

单词 无法摆脱的

See also:

无法 n

inability n




break away from
break away (from)
free oneself from
break out (of)
extricate oneself
cast off (old ideas etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 于任何人,尤其是不利于塞尔维亚的结果,那就是, 使科索沃陷入长无法摆脱的困境
The sooner we do, the less there is a likelihood of
producing an outcome that is surely not in anyone’s interest, least of all Serbia’s — the
[...] long-term freezing of Kosovo’s limbo.
炮的硝烟散尽后,这些人在很长的时间里仍 无法摆 脱残酷的战争 带给他们的创伤和永久的伤痕。
Long after the guns have fallen silent, such people remain traumatized and permanently scarred by the brutalities of war.
提交人遭到死亡威胁,亲眼目睹自己的堂兄弟被酷刑折磨令他痛 苦万分,至今仍无法摆脱他们的失 踪 造成的痛苦和自己所受酷刑留下的心理阴 影。
He is still suffering today on account of his cousins’ [...]
disappearance and the psychological impact of the torture he himself underwent.
我们必 须加强我们的集体决心,解决使太多 无法摆脱 贫困的各种社会和性别不平等状况。
We must strengthen our collective resolve to confront the social and gender
[...] inequalities that lock all too many people into poverty.
其他受害者或许在新闻报导中不那 么明显或经常被提到,就是索马里人本身,他 无法 摆脱受到海盗活的腐蚀 性社会影响的日常生活。
The other victims, perhaps less visible or not so frequently mentioned in the news, are the Somalis themselves, condemned in their daily lives to suffer the corrosive social impact of piracy.
回顾历史,伊斯坦布尔和上海可谓同病相怜,清醒时也好,潜意识也罢,都一 无法摆脱 那 种 源于西方世 的 焦 虑 感。
Historically, Istanbul and Shanghai are two cities
that have suffered most
[...] from both the conscious and subconscious anxieties produced by the West—a topic that remains still under-researched.
非洲经济在 60 年代曾与所谓的“亚洲龙”看齐, 无法 找 到 摆脱 困境 的气息和节奏。
The inability of African economies, which were once at the same level in the 1960s as the so-called “Asian dragons”, to find the stamina and rhythm to rise to the top
为此,采纳了奥尔良全球各部门主任会议的 讨论和建议,并考虑到了目前大家都已认识到多国办事 无法 很 快 摆脱 限 制 获得各自所的 资金
This has been done on the basis of discussions and recommendations from the Orléans Global Meeting
of Directors, and in
[...] light of the constraints now acknowledged that will prevent cluster offices from reaching ideal resource levels in the immediate future.
强调少数群体许多成员,特别是少数群体儿童,无法享有平等机会和平等接 受教育的机会,从而不能充分地对所属群体和整个社会作出贡献,造成遭受歧 视、经济边缘化和社会排斥的少数群体成 无法摆脱 深 受其 害 的 无 止 无休的贫 困, 又强调少数群体成员有效参与其所属社会的国家政治、文化、宗教、经济和 社会进程对于他们充分和平等地享受所有人权至关重要,有助于缓解紧张关系, 有利于预防冲突,促进稳定和提高社会凝聚力
Stressing that the lack of equal opportunities and equal access to education for many persons belonging to minorities, in particular minority children, prevents them from contributing fully to their own communities and to the wider society, and perpetuates the cycle of poverty experienced acutely by persons belonging to minorities facing discrimination, economic marginalization and social exclusion
最不发达国的生产 流程和产品在技术上陈旧过时,但往 无法摆脱 这 一 特点。
Least developed countries have often not been able to move beyond outdated technologies that characterize their production processes and outputs.
高生育率和孕 产妇健康不良是贫的体现 ,并使家庭和社 无法摆脱 贫 穷
High fertility and poor maternal health are
[...] symptoms of poverty and hold back families and communities from escaping poverty.
过去关于国家属的专家著述似 无法摆脱 一 个 基本要素,即领土。
In the past, expert writing on
[...] statehood seemed obsessed with one of the constitutive elements of [...]
statehood, namely, territory.
另外还有非传染性 疾的挑战,使宏观经济无法发展,导致大量底层人无法摆脱长期贫困。
There is also the challenge of non-communicable diseases, which hinder macroeconomic development and keep the bottom billions of people locked in chronic poverty.
死庆的同时,却仍无法摆脱心 中深 藏 的 那 份恐惧,觉得总有一天那对邪恶的双胞胎会派出他们更难缠的表亲 CISPA(Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act 网络情报分享及保护法案),此法案已经从它失败的前辈身上学到了教训。
