

单词 内销

External sources (not reviewed)

有望承接这项工作的新的承包商将有义务在 获得合同后六个内销毁剩 余的杀伤人员地雷。
The prospective new contractor will have the obligation to destroy the remaining anti-personnel mines within six months of the awarding of the contract.
这些产品大部分都出口,只有4-5%在比利时 内销 售 , 出口的产品有80%是销往欧洲国家,主要是意大利、法国与德国,20%被销往欧洲以外的国家。
More of the products are exported and only 4 - 5% are sold in Belgium. 80% of all exports are to European countries, mainly Italy, France and Germany and 20% to countries outside Europe.
[...] 独立技术审计,以根据本协定,确认氟氯化碳的产量、再加工限额、销售量(出口销售和内销售)及库存。
The Country also agrees to allow for independent technical audits administered by the Implementing Agency (World Bank) in order to
confirm the production, reprocessing limit, sales
[...] (both export and domestic) and stock of CFCs [...]
in accordance with the agreement.
目前已不再实行“如果能确保按印量印制的出版物可以在两 内销 售 出去”,就可以分 担部分费用的做法。
Parity funding of works, contingent upon “assurance that the copies so printed will be sold within a period of two years”, is no longer common practice.
[...] 产品从其专向国家流失到其它国家的市场上,同时确保该产品的生产仅用于对有关国家的 出口,而非在内销售。
Whatever means are utilised to achieve the objectives at Doha, developed countries will require safeguards to prevent leakage of product from the intended
recipient to other markets, and to ensure that production is only for export to the affected
[...] country, not for domestic sale.
由于瑟雅属于高端品牌并在专卖 内销 售 , 这一品牌收购可以使宝洁公司的产品适合较富裕的消费者。
As Zirh is a
[...] high-end brand sold in specialty stores, its acquisition [...]
could serve to position P&G products for more affluent consumers.
内销车今 年已新款自行车为主,提高了我们整车的质量和档次,展会期间也深受国美外客户的问津和喜爱,外销以菜篮车和木箱车为主,在为期4天的展会期间,客户的人流量因国际经济形势的影响大不如前,但是我们的外销车仍旧吸引了众多国外客户,他们对我们的CARGO [...] [...]
Domestic car this year has [...]
been the new bike, improve our truckload quality and grades, during the exhibition but also by
the United States and foreign customers attention and love, for export to the features and wooden cars, over a period of 4 days, the customer flow is due to the influence of international economic situation as before, but we export the car still attracted a large number of foreign customers, to our CARGO BIKE, features and kiddie car are very interested, with customers directly in the exhibition place an order, there are a lot of customers to negotiate very pleasant, leaving detailed contact, we show that immediately after the pricing, and to the company site visits after place an order; at the same time, this exhibition we also visited peer learning advanced technology and culture connotation, this exhibition to our all the exhibitors and the company's development has the very vital role.
(b) 防止从内销售渠道转移经常用于制造麻醉药品和精神药物的物质的 措施,包括增强与私营部门的伙伴关系。
(b) Measures to prevent diversion of substances frequently used in the manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances from domestic distribution channels, including by strengthening partnerships with the private sector.
出口型经济 体部分是通过对亚太区域强大经济体的区 内销 售 、 最后是向 2009 年下半年需 求情况开始有所改善的发达经济体增加销售实现复苏的。
Exporting economies began their recoveries in
[...] part through intraregional sales to the large robust [...]
economies in Asia and the Pacific
and eventually to the developed economies that saw improved demand beginning in late 2009.
然而,数字技术的发展与传播现在已允许对受保护作品进行无限制的、完整的、无需付 出代价的非法复制以及几乎即时的在全球范 内销 售。
The development and diffusion of digital technology, however, now permits unauthorised
creation of unlimited, perfect and costless copies, and the almost instantaneous and worldwide
[...] distribution of protected works.
2011年,在制度建设方面,公司针对海外重点国家及内销售代 表处通过实地调研,认真选聘当地知名律所,根据不同国家的法律规定,精心编写且发布各国中英文 双语版《应知应会法律合规手册》及《反商业贿赂行为规范》,并组织培训、宣贯工作,目前已经涵盖中国、北 美、欧洲、印度、南美、中东、非洲、东南亚等片区的40个国家及地区。
In 2011, in respect to system construction, the company carefully selected highly-regarded local law firms based on field research on key overseas countries and the domestic sales representative offices, prepared and published the Legal Compliance Book and the Anti-Bribery Guidebooks in both Chinese and English, and organized training, promotion and implementation, covering 40 countries and regions, including China, North America, Europe, India, South America, the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia.
