

单词 出乎预料

See also:



预料 v

envisage v

External sources (not reviewed)

这种杀戮绝非突发出乎预料的偶 发事件,而是持续遭受暴力迫害过程中蒙受的终极暴力行为。
Such killings are not isolated incidents that arise
[...] suddenly and unexpectedly, but represent [...]
the ultimate act of violence which is
experienced in a continuum of violence.
批准文书的数量之出乎预料,为 第一次公约缔约国大会的召开提供了便利。
Owing to the large number of
[...] ratifications, far beyond expectations, the first Assembly [...]
of States Parties to the Convention
was held in June 2006, earlier than planned.
西班牙人口在近年来出现出乎预料 的 增 长趋势。
In recent years the
[...] population of Spain has increased unexpectedly.
在立体停车出乎预料的托 盘落下相对应的落下防止装置。
Safety latch for Multi level parking lots to prevent pallet unexpected accidents.
这方法虽然是最原始,却出乎预料 的 效 果,原因是不多人像我这样做,最关键在于一封漂漂亮亮的自我推荐书。
The first and second job, were recommended by friends, but the rest were found by my own way.
在第一份审计报告中已就超出初始预算的原因作了阐述。这种情况的发生,一方面是由 于建筑费出乎预料的增 长,另一方面也是由于对几乎所有分工程合同的执行计划都进行了 [...]
As stated in the first audit report, the
[...] overrun of the initial budget was due to the exceptional [...]
increase in construction costs,
but also to the technical amendments made to the execution programmes of almost all the project lots, often when implementation was already under way.
在诸如阿根廷、印度尼西亚和东南亚其他一些国家等在经济上迄今一直动荡的国家出乎预料的严 重衰退严重影响了在这些国家的项目交付速度。
Unforeseen severe downturns in hitherto vibrant economies of countries like Argentina, Indonesia and other countries in South East Asia severely affected the speed of delivery of the projects in these countries.
研究结出乎人们的预 料:就 实现千年发展目标而言,以最贫困、最偏远地区的儿童和家庭为重点的公 平方法,是最符合成本效益、也是最快的方法。
The results of the
[...] study defied conventional wisdom: an equity approach, with efforts focused on [...]
the most vulnerable and
hard-to-reach children and families, was the most cost effective and quickest way to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
在报告所述期间,新收到捐款共计 6,720,000 美元,这是前所未有的, 也出乎意料的。
During the reporting period, new donor funding amounting to $6,720,000 was received, an unprecedented achievement that exceeded expectations.
技术/职业教育和高等教预算似乎更 有 可能遭到削减,这在某种程度上是由于这几级 教育的非薪金性经常出和基本建设 出 通 常 更多。
The budgets for technical/vocational and higher education appeared more subject to cuts, partly as these levels usually consume more non-salary current and capital [...]
政府需要认真积聚来自原料出口 以外 的 预 算 收 入的潜力。
The Government needs to engage seriously in building the
[...] potential of budget revenues earned from sources other than export of raw materials.
预计书记官处能实现各项目标预期 成绩,前提是:(a) 前南斯拉夫各国在 提供信息及其他形式的援助方面予以合作;(b) 诉讼程序不会因法庭无法控制的 原因而出现延误,如被告人患病 出乎 意 料 的 材 料披露、请求更换辩护律师、请 求复审已审案件、影响诉讼程序的其他动议以及没有证人对陈述予以证明及提供 证词;(c) 法庭工作人员的更替率在可接受的范围内。
The Registry is expected to meet its objective and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) the States of the former Yugoslavia cooperate in the provision of information and other forms of assistance; (b) there are no delays in the proceedings for reasons beyond the Tribunal’s control, such as illness of the accused, unforeseen disclosure of material, requests [...]
for replacement of defence
counsel, requests for review of cases already tried, other motions affecting the proceedings or the non-availability of witnesses to certify statements and provide testimony; and (c) the turnover rate of the Tribunal’s staff remains within acceptable limits.
灾害出 乎意料、致 使正常职能无法继续的事件。恢复计划要包括一整 预 防 措施,以尽可 能减少灾害影响,并使工程处能够维持或者迅速恢复执行任务的关键职能。
