

单词 路口

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 應 有 助減輕隧道及鄰 近關鍵路和路口的擠塞問題。
(c) it should help alleviate traffic congestion in the tunnels and on the
[...] adjacent strategic roads and junctions.
當黃燈亮起時,除非車輛 過於接路口,以致突然停車可能會引起交通意外,否則應該停車。
An amber light means that drivers must stop unless they are so close to the junction that stopping suddenly might cause an accident.
貨車司機指稱,巴士 當時高速行駛,巴士司機路口並無 減速,導致交 通意外。
The driver of the goods vehicle alleged that the bus had travelled at high speed and the bus driver did not decelerate at the junction, which led to this traffic accident.
顧問認為,如配合建 議路口改善 、擴闊地盤入口等,區內道路網絡應能應付擬議工程所帶來 [...]
The consultant concluded that, with the
[...] recommended junction improvement [...]
and widening of site entrance, the local road network
should be able to cope with the traffic flow generated by the proposed project.
可見自深圳灣口岸開通後,其他 路口 岸 的 過境車輛流 量有所下降,深圳灣口岸初步發揮了分流作用。
The decrease in the volume of cross-boundary traffic at other land boundary crossings since the commissioning of the SBP gives an initial indication of the diversion effect of the SBP.
(a) 在短期而言,P2路會為中環填海區現有的發展項目提供 一條替代路線,紓緩干諾道中和康樂廣 路口 的 擠 塞情 況;及 (b) 在中、長期而言,當中環至灣仔繞道建成後,P2路將負 起分配往返由中環至灣仔繞道和林士街天橋組成的策略 性東西向交通走廊至鄰近地區(包括中環、中環填海區、 金鐘、中半山、灣仔和灣仔北)的交通的責任。
(b) in the medium to long term, after the completion of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass, Road P2 will serve to distribute traffic from the strategic east-west traffic corridor formed by Central-Wan Chai Bypass and the Rumsey Street Flyover to the neighbouring areas including Central, Central Reclamation, Admiralty, Mid-levels, Wan Chai and Wan Chai North, and vice versa from these areas to the corridor.
(b) 在兩地路、港口、航空及路口岸 推 進人員、貨物 及交通工具快速、便捷通關的措施
launch quick and convenient cross-boundary
[...] clearance measures in highways, ports, aviation and rail control [...]
points for the movement of people, goods and public transport
在多個重要位置路口豎設 可變信息顯示屏。
Installed Variable Message Signs at a number of
[...] strategic locations and junctions.
(c) 除了在安達臣道發展計劃已訂立的改善措施外,進一步 改善清水灣道與安達臣道路口安 排, 在 路口 以 東 增設 掉頭設施,以增加車輛轉線的距離;及
(c) to further improve the junction of Clear Water Bay Road and Anderson Road in addition to those measures for the DAR by providing a U-turn facility to the east of the junction to increase the weaving distance; and
劉江華議員: 主席,據報,曾發生多宗車禍的沙田大涌橋路與沙田 圍路交界的十路口,近日又有奪命意外發生,事後警方和運輸署對該 處是否交通意外黑點各持不同意見。
MR LAU KONG-WAH (in Chinese): President, it has been reported that another fatal accident occurred again recently at the crossroads at the junction of Tai Chung Kiu Road and Sha Tin Wai Road in Sha Tin, where a number of traffic accidents had occurred before, and after the accident, the police and the Transport Department (TD) held different views as to whether the location was a traffic accident black spot (TABS).
(四 ) 正如答覆第(二 )部分所述,當局正與相關的政府部門於葵 青區以外的地方物色合適的長期用地作物流發展之用,考
[...] 慮的因素包括用地有否便捷的交通網絡連接機場、碼頭及路口岸等 設施、其發展會否受其他因素而有所限制,區 [...]
內的交通情況,以及地理位置(例如較為偏遠的地點可容許 較低成本的發展)等。
In the process, we will consider factors including the availability of an efficient transport
network with easy access to facilities such
[...] as the airport, port and land boundary [...]
crossings; the presence of any constraints
that may limit the site's development, the local traffic conditions; and the geographical location of the site (for instance, a relatively remote site may facilitate a lower-cost development).
較多出現衝紅燈路 口不一定是交通黑點。
Road junctions with higher frequency [...]
of red light jumping are not necessarily traffic accident blacksites.
