单词 | 偏微分方程 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 偏微分方程—partial differential equation (PDE)微分方程—differential equation (math.)See also:偏微分—(math.) partial derivative (math.) partial differential 微分—differentiation differential calculus an infinitesimal 方程n—equationn 方程—mathematical equation
分析学的工具和语言是众多数学领域的基础,从概率论、统计物理以至偏微分方程、动力系统、组合数学和数论。 shawprize.org | The tools and language of analysis form the foundation for vast areas of mathematics, ranging from [...] probability theory and [...] statistical physics topartial differential equations, dynamical systems, [...]combinatorics and number theory. shawprize.org |
数学科学奖平均颁予瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院数学和物理学教授德梅特里奥斯•克里斯托多罗 [...] (Demetrios Christodoulou) 和美国哥伦比亚大学戴维斯数学教授理查德•哈密顿 (Richard S [...] Hamilton),以表彰他们在洛兰兹几何与黎曼几何中的非线性偏微分方程方面的高度创新工作,及对广义相对论和拓扑学的应用。 shawprize.org | Awarded in equal shares to Professor Demetrios Christodoulou, Professor of Mathematics and Physics at the ETH, Zurich, Switzerland and Professor Richard S Hamilton, Davies Professor of Mathematics, Columbia University, USA for [...] their highly innovative works on [...] nonlinear partial differential equationsin Lorentzian [...]and Riemannian geometry and their [...]applications to general relativity and topology. shawprize.org |
透过他的工作以及他对同行的影响,他领导着微分几何学的发展,使微分几何学与几何学的几乎所有范畴交叉影响,这些范畴包括了拓朴学、代数几何学、积分几何学、复几何学、外微分系统、整体分析和偏微分方程。 shawprize.org | Through it and his influence on colleagues, Chern guided the field of differential geometry and led it into interaction with essentially all aspects of geometry, including topology, algebraic geometry, [...] integral geometry, complex geometry, exterior differential systems, global analysis, [...] and partial differential equations. shawprize.org |
教学和科研涉及的领域包括代数和代数几何、偏微分方程、计算机制图、流 体力学、全纯动力学和叶状结构物、数理经济学、微分几何、最优化、概率、动力系统和遍 [...] 历理论。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Teaching and research are done in [...] the areas of algebra and [...] algebraic geometry, partial differentialequations,computer graphics, [...]fluid dynamics, holomorphic [...]dynamics and foliations, mathematical economics, differential geometry, optimization, probability, dynamical systems and ergodic theory. unesdoc.unesco.org |
数学科学奖 - 颁予美国普林斯顿高等研究院教授辛康‧布尔甘( Jean [...] Bourgain),以表彰他在数学分析方面的工作与其在多项学科上的应用:偏微分方程、数学物理、组合学、数论、遍历理论与理论计算机科学。 shawprize.org | Professor Jean Bourgain, Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA for his profound work in [...] mathematical analysis and its [...] application to partial differential equations, mathematical [...]physics, combinatorics, number theory, [...]ergodic theory and theoretical computer science. shawprize.org |
目前迫切需要制定一种框架来限制汇率波动程度,使其不会过分偏离多方商定的汇率管理规则的基本面。 daccess-ods.un.org | There was urgent need for a [...] framework to limit the degree of exchange rate deviations from thefundamentals [...]of multilaterally agreed [...]rules for exchange rate management. daccess-ods.un.org |
该部在使世界各地媒体对促进和平 与容忍文化、消除偏见和分歧以及消除媒体陈规定 型做法的需要保持敏感方面起到重要作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Department had a vital role to play in sensitizing the media throughout the world about the [...] need to promote a [...] culture of peace and tolerance, combat prejudice and division and eradicate the practice of stereotyping in the media. daccess-ods.un.org |
