单词 | 低音提琴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 低音提琴—double basscontrabassExamples:低音大提琴—double bass contrabass See also:低音—bass 低音n—subwoofern woofern 低音pl—bassespl 提琴n—violinn violan cellon violoncellon 提琴—instrument of the violin family (violin, viola, cello or double bass)
GONG GONG是低音提琴和鼓的二人组合,这是一种很少见的表现形式:乐器、音序器和采样器在每一个创作中都积极发挥着作用。 yugongyishan.com | Even if machines, sequencers and [...] samplers are a part of Gong Gong’s [...] compositions, the two musiciansfrom Nantes still [...]essentially are a LIVE Drum n’ Bass duo, whose approach is unusual. yugongyishan.com |
哨笛、低音提琴、铉乐器(班卓琴、曼陀林、吉他)和鼓,以及三部和声的主唱组成了这支五人乐队。 yugongyishan.com | The five piece band combines [...] tin-whistle, double-bass, various string instruments(banjo, mandolin [...]and guitar) and drums/percussion [...]and vocals include three-part harmonies. yugongyishan.com |
除指定的木结他外,更有乐队以小提琴、低音大提琴(见决赛乐队Trio Moderne)、五弦琴Banjo(见决赛乐队Capital)等弦乐器来合奏。 tomleemusic.com | Even uprightbass (see the Finalist 'Trio Moderne'), banjo (see the Finalist 'Capital') & violin, etc are [...] used in making of beautiful music with acoustic guitar (Photo : Feel Im) tomleemusic.com |
除了小号演奏外,才华横溢的音乐家莫里森亦擅长吹奏长号、低音号、翼号、大号、萨克管、低音大提琴及钢琴。 hkphil.org | Besides the trumpet, virtuoso and [...] multi-instrumentalistJames Morrison also plays trombone, euphonium, flugel horn, tuba, saxophones, double bass and piano. hkphil.org |
Yamaha静声低音大提琴系列让低音大提琴手可选择两种型号,同样具备制造出最佳音色的琴身设计和拾音器系统。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Yamaha's Silent Bass series offers bassists a choice oftwo models, both of which feature [...] body and pickup systems designed [...]to bring out the best tone from each instrument. tomleemusic.com.hk |
1967年,一个专家委员会的高度评价让他开始了大师级低音大提琴制作的职业生涯。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Their high assessment by a commission of experts launched him in 1967 on the career [...] of specialist maker of masterdouble-basses. tomleemusic.com.hk |
你亦可切换至音符检视模式,以小提琴、中提琴、大提琴或低音大提琴独奏。 mammals.org | You can also switch to Notes view and [...] play solo on the violin, viola, cello,orbass. mammals.org |
徐理曾在新加坡、香港、马来西亚、曼谷、北京、上海、罗彻斯特、安阿伯、多伦多成功独奏演出; 曾参加:德国Schleswig-Holstein音乐节;杭州、上海及北京国家大剧院世界华人音乐家乐团新年音乐会;北京国际低音提琴音乐节特邀独奏家,并在中央电视台和北京电视台有专题报导和演奏会录影转播;泰国股票交易公司(Stock Exchange of Thailand)於2007年赞助其在曼谷独奏演出;2010受四川音乐学院邀请在成都进行协奏演出;同一年受香港中文大学之邀举办个人独奏会;此外,徐先生也曾在河南艺术中心的“走进音乐世界系列”中有过独奏演出,以及珠海电视台、珠海文体旅游局和珠海爱乐人文化公司主办的电视讲座文化大讲堂系列之“音乐会的那些事儿”主讲嘉宾。 artnetworking.com | In 2006 and 2008, Xu Li was invited twice to the International Beijing Double Bass Festival as a featured soloist, and his performance and interview were broadcasted national wise on China Central TV and Beijing Satellite TV. artnetworking.com |
范戴克是国际低音大提琴协会的管弦乐演奏大赛(2001)大奖得主,该奖项为他带来的其中一个机会,是於2001/2002乐季里,在明尼苏达管弦乐团的低音大提琴部演奏。 hkphil.org | Jonathan was the [...] Grand Prize winner of the 2001 International Society of Bassists Orchestral Playing Competition. The prize included the opportunity to play with the bass section ofthe Minnesota Orchestra during the 2001/02 season. hkphil.org |
