

单词 普什图语

External sources (not reviewed)

每天比赛开始之前,组织者都会 普什图语 和 乌 尔都语发表关于疫苗接种的简短演讲。
Before the start of each day, an organizer delivered a short talk
[...] about vaccination in both Pashto and Urdu.
上述两份手册由毒品和犯罪问题办公室编制, 且已译成达里语普什图语。
Both above-mentioned manuals were developed by UNODC and translated into Dari and Pashto.
塔利班将他们视为国家的敌人,不信伊斯兰教的异教 徒以及间谍,因为他们在伊朗长大且不会 普什图语
The Taliban considered them as enemies of the State, infidels of
Islam, and spies, because they grew up in Iran and
[...] did not speak Pashto (the language spoken in most areas [...]
of Afghanistan).
此外,有一些信息表明,至少第一申诉人会 普什图语。
In addition, there is certain information indicating that the first
[...] complainant, at least, speaks Pashto.
的人口说达里语,约有35% 的人口普什图语;在 喀布尔,大多数人说达里 语。
Dari is spoken by about 50 per cent of the population, while Pashto is spoken by about 35 per cent; in Kabul the majority speaks Dari.
他 解释说自己只是从伊朗语译成其他语言,因为他几乎不会 普什图语。
He explains that he only translates from
[...] the Iranian language as he hardly speaks Pashto.
宪法》第 16 条宣布达里语普什图语为 阿富汗国家的官方语言。
Article 16 of the Constitution declares
[...] Dari and Pashto as the official languages of the state [...]
in Afghanistan.
目前教程单元正在被翻译成达里语 普什 图语(阿富 汗的官方语言)、法语和蒙古语。
The process of translating the Academy modules into Dari and Pashto (official languages of Afghanistan), French and Mongolian is under way.
他曾以与一居住在瑞典 的妇女结婚为由申请瑞典居留证,在伊斯兰堡就此事接受面谈时,现场 普什图 语双向口译,且报告称该申诉人会 普什图语。
When he was interviewed in Islamabad in connection with his application for residence permit in Sweden on account of his alleged marriage to a woman living in
Sweden, there was interpretation
[...] to and from Pashto and it was stated in the report that the complainant speaks Pashto.
为推动教科文组织对重建 阿富汗教育与科学能力的贡献,已经开始 普什图语 和 达里语编写教学材料;与私营部门进 行安排,为阿富汗提供科学设备。
In furthering UNESCO’s contribution to the rehabilitation of educational and scientific capacities in Afghanistan, preparations of teaching and learning materials in Pashtu and Dari have started; arrangements were made with the private sector with a view to providing scientific equipment to Afghanistan.
独立委员会的报告即将被翻译成达里语 普什图语 ,以 便在全国发行。
The report of the Commission is being translated into Dari and Pashto for national distribution.
委员会还建议 缔约国确保定期更新移民局网站内容,并以英语 普什图语 提 供 资料。
It also recommends that the State party ensure
that the website of the Migration Service is regularly updated and that
[...] information is also provided in English and Pashto.
正如我们的学校反映了在过去数年内发生在爱尔兰社会的变化,为 了让从不同背景及国家来的家长可以获得非常明确的有关爱尔兰
[...] 教育的信息,这本手册现在已有了罗马尼亚语,俄语,波兰语,法 语,斯瓦希里语,阿拉伯语,汉语 普什图语 的 译 本。
As our schools reflect the changes which have taken place in Irish society over the last number of years, this leaflet is available in Romanian, Russian, Polish, French, Arabic and Mandarin,
so that parents from all backgrounds and nationalities can have
[...] access to clear information about education in [...]
Many of these cases
[...] occurred in the Pashtun community, which [...]
faces a variety of obstacles to immunization, including poor
awareness – and suspicion of – the polio vaccine.
同样可以确定的是,反映了该国不稳定状况的选举结 果导致某些地区普什图人在 本届议会中的人数与前一届议会相比明显偏低。
There is also no question that the result, which was a reflection of the patterns of
instability in the country, created a
[...] parliament where the Pashtun population in [...]
some areas is apparently underrepresented
compared to the previous parliament.
为了增强这些建议国家层面的有用性,以下 语 文 提供 这些建议:阿尔巴尼亚文、阿拉伯文、达里文、英文、法文、高棉文 普什图 文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文和塔吉克文。
To enhance their usefulness at the national level, these
[...] recommendations have been made available in the following languages: Albanian, Arabic, Dari, English, French, Khmer, Pashtu, Portuguese, Spanish and Tajik.
