它是一个功能比较齐全的系统,包括很多功能比如:投票 ,wiki,定时跟踪,地址薄,好友薄以及其它一些小的功能。 javakaiyuan.com | It is a relatively complete system functionality , including many features such as: voting , wiki, time tracking , address book , buddy book , and other minor features . javakaiyuan.com |
你可以从 nodewiki中查看完整的API改动细节,可以在nodejs博客中查看发布公告。 infoq.com | You can see the complete Change API change [...] details on the node wikiandthe release [...]announcement on the nodejs blog. infoq.com |
所罗门群岛已利用当地语言和内容创建了一个基于在线维基 (wiki)技术的开放 式教育资源。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the Solomon Islands, an online wiki-based Open Educational Resource has been created using local language and content. unesdoc.unesco.org |
重大计划 II 和重大计划 V 利用马罗佛语创建了 基于在线维基 (wiki)技术的开放式教育资源,以提供马罗佛礁湖自然环境方面的本土知 识,这种方式(包括地方能力建设)进一步推进了所罗门群岛的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Work in the Solomon Islands was further advanced by MP II and V, through the development of online, wikibased Open Educational Resources in the Marovo language on indigenous knowledge of the natural environment in Marovo Lagoon, including local capacity development. unesdoc.unesco.org |
项目主页上一篇很长 的wiki介绍了更详细的信息,包括使用英语与葡萄牙语的邮件列表以及一些最新问题的跟踪器。 infoq.com | There is a large wiki on the main website containing more information, mailings lists in English and Portugese and a new Issue tracker. infoq.com |
这个价格是以每一条发到客户手机商的短信来计算的,想知道更多服务和短信发送条件的细节, 请参 考Wiki网页。 dukascopy.com | This pricing applies to every SMS sent to the phone operator of the client. To learn more about the specifics of the service and the delivery conditions please refer to the Wiki section. dukascopy.com |
保密信息"是指所有的数据(用户隐私声明的条款中定义的)存储使用的服务,包括但不限于计算机源代码,文件中包含的内容(例如,源代码,任何业务计划,概念,理念,诀窍,工艺,技术,方案,设计,公式,算法或工作正在进行中,任何工程,制造,营销,技术,财务,数据,或销售信息,定价或商业信息,以及任何其他信息或材料,无论是书面或图形,或任何其他形式),票发行 ,wiki内容,或任何其他专有信息,通过使用该服务,但不包括您的姓名,公司名称和/或标志,可用于网络经理拟用于市场营销目的的用户隐私声明的条款。 net-managers.com | Confidential Information" means all of your Data (as defined in the Terms of User & Privacy Statement) stored using the Services including but not limited to computer source code, files and content contained within (e.g. source code, any business plan, concept, idea, know-how, process, technique, program, design, formula, algorithm or work-in-progress, any engineering, manufacturing, marketing, technical, financial, data, or sales information, pricing or business information, and any other information or materials, [...] whether written, or graphic, or any other form), [...] issue tic kets, wiki content, or any [...]other proprietary information created through [...]use of the Services but excluding your name, company and/or logo which may be used by Net-Managers.com for marketing purposes as contemplated by the net-managers.com |
它的界面非常简洁;不需要学 习wiki语法, 通过使用WYSIWYG在线编辑器来代替;不需要用户管理,它实时连到活动目录(Active Directory)来重复使用用户账号和组,它应该是唯一一个与活动目录组相集成 的Wiki,本地账号和组都可以用它来创建;所有的文章都具有一个层次结构,以使得内容易于管理;可以针对每一个页面设置不同的访问权限或自由更新或锁定或发布;用户可以使用订阅机制来获得更新通知,更新可以是每天或每周或立即通知;可以自定义界面布局(使用Velocity模板和CSS实现) 。 javakaiyuan.com | Its interface is very simple ; need to learn wiki syntax , by using WYSIWYG online editor to replace ; do not need user management , it is connected to the Active Directory real-time (Active Directory) to re-use user accounts and groups , it should [...]be only one integrated with the active Directory [...]group 's Wiki, local accounts and groups can use it to create ; all of the articles have a hierarchical structure to make the content easy to manage ; can set different for each page or free access to update or lock or release ; users can use a subscription mechanism to get the update notifications and moreNew can be a daily or weekly or immediately ; can customize the interface layout (using Velocity templates and CSS implementation) . javakaiyuan.com |
