单词 | 姓氏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 姓氏noun—surnamenlast namenless common: surnamespl 姓氏—family nameSee also:姓—surname family name be surnamed 氏—maiden name clan name
输入您的姓氏和邀 请函纸质信件中的员工识 别号。 fbushare.com | Enter yourlast name andemployee [...] identification number as outlined in the invitation letter. fbushare.com |
他们提出,最初不得不离开伊 朗伊斯兰共和国的原因之一是他们曾担任律师和议员的父亲在阿富汗结下了很多 [...] 敌人,而这些人是现政府的官员,他们担心,仅仅是因为自己的 姓氏,回 国就会 遭到杀害。 daccess-ods.un.org | They submitted that one of the reasons why they had to leave the Islamic Republic of Iran initially was that their father, who was a lawyer and Member of Parliament, had made many enemies in Afghanistan, who [...] are now officials in the present Government, and they fear to be killed ifreturned, [...] simply on the basis of their name. daccess-ods.un.org |
该名劳工由急救车送往 医院,但以姓氏不明者身份入院,因为雇用他的公司否认知道他的具体情况,并 否认他与公司的关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | The worker was taken by ambulance to a hospital, but was admitted anonymously since the employing company denied knowing his details and denied his relationship with the company. daccess-ods.un.org |
各缔约方局可能要求就商标的某些成分,如纹章、徽章、肖像、勋章、称号、厂 商名称或非申请人的姓氏、或 者其他类似说明,所提供的合法性使用的证明文件,除 原属局确认之外,应免除一切认证和证明。 wipo.int | Documentary evidence of the legitimacy of the use of certain elements incorporated in a mark, such as armorial bearings, escutcheons, [...] portraits, honorary distinctions, [...] titles, trade names, names of persons other than the name of the applicant, [...]or other like inscriptions, [...]which might be required by the Offices of the Contracting Parties shall be exempt from any legalization as well as from any certification other than that of the Office of origin. wipo.int |
他是否仍为民主与社会进步联盟的成员 并非决定因素,因为他曾经是一名成员;申诉人具有相同的 姓氏;以 及被怀疑为 政治反对派的人是刚果民主共和国当局系统针对的目标,移送前危险评估干事对 此并无异议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whether the latter is still a UDPS member is not decisive, as he has been one in the past; the complainant has the same family name; and persons suspected of political opposition are systematically targeted by the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which the PRRA officer does not dispute. daccess-ods.un.org |
民法典》第1538 条对姓名权有所规定,夫妻可以各自保留自己的姓 氏,亦可选择在其本身姓氏上冠以对方不超过两个之 姓氏;保留前配偶 姓氏之人不得行使冠以配偶姓氏之权能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding the issue of the family name, [...] article 1538 of the CC establishes that husband and wife may keep their ownsurnames,and, if they so choose, may also add their spouse’ssurnames up to a number of two. daccess-ods.un.org |
丈夫和妻子享有相同的人格权利,包括有权选择其 姓氏、职业和工作的权 力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Husband and wife enjoy the same personal rights, including the [...] choice of family name, profession and [...]occupation. daccess-ods.un.org |
在对驱逐出境问题进行审查后,即发布命令 [...] 说明:发布命令的时间和地点;发布该命令的国家机构人员 姓氏、缩写和职务; 命令所针对的外国人的信息;口译员信息(如果该外国人使用口译服务);作出该 [...]决定的理由;禁止进入白俄罗斯共和国的期限;以及上诉的期限和程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following a review of the expulsion, an order is issued which [...] indicates the time and place of issuance of [...] the order; the surname, initials and [...]position of the person from the State body [...]that issued the order; information on the alien subject to the order; information on the interpreter (if the alien uses an interpreter’s services); the grounds for the decision; the period of prohibition to enter the Republic of Belarus; and the period and procedure for appeal. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了简化程序, 建议仅导出名字、姓氏和电子邮件地址。 graphics.kodak.com | To simplify the process it is recommended that only the first name, last name, and email address be exported. graphics.kodak.com |
