

单词 四川大学



Sichuan International Studies University (SISU)

See also:


the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind (Buddhism)

大学 n

universities pl
college n


fourth-year university student

External sources (not reviewed)

四川大学哲学 学士 南开大学社会学硕士 伦敦经济政治学院(伦敦大学)社会学博士 经历
D., Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Sciences (University of London)
2006年~2008年期间,分别由北京军区总医院 四川大学 华 西医院、中国人民解放军总医院和安徽医科大学附属第一医院牵头组织,国内20多家知名的内分泌科室和专家参与,先后完成了人胰岛素系列品种优思灵N、优思灵R、优思灵30R和优思灵50R四个品种的临床试验,试验结果显示均与原研对照药诺和灵人胰岛素系列品种具有相同的有效性和安全性,并于2011年1月成功召开了该四个品种的全国上市推广会。
From 2006 to 2008, the department, respectively organized by Beijing
Military Region General Hospital,
[...] Huaxi Hospital of Sichuan University, PLA General [...]
Hospital and the First Affiliated Hospital
of Anhui Medical University, worked with more than 20 famous endocrine departments and experts in China to successively completed the clinical trials of four human insulin brands: USLIN N, USLIN R, USLIN 30R and USLIN50R.
西藏社会科学院达瓦次仁教授 四川大学 中 国 藏学研究所徐君教授、挪威特罗姆瑟大学文化科学系伊娃•布杰卡伦德博士、中国社会科学院少数民族文学研究所诺布旺丹研究员分别主持了“游牧文化转型”、“可持续发展与草场退化”、“生态移民”和“发展牧区经济”四个阶段的讨论。
Professor Dawa Tsering from Tibet Academy of Social Sciences,
Professor Xu Jun from China Tibetology
[...] Research Institution of Sichuan University, Dr. Ivar [...]
Bjorklund from Department of Culture
Sciences of  Tromso in Norway and Norbu Wangden from Minority Literature Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences respectively hosted four stages of discussion including “herding culture in transition”, “sustainability and grassland degradation”, “ecological resettlement” and “developing the pastoral economy”.
六月时,有一些父母针对2008年四川大 地 震 时倒塌 学 校 数 量进行示威,他提供协助,随即被捕。
He had been detained in June after offering to help parents protesting about the number of schools that collapsed in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.
2011年,IZP继续加大研发投入,已在成都建立成都研究所,并分别与贝尔实验室、斯坦福大学、中科院研究生院、北 大学 和 四川 电 子 科技大学等高校展开广泛地技术合作。
In 2011, IZP continued to expand its R & D efforts and founded the Chengdu Research Institute while engaging in extensive technical cooperation with higher education institutions such as the Graduate
School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
[...] Peking University and Sichuan University of Electronic [...]
Science and Technology.
进一步分析表明黄山短尾猴四川短 尾 猴之间存在着极显著的遗传分化(FST = 0.399,P<0.001),基于大似然 法和邻接法构建的系统发生树均将两者聚为不同的类群,支持将它们归入各自的管理单元 [动 学 报 52 (4): 724–730, 2006]。
The phylogenetic
[...] tree and AMOVA analysis demonstrated that there were distinctive genetic divergences between the two Tibetan macaque populations (FST = 0.399, P<0.001), supporting the treatment of the Huangshan and Sichuan Tibetan macaque populations as two different management units [Acta Zoologica Sinica 52(4):724–730, 2006].
2005 年,英特尔宣布将在成都市建立一个 大 的 集 成电路组装厂,为这个中 四川 省 的省会城市的当地经济的发展注入了一支强心剂。
[...] the capital of south west China’s Sichuan province, received a boost to the local [...]
economy in 2005, when Intel announced
an enormous IC assembly plant would be developed in the city.
除了在微软的亚洲社区中发挥核心作用,沈博士还在各种有影响力的社团中担任董事、顾问或名誉会员等,如华盛顿州孔 学 院 、 中国工程 学 会 ( CIE)、华盛顿州中国关系委员会(WSCRC) 大 西 雅 图贸易联盟(TDA)、明日中国教育基金会(CTEF)、西雅图中国花园(SCG)、北美中国委员会(NACC)、华盛顿亚洲医疗专业人士协会(WAHPA)、华盛顿州中国商会(WASCCC)、华盛顿 四川 友 好 协会(WSFA)。
