

单词 衣裳鈎儿

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

Gross neglect takes many different
[...] forms, for example, inadequatefood,clothing and shelter for the children or the children [...]
are habitually left unattended and so on.
Some people in the front row seemed to be afraid they were going to get wet, and looked to see where they could run, in case the waves came too close.
港资企业在珠三角传统的加工贸易, 被形容为“为他人作衣裳增值和议价能力均受限制,这将会限制了企 业与地区的长远发展。
The traditional processing trade operated by Hong Kong-invested enterprises in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) is like doing the work of others rather than themselves.
那个泥瓦匠身穿一些灰尘跌在沙发上,作者想立即把尘抹掉,因为他恐 怕会弄脏了沙发。
The little mason dropped some plaster and dust on the sofa, the author immediately intended to wipe it off as he thought that it would soil the sofa.
我其实非常期望 曾经受过特权政治苦难的朋友或议员,能在今天反对这项为特权政治作衣 裳例草案。
Honestly, I very much hope that those people or Members who have suffered because of the political privileges of others could oppose this Bill, which seeks to smooth the way for the culture of politics of privileges.
根据 海外经验,这制度的成效高於其他未被考虑的收费机制,包 括 (i)按近似量收费制度,以及(ii)定额收费制度。在按近似 量收费制度下,向废物产生者收取的费用会与一个间接指标 (例如用水量)实际上该指标不一定反映其实际的 废物弃置量;而在定额收费制度下,每名同一類别的废物产 生者(例如同一区的居民)会缴付固定费用,而不論其各自 产生的废物量为何。
Our proposal entails quantity-based MSW charging system which according to overseas experience is more effective than the other charging mechanisms that have been ruled out, i.e. a proxy system by which the MSW charge on each MSW producer is linked to an indirect indicator (such as water consumption) that in practice might not necessarily reflect the actual quantity of waste that one disposes of; and (ii) a fixed charge system under which there is a fixed charge for each MSW producer within the same category (e.g. residents of the same district), regardless of the waste quantity that individual MSW producer produces.
政府便委任了一个委员会,我当时已立即向黄应士先生说,问他为何为 他人作衣裳
I immediately asked Mr Raymond WONG at the time: Why did he sew the trousseau for somebody else?
在政府与两家电力公司就2008年利润管制计划安排的 商讨方面,我们正跟进於《香港电力市场未来的发展第二阶段 谘询文件》中提出的多项建议,例如,将电力公司所有固定资 产的准许回报率,与它们能否达到根据《空气污染管制条例》 发出的牌照中所订的排放总量上限予电力公司经济诱 因,以鼓励它们减排至低於牌照订下的排放上限;为可再生能 源基建提供较高的投资回报率等。
During the discussions with the two power companies on the Scheme of Control arrangements in 2008, we are following up proposals in the “Future Development of the Electricity Market in Hong Kong Stage II Consultation”, such as to link the permitted rate of return on all fixed assets of the power companies to their achievement of the emissions caps stipulated in the licences issued under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance; to provide financial incentives to encourage the power companies to reduce their emissions to levels below those required in the licences; to give a higher rate of return for renewable energy infrastructure; etc.
为 了 建 立 与 公 司 业 绩
[...] 和 长 期 战 略 紧 密期 激 励 机 制,从 [...]
而 完 善 公 司 整 体 薪 酬 结 构 体 系,为 公 司 的 业 绩 长 期 持 续 发 展 奠 定 人 力 资 源 的 竞 争
优 势,公 司 董 事 会 薪 酬 与 考 核 委 员 会 制 定 了 公 司 第 一 期 股 权 激 励 计 划,该 计 划 已 经 公 司 股 东 大 会 批 准 并 开 始 实 施。
In order to establish a long-term incentive
[...] mechanism closely linked with the Company’s [...]
business performance and long-term strategy,
so as to help optimise the overall remuneration structure and create a competitive advantage in human resources that will contribute to the long-term, sustainable growth of the Company’s operation, the Remuneration and Evaluation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company has formulated the Phase I Share Incentive Scheme of the Company, which has come into effect upon approval by the general meeting of the Company.
[...] 范畴提供实验所认可服务,而较受欢迎的范畴包括中药测试、建筑材 料、电器及电子产品、食物测试、纺织品及玩具品。
The HKAS is the government organization upholding the professional standards in testing and certification and it also provides laboratory accreditation service in 13 technical areas. Areas enjoying greater popularity include the testing of Chinese medicine,
construction materials, electrical and electronic products,
[...] food, textiles and garmentsand toys and children's [...]
