

单词 说白了

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首先有一点需要明确,无论是Windows还是Linux、Unix等等,其实都是操作系统而已 说白了 , 都是运行在计算机硬件之上的软件系统,由于操作系统要负责与计算机硬件底层打交道,同时又要为用户的各种应用程序提供接口。
First of all, It should be clear, whether Windows or Linux, Unix, etc., are actually operating it, put it plainly, are running on the computer hardware software system, because the operating system is responsible for dealing with the underlying computer hardware, while but also to provide the user interface to various applications.
而环保型打包带是不填加任何填充及杂质的,在使用后还可以再粉碎抽粒使用;而一般的我们现在很多常见的低廉的打包带都是含有百分之几十的填充物的 说白了 里 面 全是垃圾,这种打包带只有外面一层薄薄的是好一点的PP料,但在使用后能不能回收,回收的效果如何可想而知.
And environmental protection is not add pack any filling and impurities, after use can be crushed grain use smoke, But now many of our general common low pack is contained dozens of filler, cent is rubbish into the inside and outside of the pack is a thin layer of PP material is better, but in the use of recycled can recycle, imagine how effect.
孙芳安大使说:“白皮书阐明了澳大 利亚对于与亚洲,尤其是与中国的联系所持的战略性和前瞻性态度。
Ambassador Adamson said “The White Paper sets out Australia’s [...]
constructive and forward-looking attitude to Asian engagement, particularly with China.
说白皮书列出了一个 宏伟的规划来确保澳大利亚抓住亚洲世纪提供的机遇,在未来几十年中变得更加强大。
The Prime Minister said that the White Paper lays out an ambitious [...]
plan to ensure Australia will emerge stronger over the
decades ahead, by taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the Asian century.
说,白俄罗 斯电视台甚至在调查尚未结束之 前就播了歪曲的情况。
He submits that the Belarusian TV aired the distorted information even before the investigation ended.
虽然一年前安了淋浴,但说白天 供 水经常中断。
Although a shower was installed a year ago, the water supply was reportedly often cut during the day.
此外,哥伦比亚还报说,该 国与厄瓜多尔签 了 有 关 交流残疾人问题方面 的良好做法的协定。
In addition, Colombia reported that it signed an agreement with Ecuador to exchange good practices in the disability field.
委员会认为,把在不带家属工作地点工作看作为另一个艰苦因素,这么做 比采取一种新的单独津贴做法具有几方面优势:(a) 它有助于达到简化和透明目 标;(b) 不构成一项单独津贴,不需要单独的调节机制;(c) 在不带家属工作地 点工作的补偿问题被划归委员会处理并在大会总体职权范围内,这正是它应有的 位置,确了未来 所有变化都将保持统一;(d) 正如主席在开白中所说,这将 具体切实地支持“一体行动”的概念。
The Commission considered that the proposal to view service in a non-family duty station as another aspect of hardship offered several advantages compared with the introduction of a new, separate allowance: (a) it contributed towards the goals of simplicity and transparency; (b) not being a separate allowance, it would not require a separate adjustment mechanism; (c) it placed the question of compensation for service in non-family duty stations where it belonged, with the Commission and within the overall purview of the General Assembly, and ensured that all future changes would remain harmonized; and (d) it would give practical, concrete support to the notion of “Delivering as one”, as noted by the Chairman in his opening statement.
美利坚合众国代表报告了在妇女的机制领域取得的进展,该代表 向会议通说该国家设了:(a)白宫 妇 女和女孩问题理事会,该理事会负 责协调应对同工同酬、家事假、儿童保育、对妇女的暴力行为问题和妇女 [...]
的医疗卫生等领域的问题;(b) 设立了白宫制止对妇女暴力行为问题顾问 和全球妇女问题无任所大使的职位,其工作重点是努力将妇女问题纳入外 交政策。
The representative of the United States of America reported on progress in the areas of women’s machinery, informing the Meeting of
[...] the establishment of (a) the White House Council on Women and [...]
