单词 | o a 60 days |
释义 | days —年头day noun—日 n天 nless common: 日子 n • 白天 n Examples:in olden days —昔日 • 往初 one of these days —赶明儿 the olden days—旧时 nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year—数九天 • 数九寒天 • 数九 Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish holiday starting on the 25th day of Kislev (can occur from late Nov up late Dec on Gregorian calendar)—哈努卡 • 哈努卡节 a few days ago —日前 Lent (Christian period of forty days before Easter)—大斋期 • 四旬斋 several days pl—数天 pl in a few days—日内 one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius); fig. work for a bit then skimp—一曝十寒 • 一暴十寒 solar month of 31 days—大月 lit. fish for three days and sun-dry the nets for two days (proverb)—三天打鱼,两天晒网 reverberates around the rafters for three days (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)—绕梁三日 memorial activity 35 days after a person's death—五七 a few (days, years etc) ago—前些 festive days pl—节日 n cannon firing for days on end (idiom); enveloped in the flames of war—炮火连天 lit. twice every three days (idiom); practically every day—三天两头 pay every ten days, give tribute every month (idiom); incessant and ever more complicated demands—旬输月送 race of several days—多日赛 lit. Train an army for a thousand days use it for an hour. (idiom); fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off—养兵千日,用兵一时 No flower can bloom for a hundred days.—花无百日红 for several days running—连日 seven days adj —七天 adj pass one's days—过日子 final days of the lunar year—残冬腊月 the twenty seven days after the Winter Solstice, reputed be the coldest days of the year—三九天 the 10 or 20 days following the lunar New Year's Day—新春 few days pl—多天 pl • 数天 n • 数日 pl working days pl —工作日 pl Ascension Day (Christian festival forty days after Easter)—耶稣升天节 lit. Train an army for a thousand days use it for one morning. (idiom); fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off—养兵千日,用在一朝 fast days—斋期 the winter days are short and the nights long [idiom.]—昼短夜长 three days without a beating, and a child will scale the roof rip the tiles [idiom.]—三天不打,上房揭瓦 Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt reform the Qing dynasty—戊戌维新 • 百日维新 • 戊戌变法 • 维新变法 Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of 5th lunar month)—重午 lit. make night as day (idiom); fig. to burn the midnight oil—俾夜作昼 day that is named but not numbered (on ethnic calendar)—空日 Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844), founder of the Latter Day Saint movement—斯密约瑟 ancient area of modern day Danyang City, Jiangsu Province—庱 Quanrong, Zhou Dynasty ethnic group of present-day western China—犬戎 cf Japan's surrender on 15th August 1945, celebrated as Liberation Day in Korea—解放日 bend to a task and spare no effort unto one's dying day (idiom); striving to the utmost one's whole life—鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day (in early April)—清明 dismiss students at the end of the school day—放学 dinner party given on the third day after the birth of a baby (traditional)—汤饼筵 modern day metaphor for an honest politician—包拯 All Saints' Day (Christian festival on 2nd November)—万灵节 Children's Day (June 1st), PRC national holiday for children under 14—六一儿童节 red-painted eggs, traditional celebratory gift on third day after birth of new baby—喜蛋 precarious as morning dew (idiom); unlikely last out the day—危若朝露 vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1066-221 BC), located in present day Henan and Hebei Provinces—卫 alludes the Sichan foggy weather where it's uncommon to see a sunny day—蜀犬吠日 ancient Chinese city state near modern day Beijing—蓟 Dadu, capital of China during the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368), modern day Beijing—大都 stop work for the day (generally of laborers)—收工 night and day (idiom); continuous strenuous effort—夜以继日 becoming more prosperous with each passing day—蒸蒸日上 the sun sets over western hills (idiom); the day approaches its end—日落西山 Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement (Jewish holiday)—赎罪日 hit home on the evils of the day (idiom); fig. to hit a current political target—切中时弊 twelve divisions of the day of early Chinese and Babylonian time-keeping and astronomy—十二时辰 give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man fish and you feed him for a lifetime—授人以鱼不如授人以渔 any of three 10-day division of the month (during Tang dynasty)—浣 eat three square meals a day and do no work [idiom.]—饱食终日,无所用心 the Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)—端午节 |
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