The recovery plan is required to include a set of precautions so that the effects of a disaster will be minimized and the Agency will be able to either maintain or quickly resume mission-critical functions.
根據《私隱條例》 第 38(b)條,私隱專員如有合理理由相信資料使用者已經或正在出或從 事某項作為或行為,而有關作為或行為 乎 個 人 資 料 並可 能違反該條例下的規定,則私隱專員即使沒有接獲投訴,也可就 有關的資料使用者進行調查。
Pursuant to section 38(b) of PD(P)O, if the Privacy Commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe that an act or practice has been done or engaged in, or is being done or engaged in, by a data user, and such an act or practice relates to personal data and may be a contravention of a requirement under the Ordinance, he may carry out an investigation in relation to the data user, even though no complaint is received.
虽然“支持、准备和开展《公约》下各次正式会议的后续活动”显然是执 行支助股的任务,但是没预料到会如此多地要求执行支助股提供信息,支持与 执行支助股新协定和执行支助股筹资有关的进程,为会议 出 安 排 ,支付这些会 议的费用,为主席的磋商提供场所并协助举办磋商,向缔约国分发文件并获取执 行支助股协定的译文。
While it certainly is within the mandate that the ISU shall “prepare, support and carry-out follow-up activities” from formal
meetings of the
[...] Convention, it was not foreseen that the ISU would be called upon as extensively as it has been to provide information in support of the processes related to a new ISU agreement and ISU funding models, to make arrangements [...]
for meetings, to cover
the costs of these meetings, to provide a venue for and assist in organizing President’s consultations, to distribute documents to the States Parties and to acquire translations of the ISU agreement.
预料此一要求将明确出联尼 特派团应加强支持的领域,以加速和平进程,使特 派团能够完成规定的任务。
I expect that such a request would include clear indications as [...]
to the areas in which UNMIN should strengthen its support
in order to both expedite progress in the peace process and to enable the Mission to complete its mandated tasks.
经过审议这一 文件得出的总体印象是,对这些建筑的状况的研究结果大 出乎 人 们的 意 料 , 出 现 的 问题比 原来想象的要多而且还复杂,而它们比丰特努瓦的建筑还建得晚,由此看来,会员国、总部 委员会和秘书处的忧虑不无道理。
The general conclusion drawn from examination of the document was that the study of the state of the buildings, regarded as relatively recent in comparison to those on the Fontenoy site, revealed, contrary to expectations, more numerous and more complex problems than originally thought, thus justifying the concerns of the Member States, the Headquarters Committee and the Secretariat.
在俄巴底亚开放预言似乎是在 一个更加合适的地方,语言terser和强行超过耶利米;和相似之处这些经文的语 出 现 在其他地区的俄巴底亚,而它们不会出现在耶利米。
In Obadiah the
[...] opening of the prophecy seems to be in a more fitting place, the language is terser and more forcible than in Jeremiah; and parallels to the language of these passages appear in other [...]
parts of Obadiah, while
they do not appear in Jeremiah.
同样,需要 5 台预混机似乎意味着每个储罐需要一 预 混 机,而没有考虑到 一预混机在仅预混一 种类型的泡沫 料 配 方 这一情况下的预混量。
Similarly, the need for
[...] 5 pre-mixers appears to imply one pre-mixer for each tank without taking into account the output of a pre-mixer in a situation where only one type of foam formulation is premixed.
协调需要从一开始就出更大 的努力、投入更多 的资金,但可预料的是 ,加强协调所带来的协同增效和其他优势,将在长期内 降低卫生风险和公共卫生支出。
Coordination requires more efforts
[...] and funds to get started, but it can be expected that synergies and other advantages of better [...] [...]
coordination reduce both health risks and expenditures for public health in the long run.
近东救济工程处预算几乎全由 自愿捐助(现金和实物)提供,因此,实收资 金的时间和数额都不能确定。
The UNRWA budget, funded almost entirely by voluntary [...]
contributions (in cash and in kind), is subject to uncertainties in
the timing and value of funding receipts.
