

单词 除数





exact divisor

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 开展的一些新的残留研究,并建议把这些研究内容纳入优先名单,用以评估猪体内残留除数据。
The Committee had also considered new residues studies,
conducted by China, and recommended that they be included in the Priority List for
[...] review of residue depletion data in pigs.
一旦超过了法定规定的时间,或当不符合上述第4条所列目的 时,根据惯例将除数据。
Upon expiry of statutory periods or in case the purposes mentioned in no. 4 no longer
[...] apply, the data is deleted as a matter of [...]
这些数据库分为“可除数据库 ”和“不可 除数 据 库 ”。
These databases are divided into “erasable databases” and “non-erasable databases”.
这种情况下会触发要求读取和除数 据 库 的事件。
An event with the request to
[...] read out and delete the database is [...]
caused in this case.
审计委员会感到关切的是,如果创建、修改和终止用户、进行系统维护和 编程以及添加/删除数据库 中表格和领域等职能由一人承担,就会存在一种风险, 即内部控制机制可能不会及时独立发现和防止差错和欺诈活动。
The Board was concerned that if the function of creating, modifying and terminating users, performing system
maintenance and programming, as
[...] well as adding/deleting tables and fields to the database, were [...]
those of one person there was
a risk that errors and fraudulent activities may not be independently detected and prevented in a timely manner by internal controls.
[...] 《公约》不符的方式处理数据外,数据保护法还规定了获得信息、改正,及必要 的话除数据并 提供有效的监督措施的权利。
In addition to prohibiting data processing for purposes that are incompatible with the Covenant, data protection laws must
establish rights to information, correction and,
[...] if need be, deletion of data and provide effective [...]
supervisory measures.
正如《突尼斯信息社会议 程》第 90
[...] 息社会公众战略,等)涉及信息获取和信息利用方面有关人、社会、民主、文化和经济等方 方面面的内容;最终旨在除数字排 斥、数字鸿沟、宽带鸿沟;确定发展、进步、和提高生 [...]
As shown by paragraph 90 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, such information policy frameworks (also known as e-strategies, ICT policies, public strategies for the information society, etc.) concern every aspect of the human and the broader societal, democratic, cultural and economic
dimensions of information access and use;
[...] aim ultimately at eliminating digital exclusion [...]
and digital and broadband divides; determine
prospects for development, growth and raising living standards; and serve to provide access to and the ability to use information.
为任何能够通过JDBC访问的数据库提供Web Service访问接口,使用HTTP方法GET、POST、PUT和DELETE就能够查询,创建,修改和 除数 据 库中的数据记录。
Able to access any database via JDBC to provide Web Service access
interface , use the HTTP methods GET,
[...] POST, PUT and DELETE can query , create, modify and delete data in a database [...]
record .
他们还希望简化数据库调配和加强治理,以提高安全性和 除数 据 库 激增。
They also want to simplify database provisioning and enforce governance to
[...] improve security and eliminate database sprawl.
除数额取 决于法庭司法工作量的与案件相关的支出外,2013-2014 年预算与 2011-2012 年预算,采用的是整体零增长办法。
With the exception of case-related expenditures, the level of which depends on the judicial workload of the Tribunal, the budget for 2013-2014 follows an overall zero-growth approach compared with the 2011-2012 budget.
本程序的缺点就是,每次运行都会在服务器上产生一个PDF文件,如果不及时 除 , 数 量 会越来越大,这显然是站点维护者所不愿意看到的。
Shortcomings of this procedure is that each run
on the server will generate a PDF file,
[...] if not promptly removed, the number of [...]
growing sites is obviously defenders do not want to see.
有关和平协定包括的承诺的基本目标是:在危地马拉建立法治;建立和加 强民主制和让公民有机会更多地参与国家事务,但尤其是 除数 世 纪 以来存在的 社会、经济、文化和政治排斥和不平等现象,而妇女、土著居民和农村地区居民 所受影响最严重。
The peace agreements contain commitments basically intended to establish the rule of law in Guatemala, to build and strengthen democracy and the possibility of broad participation by the people in national affairs, but above all, to overcome the profound social exclusion and social, economic, cultural and political inequality that characterized the country for centuries, affecting women and the indigenous and rural populations most intensively.
