单词 | 锯木屑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 锯木屑 noun —sawdust nSee also:锯木 n—sawmill n 锯木—saw timber 锯屑 n—sawdust n 木屑 n—wood chip n
和 其 它 木 材 一 样 , 由 西 部 红 柏 引 起 的 [...] 大 多 数 健 康 问 题 似 乎 与 吸 入 细 锯 木 屑 有 关 。 wrcea.cn | As with other woods most health problems from western red cedar appear to be [...] associated with inhaling fine sawdust. wrcea.org |
由 木 材 和它的副产品 (如锯屑) 引起的健康问 题与许多其它的工业材料相比是较低 的 ( B o l z [...] a 19 8 0 ) 。 wrcea.cn | Incidence of health problems caused by wood and [...] its byproducts (such as sawdust) is low compared with many [...]other industrial materials (Bolza 1980). wrcea.org |
中国企业择优在德国寻找杉木、榉木和橡木的干圆木材, 直径在 30 cm 以上, 长度 3 m 以上,以及樱桃木和胡桃木锯材, 运往 青岛。 maxicom.de | Chinese company is looking for dried spruce, beech and oak timber in the round [...] with minimum 30 cm diameter and minimum 3 m length [...] along with sawn cherrywood and nutwood timber (preferably [...]in Germany). maxicom.de |
(d) 踢球員可直接把球放置在地上或放置在砂、 鋸 木屑 或 協會認可的豎球墊 上。 irblaws.com | (d) The kicker may place the ball directly on the [...] ground or on sand, sawdust or a kicking [...]tee approved by the Union. irblaws.com |
要填补地板间的缝隙并使其与地板的其余部分融为一体,请将打磨过程中产生 的 木屑 与 博 纳木地板填充腻子混合。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | To fill gaps in the wood and make them blend in with the rest of the floor, mix wood dust from the sanding process with Bona Wood Filler Mix. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
因 此 锯 屑 周 围 的 任 何 类 型 工 作 场 所 都 应 该 很 好 地 通 风 , 通 过 排 气 把 锯 屑 从 产 生 的 机 器 中 排 除 。 wrcea.cn | The workplace around sawdust of any type should therefore be well ventilated, with the sawdust removed by exhausting from the machines producing [...] the dust. wrcea.org |
虽 然 只 有 锯 木 厂 的 木 屑 被 用 于 制 浆 , 但 在 生 产 纯 的 或 混 合 的 [...] 硫 酸 盐 浆 制 造 特 殊 纸 制 品 时 , 其 优 异 的纤 维 结 构 仍 是 人 们 所 追 求 的 。 wrcea.cn | Although only sawmill residues are used in pulping, [...] its excellent fiber morphology is sought after in the production of [...]pure or mixed kraft pulps for the manufacture of specialty paper products. wrcea.org |
将购买的木材运输到锯木厂,若其中含有金属件就会 被 锯木 厂 拒收,从而造成时间和金钱的浪费。 elcometer.com | Buying and transporting timber to a sawmill, only to have it rejected becasue of metal contamination, wastes both both time and money. elcometer.com |
行业: 软木锯材厂 , 房地产项目策划者 mucai.fordaq.com | Activities: Softwood sawmills , Real Estate [...] Project planners fordaq.com |
行业: 软木锯材厂 , 木质或生物燃料的能源产品 mucai.fordaq.com | Activities: Softwood sawmills , Energy production from wood or biofuels fordaq.com |
4.3 丹麥政府為獲批准的可再生能源發電廠提供 投 資 津貼,當 中 包括風力發電機、生 物 氣 裝置、燃 草 及燃燒木屑 的供暖 及供暖發電合 併 (下 稱 "電暖合 併 ")裝置,以及太陽能供暖系統。 legco.gov.hk | 4.3 The Danish government provides investment subsidy to approved renewable energy plants, including wind turbines, biogas plants, straw-fired and wood-chip-fired heating and combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants and solar heating systems. legco.gov.hk |
2-1.9.6 砂炮必须包装在含有锯屑或其它 抗撞击物质的内包装中,且每包不超过 [...] 50 粒 砂炮。 afsl.org | 2-1.9.6 Snappers must be in inner packages not to exceed 50 [...] devices each with sawdust or other impact [...]absorbing material. afsl.org |
9 时,Basil Abdu al-Sheikh 向 Muhradah 行政长官报称,4 时,4 [...] 名蒙面人 携带军用手枪、手榴弹、剑和木锯进 入 他在 Muhradah 的家,偷走了 [...]30 万叙利亚 镑、一枚金戒指和两部手机。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 0900 hours, Basil Abdu al-Sheikh alleged to the administrator of Muhradah that, at 0400 hours, four masked persons armed [...] with a military pistol, a hand grenade, a [...] sword and a wood saw entered his home [...]in Muhradah and stole 300,000 Syrian pounds, [...]a gold ring and two mobile telephones. daccess-ods.un.org |
要修补或填补地板间的缝隙,请将打磨过程中产生 的 木屑 与 博 纳木地板填充腻子混合。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | To repair or fill up gaps in the floor, mix wood dust from the sanding process with Bona Wood Filler Mix. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
形成由反应在酚和甲醛下热和压力,通常 与 木屑 补 白 ,它是由综合性聚合物做的第一塑料。 professionalplastics.com | Formed by the reaction under heat and pressure of phenol and formaldehyde, generally with a wood flour filler, it was the first plastic made from synthetic polymers. professionalplastics.com |