The defenders of online freedom were still dancing on the grave of SOPA/PIPA when from the depths of the unmitigated paranoia that begat those evil twins arose an aberrant cousin CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act), a bill whose drafters learned well from the failure of its predecessors.
因此,对这些国家而言,区域经济一体化是 一个高度优先要务,因为这可以帮助它 摆脱 其 无 缘 于 各种机 的 困 境 ,并 增强其抵御能力。
Therefore, regional economic integration was a high priority for those countries because it could help them overcome their isolation from opportunities and enhance their resilience.
然而,为了更妥善管理经济和为长期稳定增长奠 定基础,以便努摆脱过去 30 年无法控制的繁荣 与 萧条交替循环,尼日利亚政府实施了转型计划,确认 贸易和投资是尼日利亚进行国际参与的关键。
However, in order to better manage the economy and set the stage for long-term stable growth in an effort to break the past 30 years of uncontrollable boom-and-bust cycles, the Nigerian Government introduced a transformation agenda that recognizes trade and investment as linchpins of Nigeria’s international engagements.
摆脱司法程序,不用拘留方的 详细工具包已经定稿,关于儿童行政拘留的全球研究进入了最后阶段。
A detailed
[...] toolkit on diversion from judicial proceedings and alternatives [...]
to detention has been finalized, and a global
study on the administrative detention of children is in its final stages.
政府认识到我无法靠 治摆脱该流行病,因而在 2009 年召的首次预 防大会上,重新将预防干预列为优先事项,其主要目 标是实现将新感染病例减少 50%的新的更为大胆的国 家抗艾目标。
Recognizing that we cannot treat our way out of the epidemic, the Government, at its first-ever [...]
prevention convention held
in 2009, reprioritized prevention interventions with the main objective of achieving the new and more ambitious national HIV goal of reducing new infections by 50 per cent.
在保护难民领域的国际行动应优先考虑以下四 个方面:消除世界冲突的原因,尤其是通过增强国 家的发展能力;促进遵守国际难法 , 它 与国际人法和国际人道主法互为 补充,并避免把保护难 民固定为安全问题或移民问题;加强国际团结和合 作,并帮摆脱冲突的国家 建立必需的制度措施照 顾他们的公民;并通过资助国家层面的项目,同时 加强国际层面的努力,特别是发挥建设和平委员会 的作用,以促进难民的自愿遣返。
International action in the field of refugee protection should focus on the following four areas: eliminating the causes of conflicts in the world, including by improving States’ capacities for development; promoting
respect for
[...] international refugee law, in complementarity with international humanitarian and human rights law, and ensuring that refugees’ human rights were not negatively affected by security or migration concerns; promoting international solidarity and partnerships and assisting States emerging from conflict to build [...]
their institutional
capacities in order to take care of their citizens; and encouraging refugees’ voluntary repatriation to their home countries by financing national programmes, while strengthening international efforts, particularly the role of the Peacebuilding Commission.
由于废物已日益成为一个大问题,以 法 倾 倒 和焚烧方 摆脱 废 物 也成了一 件有利可的事情
Because waste is
[...] becoming a major problem, it is now profitable to get rid of it by illegal dumping and burning.
委员会注意到,在近30 年里,缔约国始无法摆脱各种 体制和政治危 机,特别是武装暴动和宗族冲突,对该 的 总 体 情况,特别是对享有经济、社 会、文化、公民和政治权利,造成并仍在继续造成灾难性的后果。
The Committee notes that for some 30 years the State party has been beset by institutional and political crises characterized by armed uprisings and intercommunal conflicts, which have had and continue to have disastrous consequences for the situation in the country in general and for the enjoyment of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights in particular.
无法复原 ,这些国家反而可能会被推过其临界极限,陷入非常难 摆脱的 长 期停 滞和人类发展衰退的困境。
