

单词 可否



refuse to comment

无可否认的 adj

undeniable adj


be noncommittal
decline comment
not express an opinion

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

提交人认为,本案件与其他被迫失踪的案件没有什么不同,不应该 可否受 理的问题和案情问题分开。
The author considers that the present case is no different from other cases of enforced disappearance and that admissibility should not be considered separately from the merits.
委员会认 为,所提出的论点涉及实质性问题,应该根据案情加以审议,而不是仅仅按可 否受理的问题加以审理。
The Committee is of the opinion that the arguments before it raise substantive issues which should be dealt with on the merits and not on admissibility considerations alone.
可否为今 后进行的多国磋商提供资金的问题,与会者认为,这本应是正常预算的 一笔开销,应在每个多国办事处的间接费用中作出具体规定。
With regard to the possible funding of future cluster consultations, participants felt that this should be a charge against the regular budget and that specific provisions should be included among the indirect costs for each cluster office.
和确定哪些员额将由经常预算供资、哪些员额将由预算外资源供资的准确标准, 咨询委员会回顾,大会在其第 65/259 号决议中请秘书长具体说明妇女署的活动,
[...] 包括行政、评价、协调、研究和分析政策等职能,是否支持 可否 视 为 规范性政 府间进程;业务性政府间进程和业务活动;或兼而有之。
With regard to the future staffing complement of UN-Women and the precise criteria for determining which posts will be funded from the regular budget and which from extrabudgetary resources, the Advisory Committee recalls that, in its resolution 65/259, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to specify whether the activities of UN-Women, including administrative, evaluation, coordination,
research and analytical policy functions,
[...] would support or be considered normative [...]
intergovernmental processes; operational
intergovernmental processes and operational activities; or a combination thereof.
最后,作为一个单独但又相关 的事项,评注还可就此述及设保人 否可 以 就债务要求提供补充信息的问题, 评注还将处理如下问题,即设保 可否 要 求 提供补充信息,以及:(a)设保人是 否应当有权在规定时期内免费获得数目有限的答复;(b)如果有担保债权人未提 供该信息,设保人是否应当有权通过简易司法程序或行政程序获得损害赔偿或 [...]
Finally, as a separate but related matter, the commentary may also
deal in this
[...] context with the question whether the grantor may demand additional information with respect to the debt and whether: (a) the grantor should [...]
be entitled to a limited number of
responses free of charge within a specified period of time; and (b) the grantor should be entitled to damages or other remedy through a summary judicial or administrative procedure if the secured creditor fails to provide that information.
潘佩璆議員引述他就評估治療老年癡呆症 的新藥提出申請的經驗為例,在考慮該項申請時,
[...] 藥物諮詢委員會的成員並無包括該專科的專家,他 詢問當可否考慮 邀請相關專科的專家出席藥物 諮詢委員會的會議,為委員會就考慮中的藥物提供 [...]
Citing his experience of applying for evaluation of new drugs for the treatment of Dementia whereby the membership of DAC did not comprise experts in the specialty when
considering the application, Dr
[...] PAN Pey-chyou asked whether consideration could be given to [...]
inviting experts from the relevant
specialties to take part in the meetings of DAC to provide the committee with specialist views on the drugs under consideration and answer questions from members.
趙卓寧先生總結說,在決定個別產品是否屬於水果/蔬菜/肉類/水中生物 可否 獲豁 免遵從營養標籤規定時,應根據以下原則審批:產品是否屬於食物,是否已經預先 包裝和是否屬於第132W章附表6所列15項獲豁免項目的其中一項。
Mr. C. L. CHIU summed up that
[...] to determine whether certain products were considered as fruit / vegetable / meat / aquatic life and whether they could [...]
be exempted from the NL
requirements, they should be assessed whether it was food, whether it was prepackaged, and whether it was one of the 15 exempted items under Schedule 6 of Cap. 132W.
对于被要求仅可否受理 问题提交书面答复的缔约国,不排除它在收到要求后的 六个月内一并就来文可否受理 问题和是非曲直再提交书面答复的可能。
A State party that has been requested to submit a written reply
that relates only to the
[...] question of admissibility is not precluded thereby from submitting, within six months of the request, a written reply that shall relate both to the communication’s admissibility and its merits.
最终,公众的支持才 是改革进程否可持续 以及是否成功的决定因素。
Ultimately, it is public support for the reform process that will determine its sustainability and success.
该框架确定了广泛的基准,使我能 够评估:(a)
选举前阶段的环境是否安全,是否让民众和候选人全面参与选举进 程;(b) 选举进程是否具有包容性;(c)
[...] 所有候选人是否都能公平利用国家控制 的媒体,后者是否保持中立;(d) 选举名单否可信,是否得到所有各方的接受; (e) 选举结果是否通过透明计票程序决定,是否得到所有各方的接受,或通过适 [...]
