单词 | 自有品牌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 自有品牌—private brandSee also:自有—own possess 自有v—havev 品牌n—brandn brandspl brandingn 品牌—brand name trademark
户自有品牌产品,其发货和开发票的数量将是整批生产的数量,有可能和订购量不同。 xiameter.jp | For sales of variable fill and privatelabel products, thequantity [...] shipped and invoiced will be the full batch size and [...]may vary from the quantity ordered. xiameter.jp |
此 外,维 安 [...] 洁 将 积 极 调 研 及 开发自 有 品 牌,并利 用 维 达 国 际 广 大 [...]的 经 销 网 络,创 造 协 同 效 应 及 提 升 其 营 运 效 益。 vindapaper.com | Moreover, V-Care will [...] actively builditsown brand, as well as capitalizing [...]on Vinda International’s vast distribution network [...]to create synergy and enhance its operational efficiency. vindapaper.com |
创菲美自有品牌Sacit,拥有50年的品牌历史,一直致力于提供高品质,性能稳定的焊接设备、配件,以及安全工作保护设备。 trafimetgroup.com | For 50 years Sacit trademark has been supplying proven quality and dependable welding equipment and accessories, and personal safety protection equipment. trafimetgroup.com |
事实上,在发达国家,自有品牌早已大大超过来自消费性包装品商的国际品牌的增长。 graphics.kodak.com | In fact, private labelbrands indeveloped nations far exceed the growth of nationalbrands from CPGs. graphics.kodak.com |
就销售方式来看,ATEN自有品牌营收较去年同期成长6%,消费性电子产品线营收成长7%,视讯产品线营收较去年同期成长达27%。 aten.com.tw | Monthly consolidated [...] sales of ATEN’sown branded productsreached 6% on thesame basis. [...]Revenue from ATEN’s consumer electronic [...]product line and video product line grew 7% and 27% compared to the same period last year, respectively. aten.com |
自有品牌最初只是在价格商与国际品牌竞争,如今零售商希望他们的自有品牌能捕捉消费者的挑剔的眼光,力求在质量和价值上开展竞争。 graphics.kodak.com | While private label brandsinitiallycompeted mostly on price, now retailers want their private label packages to capture [...] the attention [...]of discerning consumers and compete on quality and value with national brands. graphics.kodak.com |
通过德国莱茵TUV的测试认证,2012年4月华硕计算机完成了第一个自有品牌4.0技术规格的Padfone蓝牙资格认证。 ipress.com.hk | With the well-equipped testing capability of TUV [...] Rheinland, ASUSTek Computer Inc, completed the first 4.0 core Bluetooth [...] qualification for their ownbrand product Padfone? ipress.com.hk |
广州汽车也试图开发其自有品牌,减少该公司对其与日本汽车制造商尼桑(Tokyo: 7201)和丰田(Tokyo: 7203)成立的合资企业的依赖,目前合资企业占其销售的很大比重。 youngchinabiz.com | Guangzhou Auto is also trying to develop its own brandsto lessenthe company’s [...] dependence onits joint ventures with Japanese [...]automakers Nissan (Tokyo: 7201) and Toyota (Tokyo: 7203), which now account for a large part of its sales. youngchinabiz.com |
劲永国际并於海外成立子公司以自有品牌PQI在国际市场打响名号,其海外子公司遍及全球。 us.pqigroup.com | PQI further set up a network of overseas [...] subsidiaries with offices in the U.S., Japan, Hong Kong, and China, and [...] its private labelbrands have gained international [...]acclaim. pqigroup.com |
目前华为也在遵循台湾ICT公司HTC的做法,扩大自有品牌的影响力。 australiachina.com.au | Now Huawei is [...] branching out as its own brand, the samepath Taiwan-based [...]ICT company HTC Corporation followed. australiachina.com.au |
奥其斯打造全球LED [...] 照明“工厂超市”,将以代工模式服务于全球LED灯制造企业,以奥其斯优秀的产品帮助企业打造自有品牌的同时,致力于LED灯具的质量提升和价格降低,从而推动LED灯具的普及和推广。 jxlcd.com | Mr Its creating a global, LED lighting "factory supermarket", will with OEM mode serves in the global LED lamp manufacturing enterprises, [...] in order to Mr, its [...] outstanding producthelp enterprises to build theirown brandatthe same time, [...]committed to the LED [...]lamps and lanterns quality promotion and the lower prices, so as to promote the popularization and promotion of the LED lamps and lanterns. jxlcd.com |