Girls, which provided
a coordinated response to issues such as equal pay, family leave, child care, violence against women and women’s health; and (b) the position of White House Advisor on Violence against Women and Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, whose work focused on integrating women’s issues into foreign policy.
然后,我终于白了,对 所有关系很远的远房亲 说 , 我 的成功以及我们全家人在美国的成功要感谢村子里的每个人的贡献。
And then I finally realized in talking to all the distant, distant relatives, that my success and the success of our whole family in America was thanks to the contributions of everybody in the village.
并非所有人都有这种觉悟 不过 一 部分人的确转变了观念 在我们生活的地 区 群众收入并不高 我们现在白了当 地 野生植物的重要价值 例如 我们现在 考虑的是野生植物是否能创造新的收入来 源 比说 本地区或许长有某类牧草 这种牧草或许能够改善羊肉的质量
Perhaps there are certain herbs which grow particularly well in our region, and which would, for instance, enhance the meat of our sheep before sale.
忆及大会于 2010 年 5
[...] 月举行的庆祝第 二次世界战争结束六十五周年和纪念受害者活动,说,白俄罗斯在那些恐怖的年月里丧 了 近 三分之一 的人口,因此完全清楚种族优越的思想意识可能造成 的后果,因此,它呼吁联合国所有会员国与白俄罗斯 [...]
Recalling the events held in May 2010 by the General Assembly to mark the sixty-fifth anniversary of the end
of the Second World
[...] War and commemorate its victims, she said that Belarus, which had lost nearly one third [...]
of its population
during those terrible years, knew only too well the consequences to which the ideology of racial supremacy could lead and therefore called upon all States Members of the Organization to join it in supporting the draft resolution.
预 算文件表 IS3.4
[...] 按本款下各项活动开列了毛收入和净收入估计数,第 IS3.5 段了说明。
A summary of the estimates of gross and net revenue, by
individual activity under this section, is contained in
[...] table IS3.4 and explained in paragraph [...]
IS3.5 of the budget document.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任 了 一 名 新的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告说明充 分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
他进一步就国际标准化组织的 系统和结构及其全球网络进了说明。
He further provided explanation on the ISO system and structure and its global networking.
[...] 他一些做法经常被统称为减少危害措施,但重要的不是支持某一个特定术语, 而是应当对拟实施的方案和政策作出 白 无 误 的 说 明。
It was also stated that, although those and other practices were frequently lumped together as harm reduction measures, it was not support for a particular
term that was important but rather that the programmes and policies to be
[...] undertaken be described clearly and precisely.
另外,科学计划还在以社会福利为重点的议程中对地质科学面临的主 要挑战进了说明。
Moreover, the Programme has also led to a clarification of the main challenges confronting the geosciences in an agenda that is focused on societal benefit.
在 2012 年 2 月 21 日特别委员会第 264 次会议一般性交换意见期间以及全体 工作组第 1 次会议上,特别委员会审了白俄罗 斯和俄罗斯联邦在特别委员会 2005 年届会上提交的订正工作文件(见 A/60/33,第 56 段),其中除其他外建议, 请国际法院就除行使自卫权外,国家在未得到安全理事会事先授权的情况下诉诸 武力的法律后果提供咨询意见。
During the general exchange of views at the 264th meeting of the Special Committee, on 21 February 2012, and at the 1st meeting of the Working Group of the Whole, the Special Committee considered the revised working paper submitted by Belarus and the Russian Federation at the 2005 session of the Special Committee (see A/60/33, para. 56), in which it was recommended, inter alia, that an advisory opinion be requested from the International Court of Justice as to the legal consequences of the resort to the use of force by States without prior authorization by the Security Council, except in the exercise of the right to self-defence.
与会者还说了个人和社区经历的 因歧视和种族主义而引起的暴力、排斥和贫困问题。
Participants related personal and community experiences of racially motivated violence, exclusion and poverty caused by discrimination and racism.
