

单词 撇清

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

1989 年 8 月,军事情报部门逮捕了克伦民族联盟 的“炸弹专家”Ko
[...] Ko Naing,他认了罪,从而使全国民主联盟成 撇清 了 任何 责任。
In August 1989, military intelligence arrested Ko Ko Naing, a “bomb expert” of the Karen National
Union, who confessed to the crime and
[...] exonerated the members of the National League [...]
for Democracy from any involvement.
我们感到高兴的是,全 国过渡委员撇清了与这些暴行的联系,并表示打算 进行调查。
We are pleased that the National Transitional Council (NTC) has distanced itself from those atrocities and has expressed its intention to conduct investigations.
虽然国际公司与烟草农场场主没有直接的合同关系,但鉴于它最终从此类行为获 得大量经济上的好处,它还是难 撇清 与 此类指控的关系。
While the international company had no direct contractual relationship with the tobacco farm owners, it has nevertheless found it difficult to disassociate itself from the allegations in the light of the significant economic benefits that it ultimately derives from such conduct.
棉兰抢劫案可能为第二章提 到的“共生关系”提供一个例证,也就是说,像唯一 真主游击队这样规模较大的组织可以为小组织所进行 的暴力行动提供必要的组织构架,同时确保能把自撇清。
The Medan robbery may have been an example of the symbiosis noted in Section II, where a larger organisation like JAT can provide the necessary framework for the violent actions of a smaller group while at the same time trying to ensure plausible deniability for itself.
主席,特首曾蔭權一再表示,2017年普選行政長官的方式將由下屆 特首處理,他拒絕履行其選舉承諾 撇清 自 己 的責任。
President, the Chief Executive Donald TSANG has said time and again that the method for the election of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage in 2017 will be dealt with by the next term Chief Executive; he refused to fulfil his election pledge and cast away all his responsibilities.
考虑到洗钱显然是一种捷径,通过将犯罪同非法所得分离,使犯罪分子得撇清自己同自己用来创造收益的犯罪活动之间的关系,从而增加对犯罪分子 进行起诉和定罪的难度,还考虑到这种收益不仅用于维持犯罪行动,还可能用 于各种合法或非法投资,产生影子经济
the fact that money-laundering is clearly an expedient that enables criminals to distance themselves from a criminal activity used by them to generate profits by separating the crime from the illicit proceeds, thus making it more difficult for the criminals to be prosecuted and convicted, and that such profits not only are used to sustain criminal operations but also may be used for various lawful or unlawful investments, creating shadow economies
3月中進行的跟進調查顯示,撇除不 清 楚 預 算案內容的被訪者後,62%對預算案表示滿意、13%則表示不滿。
The follow-up poll in mid-March revealed
[...] that, after excluding those respondents who said they were not clear about the Budget, [...]
62% of the respondents
were satisfied with the Budget and 13% were dissatisfied.
撇除不清楚施 政報告內容的被訪者,次樣本為515人。
Excluding respondents
[...] who were not clear about the Policy [...]
Furthermore, again excluding those who had not heard of the Policy [...]
Address, on the second day of the survey, the proportion
of respondents who said their confidence in Hong Kong's future had dropped after the announcement of the Policy Address was 29%, representing a significant increase of 7 percentage points.
撇除了不清楚預 算案內容的被訪者後,本年度的數字為50%滿意、19%不滿、26%謂「一半半」。
After excluding those respondents who said they had not heard of the [...]
Budget, this year's instant poll showed that 50% were
satisfied with it, 19% were dissatisfied and 26% said "half-half".
9] Excluding
[...] respondents who had not heard of/were not clear about the Budget.
撇除了未聞/清楚預 算案內容的被訪者後,本年度的數字為68%滿意、6%不滿、21%謂「一半半」;平均給予財政預算案70.6分。
After excluding those respondents who said they had not heard of the Budget / were not clear about the Budget [...]
content, this year's
instant survey showed that 68% were satisfied with it, 6% were dissatisfied and 21% said "half-half" while the average rating registered for the Budget was 70.6 marks.
至於市民對施政報告滿意程度的綜合評分, 撇 除 了 不 清 楚 施 政報告內容的被訪者後,第二日錄得的評分(47.5分)亦較第一日(51.6分)顯著下跌4.1分。
As for people's satisfaction rating of the Policy Address, after excluding those respondents who said they had not heard of it, the figure has dropped from 51.6 marks recorded on the first day to 47.5 marks registered on the second day, showing a significant decrease of 4.1 marks.
