

单词 悬置

See also:

without foundation
hang or suspend
public announcement

External sources (not reviewed)

业务单元总经理Kai Frühauf展示了可以承载大负荷的发动 悬置 和 聚酰胺结构件,与传统的铝制发动 悬置 相 比,其重量最高可减轻了50%。
Kai Frühauf, head of the business unit, demonstrated ultra-strong engine mounts and structural components made of polyamide that weigh up to 50% less than conventional aluminum engine mounts.
所有对于形式、空间、材料和细部的过度表达都 悬置 起 来 ,转而专注于如何通过布局和关系的经营让住户在有限的场地内获得更自得的栖居体验。
Instead, we should focus on how to make residents feel more comfortable and free in a limited site through fine arrangements of space distribution and relationship.
该系列液悬置件是 工程机械、清扫车以及农业机械的理想配件,”康迪泰克振动控制系统公司工业研发负责人Stefan [...]
The hydro mount is ideal for construction [...]
machinery as well as for sweepers and agricultural machinery,” reports Dr. Stefan
Narberhaus, head of industrial development at ContiTech Vibration Control in Hanover.
发动机和底悬置件 制动和转向部件
Engine and chassis mounts Brake and steering components Hose lines
通过轨悬置式精料饲喂车、精料饲喂站或厅内饲喂碗自动配送料仓中的精料和矿物质 - 单独饲喂每头奶牛。
Automatically distributes concentrate and minerals from silos via a rail-suspended concentrate feed wagon, concentrate feed stations or in-parlour feeding bowls – for individual feeding of each cow.
您需要精料仓、一台固定式搅拌机、上料传送带、缓冲式粗料给料台以及一辆轨 悬置 式 饲 料/TMR发料车。
You’ll need concentrate silos, a stationary mixer, loading conveyor, buffer tables for roughage, and a rail suspended distribution wagon for forage/TMR.
当角色们出入中国人的邻里时具有的困惑之感贯穿全文的叙述,这可以跟进入(比如说)一个外交代表场合时坚称我们正在接近一个不同的领域 悬置 我 们的怀疑的感觉相比较——或者说,为此,这有点像在世界博览会和国际展览这些应该灌注国家表述的场合里去参观其他国家的展馆的时候的感觉。
The feeling of bemusement the narrative conveys as the characters move in and out the Chinese neighborhood could be compared to the one experienced when entering,
say, a diplomatic representation as it
[...] entices us into suspending our disbelief by [...]
sustaining that we are accessing a different
territory – or, for that matter, when visiting other countries’ pavilions in world fairs and international exhibitions that are supposed to encapsulate national representations.
已预 定此后进行另一次会见解悬置的问 题。
Another meeting is foreseen
[...] to resolve the issues in abeyance
草料人工装载到固定式搅拌机,然后,系统自动混合、下料并通过轨 悬置 式 饲喂行车进行分配。
Forage is manually loaded into the stationary mixer and then the system handles mixing, unloading and distribution via the rail suspended feed wagon.
公司坚持以"科技创新、合作共赢、诚信高效、服务一流"的服务理念,潜心专注于日系、德系、 美系GM及 中国国产车的发动悬置系列 (发动机支架)、减震器托盘系列 、衬套系列 、球头系列、空气格系列、 空调格系列、 机油格系列、 和轴承轮毂系列、拉索系列 的生产制作及产品研发,以过硬的产品质量及优质的服务售后,赢得了海内外客户朋友的好评。
The company adhere to the service concept of "scientific and technological innovation, cooperation and win-win, integrity and efficient, first-class service" , with great concentration to focus on Japan, Germany, the United States Department of GM and Chinese domestic car engine mounts series (engine bracket), shock absorber tray series, bushing series, ball joint series, air filter series, air-conditioning filter series, oil filter series, and the wheel bearing series, cable series production and product research and development, to perfect the quality of products and high quality after-sale service, win the customers both domestic and abroad friends of praise.
Frühauf指出:“我们将利用常熟先进的检测实验室不断检验我们的发动 悬置 , 直 至确保其达到舒适性、安全性及耐久性的最高标准,满足适用于各级汽车的最高质量要求。
We use our state-of-the-art test laboratory in Changshu to continuously test our engine mounts until they guarantee a maximum level of comfort, safety and durability and thus meet the highest quality demands that apply to vehicles in all classes", declares Kai Uwe Frühauf.