专家组进行了调查,随后得了白俄 罗斯政府的证实,表明苏丹政府自 2008 年起从白俄罗斯购置了 15 架这样的喷气式飞机(12 架苏-25 飞机和 3 架苏-25UB 飞机)。
Research by the Panel, subsequently confirmed by the Government of Belarus, indicates that the Government of the Sudan had acquired 15 such jets from Belarus since 2008 (12 SU-25 aircraft and 3 SU-25UB aircraft).
说,白俄罗 斯公民可以在 任何情况下行使这些权利,只受到法律规定的以及在民主社会中为维护国家安全 或公共安全、公共秩序,保护公共卫生或道德或他人的权利和自由的需要作出的 [...]
He states that these rights can be exercised by a citizen of Belarus under any circumstances, [...]
subject to the restrictions
that are provided in law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order, the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
[...] 快国内程序,接受附件 B 的修订案,其中规了白 俄罗 斯关于量化减少温室气体排放承诺的假设。
It appealed to all States parties to the Kyoto Protocol which had not yet done so to expedite their domestic procedures for acceptance of
the amendment to annex B establishing the
[...] assumption by Belarus of a quantified [...]
commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
塔 吉克斯坦还报说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是 了 建 立 一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to [...]
establish a functional victim information
system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.
据今天的报道,占领国以色列轰炸了在加沙的一 所圣城医院——那里有 500
[...] 多名病人正在接受治疗, 以及近东救济工程处的主要建筑,包括使 了白 磷炮 弹,致使粮食仓库和车间陷入火海。
It has been reported today that Israel, the occupying Power, has bombed Al-Quds hospital in Gaza, where more than 500 patients are being
treated, and the main compound of UNRWA,
[...] including by using white phosphorus shells [...]
that have set food warehouses and workshops on fire.
政府的立場是同意我們某些意見,把現時的租金加幅更改,要有“封 頂”,上限為 10%,居民最初是不明白的,但透過我們的解釋,他們便白 了。
The position of the Government is that it agrees with some of our points, that there must be a cap on the rate of rent increase, and the cap is 10%.
秘 书 长 报 告 (A/64/349/Add.3)第 47 段对联几建和办的主要任务了说明 ,报告第 53 和 55 段则概述了与区域特派任务和联合国国家工作队以及区域组织合作 的领域。
Key tasks of the Office are described in paragraph 47 of the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/349/Add.3), while areas of cooperation with regional missions and the United Nations country team, as well as regional organizations, are outlined in paragraphs 53 and 55 of the report.
成为行过女性割礼的“真正的穆斯林”。提交人的丈夫指责她采了 白人的 行为方式,威胁她如不交出女儿就杀掉她。
The author’s husband accused her
[...] of behaving like a white person and threatened [...]
to kill her if she did not return his daughter to him.
缔约国指出,申诉人只泛说了她的逃亡情况,说不出谁有可能帮过她,谁 会为她支付的旅费,她到底是如何离开的,她的哥哥们如何能在几个小时的时间 [...]
The State party points out that the complainant gave only a superficial account of her flight,
[...] without being able to say who might have [...]
helped her, who might
have paid for her trip, how her departure had actually taken place or how her brothers could have set it up from Rwanda in a matter of hours.
2009 年 11 月 30 日至 12 月 2 日,应白俄罗斯外交部的邀请,人权高专办代 表团访问白俄罗斯并讨了白俄罗 斯筹备普遍定期审议和在促进和保护人权方面 实施技术援助联合项目的问题,其中包括履行根据审议结果向白俄罗斯提出的各 项建议。
At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a delegation from the OHCHR visited Belarus from 30 November to 2 December 2009 to discuss preparations for the UPR and the running of some joint technical assistance projects to promote and protect human rights, inter alia, by carrying out such recommendations as are made to Belarus in the wake of the review.




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