另外,博物馆的任务还包括归纳世界上犹太族的 姓氏,并为他们 编制族谱,并建立一个世界犹太社会及历史的数据库。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, its roles include the [...] creation of a reservoir of genealogical [...] trees andfamily namesofJewishfamilies [...]in the world, and to create a database [...]of Jewish communities in the world and their history. daccess-ods.un.org |
(i) 此人的姓氏、全名、称谓、以往任何姓名、家庭住址、出生日期、出生地和出生国家,以及目前任何办公 地址、办公电话或传真号码,或此人出於通讯目的而告知苏格兰当局的任何电子邮件地址 disclosure-scotland.org.uk | (i) the surname, all forenames and title, any previous surnames andforenames, [...] home address, date, place and country of [...]birth of the person and any current business address, business telephone or fax number or any email address which has been notified by that person to the Scottish Ministers for communication purposes disclosure-scotland.org.uk |
如果你没有该系统的帐户,请填写您的卡的相应信息 (如名字,姓氏,卡号,卡校验码等)和您的E-mail,以创建一个该支付系统新的帐户,然后按照支付系统向导的进一步说明操作。 help.fxopen.com | If you do not have an account yet, [...] fill in the form with your Plastic Card [...] data (likeName,Surname,Card number, [...]Card Verification code, etc.) and your e-mail [...]to create a new account within the Payment System, and follow further instructions of the Payment System Wizard. help.fxopen.com |
(a) 如属个人,则彼现时姓氏、名 字及地址;及 chinavision.hk | (a) in the case of an individual, his or her [...] present first name, surname and address; and chinavision.hk |
近一个世纪前,玛莎拉蒂兄弟正是在博洛尼亚市的Via [...] Emilia Levante构想出这家至今仍以家族姓氏为名的公司。 maserati.com.cn | Finally, the name of the sports luxury SUV that will spring from the Kubang concept is Levante – derived from ‘Via Emilia [...] Levante’ in Bologna where, almost a century ago, the Maserati brothers dreamt of the company [...] that today still bears their name. web.maserati.com |
如果一般合伙下的 公司名称未在名称中列明所有合伙人,则至少须包含一个合伙人的姓氏,以及表明合伙关系的字样。 gza.ch | If the company name of a general partnership does not list all partners by name, it must contain the lastname ofat least one partner along with wording that indicates the relationship between partners. gza.ch |
去年 12 [...] 月我们曾报导了运动鞋制造商乔丹体育公司在未请迈克尔·乔丹代言,和并未获得乔丹品牌所有者耐克公司授权的情况下使用迈克尔·乔丹 姓氏的中 文翻译作为公司名称的消息。 servcorp.com.hk | Last December we did a post on the Qiaodan Sports Company, a maker of sports shoes that [...] uses the Chinese transliteration of Michael [...] Jordan's last name, withoutthe endorsement [...]of the superstar, and without license [...]from Nike, owner of the Air Jordan Brand. servcorp.com.hk |
品牌的名字是由创始人的姓氏的第一个字母构成。 visitfinland.com | The name of the brand is made up of the first [...] letters of the founders’last names. visitfinland.com |
给予其子女的第 9 条第 2 款;关于人身移动和自由择居的第 15 条第 4 款;关于 在婚姻存续期间以及解除婚姻关系时,双方在监护、选择 姓氏的权利、抚养和收 养子女方面有相同的权利和义务的第 16 条第 1 款(c)、(d)、(f)和(g)项;关 于童年订婚和童婚的法律效力的第 16 条第 2 款,因为该条不符合伊斯兰教法的 有关规定;以及关于在国家之间发生争端时诉诸仲裁的第 29 条第 1 款。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic makes reservations to article 2; article 9, paragraph 2, concerning the grant of a woman’s nationality to her children; article 15, paragraph 4, concerning freedom of movement and of residence and domicile; article 16, paragraph 1 (c), (d), (f) and (g), concerning equal rights and responsibilities during marriage and at its dissolution with regard to guardianship, the right to choose a family name, maintenance and adoption; article 16, paragraph 2, concerning the legal effect of the betrothal and the marriage of a child, inasmuch as this provision is incompatible with the provisions of the Islamic sharia; and article 29, paragraph 1, concerning arbitration between States in the event of a dispute. daccess-ods.un.org |