Besides playing a core role in Microsoft Asian communities, Dr. Shen has also served as board directors, advisors or honorary members for various influential
societies, such as Confucius Institute of the State of Washington, Chinese Institute of
[...] Engineers (CIE), Washington State China Relations Council (WSCRC), Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle (TDA), China Tomorrow Education Foundation (CTEF), Seattle Chinese Garden (SCG), North America China Council (NACC), Washington Asian Healthcare Professional Association (WAHPA), Washington State China Chamber of Commerce (WASCCC), and Washington Sichuan Friendship Association (WSFA).
教科文组织北京办事处该工作重点下开展了数项活动,其中有:2002 年 10 月中国人与 生物圈计划全国委员会在中四川省 九 寨沟和黄龙生物圈保留地举行了“中国自然保护区生 态旅游管理”会议;在锡林郭勒生物圈保留地举办了以当地社区(包括该生物圈保留地管理 者在内)为对象的一系列研讨会,在北京也举办了由捐助机构、政府 学 术 机构参加的一系 列研讨会;中国人与生物圈计划全国委员会牵头进行了一项题为“建立自然保护区,推动锡 林郭勒地区退化草原的恢复和可持续管理”的可行性调查(2002 年 7-12 月);举行了“维 护中国环境的生态研究”(ERSEC)项目(德国信托基金)的第二次指导委员会和项目协调 员会议。
The UNESCO Beijing Office carried out several activities under this main line of action including a conference on
Ecotourism Management of
[...] China’s Nature Reserves organized by the Chinese National Committee for MAB in October 2002 at the Juizhaigou and Huanglong Biosphere Reserve, Sichuan Province, China; a series of seminars in Xilingol Biosphere Reserve, targeted at the local community including the biosphere reserve manager and in Beijing for donor agencies and governmental and academic institutions; [...]
a feasibility survey
on the establishment of nature reserves promoting the rehabilitation and the sustainable management of degraded grassland landscapes in Xilingol region (July-December 2002), conducted by the Chinese National Committee for MAB; the second Steering Committee and Project Coordinators’ Meeting of the Ecological Research for Sustaining the Environment in China (ERSEC) project (FIT Germany).
[...] 富汗和巴基斯坦采取的统一应对措施,包括在中 四川大 地 震、古巴和海地飓风、缅甸热带 气旋纳尔吉斯和纳米比亚洪灾发生后一个时期以及伊拉克重建过程中采取的统一应对措施。
Since the start of the biennium, UNESCO has participated in United Nations coordinated
responses in Afghanistan, Pakistan and in the
[...] aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake in China, [...]
the hurricanes in Cuba and Haiti, the
cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, the floods in Namibia, and in the reconstruction of Iraq.
大会第六十四届会议请学委员 会继续进行其工作,包括进行重要的活动, 以增加对一切来源之电离辐射量、影响和危险的认识;请科学委员会下届会议继 续审查电离辐射领域的各项重要问题,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告; 并决心资源分配一旦确定,便在科学委员会第五十七届会议后,但不迟 大 会第六十四届会议结束前,就委员会的组成作出决定(第 64/85 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Scientific Committee to continue its work, including its important activities to increase knowledge of the levels, effects and risks of ionizing radiation from all sources; requested the Scientific Committee to continue at its next session the review of the important questions in the field of ionizing radiation and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth [...]
session; and resolved to take a decision on the membership of the Scientific Committee once a decision on resource allocation had been made and after the fifty-seventh
