单词 | 姑爹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 姑爹 noun —uncle n姑爹 —husband of father's sister姑姑 noun —aunt nSee also:姑—nun • paternal aunt • husband's sister • husband's mother (old) • for the time being (literary) 爹—dad 姑 n—aunt n
更甚的是,可能申訴人公司的電話線原來是特 別用於“落盤”的,假設他是公司的 [...] dealing director, 他的“盤路”有可能 全部被人偷聽;如果是這樣,由於他不知道警方的職業操守是怎樣或有多少 [...] 人聽到,當他購入“升盤”時,那些人不知會不會趁機跟他“炒起”,請全 部姨媽姑爹一起購入,那他豈不是買貴了那些股票? legco.gov.hk | Let us say that he is the dealing director of his company, his communications concerning his strategies in placing orders may have all been wiretapped. In that event, since he has no idea how the professional ethics of police officers are like or how many people have heard his conversations, there is no knowing if all those people have seized the opportunity to buy [...] shares together with him and invited all [...] their aunties and uncles to do the same [...]when he was buying the rising shares of a company. legco.gov.hk |
學校對打架、傷人、毆鬥及一切因仇怨而 產生之暴力行為抱零容忍的態度,絕 不 姑 息。 sfusd.edu | The school has a zero tolerance policy for fighting, assault, battery, and hate violence. sfusd.edu |
她意外地在如迷宮的超市中與爹哋失散了,還遇上神秘的小飄,並以手上的玩具跟他換取超市內的「任食任玩權」。 hkiac.gov.hk | Losing her way in the maze-like store, the young girl bumps into the mysterious Speedy. hkiac.gov.hk |
妇女和年轻姑娘需 要获得安全的堕胎服务,需要获得计划生育信息和服务以及 优质的堕胎后护理。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women and young women need to have access to safe abortion services, and need to have access to family planning information and services and high-quality post-abortion care. daccess-ods.un.org |
人头马在上世纪90年代曾经领导着中国的干邑市场,但如今销量已经逐渐跌落至第三位,落后于路易威登的轩尼诗和Pernod Ricard的马爹利。 spla-t.com | Remy Martin led China’s Cognac market in [...] the 1990s but has since fallen into third place in terms of volume, behind LVMH’s Hennessy and [...] Pernod Ricard’s Martell. spla-t.com |
(b) 政府當局已改變條例草案的焦點,由作為 一項反壟斷法更改為一項競爭法,此舉只 會損害中小企的營商環境及香港的自由經 濟體系,對大財團則過於姑息。 legco.gov.hk | (b) the Administration had shifted the focus of the Bill from an anti-trust law to a competition law which would only undermine the business environment of SMEs and Hong Kong's free economy while sparing large consortia. legco.gov.hk |
皇轩酒店5 Spice西餐厅诚邀您共享东南亚火锅自助晚餐,冬荫功、咖喱、 沙 爹 、 肉 骨茶等多种火锅汤底任你挑选,正宗东南亚式美味火锅是这个冬季最诱惑难挡的美味。 astahotel.com | Asta Hotel 5 Spice Restaurant greets all the guests to enjoy the new taste of Southeast Asian hot pot buffet dinner, there are variety of hot pot soup such as Tom Yum Goong, Curry, Satay and Bak Kut you can choose, authentic Southeast Asian delicious hot pot is the first choice for you in this winter. astahotel.com |
當中,“具名舉報”個案的比例維持在 73%的高水平,高於 1997 年的 68%,反映了市民對廉署充滿信任與信心,對貪污絕 不 姑 息 , 對廉署的工作 寄予莫大支持。 legco.gov.hk | Among which, the percentage of non-anonymous corruption reports steadied at a high 73%, which exceeded the 68% in 1997, indicating that the public has trust and confidence on the ICAC, parades no tolerance towards corruption and is supportive of the work of the ICAC. legco.gov.hk |
