

单词 千辛万苦

千千万万 ()

thousands upon thousands
lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold

See also:


ten million
one must by all means

辛苦 adj

hard adj
laborious adj
tiring adj


with much toil
thanks for your trouble



External sources (not reviewed)

尽管一路上遭千辛万苦,尽 管造成极大的悲 伤,但我们认为现在要把恐惧搁置一边。
Even though there have been many hardships along the [...]
way, and even though much sorrow has resulted, we believe the moment
has come to put aside the fear.
事实上,一些冲突后国家 缺乏能够维千辛万苦赢来 的和平的有效机构。
Indeed, a number of post-conflict countries lack effective institutions
[...] capable of preserving a painfully won peace.
讲述一名挪威男子在中国的火车上失去了记忆,而 千辛万苦 寻 找 自己的身份。
Hunting Down Memory - a documentary film about a man who lost his memory on a train in China and his long journey of discovering who he is.
千辛万苦后, 1909 年 1 月 9 日,他们抵达南纬 88°23’,比之前的探险往南更近了一步。
Enduring great hardship, on January [...]
9, 1909, they attained a latitude of 88°23’ S., further south than any previous expedition.
报告还谈到了国际经济危机对实现千年目标的 影响,特别是石油危机、粮食危机和世界金融危机所
[...] 造成的影响。其中金融危机又演变为一场让阿拉伯发 展中国家难以保持经千辛万苦取得 的成就的经济 危机。
The report also covers the impact of the international economic crisis on the achievement of the MDGs, especially in the aftermath of the oil crisis, the food crisis and the transformation of the world financial crisis into an economic crisis
that has undermined the ability of Arab developing
[...] countries to preserve what they had achieved with [...]
such great effort.
应当由一个知名人士小组、裁军谈判会议本身, 或是其他一些方面继续进行有益的探讨,就下列问题 提出建议:如何修改或重新考虑联合国裁军审议委员 会的作用,因为多年来,它经历 千辛万苦 , 但仍然 未能就任何议程项目达成共识;以及如何更新日内瓦 裁军谈判会议。
A panel of eminent persons, the Conference on Disarmament itself, or some others might usefully continue their exploration to include recommendations on the following: how to revamp or reconsider the role of the United Nations Disarmament Commission, which, after yeoman’s efforts, has been unable to reach consensus for a number of years on any agenda item; and how to update the Geneva Conference on Disarmament.
如果你 想有報章對你有所報道,便千萬不 要加入這些委員會,因為是辛 苦,要花很多時間閱讀文件,需要有耐性提出問題,然後撰寫一份報 告。
Not only does he need to spend a lot of time reading documents, he must also have the patience to raise questions and then prepare a report.
必须继续共同努 力,以便处理这一严峻形势,加紧努力减轻世界各千百万人民的痛苦。
It is necessary to keep working together in order to address this
challenging situation and to step up efforts
[...] to alleviate the suffering of tens of millions of people across [...]
the world.
[...] 所有这些问题都包括进去,那么这次辩论会对于那些 因缺乏“人的安全”而遭苦难的千 百 万 人 来 说,也 许不会有多大帮助。
Unless we include all these issues, this debate may not be of
[...] much help to the millions who are suffering from a dearth [...]
of human security.
这也是千百万无辜、正受苦煎熬 的受害者摆脱困境的需 要,我们每天都能从电视屏幕上看到他们企求的目 光。
It is also the need to answer
[...] to the plight of millions of innocent, suffering, victims whose [...]
pleading eyes we see daily on our televisions.
安全理事会还获悉,萨赫勒区域有几百万 人因这场危机而遭受苦,危机迫使 千 上 万人 迁往受影响较小的邻国。
The Security Council was also informed that
[...] millions of people in the Sahel region are suffering from that crisis, forcing thousands to migrate to less [...]
affected neighbouring countries.
當 香港千辛 萬苦, 捱 畢董建 華 的 10 年 浩劫, 還 要 染 上 董 [...]
建 華 的“民主蝸 牛 病 ”。
After the people of Hong Kong have just
[...] experienced the untold hardship during TUNG's [...]
10-year calamities, they are forced to
contract TUNG's snail-paced democratization disease.
我知道,在经历了漫长而艰难的过程之后, 非传染性疾病问题才得以提到大会和尊敬的代表们
[...] 面前讨论,因此我希望,在分配给我的几分钟时间里, 我能够试着反映每年死去的成百 千万 人 的 痛 苦 ,他们期望大会带来制止这种无谓生命损失所需要的全 [...]