[...] 理可酌情投资於不同地区而不须要集中投资股票,并可不时投资於上市的股票及定息 产品。
Geographical orientation is at the Manager’s discretion and the Fund will not necessarily
invest only in shares and will from time to time invest
[...] in listedequity-linkedinstruments as [...]
well as fixed income products.
但有些反对利他主义的㆟士就会 指出,利他主义往往成为压迫妇女的假真理,要妇女在这个社会发展过程㆗,心甘情愿处
[...] 於辅助性的㆞位,为他㆟,尤其是为丈夫兄弟牺牲自己的发展潜能。
But people against the notion of altruism may point out that altruism has often been abused to suppress women and to ensure that they are willing to play second fiddle in society and to
sacrifice their own development potential for the sake of others, in particular
[...] their husbands, theirsons or their [...]
Shouldthe Government do this to service other people?
由於申请表第III部评审甲部是由运输及房 屋局常任秘书长(房屋)/房屋署署长填写,而发展局常任秘书 长
(规划及地政)未获请就梁先生的申请作出评审和建议,公务 员事务局局长只请发展局常任秘书长( 规划及地政) 针对新世
[...] 界中国地产的业务性质就梁先生的申请提供意见,麦骆雪玲 女士认为应从萧伍建议作出的回覆中删去" 没有异 议 "的提述,以及只把屋宇署所提供的资料转交公务员事务局。
As Assessment A of Part III of the application form was to be completed by PS(H)/D of H, and PS(PL) was not asked to give an assessment of or recommendations on Mr LEUNG's application, and SCS had only invited comments from PS(PL) on Mr LEUNG's application in relation to the business nature of NWCL,
Mrs MAK considered that
[...] the words"no objection" in the reply proposed by Mrs SIU shouldbe deleted, [...]
and only the information
provided by BD should be forwarded to CSB.
政府再不能畏首畏尾,应从两方面加快创造职位:一是要加快 落实基建计划,并且要避免本港的基建为他人作衣裳证基建计划创造 的职位大部分落入港人手中;二是政府要为小本经营的经济松绑,清除窒碍 中小型企业营商环境的规章制度,为失业人士多开辟一条就业门路。
Secondly, the Government has to relieve the financial difficulties of small-capital operators and eliminate rules and regulations that stifle the business environment of small and medium enterprises, thereby opening up another way out for the employment of the unemployed.
这里有一个实例,对於高铁这昂贵和为他人 作衣裳意,政府便说由於这条高铁将来会如何如何 ⎯⎯ 将来我 让你当个高官吧,“老兄”,现在如何才是最重要的。
Let me cite a concrete example here. Regarding the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link, an expensive rail to be constructed for others, the Government has put much emphasis on what benefits it will bring about in future ― I let you hold a senior official post in future, buddy.
她听见耶稣的事,就从後头来,杂在众人中间,摸耶稣衣 裳思说:「我只摸他衣裳必痊癒。
When she heard about Jesus, she
came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His
[...] cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed.
与认购权证相似,认沽权证的价值状况乃参考行使价格或行使水平与的价格或水平的 差额,除以的价格或水平而计算,如下表所示。
Similar to a call warrant, the moneyness of a put warrant is calculated by reference to the difference between the exercise price or strike level and the underlying asset’s price or level, divided by the underlying asset’s price or level, as illustrated in the table below.
多项其他因素亦会不时变动(见常问问题 5.2 及 5.4),因此价格的上升未必会导致权 证或牛熊证的价格出现相应於实际杠杆比率的增幅,甚至不会导致权证或牛熊证价格有任何升 幅。
A number of other factors also change all the time (see FAQs 5.2 and 5.4) and, therefore, a mere rise in the underlying asset’s price may not necessarily lead to a corresponding increase to the extent of the effective gearing, or to any increase at all in the warrant or CBBC price.
可考虑采用渐进式还款时间表,即贷款人可选择首數年还款 较少,後期还款较多,或应将还款额与贷款人的收入减轻新毕业生的财政负担。
A progressive payment schedule can be considered, i.e. the loan borrowers may opt to repay less in the initial years and to repay more in the latter years, or the amount of repayment should be made contingent upon income of loan borrowers, in order to ease the financial burden of fresh graduates.