使用者可充分利用其功能与扩充来编 辑wiki页面。 synology.com | Users can make good use of its features and extensions to edit wiki pages. synology.com |
可使用公共论坛查看有关 ARM 上的 Linux [...] 开发的补丁和信息,此外,还可以访问以 下Wiki站点上的链接。 arm.com | Public forums are available to [...] review patches and information related to Linux development on ARM, links are [...] also available from the fol lowing Wiki site. arm.com |
教育局首席助理 秘书长( 教育基建) 向委员展示www.starfall.com网站的内 容,说明网上有高质素的开放教育资源可供运用;他亦 向委员展示了www.free-reading.net的内容( 这是一项维 基计 划(wikiproject),网站上所有英语教材及课堂计划均 由教师提供,以作分享) ,从而说明"Web 2.0应用技术" 如何有助教与学。 legco.gov.hk | Principal Assistant Secretary (Education Infrastructure) (PAS(EI)) showed the contents of www.starfall.com to demonstrate the availability of quality on-line open educational resources and the contents of www.free-reading.net, which was a wiki project where all materials and lesson plans for teaching English on the website were contributed by teachers for sharing, to demonstrate how Web 2.0 applications assisted learning and teaching. legco.gov.hk |
一项积极的结果是,农发基金制作了一个机构间旅行事务网络 的wiki网页,10 网页上机构间旅行事务网络成员有一个供一起商讨有共同兴趣的问题,上传旅行政 策信息,张贴各自机构间旅行事务网络年度会议的纪录/介绍之论坛。 daccess-ods.un.org | One positive outcome has been the development of the IATN wiki pages10 by IFAD where IATN members have a forum to share issues of common interest, upload travel policy information and post minutes/presentations of the respective IATN annual meetings. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你想修改一些页面的内容,你首先需要注册成 为Wiki的管理员。 gambasdoc.org | If you want to modify some pages, you must register with the Wiki administrator. gambasdoc.org |
Epic Games不仅为完整 虚幻引擎3 授权用户 提供了全面的跨平台3D引擎,而且提供了大量的支持资源,包括继微软开发者网络(MSDN)之后的基 于wiki文章风格的文档、以及基于直接获得虚幻引擎开发团队帮助的邮件列表的讨论 — 所有这些资料都进行了完全存档,并且可以进行搜索。 unrealengine.com | Epic Games provides not only a comprehensive multi-platform 3D engine to licensees, but also a vast array of support resources, rangin g fromadocument-based wiki article site styled after the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) to community-driven discussion via mailing lists with direct access to the Unreal Engine development team – all of which are fully archived and searchable. unrealengine.com |
Mac mini 同时内置两个 1TB [...] 5400 rpm 硬碟1,让你轻易架 设wiki和网页,以及备份你需要的资料,更可储存任何东西。 mammals.org | Mac mini also has two 1TB 5400-rpm hard drives built in,1 [...] so you c anhostwikis and websites, [...]back up the data you need, and store just about anything. mammals.org |
教师可使用活动模组 (如讨论板、资料库 和wiki)来架设丰富的学习社群或使用 [...]Moodle 来传递教学内容 (如标准 SCORM 套件)。 synology.com | Educators can use the activity modules (such as forums, [...] databa ses and wikis) to build richly [...]collaborative communities of learning or [...]use Moodle as a way to deliver content to students (such as standard SCORM packages). synology.com |
PInvoke.net意为平台调用,是一 个wiki,每个月大约有50000名.NET开发人员用它来查找和提供PInvoke签名(也被称为用VB编写的声明语句)、类型定义以及与调用Win32相关的任何其他相关信息,或者用托管代码(C#或VB.NET等语言)编写的其他非托管API代码。 evget.com | NET developers a month to find and contribute PInvoke signatures (also known as Declare statements in VB), type definitions, and any other information related to calling Win32, or other unmanaged APIs in managed code (languages such as C# or VB.NET). evget.com |
