

单词 足大指

See also:


Dazu suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan



External sources (not reviewed)

该国代表团强调,它并不想 忽略保护和增进人权方面的挑战和处,发展速度和条件以及政府 的能力各异。
The delegation stressed that it had no intention of ignoring
[...] the challenges and shortcomings in the protection [...]
and promotion of human rights, while
noting that the pace and conditions of the development and capabilities of Governments differed.
SHS,一些不足之处:该部门发现的一些:(1) 缺向专题项目的统一 战略,这样使成功实施受到了限制;(2) 各部门和各处的跨部门横向专题项目的优先程度不 一,这就使横向专题项目经常在与核心计划的急迫需求抗争;(3) 与教科文组织总部外办事 处的协调证明对横向专题项目的实施是
SHS, Some limitations:
[...] Limitations observed by the Sector, included: (1) That the absence of a coherent strategy within which cross-cutting projects were to function limited the chances of success; (2) that the inconsistent level of priority placed on CCT projects across sectors and divisions often forced CCT projects to compete with the pressing demands of core programmes; and (3) that coordination with UNESCO field offices proved to bea majorchallengefor [...]
CCT project implementation.
与会者注意到,本区域对生态和谐和可持续能力深为关注,具体例子 包括不丹的“国民幸福、泰国的“济”国的“低碳绿色增 长战略”和中国的“和谐社会”。
Participants observed that the concern to foster ecological harmony and sustainability was deeply rooted in the region, as
exemplified by the “gross
[...] nationalhappinessindex”in Bhutan, the sufficiencyeconomy”in Thailand, [...]
the strategy for “low-carbon green growth” in the Republicof Korea and the “harmonious society” in China.
他注意到如咨询委员会那样, 秘书长关于有限权力下放的建议并没有完全足大62/228 号决议中的要求,强调秘书处需要向该 委员会提供充分的资料,以加快决策进程。
Noting that the Secretary-General’s proposals regarding limited delegation of authority did not fully respond to the General Assembly’s request in resolution 62/228, as pointed out by the Advisory Committee, he stressed that the Secretariat needed to provide the Committee with full information in order to accelerate the decision-making process.
具有许多关于自然资源管理中共同管理方 法的参与式方法案例研究大指
Huge guide, with many case studies, about participatory approaches to co-management approaches in natural resource management.
咨询委员会注意到预 算文件第 34.28 段提及到,自 2006 年以来,保护协调股的工作量增加了 46%,并且该股目前无法通过一致和一贯的方式,检查点的常设贴身保护人员的要求、维持和平行动部和外勤支助部支持的特 派团的具体要求或者为贴身保护人员提供增援能力的要求。
The Advisory Committee notes from paragraph 34.28 of the budget document that the Unit has seen a 46 per cent increase in its caseload since 2006 and that, at present, it is currently unable to address in a consistent and coherent manner the requirements for ongoing reviews of established close protection details in assigned locations, the specific requirements of missions supported by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support, or the requirements for a surge capacity for close protection officers.
六十六届会议强续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于更 [...]
屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At itssixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed theimportance [...]
of the continued substantive consideration of the
follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
这些问题,除其他外,还包括市场驱动力(例如,要求适当结合技 术和商业技能才能全面进入的非常具体明确的市场窗口);消费者问题(例如,进口市
[...] 场要求取得影响生产惯例的特殊证书);基础设施和设备能力(例如充分的空运、冷藏 室设施);特定材料或产品消费量之发展起市场并确保供应,等等。
These include, inter alia, market drivers (for example, very specific market windows that require the appropriate combination of technical and business skills to access fully); consumer issues (for example, importing markets requiring specific certifications impacting production practices); infrastructure and installed capacity (for example, sufficient
airfreight, cold room
[...] facilities); and large enoughconsumptionof a [...]
given material or product to develop a market for itand ensure availability, and others.
[...] 可用来制定采购产品和服务的社会和环境标准,而且可以提供一个规模大足得规模经济效益的市场。
This spending can be used to set specific social and environmental
standards for products and services purchased