在辩论期间,专家认为“优先”这一概念在耶路撒冷老城的背景下是十分微妙的,因 为还要同时考虑这座老城各类遗产的保存状况、它的方方面面、风险程度、修复项目的切实 可行性及参与者等。 unesdoc.unesco.org | During the debate, it was agreed that the concept of “priority” in the context of the Old City of Jerusalem is very delicate, taking into account at the same time the state of conservation of various elements of its heritage, their dimension, the level of risk,the real feasibility of restoration projects, and the actors involved. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在最新调查中,巿民对泛民提出的2012行政长官普选方案的支持程度为57%,比半个月前微跌2个百分比;对2012立法会普选方案的支持程度则为50%,微跌1个百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | In our latest survey, 57% support their proposal on 2012 CE election, a slight drop of 2 percentage points compared to twoweeks ago, while 50% support their proposal on 2012 Legco election, down by 1 percentage point. hkupop.hku.hk |
为了避免因提问次序引起偏差,每条评分问题中八间院校的提问次序皆以随机方法轮流转换。 hkupop.hku.hk | To eliminate any possiblebias arising fromthe questioning order, the prompting order among the eight [...] institutions in each [...]question was randomly rotated in all rating questions. hkupop.hku.hk |
会议还强调了面向偏远地区的远程教育的发展潜力,以及开展国际合作的 必要性以确保通用教育方法的制定和推广。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The potential [...] of distance education for hard-to-reach areas was stressed, as well as the need for international cooperation to ensure access and the elaboration ofcommon approaches. unesdoc.unesco.org |
据提 交人称,调查和庭审程序存在偏颇,公司的收购是合法的,收购是通过一项贷款 融资交易,而不是通过私有化进行的,面粉的采购也是合法的,在获得和使用所 述贷款方面没有违规情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to her, the [...] investigation and the court proceedingswerebiased,asthe company in question was acquired legally, not through privatization but through a transaction financed by a loan, the flour was also procured lawfully, and no irregularities were committed in the obtaining or the use of theloans in question. daccess-ods.un.org |
奇异金融期权评估者是一个全面的包含超过 250 [...] 个函数和模型的计算器,从基本的期权到奇 [...] 异期权(例如,从布莱克-斯克尔斯(Black-Scholes)模型到多叉网格模型到闭式微分方程和对奇异期权进行定价的分析性方法,还有其它与期权相关的模型例如债券期权,波动性计 [...]算,delta-gamma 对冲等等)。 crystalballservices.com | The Exotic Financial Options Valuator is a comprehensive calculator of more than 250 functions and models, from basic options to exotic options (e.g., from Black-Scholes to [...] multinomial lattices to closedform [...] differentialequations and analytical methodsfor [...]valuing exotic options, as well as other [...]optionsrelated models such as bond options, volatility computations, delta-gamma hedging, and so forth). crystalballservices.com |
通过以下方法进一 步推动了科学教育和科学职业:在物理学中采用主动学习技术;支持制订科学课程;就微观科学实 验的使用进行传播、转化和培训;正在同教育部门合作制订转基因生物(GMO)教学资料包;以及开 发并开放在线教学资源。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The promotion of science education and careers in science was strengthened through active [...] learning [...] techniques in physics, support for science curriculumdevelopment, dissemination, translation and training in the useof microscienceexperiments, the ongoing development [...]in [...]collaboration with the Education Sector of a pedagogical teaching kit on GMOs, and development and access to online teaching resources. unesdoc.unesco.org |
除了第 II 组远远低于“理想分数”外,其它各组 情况都比较好,第 III 组、第 IV 组和两个第 V 组的分数都略微偏低,但都接近 “理想分数”(表 14)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Except for Group II, which is far below the “ideal number of points”, the situation in the other groups is more favourable, with Groups III, IV and both Groups V being somewhat below, but close to the ideal number of points (Table 14). unesdoc.unesco.org |