乘客可以乘 坐Wiki-Wiki巴士方便的来往于美联航的航班和 Island Air 的航班之间。 united.com | The Wiki-Wiki bus provides easy transportation between United and Island Air flights. united.com |
传统的「执行命令」对话框已经便成「强大的启动器」,不仅能够启动指令,而且还能桌面搜索,计算器,甚至是在 线Wiki查询。 userbase.kde.org | The traditional "Run Command" window has become [...] a "power launcher" with not only command launching but also desktop search, a calculator [...] and even onlineWiki look ups. userbase.kde.org |
编目和翻译援助:目前我们正在考虑( 用wiki的模式)来吸引志愿者界来帮助我们选评并说明原始资源,翻译元数据。 wdl.org | Cataloging and translation assistance: Strategies for engaging communities of volunteers (the wiki model) to help identify and describe primary resources, and to translate metadata, are being considered. wdl.org |
我们的工作组曾考虑了各种翻译的方法,包括电脑辅助,机器翻译,网络志愿者翻译 (wiki模式),或这些方式的组合。 wdl.org | The WDL team considers a variety of approaches to translation, including computer-assisted or machine translation, translation by networks of volunteers (the wiki model), or some combination of these. wdl.org |
达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆制作了新的研究工具,即联合国会员 国Wiki网,以便整理和提供有关会员国在联合国活动的各种资料,包括加入为会员国、作为 决议草案提案国和发表重大声明的日期。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Dag Hammarskjöld Library has developed a new research tool, the United Nations Member States Wiki, to organize and provide access to a range of information about the United Nations activities of Member States, including dates of membership, sponsorship of draft resolutions and major statements. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前广泛地运用在维基百科与其 它wiki上。synology.com | It is now widely used by projects such as Wikipedia and many othe r wikis. synology.com |
作为一 个wiki,PInvoke.net由用户驱动并且充当了存储库角色,开发人员可利用PInvoke.net提供或检索他们所希望的信息。 evget.com | As a wiki, it is user driven and acts as a repository where developers can contribute or retrieve information as they wish. evget.com |
Foundry27 是面向 QNX [...] 软件开发人员的社区网站,它可提供源码库、论坛、博客 、WIKI网页,根据团队精神,该网站论坛允许开发人员交换信息和观点,互相共享源码和二进制文件。 china.qnx.com | The Foundry27 community portal for QNX [...] software developers provides source repositories, [...] forums, b logs, wikis, and,in the [...]community spirit, a bazaar that lets developers [...]exchange information and ideas, and share source code and binaries. qnx.com |
为了普及地震知识,我校电子商务创新实验室在一个项目讨论会上有学生 [...] 提议准备开发一个关于地震科普救援知识 的wiki+rss网站,并由我在近期注册了一些与之相关的域名。 cnnic.net | To popularize knowledge about earthquake, some students proposed [...] to de velop awiki+rss website at [...]the innovation conference of the e-commerce [...]innovation laboratory of our school, and registered some related domain names. cnnic.cn |
为满足本平台将来的线上教学、资讯整合及教育训练,本计 画使 用Wiki超文本技术(Leuf and Cunningham, 2001)来建置一个 专属网站,藉 由Wiki技术之特性,网站内容可由跨实验室小组成 员共同维护,亦易於追踪管理资讯之更新时间;此外,网页型式 之线上手册亦可达到对照检索(cross reference)之管理及读取便 利性。 ncree.org | To satisfy the requirements of the platform to have online courses, information integration, and educational activities, an official website based on the Wiki technique (Leuf and Cunningham, 2001) was also developed. ncree.org |
存取控制列表 (ACLs) [...] 管理每个人的存取权限,Time Machine 会备份你网络上的每部 M ac,wiki网站让不同群组能轻易协作,而分享行事历和联络资讯,就确保每个人都准时不迟到,同时可时刻获取最新讯息。 mammals.org | And calendar and contacts sharing keeps everyone on time and in the loop. mammals.org |