单词 | 宏大 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 宏大—grandmassive宏大adjective—greatadjExamples:宽宏大量—magnanimous (idiom); generous 宽宏大度—broad-minded magnanimous See also:宏adj—macro-adj 宏—magnificent macro (computing)
我们必须实现更宏大的战略重点,必须在本部门的现有机构之间开展更 有效的合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | We need to attain greater strategic focus, and we need to achieve more effective cooperation among the existing units in the Sector. unesdoc.unesco.org |
联 合国在这方面制定了一个广泛而有宏大抱负的工作规划,不容易实现,而且常常 被低估。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Organization has set a broad and ambitious agenda in this area, which is not easily realized and is often underestimated. daccess-ods.un.org |
此 外,该国正在继续执行一个规模宏大的项目,即“西欧-中国西部” 运输走廊,并与中国携手在霍尔果斯建立一个大型联合经济特区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, it continued to implement a mega-project in the “Western Europe – Western China” transport corridor and was developing a large joint special economic zone with China at Khorgos. daccess-ods.un.org |
印度认识到 了在全印度执行如此宏大计划的困难,因此不断审查以改进不足之处。 daccess-ods.un.org | India is conscious of the difficulties in implementation of this ambitious scheme across India and is constantly reviewing it to address shortfalls. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长在其第七次年度进展报告中介绍了在可持续设计方面取得的 进展,为三项可持续性关键举措提出了更 宏大的目标,包括能源消耗减 少 50%,温室气体排放减少 45%,淡水消耗减少 40%(A/64/346,第 33 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In his seventh annual progress report, the Secretary-General described progress made in the area of sustainable design, proposing more ambitious targets for three key sustainability initiatives, including a 50 per cent reduction in energy consumption, a 45 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a 40 per cent reduction in freshwater consumption (A/64/346, para. 33). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们强调,需要在所有 方面紧急行动,包括推动获得更多国际支持的更 宏大的国家发展战略和努力。 pseataskforce.org | We underline the need for urgent action on all sides, including more ambitious national development strategies and efforts backed by increased international support. pseataskforce.org |
世界各地的知识分子在哲学方面的活动仍然很活跃,黎巴嫩比布鲁斯国际人文科学中 心的宏大计划尤其体现了这一点。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The initiatives in philosophy of intellectuals worldwide remain very lively and this is reflected, in particular, in the ambitious programme of the International Centre for Human Sciences (Byblos, Lebanon). unesdoc.unesco.org |
鉴于生命权是最高人权的地位,以及涉及致命性 武力的决定具有不可逆转的性质,要想使国际标准推动的总的来说更宽 宏大量的办法发挥作用,则应当在这一范畴内考虑问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the status of the right to life as the supreme human right, and the irreversible nature of decisions involving lethal force, if the generally more generous approach advanced by international standards is ever to play a role, it will have to be in this context. daccess-ods.un.org |
北京首都国际机场,作为世界上最宏大和最先进的机场之一,将是本次大会的 官方主办单位。 tfwa.com | Beijing Capital International Airport, one of the world’s most ambitious and progressive airport operators, is the official host of the event. tfwa.com |
我们两个安全部队在专业化和现代化方面 还有很长的路要走,但我相信,我们到 2012 年一定 能实现我们最宏大的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | We still have a long way to go in [...] professionalizing andmodernizing the two security forces, but I believe we can achieve our most ambitious goals by 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
但近年来人们发现,这些机构在目标 宏大、预算有限的情况 下孤军作战,不仅不利于研发进展,还削弱了可能由互补产生的益处。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has, however, emerged in recent years that working in isolation with limited budgets and cylindrical objectives has not only frustrated progress in R&D in these institutions but they have also reduced the potential benefits of complementarity. daccess-ods.un.org |
缅甸人民对领国发生的迅 速变化并非全然无知,并强烈渴望加入本地区宏大的经济发展进程。 crisisgroup.org | Myanmar’s population has not been unaware of the rapid changes taking place in neighbouring countries, and there is a strong desire to join the region’s phenomenaleconomic progress. crisisgroup.org |
我们与区域伙伴和公民社 会一起,共同致力于减少流 入脆弱国家和在脆弱国家内 流通的武器。此外,我们的 援助项目还有着更宏大的目标—减少贫困和可持续发 展,以降低这些国家对于武 器的需求。 australia-unsc.gov.au | Our work with regional partners and civil society to reduce the supply of weapons into and within fragile states is complemented by the broader objectives of our aid program – poverty reduction and sustainable development – which seek to reduce the demand for weapons. australia-unsc.gov.au |
会议在批准请求时还注意到,毛里塔尼亚提出的计划可行且宏 大,但要实现该计划,需购进设备并获得远超于以往的资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | (xxi) Also in granting the request, the Meeting noted that the plan presented by Mauritania is workable and ambitious, but subject to the acquisition of equipment and the receipt of funds at levels that greatly exceed recent experience. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,最终还是需要所 有会员国以及区域组织、国际金融机构、民间社会组织,以及最主要的是刚刚摆 脱冲突的国家的政府和人民——的协调一致的行动,才能确保第 1325(2000)号决 议所载的各项宏大理想能够全面实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also has civil society representation. In the end, however, it is coordinated action by all Member States, as well as regional organizations, international financial institutions, civil society organizations and, most importantly, the Governments and people of countries emerging from conflict that will ensure that the ambitions of resolution 1325 (2000) are fully achieved. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于大会的一项宏大目标是界定“新城市议程”,鼓励各会员国开始组织本 [...] 国评估人居议程执行进展情况并确认自 1996 年人居二召开以来的主要挑战和经 验教训的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the ambitious objective set [...] by the General Assembly to define a “New Urban Agenda”, Member States are encouraged to [...]begin organizing national processes to assess progress in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, as well as to identify key challenges and lessons learned since the convening of Habitat II in 1996. daccess-ods.un.org |