交通影響評估顧問的結論是,如配合建議 路口 改 善 和擴闊工地 入口措施,區內道路網應可應付擬議工程計劃所帶來的交通流量。
The TIA consultant concluded that with the recommended junction improvement and widening of site entrance, the local road network should be able to cope with the traffic flow generated by the proposed project.
(c) 改善相關的現有橋樑、路和路口
(c) improvements to related existing
[...] bridge, roads and junctions
(三 ) 運輸署會持續檢視全港交通意外的數據,就交通意外發生較 多或較嚴重的地點作重點研究,包括十 路口 及 非十 字路 口,從 而歸納出導致意外較多發生的成因和共通之處,並對 [...]
該等地點可能引致意外的道路環境因素,提出針對性的改善 方案,包括增設或更改交通燈號、改善道路環境、改善行人
(c) The Transport Department (TD) will continue to review the territory's traffic accident data. Focus studies will
be carried out on locations
[...] (including road junctions and non-road junctions) where the [...]
frequency or severity of traffic
accidents is relatively high, so that common characteristics of the contributory factors may be deduced, and proposals could be introduced to improve the road environment that may attribute to accidents.
(一 ) 過去5年,因衝燈而導致的交通意外宗數為何;當中有多少 宗是在十路口或交 通意外黑點發生、涉及的車輛種類及數 目和死傷人數為何; (二 ) 過去5年,有多少部衝紅燈攝影機因安裝地點不符合安裝準 則而被拆走,以及有多少項安裝該攝影機的建議或計劃因建 議地點不符合安裝準則而被拒絕或取消,共涉及多少部攝影 機;在該等不符合安裝準則的地點當中,屬十 路口 或 交 通 意外黑點的數目;當未能安裝衝紅燈攝影機時,當局有何補 救措施打擊車輛超速及衝紅燈,特別是在深夜及清晨;及
(b) of the number of RLCs which were removed in the past five years because the installation locations concerned did not meet the installation criteria, as well as the number of proposals or plans for installing RLCs which
were rejected or
[...] aborted because the suggested locations did not meet the installation criteria, and the number of cameras involved; among those locations which did not meet the installation criteria, the number of those which were crossroads or traffic accident black spots; when it is not possible to install RLCs, what remedial measures the authorities have to combat speeding and red light jumping by vehicles, in particular late at night and early [...]
in the morning; and
西九龍填海計劃-顧問費及地盤勘測工作」的餘下款項 2,410 萬元,主要用作支
[...] 付餘下工程設計工作的地盤勘測和顧問費;該等餘下工程包括在深旺道分別與興華 街西、東京街西和欽州街西交路口 興建 3 個大型行人天橋系統。
The remaining amount of $24.1 million under the project “West Kowloon Reclamation consultants’ fees and site investigation” is mainly for the site investigation and consultant fees for the design of the remaining works which
cover three major footbridge systems to
[...] be built at road junctions of Sham Mong [...]
Road with Hing Wah Street West, Tonkin Street
West and Yen Chow Street West respectively.
雖然如此,如果我們將各路口岸在 去年 12 月的每天平均車流與深圳灣口岸於 [...]
7 月開通時的相關數字比較, 會發現落馬洲、文錦渡和沙頭角的車流分別減少了 9.4%、 11.2% 和 4.3%。
Nonetheless, if we compare the average daily vehicular flow at all
[...] land boundary crossings in December [...]
last year with the corresponding figures in
July when the SBP was commissioned, we observe that the vehicular flow at Lok Ma Chau, Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok decreased by 9.4%, 11.2% and 4.3% respectively.
這些 措施包括建造通往西隧的新連接道路、使附近各 路口 的 交通更為暢 順,以及設置道路標記和更多的方向指示標誌以指引駕駛者等。
These include constructing new road links leading to WHC, smoothing traffic flow at nearby road junctions, providing road markings and additional directional signs to guide motorists, etc. We will continue to explore with WHC to see if there are further measures in this regard.
粵港兩地政府會繼續密切留意新口岸的運作情況及車流,如果有 需要,會考慮相應措施,以進一步鼓勵其他 路口 岸 的 使用者轉 用深圳灣口岸。
The Guangdong and Hong Kong Governments will continue to closely monitor the operation and vehicular flow of the new control point, and will consider relevant measures to further encourage users of other land boundary crossings to switch to using the SBP as necessary.