普拉卡什中将(以语发言 ):主席先生, 首先我谨借此机会,感谢你支持自豪地在联合国旗 帜下在刚果民主共和国境内执行任务的男女军警人 员。
Lieutenant General Prakash: At the outset, I would like to take this [...]
opportunity to thank you, Sir, for the support that
you provide to the men and women in uniform who proudly serve under the United Nations flag in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
阿富汗有四个主要的族 裔群体普 什 图、哈扎拉 (什叶派 少数)、 塔 吉 克和 乌兹别克,此外还有许 多 其他以部落语 言 和 文化差 异 为 依据的 少数群体,再加上人数很少的印度教和锡克教宗教少数。
Afghanistan has four major
[...] ethnic groups: Pashtun, Hazara (Shia minority), Tajik and Uzbek, in addition to a myriad of other minorities based on tribal, linguistic and cultural differences, [...]
as well as
small Hindu and Sikh religious minorities.
教科文组织国际教育规划研究所特别帮助阿富汗当局对 149 名高级官员
[...] 进行了培训,在教科文组织-伊斯兰堡办事处的协助下,将参考出版物《使用教育和人力资 源部门分析》翻译成达里文普什图 文。
IIEP has in particular assisted Afghan authorities in the training of 149 senior officials, and the reference publication Utilizing Education and
Human Resources Sector Analyses was
[...] translated into Dari and Pashto with the [...]
assistance of the UNESCO-Islamabad Office.
9 月 14 日,代表若干非政府组织的约 1 000 人普里什蒂纳国家图书馆外进 行示威,他们主要是反对欧盟驻科法治团和塞尔维亚签署警务议定书。
On 14 September, approximately 1,000 people representing a number of non-governmental organizations demonstrated outside the National Library in Pristina, mainly against the signing of the Police Protocol between EULEX and Serbia.
此外,联合国教科文组织在国际博 物馆理事会的协助下,于 2004 年 11 月印制并分发了英文、达里文 普什图 文 小册子和招 贴,以提高阿富汗民众对防止文物被非法贩卖的重要性的认识。
In addition, UNESCO, with assistance from ICOM, printed and distributed in November 2004 leaflets and posters in English, Dari and Pashto to raise awareness among the Afghan population on the importance of preventing illicit traffic in cultural property.
普拉卡什中将(以语发言):我想回答的问题 是:是否需要改变联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特 派团(联刚稳定团)在选举前和选举后期间的保护平 民战略?
The question that I want to answer is whether a change of strategy is required with respect to the protection of civilians by the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) in the pre- and post-electoral periods.
在巴尔干半岛西部、西欧、东南亚、美洲、西 非和南非举行了区域会议和研讨会,并在阿比让、阿拉 图 、 比 什 凯 克 、巴统、 科托努、雅加达、朱巴、伦敦、马尼拉、 普 托 、 墨西哥城、基多和温得和克等 地举办了国家层面的活动。
Regional conferences and seminars were held in the western Balkans, Western Europe, South-East Asia, the Americas, West and Southern Africa, while country-level
events were organized in locations
[...] as diverse as Abidjan, Almaty, Bishkek, Batumi, Cotonou, Jakarta, Juba, London, Manila, Maputo, Mexico City, Quito and [...]
[...] 划,旨在:加强和平与非暴力文化教育,推动自然科学成为不同文化间对话、交 流以及和平普遍语言和 工具;突出社会和人文科学在巩固普遍价值观、民主与 [...]
统的作用;发掘媒介机遇,以此作为和解、容忍与不同文化间理解的工具,特别 要突出青年人使用的新媒体的作用。
The Director-General has been requested to prepare, in consultation with Member States, an intersectoral programme with targeted actions aimed at: strengthening education for a culture of peace
and non-violence, promoting natural
[...] sciences as a universal language and vehicle for intercultural [...]
dialogue and exchange
and peace; underlining the role of social and human sciences in promoting universal values, democracy and human rights; stressing the role of cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and heritage for mutual understanding and reconciliation; exploring opportunities offered by the media as a vehicle for reconciliation, tolerance and intercultural understanding especially highlighting the use of new media by youth.