Knowing the long and arduous road that the issue of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has travelled to grace this Hall and this honoured audience, I hope that in the few minutes that
are allotted I can humbly attempt to
[...] translate the agony of the millions of people who [...]
are dying each year, people who look
to this Assembly to deliver the global changes required to stop this unnecessary loss of life.
换句话说,我们绝不能只是决定通过良好的决 议,让我们能够着手拯千百万受苦 的 人 民;我们还 必须承诺致力于有效地执行这些决议,实现我们的目 [...]
标,包括将防治非传染性疾病的斗争纳入全球发展议 程。
In other words, we must not simply decide to adopt good resolutions
that will allow us to start to
[...] save the lives of millions of suffering people; we must [...]
also make a commit to working towards
the effective implementation of these resolutions to achieve our goals, and include the fight against non-communicable diseases in global development agenda.
我們現千辛萬苦,動 員這麼多人加 入政黨 ─ 大家也看到,自由黨說要找多些新人,民主黨又說要擴黨,民 建聯也說要繼續做第一大黨等,他們現時便是正在向政黨政治冒進,是沒有 問題的。
We have taken all the troubles to mobilize all these people to join political parties, and we are all aware of this too, that the Liberal Party is saying it will be recruiting more new members, the Democratic Party is saying that it is working on expansion, whereas the DAB too is saying that it aims at maintaining its position as the biggest party in Hong Kong.
香港㆟當㆗,有不少千辛萬苦由㆗ 國來香港定居的、有不少是在共產政權之 ㆘受過不少的痛苦,這班㆟會否接受再次回到專制政權管治之㆘?
Many had suffered a lot under communist rule before they did so.
我 很 擔心問題會 一而再, 再而三的 出現, 最後不知會 否 令 我千 辛 萬 苦 吸 引到 香港來旅 遊 的 內 地 旅 客 , 不願意再選擇香港作為旅 遊 點呢?
I am very worried that such problems will happen time after time and if that is the case, will the mainland tourists whom we have tried so hard to attract to spend their holiday here switch to other destinations instead of Hong Kong?
一位成員同意在夏季遵守停車熄匙的 規定會比辛苦,但 駕駛者在一段時間後應能適應新規定。
A member agreed that it might be a little harsh to comply with the ban in the hot summer, but people would adapt to the new requirement after some time.
它正在为世 界各地饱受冲突和复杂危机苦的千 百 万 人 们 恢复 和平,带来慰籍和希望。
It is restoring peace, bringing solace and
[...] offering hope to millions of people afflicted [...]
by conflict and complex crises around the world.
所 以 ,他千 辛 萬 苦 將 在香港 唸 中 醫的大 學生送 至 內 地 醫 院 實 習 , 因為香 港沒有 中 醫 院 供 學生 實 習 , 甚 至 連醫院 也沒有 附 設 中 醫 部 。
In particular, the Secretary mentioned Chinese medicine hospitals, highlighting the fact that, insofar as the present policies are concerned, the Government does not have any preparation for, nor does it have any plan to establish any Chinese medicine hospital.
便是像梁美芬議員剛才所說,先要入讀副學士課程,或甚至入 讀職業訓練學校,然後才能升讀大學 千辛 萬 苦。
As mentioned by Dr Priscilla LEUNG, they have to first take the associate degree courses or study in vocational training schools before they are eligible to admission to universities, and the process is tiring and full of difficulties.
我国人口仅有 8 万 5 千余人,我们苦地意 识到 作为一个国家我们任由全球大潮摆布的脆弱性。
With a population of
[...] just over 85,000, we are painfully aware of our vulnerability [...]
as a nation at the mercy of the ebb and flow of global tides.
我 们在这里开会,是因为我知道高血压、糖尿病、癌症 和呼吸系统疾病对我们各国人民的严重影响,因为我
[...] 们感到,通过制定考虑更周全、更有效和评价更到位 的政策、战略和方案,就有可能减少全世 千 百 万人 的痛苦、残疾和过早死亡。
We are here because we know the terrible effects of hypertension, diabetes, cancer and respiratory diseases on our populations, and because we feel that it is possible
to reduce the suffering, disability
[...] and early deaths of millions of people around the [...]
world by developing better designed,
more effective and better evaluated policies, strategies and programmes.