假 如 投 资 者 看 好 澳 元 , 同 时 预 期 澳 元 / 港 元 汇 率 将 上 升 , 故 以 本 金 HKD100,000 设 立 1 星 期 「 更 特 息
[...] 」 投 资 存 款 , 并 选 择 澳 元 为
If investors take a bullish view on Australian dollar, and expect the exchange rate of AUD/HKD to increase, thus they can
setup a MaxiInterest Investment Deposit with HKD100,000 as Principal Amount for one week,
[...] taking AUD as the LinkedCurrency.
Paw in Paw是一个在韩国广受欢迎的童装品牌,也是韩国最先使用“熊” PAW IN
[...] PAW作为主角的服装品牌,于2006年9月正式进入中国市场,为2-11岁的小朋友提供舒适可爱衣裳
Paw in Paw, a brand of children’s clothing very popular in South Korea and the first brand using “Bear” Paw in Paw as its
protagonist, entered Chinese market in September, 2006 and provides 2-11 year-old children with
[...] comfortableand lovelyclothes.
包括:能与不同的团体及人口合作、熟悉服务特殊健康护理需加州健康护理系统、有作为特殊健康护理需要孩子家 [...]
庭成员的经验、或致力支持有特殊健康护理需要孩子的家庭、 证明能协力推行和主持外展及训练、及管理後勤部署、有效的 沟通能力(口语和写作能力)、及组织能力、能在团体及独立
Requirements include: demonstrated ability to work with diverse entities and
people; familiarity with California’s health care
[...] system for children with special [...]
health care needs; personal experience as a
family member of a child with special health care needs or demonstrated strong commitment to supporting families of children with special health care needs; proven ability to collaborate and conduct outreach and training, and manage logistics; effective communication skills (both verbal and written) as well as proven organizational skills; ability to work comfortably in a group and independently; competency with word processing in IBM compatible computer systems.
根据人体(包括初生)陈代 谢,现时欧洲食品安全局为双酚A所订每日每公斤体重0.05毫克的每日摄入上限属於恰 当,因此无需更改有关上限。
The current daily intake limit of 0.05 mg per kg of body weight set by the European Food Safety Authority was found acceptable with the human, including newborns and infants, metabolism.
过量摄入某些除害剂,可能对健康带來急性的不良影响 ( 例如﹕甲胺磷和三唑磷可能影响神经系统) ,至於其他除害剂,则有资 料显示可能对动物的健康产生慢性的不良影响( 例如﹕林丹可能影响肝 脏和肾脏﹔三氯殺蟎醇可能影响) 。
Excessive exposure to some pesticides may cause acute adverse health effects (e.g. methamidophos and triazophos, may affect the nervous system) whereas other pesticides have shown to cause chronic adverse health effects (e.g. lindane may affect the liver and kidney; and dicofol may affect foetal development) inanimals.
银 行 就 「 外 滙投 资 存 款 」 之 责 任 只 限 於 由 银 行 设 於 香 港 之 办 事 处 承 担 , 且 有 关 「 外 滙投 资 存 款 」 之 指 示 只 可 向 该 办 事 处 作 出 , 并 由 该 办 事 处 执 行 。
The liabilities of the Bank in respect
[...] of theCurrency-LinkedCapitalProtected Investment Deposit are limited exclusively to an office of the Bank in Hong Kong and instructions in respect of theCurrency-LinkedCapitalProtected [...]
Investment Deposit
may only be made to, and acted upon by, such office.
然而,当牛熊证的的交易价接近其赎回价,牛熊证的价值或会变得更为波动(亦由於 有发生强制赎回事件的风险而对价格变动的敏感度降低),而其价值的变动可能与的价值变动不成比例。
However, when the underlying assetof a CBBC is trading at a price close to its call price, the value of CBBC may become more volatile (and less sensitive to movements in the price of the underlying asset due to the risk of occurrence of a mandatory call event) and the change in its value may be disproportionate to the change in the value ofthe underlying asset.
倘本公司透过发行新股或股本(而非按现有股东的股权比例)筹 集额外资金,则(i)该等现有股东的所有权百分比或会减少,因而彼等其後可能受到股 [...]
权摊薄影响,及 ╱ 或(ii)该等新发行的证券所拥有的权利、优惠及特权可能较该等现有 股东的股份为优。
If additional funds are raised through the Company’s issue of new
[...] shares orequity-linkedsecurities other [...]
than on a pro-rata basis to existing Shareholders,
then (i) the percentage ownership of those existing Shareholders may be reduced, and they may experience subsequent dilution, and/or (ii) such newly issued securities may have rights, preferences and privileges superior to the Shares of those existing Shareholders.




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