包括建立新的、额外和多边的生产设施,甚至实现所有浓缩活动(可能包括 后处理)在内的更为宏大项目的多边化或国际化,显然是更为复杂的项目,其前 提条件是核供应商和接受国应建立一种新的信任感,并建立一种合作与商业并重 的新的和平核能合作形式。 daccess-ods.un.org | More ambitious projects encompassing the creation of new, additional, multilateral production facilities, even the total multilateralization or internationalization of all enrichment (and possibly reprocessing), are obviously much more complex undertakings that would presuppose a new sense of trust between nuclear suppliers and recipients and new cooperative, commercial forms of peaceful nuclear cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们也想知道:向世界传福音的宏大策略更多是由圣灵引导呢,还是由创业精神来引导呢? conversation.lausanne.org | They also wonder whether big strategies to evangelize the world are led more by the Holy Spirit or by an entrepreneurial spirit. conversation.lausanne.org |
联合国经社部全面致力于推动和支持建立内容详实、目标 宏大的 2015年后发展议程。 un.org | The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) is fully engaged in promoting and supporting the emergence of a solid and ambitious post-2015 development agenda. un.org |
詹园很好地解释了皇家园林的恢宏大气与私家园林的淡雅精致。 shangri-la.com | Zhan’s Garden is exemplary of the grandness of a royal garden and the gentleness of a private garden. shangri-la.com |
在中文文本第 6 段中,应删除“联合国气 候变化会议”,并以“联合国气候变化会议”来代 替“使”后面的“会议”一词;如此一来,该段应 改为:“鼓励会员国对哥本哈根抱有 宏大志向、本 着乐观精神并下定决心,以期使联合国气候变化会 议取得成功”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 6, the words “United Nations Climate Change Conference in” should be deleted and the words “United Nations Climate Change Conference” should replace the word “it” after the word “making”; the paragraph would then read daccess-ods.un.org |
墨尔本是国家歌剧团和芭蕾舞团的所在地,既有规模 宏大的展览,也有隐藏于小巷里的艺术。 australia.com | Contrast epic exhibitions with laneway art in Melbourne, home to the national opera and ballet companies. australia.com |
我国宽宏大量的首任总统曾说过,我们建立学校,让人民能够掌握权力,但如各位先生、各位女士所见,今日是权力掌握我们,人们讨论教育时,都会注意到一件极为重要且具体的事,国内各中学的图书馆内,皆无教程内所列教材,导致国家未来一片茫然,不知道这些作家如何描述世界,我们希望图书馆内有新教材(Polana中学)。 thisbigcity.net | The magnanimous1st President of [...] the Republic said that: We make school a place for the people to take the power but, if [...]we notice, ladies and gentlemen, nowadays the power is taking the people, we see something extremely important when we speak about education in a concrete manner none of the secondary schools in this country have the new curriculum books in their libraries, and with all this the future of this country is unfocused and without knowing what these writers say about the world. thisbigcity.net |
他没有讲宏大的公 司运营计划和未来去向,也没有讲什么产品和市场将促进公司未来发展,他选择了谈论更现实的主题,中国过高增值税的负担和过高增值税如何导致其产品更贵。 youngchinabiz.com | Instead ofmaking grand visionary statements about where he sees the company going or what products and markets will power it into the future, he chose to talk about the more mundane subject of the burdens of China’s high value added tax and how that is making its products more expensive. youngchinabiz.com |
这一目标方面,因为该目标很可能被认为过于 宏大。但与会者一致认为,它表达了一种迫切感和最不发达国家摆脱对援助的依赖和贫 困陷阱的强烈愿望。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, there was a convergence of views that this target conveyed a sense of urgency and a strong desire of LDCs to break away from aid dependency and the poverty trap. daccess-ods.un.org |
其表系分为三大产品线:高级钟表产品线包括唯一款式设计与报时表(“慢板”与“女高音”型号);X-TREM表款旨在探索以前几乎从来不应用于制表的研究领域(DualTow与X-TREM-1型号);以及与博彩世界的 宏大复杂性相匹配,包括“21点”与Baccara腕表的趣味产品线。 hautehorlogerie.org | The collection comprises three lines: The Haute Horlogerie line composed of One-of-a-Kind creations and striking watches (Adagio and Soprano models); the X-TREM watches, a collection that aims to explore fields of research rarely or never applied to watchmaking until now (DualTow and X-TREM-1 models); and the Playful line with the 21 Blackjack and Baccara watches which matches grand complications with the world of gaming. hautehorlogerie.org |
最不发达国家有效地掌控领导了会议进程, 提出了全面、宏大和前 瞻性的行动纲领草案,奠定了进一步讨论的良好基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | The least developed countries had exercised effective ownership and leadership of the process and had come forward with a comprehensive, ambitious and forward-looking draft programme of action, which provides an excellent basis for further discussions. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 愿通过你,感谢秘书长参加会议并欢迎索马里过渡联 邦政府总理穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉希·穆罕默德先生阁 下,此外也以卡塔尔国政府的名义,祝愿他顺利完成其宏大计划,为他的国家作出了贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through you, I would like to thank the Secretary-General for his participation in the meeting and to welcome His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, and to wish him, on behalf of the Government of the State of Qatar, success in achieving his ambitious programme to serve his country. daccess-ods.un.org |