Instead of bouncing back, countries can be pushed beyond critical limits, locking them in long-term stagnation and human development decline, from which it is extremely difficult to break free.
乌克兰了解国家挑战和国际挑的重 要 性,同 时无法摆脱由切尔诺贝利事故引 的 长 期 环境问 题,无法轻易实现全面可持续发展。
While it understood the importance of national and international challenges, Ukraine was still living with the lasting environmental problems caused by the Chernobyl accident and would not easily achieve comprehensive sustainable development.
法和人 权部还以其他身份协调各部门领域的援助,以打击有罪不罚现象, 特别是旨在稳定该国东部并在共和国总统和总理一级协 的摆脱 武 装 冲突地区 稳定和重建计划。
The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights also works in other capacities to coordinate aid in sectoral areas to combat impunity, especially the STAREC programme aimed at stabilizing the east of the country [...]
and coordinated
at the level of the Presidency of the Republic and the Prime Minister.
为实现统一、自由、团结、自由和自决,为确保 法 并 维持埃塞俄比亚、非 洲、非洲土著、原马赛克人民的完整,这是我们的神圣传统,为在我们、埃塞俄 比亚人、非洲人、非洲土著人、国内和国外东半球和西半球原马赛克人当中的友 爱和善意,从而维持埃塞俄比亚的完整和主权,在成员和整个地球上传播古老的 埃塞俄比亚、非洲、非洲土著、原马赛克 的 文 化 ,为纠正胡作非为 摆脱 压迫 并按照我们对完美男人和女人以及上帝创造我们的目的而发展自己、我们的后代 的命运。
In order to effect unity, liberty, solidarity,
freedom and
[...] self-determination, to secure justice and maintain the integrity of Ethiopia, Africa, Afro-Indigenous, Original Mosaic Peoples, which is our divine heritage, To promote love and good-will among We, the Ethiopian, African, Afro-Indigenous, Original Mosaic Peoples of the Eastern and Western Hemisphere at home and abroad and thereby to maintain the integrity and Sovereignty of Ethiopia, to disseminate the ancient Ethiopian, African, Afro-Indigenous, Original Mosaic Peoples culture among its members and throughout the Earth, to correct abuses, relieve oppression [...]
and carve for ourselves, and our posterity, a destiny comparable with our
idea of perfect manhood and womanhood and God’s purpose in creating us.
最后,必须在国 际一级采取措施,为《条约的无核 武器缔约国提 供安全保障,例如普遍承诺“不首先使用 的 原 则, 逐摆脱军事学说中对核武器的依赖,以及放弃把 威胁使用核武器当作促进战略利益的手段。
Lastly, measures should be taken internationally
to provide security
[...] assurances to non-nuclear-weapon States parties to the Treaty, such as universal commitment to the “no-first-use” principle, the gradual departure from reliance on nuclear weapons in military doctrines, [...]
and the relinquishing
of the threat of use of nuclear weapons as a means to advance strategic interests.
此类努力不尊重那些毒瘾受害的尊 严,因为它们并不治疗或治愈患者,而是错误地暗示 他无法摆脱毒瘾
Such efforts do not respect the dignity of those who are suffering from drug addiction, as they do not treat or cure the sick person but instead falsely suggest that they cannot break free from the cycle of addiction.
[...] 的准确而完整的信息,因此,我们实在不了解在没有既定标准、没有单独的目标和没有持续 不断的监督的情况下,业绩评估措施是否 摆脱 主 观 而 无 规 则 的 判 断
As no precise and full information has ever been received about the lessons learnt from this exercise, we obviously do not know to what extent performance assessment has rested on
subjective and sporadic appraisals, involving no established
[...] criteria, no individual objectives and no continuous [...]
follow up.
[...] 货币政策无效,发达经济体开始出现停滞;同时,虽然有些发展中经济体弹性较 强,只出现了增长率的下降,但由于它们占世界经济的份额仍然相对较小,因无法帮助世界经的其余部分脱离危 机。
Developed economies had begun to stagnate with the waning fiscal stimuli and ineffective monetary policy, and while some developing economies were resilient, showing only a slowdown in growth rates, they were, however, not able
to pull the rest of the
[...] world economy out of the crisis, due to their still relatively small share of the global economy.




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