

单词 可圈可点

可圈可点 ()

worthy of praise
remarkable (performance, achievement etc)

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许多低收入经 济体迄今在保护教育预算方面 可圈可点。
Many low-income economies have been so far remarkable in protecting education budgets.
全新 Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster 拥可圈可点的卓越性能。
The new Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster boasts record performance.
TIGER是一家亚洲私有投资公司,投资重点为海事行业,业 可圈可点 , 曾 在整个商业周期成功创造企业价值并利用丰富的金融市场经验实现股东价值最大化。
TIGER is an Asian based private investment firm, focused primarily on the maritime sector, with a proven track record of creating value in our business through the business cycles while taking advantage of considerable knowledge of financial markets to maximize shareholder value.
但是也有一些品牌在面对这一机会时 可圈可点 的 表 现。譬如兰蔻开发了“一吻倾城”的手机应用;施华洛世奇在其于2012年夏天在上海举办的“璀璨之谜”展览活动中将移动作为了其传播的核心部分。
Other brands however are doing a better job [...]
at tapping this opportunity such as Lancôme with is “kiss the city” app or Swarovski
who made mobile a central part of its communication around its “sparkling secret” expo held in Shanghai during the summer of 2012.
举例而言,Jules Audemars系列镂空时间等式腕表和Jules Audemars女装腕表系列配备蓝宝石水晶玻璃底盖,以底盖下巧夺天工的机芯向爱彼表达无限敬意,赞扬其对这项精细复杂工 可圈可点 的 贡 献,以及品牌如何引领高级制表工艺臻至完美的卓越境界。
As representatives of this work, the Jules Audemars Equation of Time skeleton or the Lady Jules Audemars with transparent sapphire caseback pay tribute to the attentive care that Audemars Piguet brings to this complex and refined savoir-faire, the pinnacle of the art of prestigious watchmaking.
在上述两个地区,政府 和联合国展开了一系列计划不周的军事行动,虽然这些军事行动瓦解叛乱部队的 目可圈可点,但 是成效太差,而且还使平民付出了惨重的代价。
In both areas, there have been a series of poorly planned military operations by the Government and the United Nations which, while having the laudable aim of neutralizing rebel forces, have achieved far too little and at a catastrophic civilian cost.
作为世界上最大的无圆晶厂半导体公司之一,Marvell在半导体创新方面的成 可圈可点 , 在通过技术解决某些世界环境难题方面拥有独一无二的优势地位。
As one of the world's largest fabless semiconductor companies with a proven track record of semiconductor innovations, Marvell is uniquely positioned to address some of the world's greatest environmental challenges through technology.
最后,关于土著人对内部事务的决策,虽然在世界各地有一些关于土著人自 主和自治可圈可点实例 ,但各国需为促进和巩固对土著自治机构的法律承认和 接纳而继续努力。
Finally, with respect to indigenous decision-making concerning
internal matters,
[...] while there are some noteworthy examples of indigenous autonomy and self-government throughout the world, continued efforts by States are needed to [...]
promote and consolidate
legal recognition and accommodation of indigenous institutions of self-governance.
回眸2011,宝利特新能源人在经历了严峻的市场考验的同时,也收获颇多:这一年,我们完成了新生产线安装调试,产品顺利投产;这一年,我们完成了北美市场布局,市场销 可圈可点 ; 这 一年,公司体系、6S工作效果显著,公司管理规范性日益提高;这一年,我们更加注重人性化管理,实现了员工与企业的共同发展;这一年,我们更加注重环保、安全和公益事业,切实的履行社会责任
Looking back at the past, we have gone through sever PV market stagnation and harvested a lot. In 2011, the new cell production line has been installed and adjusted for smooth operation; this year, we have projected the North America market layout; this year, the management system and normative administration has been improved greatly; this year, we attached great importance to the construction of humanized management, thus realizing the common development of the staff and the enterprise at the same time; this year, we paid more attention to environment protection, safety production and public welfare work in order to fully fulfill social responsibilities.
为了安装和调预紧的方便, 承点载荷的套圈可以采用松点的 紧 配合。
In order to give easier mounting and allow setting of the
[...] bearing preload, however, the ring under point load has a less tight fit.
2、3 和 4 mm 的卡套管接头、仅将螺母紧固四分之圈使其停在 3 点钟的位置。
2, 3, and 4 mm tube fittings, tighten the nut only three-quarters turn to the 3 o’clock position.
超焦可以被翻译为在最近的点距 离 ,把 圈 对 准无穷远,这样近一些的物体是聚焦 的。
Hyperfocal distance can be interpreted as the closest focus distance at which both objects at infinity and closer objects are in focus.
教科文组织威尼斯办事处为确认千年发展目标基金 可 持 续旅游与农村发展”联合项 目内从事的主要活动做出了贡献,该项目与教科文组织指定的 点 有 关 ,这些指定 点 包括 在世界旅游组织实施的项目组成部分(与世界遗产地和生 圈 保 护 区有关的旅游)选定的地 区之内。
UNESCO Venice Office contributed to the
identification of the key activities to be carried
[...] out within the MDG-F joint programme “Sustainable Tourism and Rural Development”, in relation with the UNESCO designated sites included in the areas selected by the project component to be implemented by UNWTO (tourism related to World Heritage Sites and biosphere reserves).
这种工 厂安装的开关有一个可调设点、可 用 于 指示高压力或低压力。
The factory-assembled switch has
[...] one adjustable set point, which can be used [...]
for high- or lowpressure indication.
第三届世界生物圈保护地会议通过了“马德里行动计划”,该计划的 点 是 制 作生圈保护 地模型,以此作为对政策专业人员、科研团体和其他相关各方的学习实验室和平台, 从而可持续发展原则转化符合当地具体情况的做法。
The Third World Conference on Biosphere Reserves adopted
the Madrid Plan of
[...] Action, which focuses on developing models for biosphere reserves to serve as learning laboratories and platforms for policy professionals, research and scientific communities, and other stakeholders in order to translate the principles of sustainable [...]