除数据之 前,建议您运行“数据下载”选项在 PC 或笔记本电脑中 存储数据的副本。
Before deleting the data, it is recommended [...]
that you run the Data Download option to store a copy of the data on a PC or laptop.
国际社会在 协助各国政府使这些技术能够为小农所得、 除数 字 鸿 沟并加强农业创新体系方 面具有关键的作用。
The international community has a key role to play in assisting governments to make these technologies accessible to smallholder farmers, overcoming the digital divide, and strengthening agricultural innovation systems.
支持:直接在查询结果集中编辑,新增和 除数 据 ; 在查询结果集、SQL statement、导入和导出中支持BLOB数据。
Support: directly in the query result set
[...] edit, add and delete data; in the query result [...]
set , SQL statement, import and export support BLOB data .
即使在使用后除数据处 理模块外,所有模块均可供检查员进一 步检查。
Indeed, even after
[...] use all modules except the data processing module [...]
could be available for further inspector checks.
讲习班的结 果包括(a)
[...] 经理和决策者掌握了更多的信息,(b) 就信通技术政策和除 数码鸿沟的必要性提高了认识,(c) [...]
起草了信通技术政策,(d) 突出了关 于网络犯罪立法的必要性,(e) 建立一个进行电子政务讨论的平台,包括 关于网上门户的各种要求以及(f)
以及向政府提出关于如何在利用信通技 术促进发展方面取得进展的建议。
Outputs of the workshops included (a) better informed managers and policymakers, (b) raised
awareness about the need for ICT policies and for
[...] bridging the digital divide, (c) draft [...]
ICT policies, (d) the highlighting of
the need for cyber crime legislation, (e) a platform for e-government discussions, including requirements for online portals and (f) recommendations to Governments on how to make progress in using ICT for development.
用户可对数据单元的进行单项或者多项选择,比如对之进行编辑,插入或者 除数 据 库 记录。
A user has an option of single or multiple
[...] selections of data cells, as well as editing, inserting and deleting database records.
并且由于这一变量已被除,数据拟 合精度因此明显提高。
And the precision of data fit is evidently better because this variable is removed.
当处置或转让记忆卡时,建议将记 忆卡本身毁掉或用市售的计算机数据抹消软件来从卡上彻底 除数 据。
When disposing of or transferring your memory cards, we recommend physically
destroying them, or using commercially available
[...] computer data erasing software to completely delete the data from the card.
一旦将数据存储介质从相机除,数 码 数 据 、 图像或任何其他数据 不得留在相机里。
No digital data, image, or any other data must remain in the camera, once the
[...] data-storage medium has been removed from the camera.
[...] 并且对培训中心在亚太经社会成员和准成员的信息和通信技术人员能力 建设以及除数码鸿 沟方面所提供的各种宝贵创新服务表示赞扬。
The Council applauded the achievements of APCICT during the short period since its establishment, and expressed its praise for the range of valuable and innovative services that had been delivered by APCICT for information and communication
technology (ICT) human capacity-building and
[...] bridging the digital divide in the [...]
members and associate members of ESCAP.
作为整个广播电台播出工艺系统中的枢纽,总控室中,我 除数 字 音 频矩阵外,还提供光传输分系统、数字音频分配器、数字音频同步设备分系统、应急播出分系统、内部通话分系统及监听监视分系统等相关成套设备,其中,应急播出分系统可以保证在任何节目出现播出故障的情况下,自动补乐保证播出不中断。
Radio broadcast technology as a whole system of the hub, the total
[...] control room in addition to digital audio matrix [...]
of our company, but also provide optical
transmission subsystems, digital audio splitter, digital audio synchronization device sub-systems, emergency broadcast sub-systems, internal Call subsystems and monitor surveillance equipment and other related sub-systems, which ensures emergency broadcast sub broadcast any program fault occurs, the automatic make up music to ensure uninterrupted broadcast.
南苏丹还把对苏丹的债务除数额从2011 年 10 月提议的 28 亿美元增加到 50 亿美元:免除政府与政府之间的一切欠款和索赔,其中大部分是苏丹在《全面 和平协议》项下的未尽义务引起的,即共计 40 亿美元的未支付石油收入。
South Sudan has increased its offer on per barrel transportation fees to $9.10 (GNPOC pipeline) and $7.26 (Petrodar pipeline): now offering a 7 per cent increase in processing fees so that Sudan could earn profits on its processing facilities not earned from other shippers.