土耳其还说,随着一个 现代弹药处置设施于2007 年启用,得以在很短期内销毁大 量的杀伤人员地 雷,而该设施的建造和配备完全靠的是本国资金。
Turkey also stated that, with the opening of a modern munitions disposal facility in 2007, destruction of a great number of anti-personnel mines was made possible within a very short period of time and that this facility was built and equipped entirely with national financial resources.
[...] 效率”(普拉亚佛罗里达)的项目三年多时间,旨在提高渔业产品的 内销 售 ,由 商品共同基金提供资金,拉丁美洲区域渔产销售信息服务网络执行。
For over three years, FAO supervised the project “Enhancing Marketing Efficiency of Artisanal Fisheries in Central America, Mexico and Caribbean” in
Cuba — (Playa Florida), that was
[...] aimed at improving domestic marketing of fisheries products, [...]
financed by the Common Fund
for Commodities and executed by INFOPESCA.
半自动糊箱机主要用于单片瓦楞纸板成型的糊合,以满足多品种,不同批量生产要求,适应各 内销 、 出 口产品纸箱包装的需要,是目前国内最为理想的纸箱半自动糊箱设备。
Semi-automatic paste box machine is mainly used for single corrugated cardboard pasting forming to meet the many varieties and
different production requirements, to adapx to
[...] a variety of domestic and export needs [...]
of carton packaging products, is currently
the most ideal semi-automatic paste box carton equipment.
本公司从巴西的NATIVE公司(※1)进口有机蔗糖,在日本 内销 售。
Sumitomo Corporation imports the organic sugar produced by a Brazilian company, Native Produtos Orgânicos Ltda.
双伺服高速半自动钉箱机主要用于单片瓦楞纸板成型的钉合,以满足多品种,不同批量生产要求,适应各 内销 、 出 口产品纸箱包装的需要,是链条式钉箱机的代替品,是目前国内最新的,最为理想的纸箱半自动钉箱设备。
Double servo semiauto stitcher is mainly used for single nail box forming corrugated board nailed together to meet the many varieties and
different production requirements, to adapt
[...] to a variety of domestic and export needs [...]
of carton packaging products, is the chain
nail me in the place of products, is currently the latest and the most desirable semi-automatic nail carton box equipment.
C. (i) 按照第 4.A(i)条中的规定之一承认一项食典标准的国家,对在其区域管辖 范内销售的 所有国产产品和进口产品均应负责不偏袒地统一执行所承认标准的规 定。
C. (i) A country which accepts a Codex standard according to one of the provisions of 4.A is responsible for the uniform and impartial application of the provisions of the standard as accepted, in respect of all home-produced and imported products distributed within its territorial jurisdiction.
各方就《条约》所发表的重要和公正意见一致认 为,其案文没有列入核武器国家对在合理期 内销毁 其武库的承诺。
The important and fair observations that have been made on the Treaty all agree that its text does not include a commitment on the part of nuclear-weapon States to dismantle their arsenals within a reasonable time frame.
在经过一个出色的汽车工程师的进一步研究后,Natureline取得的技术的配方并进一步增强,在短短的几 内 , 销 售 了 数百万美元的产品。
After further research by a leading automobile industry engineer, the technology was
acquired by Natureline, further enhanced, and within a
[...] few short years, sales were in the hundreds [...]
of millions of dollars.
该基金还应当 “为翻译以及用较 少使用的教科文组织工作语言出版的材料提供资助”,9
[...] 并且“为教科文组织出版物的印制分担正常 预算的开支,如果能确保按印量印制的出版物可以在两 内销 售 出 去”。
It must also “assist translation and publication in languages less widely used than the working languages of UNESCO”9 and “for sharing with the regular budget the cost of production of a
UNESCO publication, when there is reasonable assurance that the copies so
[...] printed will be sold within a period of [...]
two years”.
终止订购后,您必须在终止后四十五 (45) 天内销毁 本软件和所有存档副本。
Upon termination of the subscription, you must destroy the Software and all archive copies within forty-five (45) days of termination.
缔约国多次回顾,按照《公约》第5 条,缔约国必须“尽其努力查明在其 管辖或控制下所有已知或怀疑布设了杀伤人员地雷的地区”,并承诺“尽快地但 至迟在本公约对该缔约国生效后十 内销 毁 或确保销毁在其管辖或控制下的雷区 内的所有杀伤人员地雷”。
The States Parties have repeatedly recalled that in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention, States Parties must “make every effort to identify all areas under (their) jurisdiction or control in which anti-personnel mines are known or suspected to be emplaced” and undertake “to destroy or ensure the destruction of all anti-personnel mines in mined areas under (their) jurisdiction or control, as soon as possible but not later than ten years after the entry into force of (the) Convention for (a particular) State Party.