session of the Scientific Committee but no later than the end of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly (resolution 64/85).
学会每四年举行一大会, 上一次大 会在北京举行,总结了大会的一些成果和以前的技术发展情况,并作为“北京 [...]
声明”发表,其中表示该学会认识到图像对于测量和监测地球上的自然和人工 面貌及探索太阳系的其他行星的重要性。
At its last quadrennial Congress, in Beijing, some [...]
of the outcomes of the Congress and previous technical developments were
summarized and published as the “Beijing declaration” in which society recognized the importance of imagery for measuring and monitoring natural and man-made features on Earth and for exploring other planets of the solar system.
这些中国学院包括乐山职业技术学院、南宁职业技 学 院 、 四川 省 质 量技术监督学校,目前WBIT还与广东省多所学院积极开展合作。
They include Leshan Vocational and Technical College; Nanning College for Vocational
Technology; Quality Technical and
[...] Supervision College of Sichuan province and WBIT [...]
is currently working with a number of
colleges in Guangdong province.
作为参考,第 186 EX/14
[...] 文件第 II 部分介绍了此项建议,探讨了 中心成立的先决条件,提出了筹建中亚地区 川学 中 心 的科学和体制基础,该建 议符大会在第 35 C/103 号决议中批准的 35 C/22 号文件及其更正件中关于联合 国教科文组织赞助的机构和中心(第 [...]
2 类)的建立和运作问题的原则和指示。
For reference, document 186 EX/14 Part II describes the proposal and reviews the prerequisites for the
establishment of the centre, and
[...] provides the scientific and institutional rationale behind the proposed Central Asian Regional Glaciological [...]
Centre which is in conformity
with document 35 C/22 and Corr. relating to the principles and guidelines for the establishment and functioning of institutes and centres under the auspices of UNESCO (category 2) as approved by the General Conference in 35 C/Resolution 103.
四川畢馬 威 - 安康社區中心的竹結構在2010年獲得一系列獎項,包括2010年透視設 大 賞 總 冠軍獎和綠色環保建築冠軍獎,以及2010年亞洲最具影響力設計銅獎。
The bamboo structure and KPMG Community Centre in Sichuan both received a number of awards in 2010, including the 'Perspective [...]
Best of the Best
Award', 'Sustainable ArchitectureAward', and 'Design For Asia Award'.
她作为前福尔布莱学者曾到中 四川 , 通 过在这 学 习 和 表演传统川剧,以理解全球化境遇下保存地方传统的价值。
A former Fulbright Scholar to Sichuan, China, where she became one of six [...]
non-Chinese nationals globally to ever study and perform traditional Sichuanese
folk “opera” (chuanju), Liza understands the value of preserving local traditions in the face of globalization.
再加上沿海地区与内地之间大的财 富 差距——要保持和发行,政府需缩小收入差距—— 缅甸是内地省份(特别是云南四川 ) 经 济发展的 一个重要出口。
Coupled with a vast wealth disparity between coastal areas
and the interior – which the government
[...] needs to equalise to retain legitimacy – Myanmar is an important outlet for the economic development of interior provinces, in particular Yunnan and Sichuan.
信越化学生产的硅材料,广泛应用于发光二极管(LED)、建材和化妆品等领域,在江苏省南通市的新建工厂近期完工,进入试运行,2013年初将投入正式生产,年产2.5万吨硅材料;三井化学与中石油合作,于12月在上海新建工厂,2014年开始生产橡胶树脂“EPT”;三菱 学 和 住友 化 学 增 强在华生产树脂复合材料、电池材料、电子产品用胶片等;东丽 四川 省 新建在华第3家树脂复合材料工厂。
