

单词 偏心率

See also:




heart rate

心率 n

pulse rate n

External sources (not reviewed)

这一专利使 PolyLube 轴承具有支承重型负载的足够硬度和容纳适中转 偏心率 的 足够柔韧性,与此同时也不会过度压迫轴承的边缘。
This property allows the PolyLube bearing to be rigid enough to support heavy loads and pliant enough to tolerate moderate shaft misalignments without over-stressing the bearing edges.
压印滚筒旋转到特定的位置并通过 偏心率 获 得 正确的距离。
The impression cylinders are rotated to specific positions in order to achieve the correct
[...] distance by means of their eccentricity.
偏心率是在 斜轧穿孔时形成的,那么也必须在这个环节上将偏差界限保持在要求的范围内。
One example is the eccentricity which occurs [...]
at the cross-rolling mill and has to be kept within certain limits.
在旋转模式下,LASUS® MultiScan
[...] 系统会多次经过钢管范围测量壁厚,并就此算出 钢管的某些特征,偏心率、多边形铸造及局部平均 壁厚。
In rotating mode, LASUS® Multi-Scan typically measures wall thicknesses several times around the tube
circumference, thus determining tube
[...] characteristics such as eccentricity and polygonization [...]
as well as local and average wall thicknesses.
行政和预算问题咨询委员会在其报告(A/63/474)中对已规划审计任务的 完率偏低表 示关注,并强调需要扭转这一局面。
In its report A/63/474, the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions expressed its
[...] concern at the low rate of completion of [...]
planned audit assignments and stressed that this needed to be reversed.
根据具体编码器和安装方式,有多种 磁栅鼓定心方式,以确保最大限度减小应 用中偏心误差
Depending on the encoder and mounting method,
various methods of centering the scale drums are possible in order to
[...] minimize the eccentricity errors that [...]
occur in practice.
振动筛采用筒体偏心轴激 振器及偏块调节振幅,物料筛淌线长,筛分规格多,具有结构可靠、激振力强、筛分 率 高 、振动噪音小、坚固耐用、维修方便、使用安全等特点,该振动筛广泛应用于矿山、建材、交通、能源、化工等行业的产品分级.
Vibrating screen uses
[...] cylinder asana eccentric shaft vibration exciter and partial block to adjust amplitude, the material screen drip line is long, sieve specification is more, it has the characteristics of reliable structure, strong vibration force, high screening efficiency, low vibration [...]
noise, strong and
durable, easy maintenance, use safety and etc. The vibrating screen is widely used in mining, building materials, transportation, energy, chemical and other industries for product classification.
而对于那些数额相对比较小的预算项目, 哪怕在预算额上只有很小偏差, 在表示为“开 率 ” 时就有可能产生很 偏 差 , 尽管从绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽略不计。
For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor
variations in the budget may
[...] give a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a deviation is [...]
negligible in absolute terms.
它还鼓励瓦努阿图收集统计数据,分析从小学到中学入 率偏 低 , 以及辍学的原 因。
It also encouraged Vanuatu to collect
statistical data and to analyse the causes
[...] of the low rate of progression from primary to secondary school and the drop-out rates.
审计委员会审查了项目厅在其财务监测仪表板上的项目交付统计数字,并 注意到项目厅一些单位所记录的项目交 率偏 低于 2009 年各自的目标,尽管项 目厅实现了项目交付的总目标。
The Board reviewed the project delivery statistics for UNOPS on its financial monitoring dashboard and noted that some UNOPS offices recorded low project delivery in relation to their respective targets for the year 2009, even though UNOPS achieved its overall project delivery target.
大会第六十四届会议欣见完全由阿富汗当局负责举行了阿富汗的第一次选 举;强调联合国在促进阿富汗的和平与稳定方面发挥 偏 不 倚的 中 心 作 用;请秘 书长在大会第六十四届会议期间每三个月向大会提交一次报告,报告阿富汗的事 态发展以及执行本决议的进展情况(第 64/11 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly, welcoming the first elections in Afghanistan run entirely under the responsibility of the Afghan authorities, stressed the central and impartial role of the United Nations in promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan, and requested the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly every three months during its sixty-fourth session on developments in Afghanistan, as well as on the progress made in the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/11).