(e) 一條雙程雙線分隔主幹路會經粉嶺 路 連 接 新 口 岸 與 吐露港 路 , 而 吐露港 公路/粉嶺公路也會因應交通需求而進行改善工程。
(e) A dual 2-lane trunk road will connect the new BCP with Tolo Highway [...]
via Fanling Highway, whilst Tolo Highway/Fanling
Highway will also be improved to cater for the traffic demand.
(b) 我們會在勘測及初步設計研究中詳細研究 口 岸 接駁 道 路 的 走線,以及研究 連接各相關道路和鄰近新發展區的可行性。
(b) Under the I&PD study, we will examine the alignment of the BCP connecting road and the feasibility of its connection with other associated roads and adjacent New Development Areas.
九鐵委任的專家小組,主要從四個方向入手,包括列車的加速 及減速、組件吊架焊口、路軌與 車轆接面;以及懸掛系統。
The Independent Review Panel commissioned by KCRC has begun looking into the problem from four aspects, namely, the rate of change of the acceleration and deceleration of trains, the welding of components’ mounting brackets, the profile of the track and train wheels as well as the suspension system.
管制人員: 規劃署署長 局長: 發展局局長 問題: 就蓮塘/香園圍口岸及 香港境內接駁 路 事 宜 ,請提供以下資料: a. 有關的接駁路工程的總開支; b. 有關口岸和接駁路預計開通時間; c. 上述設施的預計使用量; d. 口岸及接駁路對現有道路的交 通影響;及 e. 當局如何加強新口岸與新界西北和物流設施( 包括葵涌貨櫃碼頭、擬議中的 坪輋/打鼓嶺物流用地和大嶼山物流園)的接駁?
(e) the initiatives for enhancing the connection between the new control point and Northwest New Territories as well as the logistics facilities (including Kwai Chung Container Terminals, the proposed logistics site at Ping Che/Ta Kwu Ling and Lantau Logistics Park).
與此同時,第二名乘客看護員被安排駐守渡線 MX10 的位置,確保乘客不會錯誤於上行 路 段 行 走,必須 沿著隧道下行線前往荃灣西站方向疏散。
Also at this time, a second PCO was posted at crossover MX10 to ensure that passengers would not cross to the up track by mistake and would only go in the direction of TWW along the tunnel on the down track.
研 究結果所提供的科學資料,有助當局評估食用冰對公眾健康帶來的風
[...] 險、為零售店鋪制訂處理食用冰的衞生指引,以及決定日後管制食用冰 的製造和處理路向。
The results will provide scientific information to assess the risk of edible ice to public health and to assist in developing hygienic handling guidelines on ice for
retail businesses and in making management
[...] decision on the way forward for [...]
the control of production and handling of edible ice.
[...] 涂謹申議員會考慮動議議案,修訂將由地鐵公司訂立的《香港 路 (西 北鐵路)附例》第22(1)(a)條,訂明任何人不論何時在鐵路處所內"不得 [...]
作出喧嘩或擾亂秩序的行為,或使用恐嚇性、辱罵性或侮辱性的言詞, 意圖使他人破壞鐵路處所安寧,或其上述行為相當可能會導致鐵路處 所安寧破壞;"。
To this end, the Subcommittee notes that Hon James TO will consider moving a
motion to amend section 22(1)(a) of the
[...] Mass Transit Railway (North-west Railway) Bylaw [...]
to be made by MTRCL to the effect that
no person shall at any time while upon the railway premises "behaves in a noisy or disorderly manner, or use threatening, abusive or insulting words, with intent to cause a breach of the peace in railway premises, or whereby a breach of the peace in railway premises are likely to be caused;".
(8) 已登記的付運人(公司/機構)必須就所有由負責人及本登記表格第二部分的授權訊息簽署人在 路 貨 物 資料系 統內輸入的任何資料及其所引起的一切後果(包括民事及刑事)負上責任。
(8) A registered shipper (company / organization) shall be fully responsible for all information input into the Road Cargo System by the responsible person and message signatory(ies) as authorized in Part II of this Registration Form and all liabilities (civil and criminal) arising thereof.




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