The framework defines broad benchmarks that enable me to assess whether: (a) a secure environment exists during the period leading to the elections and allows for the full participation of the population and the candidates in the process; (b) the electoral process is inclusive; (c) all candidates have equitable
access to State-controlled
[...] media and whether the latter remain neutral; (d) the voters lists are credible and accepted [...]
by all parties;
and (e) the results of the elections are determined through a transparent counting process and are accepted by all or are challenged peacefully through the appropriate channels.
有人提到,TBT 委员会可能会请求审议,在 TBT 问题付费证明符 合私营标准,否可被视 为一种贸易技术壁垒。
It was mentioned that the TBT Committee could be asked to consider if a fee to be paid to certify conformity to private standards on TBT issues could be seen as a technical barrier to trade.
應委員要求, 政府當局已提供文件(立法會CB(1)1443/09-10(06)號文件),載述 當局對團體代表所提出意見的回應,並提供補充資料,闡述關於 選定海外司法管轄區的經驗(諮詢文件附件B)、預計在該計劃下 收集到的徵費、在香港設置商業上可行的廢電器及電子產品處理 設施否可行和 政府在這方面的角色,以及是否需要制訂計劃以 鼓勵盡早更換舊電器及電子產品來加強能源效益等。
At members' request, the Administration had set out its response to deputations' views together with supplementary information on overseas experience in selected jurisdictions (Annex B to the Consultation Document), the anticipated levy to be collected under the scheme, the feasibility of setting up a commercially viable WEEE treatment plant in Hong Kong and the role of the Government in this respect, as well as the need for a plan to encourage early replacement of old electrical and electronic equipment to enhance energy efficiency etc in LC Paper No. CB(1) 1443/09-10(06).
本公司對有關股份於固定時間催繳或應支付全部股款(無論現時 否可 予支付股款)的每股股份(一股未繳足股份)擁有第一及最高留置權;而對以股東名 [...]
義登記(無論是單一或與任何其他人士聯名持有)的所有股份(已繳足股份除外),本 公司亦就有關股東或其遺產結欠本公司的所有債務及負債擁有第一及最高留置權及
押記權,無論上述權利是否於通知本公司有關該股東以外任何人士的任何同等或其他 權益之前或之後產生,亦無論支付或解除上述權利的期間是否實際已到,及上述權利 屬有關股東或其遺產及任何其他人士的聯名債務或負債,或該人士是否為本公司的股 東。
The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every
share (not being a fully paid up share)
[...] for all moneys, whether presently payable [...]
or not, called or payable at a fixed time
in respect of such share; and the Company shall also have a first and paramount lien and charge on all shares (other than fully paid up shares) standing registered in the name of a member, whether singly or jointly with any other person or persons, for all the debts and liabilities of such member or his estate to the Company and whether the same shall have been incurred before or after notice to the Company of any equitable or other interest of any person other than such member, and whether the period for the payment or discharge of the same shall have actually arrived or not, and notwithstanding that the same are joint debts or liabilities of such member or his estate and any other person, whether a member of the Company or not.
审查工作将包括:(a) 查明所有受保 护证人和相关保护措施;(b) 确定是否有必要修正法庭的《程序和证据规则》,
[...] 以便酌情改动保护措施;(c) 就每个受保护证人提出建议,确定 否可 以 和 (或) 需要再次接触该证人以断定是否适宜变更以前的保护令。
The review will include: (a) identifying all protected witnesses and the associated protective measures in relation to them; (b) identifying the need for amendments (if any) to the Tribunal’s Rules of Procedure and Evidence to vary protective measures where such action may be appropriate; and (c)
making recommendations regarding each
[...] protected witness as to whether it is feasible and/or [...]
advisable to attempt to re-contact
the witness to determine whether variance of the previous protective orders is appropriate.
(b) 於最後可行日期,聯昌國際並無直接或間接擁有本集團任何股權,亦無享有任何認 購或委派他人認購本集團證券之權利(不論 否可 依 法強制行使),亦無於本集團 自二零零六年十二月三十一日(即本集團最近期刊發之經審核財務報表之結算日) 以來所買賣或租賃之資產,或本集團擬買賣或租賃之任何資產中擁有任何直接或 間接權益。
(b) As at the Latest Practicable Date, CIMB-GK did not have any shareholding, direct or indirect, in the Group or any right (whether legally enforceable or not) to subscribe for or to nominate persons to subscribe for securities in the Group, nor did it have any interest, direct or indirect, in any assets which had, since 31 December 2006, being the date up to which the latest published audited financial statements of the Group were made up, been acquired or disposed of by or leased to the Group, or were proposed to be acquired or disposed of by or leased to the Group.