The system will generate an off ratio alarm and stop operation.
此外,為更好利用地積率偏低的 現有公共屋邨的土 地資源,並為探討局部或全面重建屋邨所增加的建屋量,房委會在 [...]
2011 年 11 月通過「重建高樓齡公共租住屋邨優化政策」,持續進行重 建潛力研究,以檢視高樓齡屋邨原地重建的潛力。
Besides, to make a better use of the land resources in
[...] existing PRH estates with a low plot ratio and to [...]
explore the scope for additional flat production
through partial or full redevelopment, a “Refined Policy on Redevelopment of Aged Public Rental Housing” was endorsed by HA in November 2011, under which HA will conduct a rolling programme of potential studies to examine the build-back potential of aged estates.
续延该心偏离了 教科文组织关于第 2 类机构和中心的综合全面战略 (第 35 C/22 号文件)和拟议示范协定,因为该中心须遵守国家法律规章及预算程序。
The renewal of the centre deviates from the UNESCO integrated [...]
comprehensive strategy for category 2 institutes and centres
(document 35 C/22) and the proposed model agreement due to its national laws and regulations and the budget procedures.
自治妇女心率先推 出了对与家庭有关的专门 委员会法官进行新系统应用程序的培训。
The Autonomous Women’s Centre was the first to launch [...]
the training of judges of specialized family-related councils on the
application of the new institute.
休閒優雅的婦女:尺寸:L皮錶帶或不銹鋼錶鍊,在大小S,精緻和珍貴的珍珠貝母錶盤,自然的環境 偏心 皇 冠 上的鑽石,簽名女性Baume&Mercier名士手錶。
Casual elegance for women: size L leather strap or stainless steel bracelet in size S, refined
and precious pearl dial with its natural
[...] setting and its eccentric diamond on the [...]
crown, signature watches for women Baume & Mercier.
当母亲的精神受到压迫时,她心率 便 会 升高,进而影响体内的胎儿。
When the mother
[...] is stressed, her heart rate increases, and it [...]
affects the baby inside,” he explains.
今年春天在加利福尼亚Sierra山脚的一个像一个火球样爆炸的陨石属于那些已知的撞击地球速度最快、最罕见的陨石,且它是经由一个高 偏心 的 轨 道路线到达这里的。
A meteorite that exploded as a fireball over California’s Sierra foothills this past spring was among
the fastest, rarest meteorites known to have hit the Earth, and it
[...] traveled a highly eccentric orbital route to [...]
get here.
采用生物信号采集处理系统对草甘膦异丙胺盐胁迫条件下中华大蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans Cantor)心率和心电活 动的相关指标进行了测定和分析。
By applying Biological Signal Recording and Monitoring System, this paper aims to study influences
of the herbicide
[...] glyphosate-isopropylammonium (GIA) on heart rate and electrocardiogram [...]
(ECG) of Bufo gargarizans Cantor.
为了加速降 低儿童死亡率,特别是在生率偏高 的低收入国家,必须扩大计划生育机会,结 合振兴各项努力,扩大旨在改善儿童健康的干预措施,这对确保实现千年发展目 标 4 至关重要。
In order to accelerate the reduction of child mortality, particularly in low-income countries with high fertility, expanded access to family planning combined with reinvigorated efforts to expand interventions to improve child health is crucial to ensure the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 4.
在适当的情况下,它可以通过升降功能移动工件,使之与旋转 偏心, 从而减少约240°旋转范围。
Where appropriate, it can be dispensed with the lift function by shifting the
[...] swivel axis eccentrically and thus reducing [...]
the swivel range to approx. 240 .
委 員 會 詢問急切召喚專責車隊使率偏低的原因何在,以及完成審計署 署長報告書第4.22(a)段所述有關急切召喚救護服務效率和效益檢 [...]
The Committee enquired about the
[...] reasons for the low utilisation of the urgent [...]
care fleet, and the timetable for completing
the review of the efficiency and effectiveness of the urgent care ambulance service, as mentioned in paragraph 4.22(a) of the Audit Report.
此外还敦促政府处理非洲人后裔监 率偏高 这 个严重问题,以及某些法律、尤其是涉及毒品犯罪的法律的歧视性质和歧视性 [...]
The Government is also urged to
redress the grave issue of
[...] disproportionate incarceration rates of people of African [...]
descent and the discriminatory nature
and application of some laws, in particular those related to drug offences.
[...] 的峰会、在日本举行的非洲发展会议(TICAD)、在贝宁举行的全国委员会磋商等),使用了临时 人员,这也是造成开率偏高的 一个原因。