More the letter chemistry produces of the Huo material be extensively applied to give out light realms such as diode(LED), building materials and cosmetics etc., in factory in lately setting up of province southern City, Jiangsu in the near future complete work, get into to try movement, will throw in formal production for 2013 the beginning of the years, the year produces 25,000 ton Huo material;Three well chemistries with medium the petroleum cooperate and lately set up factory in Shanghai in December and start producing the rubber resin"EPT" in 2014;Mitsubishi chemistry and live friend chemistry the to build up produce the resin compound material, battery material and electronics in R.O.C the product is used film etc.;The east is beautiful to lately set up the 3rd resin in R.O.C to reunite material factory in Sichuan province.
2003 年,票房收入排在前 10 位的影院依次是上海永华电影城(2746 万元)、北京华星国际影城 (2429 万元)、上海环艺影城(2309 万元)、浙江庆春电大世界(1868 万元)四川王府 井电影城(1637 万元)、广州中华广场电影城(1533 万元)、广东天河影城(1531 万元)、 上海超级电影世界(1515 万元)、深圳新南国电影城(1458 万元)、浙江翠苑电影大世界(1334 [...]
万元)11 ,这些影院都是集中在中国经济最发达地区的新建和改造的现代化和多厅化影院。
In terms of box office revenue, the top 10 cinemas in 2003 were Paradise Warner Cinema City (Shanghai) (RMB27.46
million), UME International
[...] Cineplex (Beijing) (RMB24.29 million), StudioCityCinema (Shanghai) (RMB23.09 million), Qingchun Film World of Zhejiang (Zhejiang) (RMB18.68 million), Wangfujing Film City (Sichuan) (RMB16.37 million), [...]
China Plaza Cinema
(Guangzhou) (RMB15.33 million), Tianhe Cinema (Guangzhou) (RMB15.31 million), Shanghai Cinema World (Shanghai) (RMB15.15 million), New South Movie City (Shenzhen) (RMB14.58 million) and Cuiyuan Movies World of Zhejiang (Zhejiang) (RMB13.34 million).11 All these cinemas are newly built or refurbished modern multiplexes located in the most economically developed areas in China.
例如,怡安曾捐款支持青海玉樹 四川大 地 震 及南亞地震和海嘯的災民。
For example, we donated money to support
[...] the reliefs of Sichuan Earthquake and [...]
South Asia Earthquake & Tsunami.
这方面的工作主要由文化部门内 四大 专 家 委员会(“国家保护历史遗迹专 家委员会”、“雕塑和具有纪念意义的艺术创作成果评审委员会”、“当代名画交易 与鉴定委员会”、“考学委员 会”)负责实施。
This was implemented through the 4 Experts Councils, constituted within the Ministry – the National Experts Council on the protection of historical monuments, Council on the evaluation of the artistic arrays of the sculptural and monumental creation, Council on the purchase and homologation of contemporary fine arts masterpieces and the Archaeological Committee.
[...] — 美国艾默生电气公司(纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR,以下称 Emerson)通过“希望工程 1+1 手牵手”活动捐助四川南江 190 名学生将于今年毕业。
SICHUAN, CHINA, May 13, 2010 — A total of 190 pupils supported by Emerson (NYSE: EMR) through
"Project Hope 1+1 Hand in Hand" program
[...] in Nanjiang, Sichuan province, will complete their primary school education this year.
經 考 慮 該 中 國分 銷商(i)主要於中四川省成 都市擁有其現有業務營運及銷售網絡; 及(ii)計劃將其業務網絡大到中 國其他城市(包括中國山東省青島 市),該中國分銷商的業務網絡擴張預期將導致對本集團傳統膠黏劑 相關產品需求的增加,亦或導致因銷售硫化鞋膠黏劑相關產品而增加 本集團的額外收入。
Having considered that this PRC distributor (i) has its existing business
operation and sales network
[...] mainly in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the PRC; and (ii) plan to expand its business network to other cities in the PRC, including Qingdao, Shandong Province, the PRC, the expansion of the business [...]
network of this PRC
distributor is expected to lead to an increase in demand of the Group’s Traditional Adhesive Related Products and may also lead to an additional income of the Group for the sale of Vulcanized Shoes Adhesive Related Products.




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