[...] 励全球信息网络多语言化和文化多样性方面发挥国际主导作用的信念”,并请总干事提交 “一份关于促进使用多语言和普及 使用网络空间的建议草案”(决议 30 C/37)。
At its 30th session, the General Conference reiterated “its conviction that UNESCO should play a leading international role in promoting access to information in the public domain, especially by encouraging multilingualism and cultural diversity on global information networks” and invited the Director-General to submit to it “a
draft recommendation on the promotion
[...] and use of multilingualism and universal access to cyberspace” [...]
(30 C/Resolution 37).
在业务费用项下,所需经费减少 405 400 美元,原因是:(a) 设施和基础设 施项下的开支中取消了一些工程项目,例如在特派 普 里 什 蒂 纳 总部大院修建一个 新的入口项目;(b) 限制公务旅行,特别是在培训和参加会议方面,购票至少要提 前两周,请联合国机构代表科索沃特派团在设有联合国机构的国家参加协助开展工 作会议;(c) 在陆运项下推迟预定的重型车辆维修和保养外包合同;(d) 培训咨 询人的有关实际开支减少,人权咨询小组咨询人的旅费减少;(e) 医疗用品经费 减少(见 A/66/777,第 9 段)。
Under operational costs, the reduction of $405,400 in resource requirements is attributable to: (a) the cancellation of engineering projects under facilities and infrastructure, such as the construction of a new entrance at the Mission’s headquarters compound in Pristina; (b) restrictions in official travel, in particular for training and participation in conferences, purchasing tickets at least two weeks in advance and requesting United Nations agencies to participate in facilitation meetings on behalf of UNMIK in countries where United Nations agencies are present; (c) postponement of the planned outsourcing contract for heavy vehicles repair and maintenance under ground transportation; (d) lower actual expenditure related to training consultants and lower cost of travel for the consultants on the Human Rights Advisory Panel; and (e) reduced requirements for medical supplies (see A/66/777, para. 9).
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案 图 书 馆 作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推 广 普 及 使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
[...] 国家综合性安全部门改革战略的 执行,包括通过西非经共体/葡语共同 体路 线 图 予 以 支持;(b) 国防和安全部门 的复员工作以及根据性别平等和人权标准对警务人员和国内治安人员进行审核 [...]
增加最脆弱群体诉诸法律的机会并强化司法部门,包括狱政 改革,以解决有罪不罚问题和打击贩毒及跨国犯罪;(d) 通过一次安全部门改革 高级别会议为养恤基金和包括复员援助和重返社会安排在内的相关举措开展协 调和资源调动活动。
Regarding Security Sector Reform and the rule of law, the focus will be on: (a) the implementation of a national holistic Security Sector
Reform strategy, including support
[...] through the ECOWAS/CPLP road map; (b) demobilization in [...]
the defence and security sectors and
progress in the vetting and certification process for policing and internal security personnel, in accordance with gender and human rights standards; (c) increasing access to justice for the most vulnerable and strengthening the justice sector, including penitentiary reform, to address impunity and combat drug trafficking and transnational crime; and (d) coordination and resource mobilization activities for the pension fund and related initiatives, including reinsertion and reintegration arrangements, through a high-level Security Sector Reform event.
在全联合国集团,无论什么术语, 所 有工作人员代表机构的职能和权力 都大体上类似,每个机构都附属于以下三个联合会中的一个:国际公务员协会联 [...]
合会(FICSA);联合国系统国际工作人员工会和协会协调委员会(CCISUA)――其 创始成员(总部工作人员工会和联内办工作人员协调委员会)于
1982 年从 FICSA 分裂出来;和联合国公务员联合会――其创始成员于 2007 年分别从 CCISUA(总 部工作人员工会)和 FICSA(开发计划署/项目厅/人口活动基金)分裂出来,总部工 作人员工会联合会(UNFSU)于 2008 年也这样做了。
Throughout the UN Group,
[...] regardless of the terminology used, the functions [...]
and powers of all SRBs are quite similar and
each one is affiliated with one of the following three federations: Federation of International Civil Servants Associations (FICSA); Coordinating Committee for International Staff Unions and Associations of the United Nations system (CCISUA) — the founding members of which (UNSU and UNOG SCC) split from FICSA in 1982; and United Nations Civil Servants Federation (UNISERV), the founders of which split respectively from CCISUA (UNSU) and FICSA (UNDP/UNOPS/UNFPA) in 2007, joined by UNFSU in 2008.
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进 普 遍 接受 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其图是吞 并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).




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