In addition, the lack of core staff meant that the department had to use temporary assistance for the preparation of meetings and other events during the first six months (AU Summit in Egypt, meeting of
TICAD in Japan, the consultations with NATCOMs in Benin, etc.) which
[...] contributed to the relatively high expenditure rate.
因此,即使在总和生率偏低的 区 域,青春期生殖率也没有相应下降,部分原因是早婚以及青年妇女面临的计划生 育障碍。
Thus, even in regions
[...] where overall fertility is low, adolescent fertility has failed [...]
to decline commensurately, partly
because of early marriage and the barriers faced by young women to access family planning.
自治妇女心率先进 行了题为《反对家庭暴力的 家庭法律保护》和《贝尔格莱德法院判例法》(2008 [...]
年)的判例法研究,进行了塞 尔维亚共和国法院判例法研究( 2009 年)。
The Autonomous Women’s Centre was the first to conduct [...]
a research of the case law entitled Family Legal Protection against
Domestic Violence and the Case law of the Courts in Belgrade (2008) and a research of the case law in the courts in the Republic of Serbia (2009).
本案十分复杂、工作人员更率偏高以 及人手不足都是造成估计日期被修订的原因。
The complexity of the case and the high staff turnover and understaffing are the factors contributing to this revised estimate.
(一 ) 鑒於復蘇機體積輕巧和價格相宜(每部只需款約一萬多元), 政府會不會參考海外的做法,在各公共場所(包括立法會大樓 及所有政府大廈)的滅火喉、洗手間或升降機附近多處設置復
[...] [...] 蘇機,並鼓勵私人機構效法;如果會,詳情是甚麼;如果不 會,原因是甚麼;及 (二 ) 鑒於復蘇機操作簡易並能在自動分析病人 心率 狀 態 後適 當地施以電擊,而且美國西雅圖在加強其市民的急救知識及 在市內多處設置復蘇機後,突發心臟病病發者獲救的機會由 [...] [...]
1%至 3%大增至16%至 25%,當局會不會進行宣傳,教導公眾 如何使用復蘇機,以期當突發心臟病患者病發時,附近的人 可在黃金5分鐘內為其進行急救,從而減低突發心臟病患者 猝死的死亡率;如果會,詳情是甚麼;如果不會,原因是甚 麼?
(b) given that it is easy and simple to operate an AED, which can automatically assess the patient's heart rate and then administer the electric shock as appropriate, and that in Seattle of the United States, upon enhancement of citizens' first-aid knowledge and installation of AEDs at a number of
places across the city,
[...] the survival rate of persons suffering from sudden cardiac arrest has increased [...]
tremendously from
1% to 3% to 16% to 25%, whether the authorities will launch campaigns to teach the public how to use AEDs, with a view to enabling people nearby to give first aid to a person suffering from sudden cardiac arrest within the critical five-minute period, thereby reducing the rate of sudden death of persons suffering from sudden cardiac arrest; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
振动筛的驱动筛机采用结构简单、制造维修容易的瓣形联轴器和挠性盘联轴器,克服了万向联轴器易损坏的缺陷; 振动器采用偏心式结 构,结构简单;可配套选择给料箱,给料箱的应用增加振动筛的有效筛分面积,同时延长进料端筛网使用寿命;传动部分增加了中间过渡轴承座,中间过渡轴承座的应用有效保护了电机,延长了电机使用寿命。
The drive screen machine of vibrating screen adopts disc coupling and flexible disc coupling with simple structure and easy maintenance; it overcomes the defect of universal coupling
that is easy to destruct; vibrating
[...] screen adopts block eccentric type structure, [...]
and the structure is simple; supporting
choice of feeding box, the application of feeding box increases the effective screening area of vibrating screen, prolongs service life at the same time; there is a middle transition bearing increased in the transmission part, and the application of middle transition bearing can protect the motor effectively, prolongs the service life of motor.
[...] 阁下在上述款项会尽快到账的基础上,考虑是否可能使我国在本年度期间不失去表决权,毕 竟上述差额只是由于率偏差所 造成的问题。
In view of the fact that, on the date of this letter, Uruguay would lose the right to vote at the 33rd session of the General Conference, the Government of the Republic kindly requests you to examine the possibility of our not losing this right, on the basis of an undertaking that the abovementioned sum will be sent as soon as possible, during the current year,
given the fact that the difference in question is solely due to a problem produced
[...] by an error in the rate of exchange.




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