第㆓,是在小學裏根本沒有小學學位教師的職級,教 千辛 萬 苦 , 取 得學位後,竟然 得不到學位教師的薪酬,這在㆒個重視專業,重視學歷的社會裏,是何等的荒謬
First, the Schools of are two major obstacles to an all-graduate profession. First, the Schools of Education of the universities can only offer annually some dozens of degree places Education of the universities can only offer annually some dozens of degree places Education of the universities can only offer annually some dozens of degree places Education of the universities can only offer annually some dozens of degree places to our primary school teachers and heads.
另有一些代表团表示,未能实现具有广泛基础的 社会包容性增长威胁到社会稳定,会对刚刚摆脱冲突的国家在治理方 辛苦 得来 的成果造成损害。
Other delegations stated that failure to achieve broad-based, socially inclusive growth threatened social stability and would put at risk the hard-won gains in governance for those emerging from conflict.
但 是,站在政府立場,我們認為最重要的是,在大眾未有任何心理準備及事前未有充 分理解的情況㆘,不應貿然將勞顧會幾 辛苦 而 達 成的協議,作出隨意的改動。
However, from the Administration’s point of view, we think it is most important not to alter rashly the agreement painstakingly arrived at in the LAB, before the public has had the opportunity to psychologically prepare itself for the alteration or before it has acquired sufficient understanding.
和平、民主和增强人民权能有千丝 万 缕 的 联系;和平是人道发展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和平之和;不消除压迫、不平等和贫困的一切根源, [...]
和平就无从谈起;在富裕的世界上,不减缓并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平就 无从谈起;不在人权、宪法权利和司法方面进行机构建设,和平就无从谈起;不
真正地从政治、经济和社会三方面增强妇女权能,和平就无从谈起;不具备世俗 的心态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不把边缘化的群体包括进 来,和平就无从谈起;不创造就业机会,和平就无从谈起;政府没有透明度,不 对公民负追究责任,不全面尊重法治,和平就无从谈起。
that peace, democracy and
[...] empowerment of the people are inextricably [...]
linked; peace is integral to humane development; global
peace is the sum total of local and regional peace; peace is impossible without the removal of all sources of repression, inequality and deprivation; peace is impossible without alleviation and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women, political, economic and social; peace is impossible without a secular mindset and embracing diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace is impossible without including the marginalized; peace is impossible without job creation; peace is impossible without transparency and accountability of Governments to citizens and a total respect for the rule of law.
1948 年 12 月 10
[...] 日联合国大会发布的《世界人权宣言》表达了这一基本人 权观念,在以连续不断的暴行千百 万 人 遭 受 苦 难 为特点的二十世纪里,这是一 个虽非转瞬即逝却也难得一见的清醒时刻。
This was captured in one of the rare moments, - if not glimpses, - of lucidity in the
XXth century (marked by successive
[...] atrocities victimizing millions of human beings), namely, [...]
that of the proclamation, by
the U.N. General Assembly, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on 10 December 1948.
[...] 为“大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权”的报告(A/59/2005)向冲突 地区和冲突后地区千百万妇女 和女孩提出了一些至关重要的倡议,包括:设立 [...]
Furthermore, the report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (A/59/565) and the report of the Secretary-General “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005)
proposed a number of initiatives of
[...] vital importance to millions of women and girls [...]
in conflict and post-conflict areas,
including: the creation of a Peacebuilding Commission; increased focus on conflict prevention; the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; more effective protection of human rights; and enhanced rule of law.




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