USB驱动器的数据恢复软件检索丢失, 除数 据 ,包括(音乐,图片,影像,音频/视频文件和文本文件清单等) [...]
,由于硬体/软体失灵,突如其来的系统关机,电源故障,病毒感染,人为错误等软件支持所有主要品牌的笔驱动器,如超越,索尼,奥林巴斯, Kingmax的等在所有主要的存储容量驱动器.
USB drive data recovery software
[...] retrieves lost, deleted data including [...]
(music, pictures, images, audio/video files and
text document list etc) due to hardware/software malfunctioning, unexpected system shutdown, power failure, virus infection, human errors etc. Software undelete file and supports undelete usb drive data from all major brands of pen drive such as Transcend, Sony, Olympus, Kingmax etc in all major storage capacities drives.
平均费用的计算方法是,任何具体年份的马德里规费收入 数除 以 注册 和续展总数。
The average fee is calculated as the total Madrid fee income divided by the total number of registrations and renewals in any given year.
[...] 权数为,国家一级未予使用的选票以及低于选区选举商数的选票总数针对政党、 政治联盟或选举联盟投出的总的有效 数除 以 国 家选举商数得出的结果。
Each electoral competitor is assigned as many deputy’s or senator’s mandates as the case may be, as the number of times the national electoral quotient is comprised in the total number of votes validly cast for that political party, political
alliance, or electoral alliance,
[...] resulting from summing the number of votes not used and [...]
those lower than the constituency electoral quotient, at national level.
但议会组织法中规定,国有经济组织委员会、人权调查委员会、与欧盟接轨委员会和男女机会平等委员会的有效表决 数 , 除 参 会委员的相对多数外,还需达到其委员总数的四分之一加一的票数。
However, as stated by their special laws, the Committee on Public Economic Enterprises, the Committee on the Inquiry of Human Rights, the Committee on European Union Harmonization, and the Committee on the Equality of Opportunity for Women
and Men can decide by
[...] an absolute majority of the members present provided that that majority is not less [...]
than one more than
one-fourth of the total number of members.
自 2008 年 4 月 1 日以来,根据关于切尔诺贝利灾难受害公民社会保护的 1992 年 1 月 30 日第 909-XII 号法律确定的养恤金按政府决定增长了 17%,因为 年度居民消费价格指数增长了
12.3%和年度平均国家工资增长了 21.7%,而根据
[...] 关于为某些类别公民提供国家社会津贴的 1999 年 7 月 14 日第 499-XIV 号法律 确定的国家社会津贴调整数,除了 护 理津贴和死亡津贴之外,为 12.3%,依据 的是上一年居民消费价格指数年平均增长情况。
Starting with 1 April 2008, by means of Government Decision No. 316 from 17.03.2008 on the update of the social insurance allowances and of certain state social allowances, the pensions, set by Law No. 909-XII from 30 January 1992 on social protection of the persons that suffered from the Chernobyl catastrophe have been increase with 17%, following the annual increase of the consumer prices indicator with 12.3% and the annual increase of the average country salary with 21.7%, whilst the update indicator of the state social allowances, set by Law No.
499-XIV from 14
[...] July 1999 on state social allowances for certain categories of citizens, with the exception [...]
of the nursing allowance
and the death allowance, was 12.3%, following the average annual increase of the consumer prices indicator for the preceding year.
达到选举门槛的政治力量确立后,县选举局分别针对众议院和参议院,用 全国各地针对所有已进入选举门槛的候选人以及作为候选人已获得实名制选举团 绝对多数投票的独立候选人投出的总有效 数除 以 该 选区拟当选的众议员和参议 员人数,得出选区的选举商数。
After establishing the political forces, which met the electoral threshold, the county electoral bureau establishes, separately, for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the constituency’s electoral quotient, by dividing the total number of votes validly cast for all the electoral competitors, which have met the electoral threshold and for the independent candidates who have obtained the majority of the votes validly cast in the uninominal college in which they stood as candidates to the number of deputies, respectively senators, who are to be elected in that constituency.




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