所开发的教学材料包 括:为在南非反对科学领域学习和就业方面的性别偏见而开发的“科学领域就业指南和咨 询”课程,为在青年组织、学校、地方政府和消费者团体中进行可持续性消费的能力建设 而开发的“教科文组织/联合国环境规划署青年交流工具箱”(指南和网站),以及与科学 部门合作开发、以中学教师和学生为对象的“转基因生物”(GMO)教学工具。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A Science Careers Guidance and Counselling Module to counter gender stereotypes with regard to science studies and careers in southern Africa, a UNESCO/UNEP Youth Exchange Toolkit (guidebook and website) for capacitybuilding on sustainable consumption in youth organizations, schools, local authorities and consumer organizations, and a teaching tool on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), started in collaboration with the Natural Sciences Sector and targeted to secondary-school teachers and students, are among the educational materials developed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在浮式船舶的船尾有一个福伊特施耐德推进器,在船首稍微偏离对角线的地方也有一个,这就使得这些海事巨人可以精确安全地进行操作。 voith.com | With one VSP at the stern and another VSP with a slightdiagonal offset at the bow of these pontoon-shaped vessels, these maritime workhorses are perfectly equipped to maneuver precisely and safely. voith.com |
第二,通过针对性干预行动,例如设立社区中心帮助边缘地区的妇女和女孩,并 确保男孩和女孩有分开的卫生设施,如何可以消除教育方面偏袒男孩的性别偏 见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Second, how gender bias in education favouring boys might be removed through targeted interventions, for example, by setting up community [...] centres that can reach [...] women and girlsinremote areas and ensure the availability ofseparate sanitary facilities [...]for boys and girls. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管不要求编程,NT 系列仍容许通过 UART 连接进行通信和微控制器编程,让用户实现频率捷变方案,如通话前跳频或侦听。 digikey.cn | Although programming is not required, the NT [...] Series allows for [...] communication and microcontroller programmingover a UART connection, which letsthe user [...]implement a frequency [...]agility scheme such as frequency hopping or listen before talk. digikey.be |
专家小组的一位成员针对 33 C/5 批准件和 34 C/5 草案中的支出目标(参见附件 VI)预 算之间的不一致提出疑问,特别指出,与 34 C/5 草案第二和第三部分不同,第一部分的建议 资金分配偏离了实际零增长方案。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A member of the Group of Experts raised a question regarding the divergence between the budget by object-of-expenditure (ref.: Annex VI) in document 33 C/5 Approved and draft document 34 C/5, specifically noting that the proposed allocations for Part I of draft document 34 C/5, unlike Parts II and III of the same document,were going far beyond the Zero Real Growthscenario. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(b) 建筑行业关于消耗臭氧层物质相关问题的干预措施(考虑到建筑物内的大部分能源需求与运行所安装的制冷和空调设备有关),为了让城市发展部、能 源效率局、新能源和可再生能源部等制定建筑物规则/标准的管理当局能够 参与进来并且将使用氟氯烃的设备替代品的适当技术规范纳入这些规则之 中;通过绿色建筑大会等本地机构推广无氟氯烃建筑设计和方程式;通过建 筑学理事会提高建筑师的能力,为修改建筑学院课程准备一个模板,以便将 无氟氯烃建筑设计和施工纳入建筑行业主流。 multilateralfund.org | (b) Building sector interventions on ODS related issues (given that most of the energy demand in building is associated with the operation of the refrigeration and air-conditioning deployed), in order to engage with regulatory authorities like the Ministry of Urban Development, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, that have issued codes/standards for buildings and incorporate appropriate specifications for alternatives to HCFC-based equipment in these codes; promote HCFC-free building design and construction through local agencies such as the Green Building Congress; enhance the capacity of architects through the Council of Architecture, and prepare a template for amending curriculum in architectural institutes to mainstream HCFC free building design and construction. multilateralfund.org |
孩子面对断奶,且不说营养需求,是他经历一段细微和重要的过程,为了能够获取在嗅觉和味觉方面的经验而掌握能力,并接受小汤勺喂食等。 stranieriincampania.it | Apart from the nutritional needs, weaning represents a delicate and important moment from the acquisition of behaviour and attitudes in front of olfactory and taste experiences to the acceptance of eating with a spoon, etc. stranieriincampania.it |