ContiClean® [...] A-H的输送面覆盖层能有效防止如石膏、灰 、 木屑 等 湿 润物料的附着,大幅度降低清洁费用,减少停机时间。 contitech.cn | The cover on the carrying side of ContiClean® A-H reduces the adhesion [...] of moist materials such as desulpherized [...] gypsum, ash, wood chip, etc. Cleaning [...]costs and machine downtimes are reduced to a minimum. contitech.cn |
Rader 的总部设在美国佐治亚州阿尔法利塔,主要生产和销售气力输送系统、筛选设备、工程存储和取料系统以及倾倒车等,用于全球纸浆和造纸以及森林制品行业的树皮 和 木屑 加 工; Razorback™ 破碎机用于木质纤维加工过程中树皮和废木料的粉碎;EDK 给料机/破块机用于全球石化工业聚丙烯和聚乙烯的生产工作。 jeffreyrader.cn | Rader, which is headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia, manufactures and markets pneumatic conveying systems, screening equipment, engineered storage and reclaim systems and truck dumpers for processing bark and wood chips for the global pulp and paper and forest products industries; the Razorback™ sizer which is used to size bark and waste wood in wood fiber processing applications; and the EDK feeder/delumper which is used by the worldwide petrochemical industry in manufacturing polypropylene and polyethylene. jeffreyrader.com |
边角打磨机能够打磨出最合适的木屑。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | An edge sanding machine produces the most suitable dust. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
由于对认证 产品的强烈需求,该区域的锯木厂现 今担心他们将 不能销售其产品。 teebweb.org | Sawmills in the region now fear they [...] will not be able to sell their products, because of the strong demand for certified products. teebweb.org |
西部红柏屋面 木劈瓦和木锯瓦在加拿大西部也经常 用木材防腐剂进行处理。 wrcea.cn | Red cedar shakes and shingles are also frequently treated with preservatives in western Canada. wrcea.org |
行业: 硬木锯材厂 , 林场主 , 森林经营者-森林砍伐-原木装机 mucai.fordaq.com | Activities: Hardwood sawmills , Woodland [...] owners , Forest managers - forest harvesters - loggers fordaq.com |
消费者可以购买带有或不带有 防腐处理及防火处理的木劈瓦和木锯 瓦。 wrcea.cn | Shakes and shingles are available to the consumer with or without chemical preservative treatment, and with or without fire retardant treatment. wrcea.org |
维护及运行成本是锯木厂的 最大支出,Waipa需要一项解决方案,减少设备的磨损,在起动及运行时提供电机保护,并提高电气的稳定性。 aucom.com | Maintenance and running costs are a major [...] overhead for sawmills, and Waipa needed [...]a solution which would reduce wear and [...]tear on the equipment and prevent motor control problems during start and run, as well as improve stability of the electrical supply. aucom.com |
西 部 红 柏 柱 和 锯 木 的 强 度 和 弹 性 模 量 也 在 木 材 设 计 手 册 中 给 出 ( 加 拿 木 材 委 员 会 2 0 01 )。 wrcea.cn | The strengths and modulus of elasticity for western red cedar posts and timbers are also given in the Wood Design Manual (Canadian Wood Council 2001). wrcea.org |
市面上只有木屑设备,没有加 工麦秆的机器。 paiz.gov.pl | There were no machines available for straw usage, only machines for saw dust. paiz.gov.pl |
这种木材有很多种 应用途径,例如护墙板、平台板、围 栏、花园装饰品、常规的和层压的房 屋原木、电线杆以及特殊产品,如室 内镶板、乐器以及屋面木劈瓦和屋面 木锯 瓦 ( 通 常 由 森 林 中 的 死 亡 原 木 制 成 ) 等 。 wrcea.cn | The wood is used in many ways such as siding, decking, fencing, garden accessories, conventional and laminated house logs, utility poles, and specialty products such as interior paneling, musical instruments, and roofing shakes and shingles (often made from dead logs lying in forests). wrcea.org |
然 而 , 由 于 细 木 屑 被 确 认 为 是 对 人 刺 激 / 敏 感 / 致 癌 的 物 质 , 应 该 采 取 谨 慎 措 施 以 防 止 接 触 , 尤 其 是 对 眼 睛 和 呼 吸 系 统 。 wrcea.cn | Nonetheless because fine wood dust has been identified as a human irritant/ sensitizer/carcinogen, precautions should be taken to prevent exposure, particularly to the eyes and respiratory system. wrcea.org |
他们发现平时清洗吃过咖哩的餐盘,即使 洗过之后仍有咖哩味,而这次不使用任何洗碗剂,只用了酵素液、 酵素渣和木屑,竟 然能让所有的餐盘在触感和嗅感方面都非常洁净 清新。 enzymesos.com | In the past, they used dishwashing detergent to wash all the dishes and failed to remove curry smell remaining on them. enzymesos.com |
Kohler 主要负责监管破碎集团三大品牌的战略和全球发展: Gundlach 生产在煤矿和其他矿产的采矿地点使用的破碎设备,Pennsylvania Crusher 生产电力等公共事业和其他工业处理机所用的破碎和粉碎设备,Jeffrey Rader 生产纸浆、造纸、林产品和生物燃料业用于处理树皮 和 木屑 的 设 备。 jeffreyrader.cn | Kohler’s primary responsibility is to oversee the strategy and global growth of the Size Reduction Group’s three brands: Gundlach, which manufactures crushing equipment used at mining sites for coal and other minerals; Pennsylvania Crusher, which makes crushing and sizing equipment used at utilities and other industrial processors; and Jeffrey Rader, which manufactures equipment used for processing bark and wood chips for the pulp, paper, forest products and biomass industries. jeffreyrader.com |