突尼斯政府不接受《公约》第 16 条第 1 款(c)、(d)和(f)项之约束,并 [...] 声明该款(g)和(h)项不得与《个人地位法》关于将 姓氏给予子女和通过继承 获得财产的条款相抵触。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of Tunisia considers itself not bound by article 16, paragraph 1 (c), (d) and (f), of the Convention and declares that paragraph 1 (g) and (h) of that article must not conflict with the provisions of [...] the Personal Status Code concerning the [...] granting of family namesto childrenand the [...]acquisition of property through inheritance. daccess-ods.un.org |
名字、姓氏和电 子邮件地址字段,可以让您将这些值映射到它们在 CSV 文件中显示的栏。 graphics.kodak.com | The First Name, Last Name, and E-mail Address fields allow you to map these values to the columns in which they appear in the CSV file. graphics.kodak.com |
输入您的姓氏和电子邮件中出现的员工识别号。 fbushare.com | Enter your last name and employee [...] identification number as it appears in your email. fbushare.com |
下文按法庭和空缺,随后按姓氏的英文字母顺序开列候选人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Candidates are listed by Tribunal and vacancy, and [...] then alphabetically by lastname. daccess-ods.un.org |
独资形式的公司名称必须包 括公司所有人的姓氏,但可以不包含表明合伙或合作关系的额外 字样。 gza.ch | The company name of a sole proprietorship must include the owner’s last name but may not contain any additional wording indicating a relationship between partners or associates. gza.ch |
将有永久居留的捷克公民,(c)父母双方中有一人是外国人的捷克 公民,或(d)非捷克民族的捷克公民,在申请登记孩子的姓名时父 母双方一起可以申请女孩的姓氏写成男子 姓氏形式。 cicpraha.org | the name of a baby girl without this suffix in the registry but it can only be done on request of both parents and if the child is a) a foreigner, b) a Czech citizen with permanent residence abroad, c) a citizen whose parent is a foreigner, d) a citizen with a foreign nationality. cicpraha.org |
墨卡托”是“商人”的意思,是他的荷兰语 姓氏的拉丁译文。 wdl.org | Mercator,” meaning “merchant,” is a Latinized [...] version of his lastname in Dutch. wdl.org |
然后,输入您的确认编号和姓氏,这样就可以将最新的旅行计划保存到“预订”部分。 united.com | Then, enter your confirmation [...] number and lastname and you'll have [...]the option to save your upcoming travel plans to the Reservations section. united.com |
FREY WILLE的品牌LOGO,由两代经营者(Michaela Frey和Friedrich Wille)的姓氏组成,表明了品牌的历史传承,但与众不同的是,用以作为LOGO的带翼狮身美女——斯芬克斯像,则增添了品牌的神秘感,同时这个形象也告诉了消费者其品牌的特质:追求艺术的激情与极力打造的严谨的完美统一。 shopping.bcia.com.cn | FREY WILLE brand LOGO, the two generations of [...] operators (Michaela Frey and [...] FriedrichWille) surnamecomponent, indicating that the brand's historical [...]heritage, but the difference [...]is used as LOGO's winged lion body and the beauty - Sphinx Fox, like, the added mystery of the brand, but this image also tells the consumer the nature of its brand: the pursuit of artistic passion and rigorous trying to build a perfect unity. en-shopping.bcia.com.cn |
对于超过 3 [...] 小时的行政拘留,记录应显示:作记录的日期和地点;记录人的 职位、姓氏、名字和源于父名的名字;以及关于被拘留者身份、被拘留理由和实 [...]际拘留的时间和地点的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | For administrative detention over three hours, a record is drawn up which indicates: the date [...] and location where it was drawn up; the [...] position, surname, firstname and patronymic [...]of the person who drew up the record; [...]and information on the identity of the detainee, the grounds for detention and the time and place of actual detention. daccess-ods.un.org |