此 外 , 遇 有 某 些 取 决於程度上的细微 分别的个 案 , 则 案 中 的 行 为 是 否 足 以 [...] 构 成 未 遂 罪 的 问 题 , 就 适 宜 留 待 陪 审 团 断 定 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Furthermore, [...] where cases weredependant onfine differences of degree, itwas appropriate [...]for the question whether in a [...]particular case conduct amounted to attempt to be left to the jury. hkreform.gov.hk |
解决方案::日程完全符合微软的对象链接和嵌入技术标准,因此可以完美地支持在网络应用程序和ASP.NET解决方案中的程序开发,并且,我们还为用户保留了诸如胖用户界面和完全地拖拉特性。 evget.com | Like all DBI COM components, [...] Solutions::Scheduleadheres to Microsoft’s OLE standards [...]allowing perfect implementation in [...]Web applications and ASP.NET solutions, maintaining the rich user interface and full drag and drop capabilities we have come to depend on. evget.com |
(c) 缔约方会议第 IV/12 号决定解释说,“由于制造过程中的疏忽大意或偶然事 故而从未反应的原料中产生的、或者因用作加工剂作为微量杂质出现在化学 物质中的、或者在生产、制造、或处理过程中排放的微量管制物质,都不应 被视为属于《蒙特利尔议定书》第 1 条第 4 款所述受控物质的定义范围”。 multilateralfund.org | (c) Decision IV/12 of the Meeting of the Parties clarifies“that insignificant quantities of controlled [...] substances originating from inadvertent or coincidental production during a manufacturingprocess,from unreacted feedstock, or from their use as process agents which are present in chemical substances as trace impurities, or that are emitted during product manufacture or handling, shall be considered [...]not to be covered by the definition of a controlled substance contained in paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the Montreal Protocol”. multilateralfund.org |
同时,蔻驰通过自己的官方微信账户推广与宣传活动相关的内容,甚至利用照片分享应用——图钉(我们今年早些时候讨论过并认为它对品牌具有极大发展潜力)推出特别的“纽约范儿”。 labbrand.com | At the same time, Coach promoted pushed [...] content related to the [...] campaign through its official Weixin account and even leveraged thephoto-sharingapp Tuding (which we spotted [...]early this year [...]as having great potential for brands) by launching a special “New York Style” filter. labbrand.com |
为了避免陷入一个有偏见的选举进程(这种情况正如科特迪瓦近期所经历的一样,太容易变得暴力),所以技术和资金援助应该视情况而定,要对竞选自由、对政治多元化的尊重、政治暴力、国家媒体的获得、与刚果当局的对话、国家分配给全国独立选举委员会的资金情况以及民间社会团体对竞选进程自行监控的机会进行持续和认真的监控。 crisisgroup.org | In order not to become trapped in a biased process that couldall too easily become as violent as that which Côte d’Ivoire recently experienced, technical and financial assistance should be contingent on constant and precise monitoring of the freedom to campaign, respect for political pluralism, political violence, [...] access to state media, dialogue [...]with the Congolese authorities and state funding for the NIEC, as well as the opportunity for civil society groups to do their own monitoring of the process. crisisgroup.org |
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), [...] 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 [...] 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters [...] perform outreach [...] activity by visitingremote officestwice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country teamas partof the United [...]Nations integrated [...]framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day. daccess-ods.un.org |
该司的工作重点将是:协调预算和财务问题及流程方面的指导和政策;对外地行动的重大资源配置需求和动态进行有针对性分析;制订和 执行各种方案和其他举措以加强外地财务能力和解决实践中出现的变化及需求; 向审议财务事项的立法机构和向派遣部队和警察特遣队的会员国提供支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Division will focus on coordinating [...] guidance and policy [...] with regard to budgetary and financial issues and processes; perform targeted analysesofmajor resourcing requirements and developments [...]for field operations; [...]develop and implement programmes and other initiatives to strengthen the financial capacity of field operations and to address emerging changes in practices and requirements; and provide support to legislative bodies considering financial matters and to Member States contributing troops and police contingents. daccess-ods.un.org |