在九成半置信水平下,特首董建華、政務司司長曾蔭權及財政司司長梁錦松評分的抽樣誤差分別為正負1.4、1.0及1.2分,各個統計百分比的抽樣誤差為少於正負3個百分比,但有關被訪者對預算案即時滿意程度的一條題目,由於統計數 撇 除 了因 不 清 楚 預算案內容而未能作答者,樣本基數減少,因此該等數字的抽樣誤差增加至正負5個百分比左右。
The sample size of the survey is 1,047 respondents. At 95% confidence level, the sampling errors of the ratings of CE, CS and FS are plus/minus 1.4, 1.0 and 1.2 marks correspondingly, that of other percentages is less than plus/minus 3 percentage points, except for the single question on people's instant satisfaction with the Budget, which is about plus/minus 5 percentage points.
次樣撇除自稱不清楚預 算案內容的被訪者。
Those respondents who said they had not heard of the Budget are excluded from the sub-sample.
調查亦發現,撇除了不清楚施 政報告內容的被訪者後,二成五表示對香港前途的信心有所增加、二成二表示減少、四成表示不變、沒有意見者則佔一成四。
Again excluding those who had not heard of the Policy [...]
Address, 25% of the respondents said their confidence in the future
of Hong Kong had increased after CE delivered his Address, 22% said their confidence had dropped, 40% said "no change", while 14% did not give a definite answer.
另外,撇除了不清楚施 政報告內容的被訪市民後,第二日調查錄得市民對施政報告表示不滿的數字達三成五,較第一日的二成七顯著上升8個百分比。
On the other hand, after excluding those respondents who said they had not heard of the Policy [...]
Address, the dissatisfaction
figure for the Address registered on the second day of the survey was 35%, which was a significant increase of 8 percentage points when compared to the 27% recorded on the first day.
另外,撇除了不清楚施 政報告內容的被訪市民後,二成二被訪市民表示滿意特首董建華昨日發表的施政報告、二成七不滿、二成九表示「一半半」、沒有意見者則佔二成二。
Besides, after excluding those respondents who said they had not heard of the Policy Address, 22% of the respondents said they were satisfied with the Policy Address, 27% were dissatisfied, 29% said "half-half", while 22% did not give a definite answer.
至於市民對施政報告滿意程度的評分, 撇 除 了 不 清 楚 施 政報告內容的被訪者後,本年的數字為51.6分,較2001年顯著下跌5.1分。
As for people's satisfaction rating of the Policy Address, after excluding those respondents who said they had not heard of it, an average rating of 51.6 marks was registered this year, a significant decrease of 5.1 marks from that of 2001.
至於市民對本年度財政預算案的後期反應方面, 撇 除 不 清 楚 預 算案內容的被訪者後,數字為一成三滿意、六成五不滿、一成六謂「一半半」,不滿數字較即時調查大幅上升16個百分比。
With respect to the Budget, after excluding respondents who said they had not heard of it, 13% were satisfied, 65% were dissatisfied and 16% said "half-half".
至於市民對本年度財政預算案的即時反應方面, 撇 除 了 不 清 楚 預 算案內容的被訪者後,數字為二成滿意、五成不滿、二成三謂「一半半」,滿意數字較去年的即時調查大幅下跌27個百分比,亦是97年特區政府成立後六次有關財政預算案即時調查的最低數字。
With respect to people's instant reaction to this year's Budget, after excluding those respondents who said they had not heard of the issue, our instant poll showed that 20% were satisfied, 50% were dissatisfied and 23% said "half-half".
撇除了未聞/清楚預 算案內容的被訪者後,本年度即時調查的數字為47%滿意、14%不滿、35%「一半半」;平均給予財政預算案60.8分,對預算案的認知比率為69%。
After excluding those respondents who said they had not heard of the Budget, or were not clear about the Budget [...]
content, this year's
instant survey showed that 47% were satisfied with the Budget, 14% were dissatisfied and 35% said "half-half".
此外,撇除了不清楚施 政報告內容的被訪市民後,一成八被訪市民滿意本年度的施政報告、五成二不滿、三成一表示「一半半」;相較即時調查(1月8及9日)所得的綜合結果,不滿數字在兩週內大幅上升13個百分比,達到六份施政報告中最高數字。
Besides, after excluding those
[...] respondents who said they had not heard of the Policy [...]
