可回收物资的当前和未来市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | In most developed countries, waste monitoring is conducted through waste characterization studies (to analyse waste streams), customers’ surveys usually carried out over a five-year [...] period, and market analyses of targeted materials conducted to assess current and [...] future markets for recyclablematerials. daccess-ods.un.org |
二零一零和二零一一年,饮料部门参与了温室气体盘查议定书倡议行动(www.ghgprotocol.org) 的一项调查,对采用可回收玻璃瓶、塑料瓶以及铝质瓶的可口可乐以及零系可口可乐饮料的碳足迹进行了分析。 swirepacific.com | In 2010 and 2011, the Beverages Division participated in an assessment under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative (www.ghgprotocol.org). The assessment analysed the carbon footprint of Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola Zero drinks packaged in returnable glass, PET and aluminium containers. swirepacific.com |
当应收贸易账款被视为不可 收回时,其将於拨备账内撇销。之前已撇销的款项如其後收回,将计入损益账。 gdc-world.com | When trade receivablesis considered uncollectible, it is written off against the allowance account. subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited to profit or loss. gdc-world.com |
土地租赁以可收回金额呈列,并须根据HKAS 36作耗蚀测试,可收回金额为公平 价值减出售成本及使用价值两者之较高者。 publicbank.com.hk | Land leases are stated at therecoverable amount subject to an impairment test pursuant to HKAS 36, which isbased on [...] the higher of fair value [...]less costs to sell and value in use. publicbank.com.hk |
根据天锻集团及天锻过往经验,未收回之应收货款及其他应收款项并 无超出其入账拨备,而天锻董事认为,财务资料中已就不可收回之应收货款作出充分拨备。 cre8ir.com | According to the Tianduan Group’s and Tianduan’s historical experience, the irrecoverable trade and other receivables do not exceed the recorded allowances and the directors of Tianduanare ofthe opinion that adequate provision for uncollectibleaccounts receivable hasbeen made in the Financial Information. cre8ir.com |
此评估 涉及以下判断:(i)资产日後在商业上可行的可能性及断定其商业上可行的时间;(ii)根据 [...] 预测石油及天然气价格计算的日後收益;(iii)日後开发成本及生产开支;(iv)就计算可收回价值时将应用於有关收益及成本的折现率;及(v)所获得的任何地质及地理数据对日後勘 [...]探及评估活动的潜在价值。 sunshineoilsands.com | This assessment involves judgment as to: (i) the likely future commerciality of the asset and when such commerciality should be determined; (ii) future revenues based on forecasted oil and gas prices; (iii) future development costs and [...] production expenses; (iv) the [...] discount rateto be applied to such revenuesandcostsfor the [...]purpose of deriving a recoverable [...]value, and (v) potential value to future E&E activities of any geological and geographical data acquired. sunshineoilsands.com |
对现行协议的条款作出调整,导致使用年期较原先同意为短及/或导致协议费用 减低,将会引致较低的可收回数额(如果所使用的折现率维持不变),因而或许会出现可收回数额较账面值为低的情况(因此,将需要确认减值亏损)。 asiasat.com | Modifications to the terms of the Existing Agreements that result in shorter utilisation periods than previously agreed and/or those that result in the reduction in [...] agreed rates will [...] result in a lowerrecoverable amount (if the discount rate used is not changed); which may, in turn, result in a situation wherein the recoverable amounts are less than [...]the carrying amounts [...](therefore, an impairment loss would need to be recognised). asiasat.com |
资产可 收 回金额按 该 资 产 或 现 金 产 出 单 元 的 使 用 价 值 和 公 允 价 值 减 出 售 费 用 两 者 中 的 较 大 者 计 算,并 按 单 个 资 产 单 独 确 认,除 非 该 资 产 不 能 产 出 基 本 上 独 立 於 其 他 资 产 或 资 产 组 所 产 生 的 现 金 流 入,这 种 情 况 下,可 确 认 该 资 产 所 属 的 现 金 产 出 单 元的可 收 回金额。 zte.com.cn | An asset’srecoverable amount is calculated as the higher of the asset’s or cash-generatingunit’s value in use and its fair value less costs to sell, and is determined for an individual asset, unless the asset does not generate cash inflows that are largely independent of those from other assets or groups of assets, in which case the recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
倘 应 收 账 款 减 值,本 集 团 会 将 其 账 面 值 撇 减至可 收 回金额,即 按 该 工 具 原 有 实 际 利 率 折 现 估 计 未 来 现 金 流 量,然 後 逐 步 将 折 扣 额 确 认 为 利 息 收 入。 vindapaper.com | Whenareceivable isimpaired, the Group reduces the carrying amount to its recoverableamount, being the estimated future cash flow discounted at original effective interest rate of the instrument, and continues unwinding the discount as interest income. vindapaper.com |
日本代表回顾说,缔约方大会第十六届会议在一项决定中请执行委员会考虑“(a) 资 助举办更多的示范项目,以根据执行委员会的有关决定帮助显示更换冷风机的好处;(b) 提 供资金,以采取行动来使根据第 5 条第 1 款行事的国家内的用户更多地认识到即将进行的 淘汰活动,并认识到可针对其冷风机选择的各种办法,并向各国政府和决策者提供协助; (c) 请那些正在编制或执行制冷剂管理计划的国家考虑制定措施,以切实使用从冷风机回 收的消耗臭氧层物质来满足该行业的维修需要。 multilateralfund.org | The representative of Japan recalled that a decision by the Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties had requested the Executive Committee to consider “(a) Funding additional demonstration projects to help demonstrate the value of replacement of CFC-based chillers, pursuant to relevant decisions of the Executive Committee; (b) Funding actions to increase awareness of users in countries operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, of the [...] impending phase-out and [...] options that may be available for dealing with their chillers and to assist Governments and decision makers; (c) Requesting those countries preparing or implementing refrigerant management plans to consider developing measures for the effective use of the ozone-depletingsubstances recovered fromthe chillers [...]to meet servicing needs in the sector. multilateralfund.org |