大会第 65/245 号决议第二节 A 第 7 段确认会员国区域集团和其他主要集团 的会议对于政府间机构会议顺利运作的重要性,请秘书长确保尽可能满足会员国 区域集团和其他主要集团会议对会议服务的一切要求,并尽早告知提出要求者否可以提供会议服务,包括否可以 提 供口译服务,以及在会前可能发生的任何 变动。
A, paragraph 7, of its resolution 65/245, the General Assembly recognized the importance of meetings of regional and other major groupings of Member States for the smooth functioning of the sessions of intergovernmental bodies, and requested the Secretary-General to ensure that, as far as possible, all requests for conference services for the meetings of regional and other major groupings of Member States were met and to inform the requesters as early as possible about the availability of conference services, including interpretation, as well as about any changes that might occur before the meeting.
在这方面,该 研究社问,是否已经有一项关于暴力侵害妇女的联合国全面战略,如果有这样一项战 略,否可由会员国通过。
In this regard, CRED asked if there was already a comprehensive United Nations strategy concerning violence against women and suggested that if existed, it could be adopted by Member States.
最后,会 议商定,评注中应当澄清:(a)如果已缔结了担保协议,但担保债权人与设保人 之间对其效力有争议的,则设保人可通过一项简易司法或行政程序寻求修订或
取消登记;(b)建议 32 重申了建议 16 和 17 所载的原则,并非与《担保交易指
[...] 南》建 67(预先登记)不相符合;(c)设保人 否可 因 担保债权人违约或侵权行 为而提出损害赔偿要求,这是其他法律的事项;以及(d)建议 [...]
32 中所述的程序示 例。
Finally, it was agreed that the commentary should clarify: (a) that, if a security agreement had been concluded but its effectiveness was the subject of a dispute between the secured creditor and the grantor, the grantor could seek to amend or cancel the registration through a summary judicial or administrative proceeding; (b) that recommendation 32, which reiterated the principle reflected in recommendations 16 and 17, was not inconsistent with recommendation 67
(advance registration) of the Secured
[...] Transactions Guide; (c) whether the grantor could [...]
claim damages for breach of contract or
tort by the secured creditor was a matter of other law; and (d) examples of proceedings referred to in recommendation 32.
各国应审议本部分,加上标准的名称及标签部分中规定的名称和描述,以便 决定否可以接 受承认程序中提到的义务。
This section, together with the name of the standard and the name and description laid down in the
labelling section, should be examined in
[...] order to assess whether the obligations [...]
of the acceptance procedure can properly be accepted.
各国可以利用第四次两年期会议讨论这个议题的机会,评估在进行国际合作 以执行《行动纲领》方面取得的进展,包括评估存在的执行挑战和机会;评估第 三次两年期会议成果文件强调的国际合作措施的执行进展情况;确定在处理小武
[...] 处理小武器非法贸易各方面问题方面还可以而且应该在哪些领域共享信息;考虑否可以以 及如何改造现有机构间合作和共享信息机制或结构,使其能够促进关 [...]
States could use discussion on this issue during the Fourth Biennial Meeting to take stock of progress made in implementing the Programme of Action in the area of international cooperation, including implementation challenges and opportunities; take stock of progress made in implementing the measures highlighted in the outcome document of the Third Biennial Meeting in the area of international cooperation; identify additional areas in which inter-agency cooperation is possible and desirable in addressing the illicit trade in small arms in all its aspects; identify additional areas in which information-sharing is possible and desirable in addressing the
illicit trade in small arms in all its
[...] aspects; and consider whether and how existing [...]
mechanisms or structures for inter-agency
cooperation and informationsharing could be adapted to international cooperation on small arms and light weapons.
斐济已经签署世界海关组织的宣言,并将根据上面第 3 段,试探有无可能在世 界海关组织之下请求派遣检查团进行评估,以查明今后 否可 能 协助改善边界安全。
Having signed the WCO Declaration, and in line with 3 above, Fiji will also explore the possibility under the World Customs Organization to request for Diagnostic Mission assessment to identify possible future assistance to improve border security.
越南正在研究否可能加 入《国际刑事法院罗马规约》和其他国际条约。
Viet Nam was studying the possibility [...]
of accession to the Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court and other international treaties.
在公司法的規限下,董事可按彼等認為適當的方式在各方面行使本公司持 有或擁有的任何其他公司股份所賦予的投票權或彼等以該等公司董事身份可 行使的投票權(包括投票贊成任命彼等或其中任何一位出任該等公司董事或 其他高級職員的決議案),且任何董事均可投票贊成按上述方式行使投票權, 而不論其否可能或將出任該等公司的董事或其他高級職員,並且不論其按 上述方式行使該等投票權時擁有或可能擁有權益。
Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Directors may exercise the voting powers conferred by the shares in any other company held or owned by the Company or exercisable by them as directors of such other company in such manner in all respects as they think fit (including the exercise thereof in favour of any resolution appointing themselves or any of them as Directors or other officers of such company) and any Director may vote in favour of the exercise of such voting rights in the manner aforesaid notwithstanding that he may be, or be about to be, appointed a Director or other officer of such a company and that as such he is or may become interested in the exercises of such voting rights in the manner aforesaid.
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事
[...] 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理 可 能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項, 否 則 於各情況下董事 可 能 不 時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情遵照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to
be reasonable in
[...] the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to [...]
time determine) for
every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上诉人的情况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能做此解释, 可 以 说 的是,正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定否需要 对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,而不是分卷完成(这样可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the
Conference and Language
[...] Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual [...]
release of translated portions).
(b) 请秘书处了解在中国进行技术审计的承包商 否可 能 提 交一份临时报告,其 中包括对 HCFC-141b 生产工厂的审计,并尽可能包括对 HCFC-22 生产工厂的 审计,以及对所有氟溴烃生产工厂的最终综合审计报告,同时不影响首先淘 汰哪些氟溴烃生产工厂。
(b) Request the Secretariat to investigate the possibility of the contractor for the technical audits in China submitting an interim report including audits of HCFC-141b producing plants, and to the extent possible HCFC-22 producing plants, and a final report of a comprehensive audit of all HCFC producing plants without prejudice to which HCFC producing plants would be addressed first for phase-out.
总而言之,他对第五委员会的请求是,批准将大 会部雇用的语文退休人员的收入上限的豁免延至 2009
[...] 年底,考虑将未来数年的上限永久提高至 185 个 工作日,和/或审查否可能为 所有语文工作人员免 去目前规定的退休年龄,直到退休潮结束,并聘用到 [...]
In summary, his requests to the Fifth Committee were to approve a waiver of the ceiling on the earnings of language retirees hired by the Department until the end of 2009, to consider
a permanent increase in the ceiling for the
[...] years to come, up to 185 work days, [...]
and/or to examine the possibility of waiving
the current retirement age for all language staff until the wave of retirements was over and suitable replacements had been recruited.
尽管这个项目的侧重点是主要流域的水资 源分配政策,特别是要制订省际水资源配置的分配原则,并继而考虑在省内水资源的分配,以 及在各行政区划范围内,行业间的水资源分配 否可 行。
In particular, although the focus of the project is for water allocation policy in the major river basins, in particular the development of allocation principles for the allocation of water between provinces, the considerations will need to encompass how
allocation is then practices
[...] at lower levels and whether the allocation between sectors is workable [...]
at all administrative levels.
在这方面,需要探讨否可以增 加一项地区间参与 计划活动的预算拨款,因为这可以使不同的多国办事处中的全国委员会进行经验交流。
In that regard, the possibility of introducing a provision for interregional Participation Programme activities should be examined, as this would allow the exchange of experience among National Commissions of different clusters.
因此,我否可以认 为,大会希望宣布,由经济 及社会理事会提名的国家,即阿根廷、白俄罗斯、巴 [...]
西、保加利亚、喀麦隆、古巴、几内亚、几内亚比绍、 伊朗伊斯兰共和国、意大利、马来西亚、巴基斯坦、 摩尔多瓦共和国、乌拉圭和津巴布韦当选为方案和协 调委员会成员,自
2012 年 1 月 1 日起任期三年?
May I therefore take it that the Assembly [...]
wishes to declare those States nominated by the Economic and Social Council —
Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Cuba, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Italy, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Republic of Moldova, Uruguay and Zimbabwe — elected members of the Committee for Programme and Coordination for a three-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2012?




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