商品和服务税取代了各种税收,包括进口销售税、 内销 售 税 、娱乐税、餐饮和 食品税等,有助于简化原来的间接税收制度。
A wide range of taxes, including
[...] import sales tax, domestic sales tax, entertainment [...]
tax and restaurant and food tax, were
replaced by the goods and services tax, which helped to simplify the previous system of indirect taxation.
现在大家看到的壁纸店基本是店名(部分是以 内销 售 的 其中一个壁纸品牌 来命名),真正的单一壁纸品牌专卖店是极少的,所以并不是店大样本多买到的壁纸最中意(包括价格),要问清他们每个店一手代理的品牌或主打什么品牌,这样得到的价格才可能最真实最靠谱,当今许多样本在各店重复销售重复加价的现象非常常见。
Now we see of wallpaper shop Basic is shop name
[...] (part is to shop within sales of which a wallpaper [...]
brand to named), real of single
wallpaper brand stores is very less of, so is not shop large samples more buy to of wallpaper most Italian (including price), to asked Qing they each shop hand agent of brand or main what brand, such are of price only may most real most Corp, today many samples in the shop repeat sales repeat increases of phenomenon very common.
一些缔约国提到,履行尽快但至迟在《公约》生效后十 内销 毁 或确保销 毁在其管辖和控制下的雷区内的所有杀伤人员地雷义务的步伐缓慢,也属于对遵 约的关切。
Some States Parties have remarked that the slow pace of implementation of the obligation to destroy or ensure the destruction of all anti-personnel mines in mined areas under a State Party’s jurisdiction or control, as soon as possible but not later than ten years after entry into force is a compliance concern.
机会总是青睐有准备的人,因此,从现在开始,我们要花大力气,依靠知识产权的保护和投入来拉动公司发展,力争在若干关键领域和关键技术上确立公司的知识产权优势地位,并且把打赢与欧司朗的专利官司这一胜势转化为独特的市场优势,宏源已经扫清了阻碍公司发展的拦路虎和绊脚石,迈开了全速前进的步伐:一个现代化的江苏立德照明产业基地已经崛起,国际 内销 售 模 式的改革创新,宏源将逐步完善形成集先进制造业、现代服务业、资本运作为一体的完整的产业链,充分发挥科学技术作为第一要务的重要作用,注重依靠科技进步来改善运营增长。
In order to successfully cope with competition and challenges, our company starts a patent oriented layout in the early period of research and development, which establishes the foundation for victory.
实体店面优惠:提供部分仅可在实体店兑现的优惠,顾客可在线选择具体的实体店兑现这些优惠;这种方式可以吸引顾客进店购物,使零售业从单件商品销售转型为购物篮 内销 售 或 交叉销售。
Localized, in-store offers: having offers that can only be executed in-store, including where the customer can opt-in for the offer while online, provides a hook for bringing customers in to the store, moving the retailer away from item selling into a basket-selling or cross-selling model.
5.A. 一个国家可根据本国针对通用标准适用的有关产品,无论是进口的还是国产 的,在其区域管辖范内销售的 既定法律和行政程序,以下述方式承认一项食典标 准
5.A. A Codex general standard may be accepted by a country in accordance with its established legal and administrative procedures in respect of the distribution of products to which the general standard applies, whether imported or home-produced, within its territorial jurisdiction in the following ways
作为上记(1)项技术基准适合性确认,是车轮制造者的自主认定,因品质安全性关系到人命,汽车用轻合金制车轮检验协议会(以下称VIA注册)作为第三者的立场设立了 内销 售 用 (面向售后市场)的轻合金制盘轮注册制度。
As confirmation of compliance under Paragraph (1) above with technical standards, this is voluntary accreditation, and safety of quality is relevant to human life so the Japan Light Alloy Automotive Wheel Testing Council (the “Council”) has set up a
registration system for light-alloy
[...] disc wheels for domestic market sales (for the after-market) [...]
from the third party standpoint (the “VIA registration”).
除了采购责任外,Royce先生还管理纽威的两家中国 内销 售 公司:向中国客户销售促销产品的Profile Professionals和在11家中国零售内销售 Orrefors和Kosta Boda眼睛品牌的Orrefors Kosta Boda。
In addition to
[...] his sourcing responsibility, Mr. Royce leads New Wave's two domestic China sales divisions: Profile Professionals, selling promotional products [...]
to its Chinese customers
and Orrefors Kosta Boda, selling Orrefors and Kosta Boda glass brands in 11 China retail shops.




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