[...] and can provide a sufficientlylarge market to enable [...]
economies of scale.
除了建议采取措施改善地域代表性和性别平衡,以充分足大35 C/93 号决议第 5 和第 6 段中的要求以外,工作人员协会还建议总干事提交一份报告,介绍她打算如何主要通 过高级管理人员的《绩效协议》(或者说,任务合同)、人力资源行动计划和传播活动来衡 量和实现所要求达到的目标。
In addition to the measures proposed to improve the geographical distribution and gender balance of staff with a view to complying fully with the General Conference’s request in paragraphs 5 and 6 of 35 C/Resolution 93, ISAU suggests that the Director-General submit a report on how she intends to evaluate and achieve the improvements requested, such as the use of “performance agreements” (or mission contracts) of senior officials, human resources action plans and communication activities.
至今,能力培养计划已经包括在 5
[...] 个加勒比国家举行的国际专家现场磋商,目的是帮 助当地统计人员评估数据来源,为统计数字和指标的使用提,以和国际的信 息需求,以及确定数据鸿沟并制订计划消除这些鸿沟。
To date, the capacity-building programme has included on-site consultations by international experts in several Caribbean countries for the purpose of assisting local statisticians
evaluate data sources,
[...] providingguidance onthe use of statistics and indicatorsto satisfynational and [...]
international information
needs and identifying data gaps and formulating plans to eliminate them.
[...] 员会成员在进一步审议建议的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的活动时顾及中国的特殊情况和需要,,没资金,中国将无法兑现《协定》中关于氟氯烃淘汰的承诺。
She asked the members of the Executive Committee to take China’s particular situation and needs into account in its further
consideration of the proposed HPMP
[...] activities, and pointedout that China would not be able to fulfill its [...]
commitment in the Agreement
for HCFC phase-out without sufficient funding.
而且,加大指该国对理事会议程的项目7 仍然感到关注,它并关注, [...]
这类议程项目对中东局势有异乎寻常的关注,这损害了理事会在审议人权问题和 消除双重标准及政治化方面确保普遍性、客观性和无选择性的目标。
Moreover, Canada stated that it remains [...]
concerned by item 7 of the Council’s agenda and the disproportionate focus such
agenda item placed on the situation in the Middle East, which undermines the Council’s goal of ensuring universality, objectivity and nonselectivity in the consideration of human rights issues and the elimination of double standards and politicization.
一些代表团对于拟议护消费者健康表示关注,指出应当考虑 到放射性核素对人类健康的长期不利影响。
Some delegations expressed their concern that
[...] the proposed GuidelineLevels wouldnot sufficiently protect consumers’ [...]
health and stated that
long term adverse effects of radionuclides to human health should be taken into account.
法院持这种意见的依据是,证据表明公司的负责人从加大指务,债权人认识到公司在加拿大开展业务,主要资产在加拿大,现金 管理系统在加拿大。
The court based its opinion on evidence that the principals of the company directed affairs from Canada, the creditors recognized the company operated in Canada, the main assets of the company were in Canada and the cash management system was in Canada.
因此, 正是为了足大项决议(19 C/12.1 和 19 C/6.113)建议的关于设立一个确保教科文组织 职权范围人权机制的要求,执行局于 1978 年根据一个工作小组的建议,确定了审议有关在 教科文组织职权范围内行使人权来函的程序。
It was in response to the request of the General Conference, which in two resolutions (19 C/Resolution 12.1 and 19 C/Resolution 6.113) had recommended the establishment of a system to protect human rights in UNESCO’s fields of competence, that in 1978 the Executive Board, on the recommendation of a working party, established the procedure for the examination of communications relating to human rights in UNESCO’s fields of competence.
Moreover, increasing urbanization compounds the pressure on adjacent areas to meet the demand of large, concentrated populations.
[...] -管理层关系能更有效地促进相关实体的总体利益和足大处理人力资源管 理问题(大会第 [...]
63/250 号决议)时的明确希望――即,收到关于审评工作人员―管 理层机制的建议。
It is expected that the implementation of the report’s recommendations by the Executive Heads complemented by the consideration by the elected leadership of the Staff Representative Bodies (SRBs) of some suggestions will help to improve the work of various established Joint Bodies (JBs) and make SMR more
effective for the overall benefit of the entities
[...] concerned and meet theGeneral Assembly’s [...]