FST 驱动单元具有的独特前悬置设计 ,提高了 Kevlar 音盆的效果。
The unique front suspension of FST drivers enhances Kevlar cones yet further.
In turn, this central cell is suspended within a vast inverted wing form which maintains an exceptionally low profile to aid in the air flow above and under the vehicle.
视情况连接您现有的设备,或者添加部件:精料仓、移动式搅拌机、缓冲式粗料给料台、轨 悬置 式 发料车、利拉伐饲喂管理软件、利拉伐ALPRO™ 及 DelPro™奶牛场管理解决方案。
Connect your existing equipment or add on components as needed: concentrate silos, mobile mixer, buffer table, for roughage, rail suspended distrubution wagon, DeLaval feed manager software, DeLaval ALPRO™ and DelPro™ dairy management solutions.
我们的新工厂落成在常熟市东南经济开发区工业园,这里将生产汽车胶管、商用车和轨道车辆所用的空气弹簧 系统,及汽车发动悬置部件 和其它功能性组件。
With its new plant located in the South East Economic Development Zone Industrial Park, we will be producing automotive hose lines, air springs for commercial vehicles and rail vehicles, and automotive mounting components and other components.
悬置系统 还配有一个具有悬挂功能的机电驱动式“转换执行机构”,可通过调整该执行机构确保空转发动机产生更强振动期间具有最佳舒适度。
The mounting system also features an additional electromechanical 'switching actuator’ with mounting characteristics that can be adjusted to ensure optimum comfort when idle engines produce stronger vibrations.
除了由橡塑元件制成的常规发动 悬置 件 、 发动机液 悬置 件 以及衬套外,振动控制系统事业部还为通用汽车、上海通用以及通用韩国公司等客户生产塑料部件。
In addition to conventional engine mounts made of rubber-metal elements and hydraulic engine mounts and bushings, the business unit in China also produces plastic components for customers such as General Motors, Shanghai General Motors and General Motors Korea.
作为全球领先的汽悬置系统 制造商,康迪泰克振动控制系统公司于2010年获得全新观致汽车品牌的中心平台供应合同。
As one of the world's leading international companies for the production of mounting elements for the automotive industry, ContiTech Vibration Control was awarded the contract for developing the central platform for the construction of the new Qoros car brand in 2010.
微米级传感器与纳米级传感器是阿基米德系统的组成部分,传感器在微 悬 臂 内 设 置 了 嵌 入式微流控通道,样品经过该通道进行测量。
The Micro and Nano sensors are an integral part of Archimedes, providing a microfluidic channel embedded in a micro-cantilever, through which the sample to be measured is passed.
为确保消防安全,第一层展位必须自行 置悬 挂式 6 公斤干粉灭火器,20m2 配置一个,20~30 m2 配置两个,以此类推。
For the concerning of fire fighting, the exhibitor must deploy hanging fire extinguisher of 6kg by himself, one for 20m2 and two for 20-30m2 , and so on.
Square 公司(514,183 美元)和 Acme 公司(467,783 美元)的设备费用包括置悬浮浆 料压力容器、泵和辅助 设备。
Equipment costs for Square (US $514,183) and Acme (US $467,783) include the procurement of suspension pressure vessels, pumps and ancillary equipment.
[...] 以及科索沃北部的塞族领导人继续进行对话,并继续 与所有合作伙伴合作,以解悬而未 决的问题。
Lastly, my country once again invites the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo, as well as the Serbian leaders in northern Kosovo, to
continue their dialogue and to continue to cooperate with all of their partners with a view
[...] to resolving outstanding issues.
只需通过配有压力计的插 头就可以来测量来自悬挂 系统的信号 来悬挂装置的气 动信号被直接发送到制动表盘上,此信号取决于车辆所承载的重量,制动表盘就自动调节制动缸的气动压力。
measurement of the signal from the suspension wheel flange by simply connecting a plug fitted with a manometer.
侧翻与稳定性控制系统可精密监控车辆动力学特性,并自动控制刹车 悬 架 和 转向 置 , 以 主动保障车辆安全,确保车辆按照驾驶员的意图行驶。
Rollover and Stability Control systems provide active safety of the vehicle through precise monitoring of vehicle dynamics and automatic control of brakes, suspension and steering to maintain driver-intended operation.
伊朗不得从本国领土,或由本国国民,或使用 悬挂本国国旗的船只或飞机,直接或间接地提 供、销售或转让武器或有关材料,所有国家都应 禁止本国国民,或使悬挂本 国国旗的船只或飞 机,从伊朗置这些物项”。