此外,本集团将继续发掘环球市场的销售商机、开发自有品牌产品、精简生产流 程并同时保证监控水平、改善营运和生产效率及开发自动化程序。 kader.com | In addition, the Group will continue to explore [...] sales opportunities in the global [...] market, developown brand products, streamline operational [...]procedures without sacrificing [...]controls, improve operational and production efficiency and develop automated processes. kader.com |
指向与本集团订立分销协议在中国分销本集团自有品牌「中部」胶黏剂及处理剂及第三方品 牌「IRODUR」硬化剂的中国分销商进行的销售。 cre8ir.com | This refers to the sale to the PRC distributor whichhas entered into a distribution agreement with Group for the distribution of the Group’s adhesives and primers [...] under the Group’s ownbrand “ZhongBu” and hardeners [...]under third party’s [...]brand “IRODUR” in the PRC. cre8ir.com |
曜越科技创立於1999年,并以「Thermaltake」自有品牌行销全球。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Thermaltake Technology was established in [...] January, 1999 and has been market to the world with “Thermaltake”brand nameever since. taiwanexcellence.in |
欣姿芳SORELLA,致力于创造成熟女人内衣产品,如今其自有品牌的‘Sorella’ 与‘LOFAN’已在中国各地中高档百货商店开设数百家门店。 interfiliere.com | Now, its ownbrands ‘Sorella’ and ‘LOFAN’ have opened hundreds of stores in mid-to-high-end department stores allover China. interfiliere.com |
在软管总成的制造中,爱多乐使用SEL品牌的软管和爱多乐自有品牌接头和套管。 etola.cn | We use SEL-branded hoses together [...] with our own ETOLA-branded inserts (=fittings) and sleeves (=ferrules) [...]in our Etola hose assemblies. etola.cn |
许健表示,晟铭将以「Fur Fusion」为自有品牌,进军欧美、日、大陆、台湾等市场;目前台湾通路由捷元代理,其余市场将以自有品牌及OEM模式出货。 uneec.com | Gene Sheu [...] emphasized that Chenmingwill enter Europe, USA, Japan, China, and Taiwan market with its own brand nameFur Fusion so far Genuine has been their channel distributor in Taiwan and theywill focus on own brandname and OEMfor other [...]markets. uneec.com |
1915 年,Concord 手表公司推出了他们喜欢称之为首个“自有品牌”的名贵手表,这种手表用宝石装饰,看起来好像一块珠宝。 hk.ashford.com | In 1915 Concord Watches introduced what they like to call the first “private label” luxury watch thatwas adorned with precious gems and looked like a piece of jewelry. ashford.com |
根据 该分销协议,该中国分销商负责向中国鞋履制造商分销本集团「中部」(自有品牌)及「IRODUR」的胶黏剂及处理剂,而本集团须确保概无第三方在中国销售本集团的产 品。 cre8ir.com | Pursuant to the distribution agreement, the PRC distributor is responsible for the distribution of the Group’s [...] adhesives and primers [...] under the Group’sown brand“Zhong Bu” and “IRODUR” to the footwear manufacturers in the [...]PRC, and the Group [...]will ensure that no sales of the Group’s products from third parties in the PRC. cre8ir.com |
为了进一步提升品牌知名度,腾讯开设了许多“Q-Gen”连锁店,它们出售自有品牌的包、手表、服饰以及企鹅玩偶。 labbrand.com | To further increase brand [...] awareness, Tencent has setup many Q-Gen stores sellingQQ-brandedmerchandise [...]such as bags, watches, clothing, and even little toy penguins. labbrand.com |
在 1997 年,它决定在原公司名下将自有品牌投放市场。 hk.ashford.com | In 1997 it decided [...] to launchitsown brandunder theoriginal [...]company name. ashford.com |