clear wish, when addressing Human
Resources Management (HRM) issues (General Assembly resolution 63/250), to receive proposals for the review of the staff-management mechanisms.
我们 还认为,仅将国内生产总值作为国家进步和整体福利状况的指标是不够的,并敦 促国际社会,特别是政治领导人在其国民核算中纳入真正可持续发包括 生可持续经济福真实进步指标和快乐星球指数等作为实际可持 续发展的重要指标。
We also suggest that GDP is insufficient as a national indicator of progress and general welfare and urge the world community and
political leaders, in
[...] particularto include indicatorsof real sustainable development in their national accounting, including the Ecological Footprint, the Index of [...]
Sustainable Economic Welfare,
the Genuine Progress Indicator and the Happy Planet Index.
2005 年,聯合国糧食及农业组织∕世界衞生组织聯合食品添加剂专 家委员会( 下称“ 专家委员会)目前并据厘定多溴联苯醚的 健康参考值。
In 2005, the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)
considered that the available data on
[...] PBDEswere not adequatefor allocating health-based guidancevalues for these [...]
一种不同的观点认为,应当在建议草案 4 中保留提及可撤消交易的内
[...] 容,但该提及所依据的范围应当更广,可《立述及可撤消交易 的章节,目的是一并纳入与抗辩有关的建议及其他相关解释性材料。
A different view was that the reference to avoidable transactions should be retained in draft recommendation 4, but that that reference
should be based more broadly on the
[...] section of the Legislative Guide addressing to avoidable [...]
transactions in order to incorporate
both the recommendations relating to defences and other relevant explanatory material.
一成员请求澄清,编制阿根廷氟氯烃泡沫塑料行业计划的申请的打算是否要在氟氯 烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段或第二阶段中列入泡沫塑料行业计划,同时,没时间编制能够有助于实现 2013 和 2015 年目标的新的项目。
One member sought clarification on whether the intention behind the request to prepare an HCFC foam sector plan in Argentina was to include the foam sector plan within stage I or stage II of the HPMP, noting that there was limited time available to prepare a new project that would contribute to meeting the 2013 and 2015 control targets.
(iii) 如阁下在交收日前至少 3 个营业日或由本行酌情指定的期限内,指示本行就结构性
[...] 产品交易的赎回采取适当行动,本行毋须执行指示,除非本行在阁下发, 收已结算款项或以适当方式存在的相关资产(视情况而定),否则上述第 [...]
(iii) if you instruct us at least 3 Business Days or such other time limit as may be specified by us before the Settlement Date to take appropriate action for the redemption of the Structured Product Transaction, we
are not obliged to follow your instructionto
[...] redeem unless anduntil sufficient cleared funds or specifiedunderlying assets [...]
in an appropriate
form (as the case may be) have been deposited with us when you give your instruction and, in default thereof, the provisions of sub-clause 5.10(ii) above shall apply as if you have failed to give us punctual instruction.
[...] 入其系统,办法是在出口点实行原产地控制措施,追踪几内亚毛坯钻石生产(),有效监测钻石矿场,并遵守金伯利进程关于几内亚的行政决定。
The Group recommends that the Government of Guinea take all necessary measures to prevent the illicit inflow of Ivorian rough diamonds into its system by introducing origin
control measures at the point
[...] of export, footprinting(and fingerprinting) Guinean rough [...]
diamond production, effectively
monitoring diamond mining fields and adhering to the Kimberley Process administrative decision on Guinea.
我要再次向秘书长特别代表表示,我们将给予全 力支持,并向索马里外交部长重申,他可以完国帮助该国政府所雄激励该国人 民的和平需要和自由愿望。
I would like to reiterate to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Somalia that he can fully count on France to help his Government to respond to, ashe so eloquently stated, the need for peace and the will for liberty that motivates his people.
这些改动将大指家属工作地点的范围;对在不带家属工作地点工作的工作人员给予额外的艰 [...]
苦条件津贴;按照现有休假和休养权利为不带家属工作地点的工作人员支付前往 指定地点的差旅费。
These changes
[...] will expand the designation of family duty [...]
stations; introduce an additional hardship allowance for staff
serving in non-family duty stations; and provide for travel costs for staff in non-family duty stations to visit a designated location in relation to existing rest and recuperation entitlements.




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