Iran shall not supply, sell or transfer directly or indirectly from its territory or by its nationals or using its flag vessels or aircraft any arms or related materiel, and that all
States shall prohibit the
[...] procurement of such items from Iran by their nationals, or using their flag vessels [...]
or aircraft”.
相关的观测包括但不 限于温室气体悬浮颗 粒和空气质量参数的测量及其变化情况;植被和土地利 用,毁林情况,包括森林火灾、土地退化和荒漠化造成的毁林情况;森林生物 量的变化;生物多样性的丧失;冰川后退和波动;以及海平面高度测量、降 水、云和全球水循环的变化。
Related observations included, but were not limited to, measurements of and changes in greenhouse gases, aerosols and air quality parameters; land cover and land use, deforestation, including from forest fires, land degradation and desertification; changes in forest biomass and loss of biodiversity; glacial retreat and surges; and sea surface altimetry, precipitation, clouds and global water circulation changes.
鉴于国际进行的反海盗努力以及本法令第 4 条第 13 款提及的军事人员参加 行动,又联系 2008 年 11 月 10 日理事会第 2008/851/PESC 号欧洲联盟联合行动, 在等待联合国国际海事组织海事安全委员会的导则批准之前,授权在未建立第 1 款所述分遣队和符合第 5 款、5 之二、5 之三规定限度的情况下,悬挂意大利 旗帜通过第 1 款所述国际海域的商船上,部署 1931 年 6 月 18 日第 773 号皇家法 令批准关于公共安全的统一法律案文第 133 和 134 条核可的“宣誓卫兵”,以保 护所述船舶。
In the context of international efforts for counter-piracy and the participation of military personnel in the operations referred to in article 4, para. 13 of this decree, and also in conjunction with the European Union Joint Action 2008/851/PESC of the Council, of 10 November 2008, and awaiting the approval of the guidelines of the Maritime Safety Committee of the United Nations within the International Maritime Organization (IMO), it is authorized — whereas the detachments referred to in para. 1, are not established — and in any case within the limits established in paras. 5, 5-bis, 5-ter, the employment of “sworn guards”, authorized under articles 133 and 134 of the Unified law text on Public Security, approved with Royal Decree 18 of June 1931, No. 773, on board merchant ships flagged in Italy transiting in international waters referred to in para. 1, for the protection of the said ships.
在这方面, 第 61/105 号决议第 86 段吁请船旗国根据该决议第 83 段通过和执行措施,或在 根据该决议第 83 或第 85 段采取措施之前,停止批悬挂本国国旗的船只在国家 管辖范围以外、未建立有权监管底层捕捞活动的区域渔业管理组织和安排,也没 有根据该决议第 85 段制定的临时措施的地区进行底层捕捞活动。
In this regard, paragraph 86 of resolution 61/105 called upon flag States to either adopt and implement measures in accordance with paragraph 83 of the resolution, or cease to authorize fishing vessels flying their flag to conduct bottom fisheries in areas beyond national jurisdiction where there was no RFMO/A with the competence to regulate such fisheries or interim measures in accordance with paragraph 85, until such measures were taken in accordance with paragraphs 83 or 85 of the resolution.
委员会还回顾,自设立联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部 队)和联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)以来,派驻以色列-黎巴嫩地区和 以色列-阿拉伯叙利亚共和国地区的停战监督组织军事观察员便 置 于 这 两个维 持和平特派团部队指挥官的行动指挥之下,协助其执行任务,但这不妨碍停战监 督组织在这两支维持和平部队的任务到期未续的情况下,在两个地区继续履行职 责(A/66/6 (Sect.5),第 5.66 和 5.67 段)。
The Committee also recalls that UNTSO military observers assigned to the Israel-Lebanon and Israel-Syrian Arab Republic sectors have been placed under the operational control of the Force Commanders of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) to assist them in the fulfilment of their tasks, since the establishment of the two peacekeeping missions; this is without prejudice to the continued functioning of UNTSO in the two sectors should the mandates of the peacekeeping forces lapse (A/66/6 (Sect. 5), paras. 5.66 and 5.67).




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