在没有相反料的情况下,乎可以 合理地 出 这样 的推定,即此类保留不扩大到适用于条约在国家继承之日对其不适用的合并国的 一部分或几部分领土。
Unless there are indications to the contrary, it appears reasonable to set [...]
out the presumption that none of those reservations
extend to parts of the territory of the unified State to which the treaty was not applicable at the date of the succession of States.
预算几乎全部下放总部外办事处执行,由它们负责对由有关国家自己确定的优先领 域提供技术支持的具体操作。
The project budget was almost entirely decentralized [...]
to field offices which provided technical support in the areas identified
as priority by countries themselves.
关于所出的留用奖金问题, 2007 年国际公务员制度委员会的报告(A/62/30 和 Corr.1)提供的料似乎依然 有效,因此委员会的结 论——这种奖金有失妥当,应转而采用现有合同框架 和非货币奖励措施——也依然有效。
With respect to the proposed retention bonus, it appeared that the information provided by the International Civil Service Commission in its report [...]
for the year 2007
(A/62/30 and Corr.1) continued to be valid, and consequently, that the Commission’s conclusions — that such bonuses would be inappropriate, and that the existing contractual framework and non-monetary incentives should be used instead — also remained valid.
[...] 院认为,没有违反《销售公约》第 74、75 和 77 条,因为卖方没有证实所出 的损害赔偿超过违约当事方预料或 理 应 预料 到 的 损失,没有证实有可能购买 替代货物,也没有证实买方并未按情况采取合理措施减轻损失。
Lastly, the Court considered that there had been no breach of the provisions of articles 74, 75 and 77 of CISG, since the seller had not established that the damages
claimed exceeded the loss
[...] that the party in breach had foreseen or ought to have foreseen, it had not established that [...]
the possibility of a
replacement purchase was possible and it had not established that the buyer had not taken reasonable measures, given the circumstances, to reduce the damage.
然而,我謹 代表委員會特別論述其關注事項,就是 乎出 現 了 ㆒種趨勢,各項計劃須向財務委員會要 求批准撥款時,財務委員會往往未能獲提供㆒切必需的 料 , 以利其作出決定。
However, on behalf of the Committee, I would like to highlight the concern of our Committee that there appears to be a tendency that when funding approval is sought from [...]
the Finance Committee for various
projects, the Finance Committee has not always been provided with all necessary details in making its decision.
出乎之料之外 ,被 36% 專家視為優勢或弱點的香港教育和培訓,其相對優勢在所有創業支援條件之 中,竟排名最低,優勢因素只有 19%(請參看圖表 25)。
It is striking that Hong Kong’s education and training, cited by 36 percent of experts as either a strength or a weakness ranked last in its relative strength of all of the entrepreneurial framework conditions, with a strength factor of only 19 percent (see Figure 25 above).
在讨论下一个双年度预算时,几乎 所 有 委员会成员都说教科文组织应停止以牺牲重大计划 II 为代价来 为其它计划和活动提供资金的做法,不应再削减那些本来需要增加预算的科学计划项目了。
In anticipation of the next biennial budget, virtually all members of [...]
the Commission pronounced that UNESCO should stop
funding its other programmes and activities at the expense of Major Programme II, and that there should be no further cuts in the science programmes which would rather require budgetary strengthening.
本文件的第 I
[...] 部分提到,截止帐目结算时,未经审计的数字显示,经 调整的 6.419 亿美元预算批准额乎全部用于开支总额/承付款(6.4189 亿美元),盈余总 [...]
额仅为 1 万美元左右,约相当于总预算的 0.001%。
As previously mentioned in Section I of this document, the unaudited figures as at the closure of the accounts showed that
the Approved Budget (as adjusted)
[...] of $641.90 million was almost completely consumed by [...]
the total Expenditures/Obligations
of $641.89 million, leaving a slight overall surplus of approximately $0.01 million which corresponds to approximately 0.001% of the total budget.




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