Address, 18% of the respondents said
they were satisfied with the Policy Address, 52% were dissatisfied, while 31% said "half-half". When compared to the aggregate results of our instant poll (January 8-9), the dissatisfaction figure has drastically increased by 13 percentage points in 2 weeks' time, which was also the highest among the 6 Addresses delivered by Tung.
律師會認為,擬議第7AI條清晰, 因為其第(4)款所提 述的"或有"一詞的涵義未有界定,而為擬議第7AI條的目的計算 合夥義務時,有限責任合夥須自行判斷何時將一項義務納入撇除。
LS has expressed the views that the proposed section 7AI is unclear by reason that the meaning of "contingent" referred to in subsection (4) is not defined and that LLPs are left to their own judgement in figuring out when [...]
an obligation is
to be included or excluded in the computation of partnership obligation for the purpose of the proposed section 7AI.
如帳戶出現任何拖欠還款情況,除非拖欠金額在由拖欠日期起計60日屆滿前全 清 還 或 已 撇 帳 ( 因破產令導致撇帳除外),否則帳戶還款資料 (定義見以上第(8) [...]
In the event of any default of payment
relating to an account, unless the
[...] amount in default is fully repaid or written off (other than [...]
due to a bankruptcy order) before
the expiry of 60 days from the date such default occurred, the account repayment data (as defined in paragraph 8 (v) above) may be retained by the credit reference agency until the expiry of five years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default.
如資料當事人因被頒布破產令而導致任何帳戶金額 撇 帳 , 不論帳戶還款資料有否顯示任何拖欠為期超過60日的還款,該帳戶還款資料(定義 見以上第(8) (v)段)會在全清還該 拖欠還款後被信貸資料服務機構繼續保留多五年,或由資料當事人提出證據通知信貸資料服務機構其已獲 解除破產令後保留多五年(以較早出現的情況為準)。
In the event any amount in an account is written-off due to a bankruptcy order being made against a data subject, the account repayment data (as defined in paragraph 8 (v) above) may be retained by the credit reference agency, regardless of whether the account repayment data reveal any default of payment lasting in excess of 60 days, until the expiry of five years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default or the expiry of five years from the date of discharge from a bankruptcy as notified by the data subject with evidence to the credit reference agency, whichever is earlier.
为了下一轮会谈取得较大进展,我的个人特使请双方编写一份有关创新方 式和讨论议题的修清单,撇开最 有争议的内容并尽可能以双方都能同意的表达 [...]
To achieve more progress at the next round,
my Personal Envoy asked the parties to
[...] prepare a revised list of innovative approaches [...]
and subjects for discussion, putting
aside the most controversial elements and, where possible, recasting others in terms to which both parties could agree.
(ii) 董事會可進行一般被視為必要或適宜之行動及事宜,以使根據第(a)段條 文之任何撥充資本生效,並可行使董事會全面權力,作出其認為適當之 規定(就零碎可分派股份而言),包括有關彙集出售全部或部分零碎權 益及將所得款項淨額向應得人士分派, 撇 除 有 關零碎權益或向上或向 下調整為整數或將零碎權益撥歸本公司而非相關股東之安排。
(ii) The Directors may do all acts and things considered necessary or expedient to give effect to any capitalization pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a), with full power to the Directors to make such provisions as they think fit in the case of shares becoming distributable in fractions (including provisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues to the Company rather than to the members concerned).
由於所攤佔累計虧損已超過本 集團於共同控制實體之權益,因此本集團未有確認所多出的數額,並於二零一一年 十二月三十一日將投資成撇減至零。
The accumulative share of losses has exceeded the Group’s interest in the jointly controlled entity and hence the Group did not recognise the excess amount and has reduced its investment cost to zero as at 31 December 2011.
政府应通过与相关部族协商和合作,制定一项有关农村土地的国家重大政 策,以客观解决土地及其所有权问题 撇 开 土地与种族之间的联系,在开发土地 时促进合作与互补以实现共同繁荣。
The Government should develop a nationwide rural land policy in consultation and cooperation with the concerned communities in order to gain a clear picture of the issue of land and its prosperity, break the link between land and ethnicity and foster cooperation and complementarity in land use for shared prosperity.




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