表ボ虫计的迭稪盢包珹狡计,はぇョ礛指一個┦別的迭稪盢包珹┮Τ┦別,並且表ボ個人的迭稪盢包珹坝︽、縒戈竒犁、合ル、癩刮のそ司 (礚阶琌否爹冊以 の礚阶琌否在香翠),はぇョ礛。 sctrade.com | Words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, reference to one gender shall include all genders and words denoting person shall include a firm or sole proprietorship, partnership, syndicate and corporate (whether registered or otherwise and whether in Hon g Kong or elsewhere) and vice versa and any reference to a party shall include his executor and administrator. sctrade.com |
干邑的三大品牌,轩尼诗(Hennessy),人头马(Remy Martin)和马爹利(M artell)在中国全都有着骄人的销量。 spla-t.com | The three main Cognac brands, Hennessy, Remy Martin and Martell are all selling a ton of the stuff. spla-t.com |
我可以告訴你們,我前天吃飯時跟我的兒子討論這問題 ⎯⎯ 我兒子現正在修讀法律 ⎯⎯ 他說:“爹哋,我第一年上課所學 到的第一樣東西,便是解釋法律並不是單看條文字眼,而是要從整個 法律精神來看。 legco.gov.hk | I can tell you, when my son (who is now reading law) and I talked about this issue the day before yesterday over our meal, he said, "Daddy, the first thing I learned in my first year of study was that laws should be interpreted not merely from the wording of the provisions but the overall spirit of the legislation. legco.gov.hk |
安如你向持礟人┪爹冊人 矗ㄑ甭舦書,す砛他代存秎ン┪盢秎ン锣ユぉ材三よ,ê或你獽斗荷硉克ōΜ取┮Τ闽於你眀め的Θユ 虫沮の挡虫,並加以冈灿綷弄,以絋玂可の時盎诡到ヴ何畉钵┪岿粇。 sctrade.com | If you provide the licensed or registered person with an authority to hold mail or to direct mail to third parties, it is important for you to promptly collect in person all contract notes and statements of your account and review them in detail to ensure that any anomalies or mistakes can be detected in a timely fashion. sctrade.com |
中環都爹利街盡頭,是林蔭大樹下保護著的「煤氣燈街」— 花崗石階和上世紀初英國出產的Suggs & Co.煤氣燈,在喧囂的都心劃出一個寧謐角落,讓歷史埋藏進去。 think-silly.com | At the end of Duddell Street (Central) lies the ‘gas lamp street’, where granite staircases and authentic Suggs & Co. gas lamps outline an area of historic tranquility. think-silly.com |
指出,馬爹利XO 的瓶子設計表達了裡面盛載的幹邑 白蘭地優越的品質,而瓶子上優美的線條、奢華而手工精緻的 [...] 裝飾,及其金色字體則彰顯其永恆的優雅。 mypages.iggesund.com | Martell xo’s bottle design expresses [...] the premium quality of the cognac within, while its fine lines, luxurious and crafted [...]decoration and gold lettering simply display its timeless elegance, says Ricard. xo is a tribute to the creative and inspired spirit of the company’s founder, Jean Martell. mypages.iggesund.com |
向持礟人┪爹冊人 矗ㄑ甭舦書,甧砛ㄤ按酚琘份靡ㄩ借禪協某書ㄏノ你的靡ㄩ┪靡ㄩ╄┿珇、盢你的靡ㄩ╄┿珇再借┿以取眔癩 叭硄磕,┪盢你的靡ㄩ╄┿珇存放為ノ以糹︽の睲纕ㄤユΜ砫ヴの杜叭的╄┿珇,存在一﹚風繧。 sctrade.com | There is risk if you provide the licensed or registered person with an authority that allows it to apply your securities or securities collateral pursuant to a securities borrowing and lending agreement, repledge your securities collateral for financial accommodation or deposit your securities collateral as collateral for the discharge and satisfaction of its settlement obligations and liabilities. sctrade.com |
1.2 讽靡ㄩゼ砆爹冊在 客め名下時,ヴ何パ赣靡ㄩ玻ネぇ利柬┪ㄤ他利痲,在竒紀人Μ到時,竒紀人同種,盢砆禪癘在赣眀め,┪向客め や付┪锣琵。讽竒紀人┮持客め的靡ㄩ為一у相同靡ㄩぇ一场份時,客めΤ舦ㄉΤ全у靡ㄩㄤ┮佔ゑㄒ的利痲。 sctrade.com | Where the securities form part of a larger holding of identical securities held for the Broker's clients, the Client shall be entitled to the same share of the benefits arising on the holding as the Client's share of the total holding. sctrade.com |