development into locally relevant practice.
随着年底地铁 6 号线的开通,以往交通不够便利的东大 桥圈可达性 将大大提高,从秀水街向北延伸的世贸天 阶、SOHO 尚都、侨福芳草地至蓝岛大厦一线商业错位 经营,未来或将成为新的购物点区 域
The opening of Metro Line 6 by the end of this year will improve accessibility to the Dongdaqiao area.
這好像是轉了㆒圈,可是負 擔費用的㆟仍然沒有改變。
We have apparently taken a 360-degree turn back to where we started but the one to shoulder the cost remains unchanged.
[...] 中,因为还有其它一些跨学科的方法,比如不同部门之间(如自然科学与教育部门之间,为 人与生圈计划或教育促可持续 发展等)制定联合计划,以及其它一些似乎是更有前途的 跨部门行动。
Some of the participants held the view that the two cross-cutting themes should be mainstreamed into the major programmes, as there are other modalities of ensuring interdisciplinarity such as joint programming between different sectors (between the Natural sciences and the Education
Sectors, for example, for
[...] the Man and the Biosphere Programme or for Education for Sustainable [...]
Development) and other cross-sectoral
initiatives which seem to be much more promising.
我認為是應該有的,因此,“參與”一詞 可圈 可點的 ,未必等同授權區議會擁有決定權。
Therefore, the word "participation" can be interpreted in different ways, which may not necessarily be equivalent to conferment of decision-making powers on DCs.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部
[...] 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其 可 进 入 黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon,
at its request,
[...] in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon [...]
without its consent of arms or related materiel.
是, 我告诉他,, 但我会离开它巧妙地躺在指南圈点 我 们 的谈话暗示 (听到可能不是, 而不是, 不仅是因​​为她是个聋子 !) ?
Yes, I tell him, but I'll leave it lying subtly guide or punctuate our conversations [...]
implied (hear it may not be, and not,
not only because she is deaf !
无效保留的无效性的后果产生了两个相互矛盾的命题,第一个命题 可分 割 性的命题,根据这一命题,无效保留的提出者受条约的约束而没有得到提出保 留的好处,第二个命题是“纯粹共同同意”的命题,根据这个命题,保留的无效 性将保留者排除到缔约国圈子以 外,保留是保留方同意受条约约束的一个先决 条件。
The consequences of the nullity of an invalid reservation gave rise to two conflicting theses, the first being the thesis of severability, according to which the author of an invalid
reservation was bound by the treaty without
[...] the benefit of its reservation, and the second being the thesis of “pure consensualism”, according to which the invalidity of the reservation excluded the author from the circle of States parties, the reservation being a sine qua non for the author’s consent to be bound by the treaty.
牢牢固定接头本体、将螺母紧固一又 四分之圈以停 9 点钟的位置。
While holding fitting body steady, tighten the nut one and onequarter turns to the 9 o’clock position.
尽管审计委员会只注意到具体地点的某些弱 点,但一些建议是针对整个组织的,因为从这些审计结果的性质看,这些 点可 能是 项目厅其他办事处的通病,因此,如果采取横向行动,这些办事处均可以受 益。
Although the Board noted certain weaknesses in specific locations only, some of the recommendations are addressed to the entire organization, as the nature of the findings suggests that they may be common to other UNOPS offices which would benefit from transversal action.
3.2 如果两届会议相距太近,执行局委员指定的代表不便回到自己正常居住 点 , 可 以根 据他的请求,不发给他到居住地点的往返旅费,而每天按从前届会议结束到下届会议 召开期间的生活津贴的 75%发给生活津贴,但本组织所发的数额不能超过会议地点到 该委员正常居住地点之间的往返旅费。
3.2 When the interval between two sessions is not sufficient to enable a representative appointed by the Member to return conveniently to his normal place of residence he may receive, at his request, instead of the payment of the round trip to his place of residence, a daily subsistence allowance equivalent to 75% of the daily subsistence allowance granted during sessions for the period between the close of one session and the opening of the next, provided that the amount so to be provided by the Organization shall not exceed the cost of a round trip between the place of meeting and the representative appointed by the Member’s normal place of residence.
在拒绝债 务人的主要利益中心是以色列的论点时,地区法院指出,债务人(i)离开以色列近 10 年后外国代表才寻求承认外国程序,(ii)在德克萨斯有固定的职业和住所,(iii)
[...] 将其财务专门保持在得克萨斯州,并表示无意返回以色列,鉴于返回可能对债务 人或其家庭成员带来危险的证词,法院认定 点可 信。
In rejecting the contention that the debtor’s COMI was Israel, the district court noted that the debtor (i) left Israel nearly a decade before the foreign representative sought recognition of the foreign proceeding, (ii) established employment and residence in Texas, (iii) maintained his finances exclusively in Texas, and indicated no intention to return to Israel,
which the court found credible in light of testimony that
[...] return could be dangerous for [...]
the debtor or his family members.
套索工具使用时拖动鼠标圈选要选择的对象或路径,在结束时鼠标在页面上单击,则在起始点和终点之内的对象或路径会被选择(如果始点和 点 没 有 形成闭 圈 , 则在 始 点 和 终 点 的 直线范围之内)。
Use lasso tool to select and drag the mouse to choose the path of the object or, in the end of the mouse click on the page, then the starting point and end point of the object or the path will be
selected (if there is
[...] no starting point and the end of the formation of closed circle in the beginning and end points within the scope [...]
of the straight-line).




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