另一个显着特征是大力推出自有品牌,总共 1,500 种 SPAR 商品,大约占店内总供应的 50%。 miquel.es | Another of the distinctive features will be the strong [...] backing for ownbrands,with 1,500 references of SPAR productsmeaning around [...]50% of the offer in the shop. miquel.es |
东莞市东沙皮具厂成立与2006年,是经东莞市政府批准建立的工商注册企业,工厂坐落在中国皮具之都东莞,工厂占地面积20000平方米,员工300余人,年年产值6000多万元, 是中国国内领先的皮具制造企业,工厂自有品牌“马可吉欧-MAKGIO”享誉全世界。 paxtonleather.com | Paxtonleather Dongguan City, the leather factory established in 2006, is the Dongguan municipal government approved the establishment of the industrial and commercial registration, the factory is located in the leather capital of China Dongguan factory covers an area of 20,000 square meters, more than 300 [...] employees, annual [...] output value of morethan6000 million , is a leading leather goods manufacturing enterprise, the factory's ownbrand "Mark guyot-MAKGIO [...]renowned worldwide. paxtonleather.com |
汕头市科利发展有限公司是一家专业出口家具配件及建筑五金的外贸企业,拥有自有品牌:QUALIF。 st3d.com | LTD is a [...] professional manufacturer for building hardware [...]and furniture hardware in China. st3d.com |
转变的关键是在1996年并购美国最大的脚踏车制造商Trek,成立 Vision Fitness自有品牌,营销于健身器材专卖店,在当时健身器材专卖店仍是小众的市场但是却能预见在不久的未来一定会迅速成长。 cn.corporate.jo...nsonfitness.com | In 1996, JHT'sfirst branded effortwas spun off by the Trek Fitness management team-Vision [...] Fitness-with the idea that the [...]specialty fitness channel, still a small market at the time, would see immense growth in the future. johnsonfitness.com |
ASBIS为很多全球领先的供应商和制造商分销产品,并使用普莱斯提吉欧(Prestigio)和肯扬(Canyon)品牌销售自有品牌产品(例如:外部皮革涂层的硬盘驱动器,MP3播放器,网络产品和其他外围设备)。 cipa.org.cy | ASBIS distributes products of many worldwide leading [...] vendors and [...] manufacturers and sells private-labelproducts under Prestigio andCanyonbrands (i.e.external [...]leather-coated HDD drives, MP3 players, networkingproducts and other peripheral devices). cipa.org.cy |
按照相关试点方案,中国三大电信企业须与两个虚拟运营商合作伙伴签署合同,并允许这些虚拟运营商在中国市场推出自有品牌的固话和无线电信服务。 youngchinabiz.com | Under that program, each of China’s 3 major telcos will be required to sign contracts with 2 VNO partners, [...] and those partners will then be allowed [...] to offer theirown brandof fixed-line and [...]wireless telecoms services in China. youngchinabiz.com |
2003年开始研发遥控飞行商品,推出「亚拓遥控世界」休闲新概念,凭藉卓越的专业技术、大胆与创新的精神、精致的产品品质及完善的售後服务,加上积极而有计划的推广遥控直昇机乐活运动,短短数年间,便以 ALIGN自有品牌打响海内外知名度,超越德国、美国、日本等各大厂牌,扬名国际,成为遥控直昇机的世界领导品牌。 taiwanexcellence.org | Align RC World” was the result of Align’s shift into family recreational concepts, with products such as high performance radio controlled model kits, related electronics, and high efficiency model power system. With its technology expertise, proven product quality, innovative designs, superior post-sale support, and aggressive plans to [...] promote RC helicopter [...] hobby, Align was able to establish itself in a few short yearsas an international recognizable brand, surpassing manufacturers [...]from Germany, [...]USA, and Japan to become the world leader in RC helicopter brand. taiwanexcellence.org |
转变的关键是在1996年并购美国最大的脚踏车制造商Trek,成立 Vision Fitness自有品牌,行销於健身器材专卖店,在当时健身器材专卖店仍是小众的市场但是却能预见在不久的未来一定会迅速成长。 johnsonfitness.com | In 1996, JHT'sfirst branded effortwas spun off by the Trek Fitness management team-Vision [...] Fitness-with the idea thatthe specialty fitness channel, [...]still a small market at the time, would see immense growth in the future. johnsonfitness.com |