她的姐姐们的肖像是纳蒂耶(Nattier)绘制的:有伊丽莎白夫人、帕尔马公爵夫人和弹奏低音古提琴的昂里埃特夫人:阿德莱德夫人把最后这部画作放在了她自己的大房间中。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | Nattier painted the portraits of her older sisters: Madame [...] Elisabeth, Duchess of Parma and Madame [...] Henriette playing the bass viol: Madame Adelaide [...]had placed that painting in her large chamber. en.chateauversailles.fr |
萨克管的音色变化较多,高音部份介乎单簧管与圆号之间,中音介乎人声与大提琴之间,低音部份则介乎低音弦乐与低音喇叭之间。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The tone quality of the saxophone is thicker and more pungent than that of [...] the clarinet and its ease of playing and marked character have made it [...] one of the chief instruments in modern jazz bands. tomleemusic.com.hk |
耳机配备了强大的低音组件,能为您提供卓越的通话和音乐音质。 jabra.cn | The headset is equipped with a [...] powerful bass component, so you get excellent sound quality, both for calls and music. jabra.com |
美籍华裔大提琴家马友友:“我在音乐中领悟到的一点是,我们必须超越自我,向更大的目标共同努力。 china.blackstone.com | Yo-Yo Ma, American Cellist: “One thing I've learned in musicisthatwe must [...] work toward something bigger than ourselves. blackstone.com |
使用车载免提电话调高和调低音量轻按 Jabra CRUISER 侧边的“增大音量/减小音量”按钮调节音量。 jabra.cn | TURNING VOLUME UP AND DOWN ON YOUR IN-CAR SPEAKERPHONE Tap the volume up/volume down button on the side of the Jabra CRUISER to adjust the volume level. jabra.com |
它提供舒适的阔-窄琴颈弯曲及结合受欢迎的24音格乐器,配有温暖及经典风格的枫木面板,一片式桃花心木琴身和HFS/经典低音拾音器组合。 tomleemusic.com.hk | It offers our [...] comfortablewide-thin neck carve and combines the clarity of our popular 24 fret instruments with the warmth and classic style of a maple-topped, one-piece mahogany body and HFS/Vintage Bass pickup combination. tomleemusic.com.hk |
塔马斯先生研究与捷尔吉Pauk先生在市政厅音乐与戏剧,并在耶鲁大学的Syoko亚希女士学校,以及字符串四方性能与东京弦乐四重奏小提琴演奏。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Mr. Tamas studied violin performance with Mr. György Pauk at Guildhall School ofMusic & Drama and Ms. Syoko Aki at Yale University, as well as string quartet [...] performance [...]with the Tokyo String Quartet. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
请自备吉他、口琴、小提琴、跳舞CD音乐带或变 魔术道具…回台。 taiwan-usylcecamp.org | If youhave any special talents, you may consider bringing your own guitar, harmonica, violin,dance music CD, orprops. taiwan-usylcecamp.org |
双低音巴拉莱卡琴手Jesper Lund,在帕夫洛夫斯基(Pavlovski)巴拉莱卡交响 乐团的俄国民歌与提沃里(Tivoli)军乐团的打击乐声双重抚育下成长的他,演奏着绝对大一号的巴拉莱卡琴。 yugongyishan.com | Jesper Lund (doublebass-balalaika) was raised with a combination of Russian folk music in the Pavlovski Balalaika Orchestra and marching-band [...] drumming in the Tivoli Marching Band. yugongyishan.com |
维也纳国际音乐学院是香港唯一获维也纳音乐考试评核局授权的音乐教育机构,除了提供维也纳优良及正统的幼儿音乐教育 [...] (ECME),另外学院亦提供维也纳音乐考试评核局的认可导师证书课程、乐器级别评核试、教授钢琴及小提琴及产前音乐导赏班等。 cordlife.com | Wiener Klang is the only Certified Training Centre in Hong Kong authorized by Vienna Music Examination Board, offering programs including Early Childhood Music Education Program [...] (ECMECP), Certified Trainer Course, VMEB Graded Music Exam, [...] pianoand violin lessons, and Prenatal Music Appreciation [...]Program. cordlife.com |
马林·戈列米诺夫(1908--2000 年)是教师、提琴家、作曲家和乐队指挥,他的众多 作品都是根据保加利亚民间音乐的旋律、韵律和节奏来创作的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Teacher, violinist, composer and conductor, Marin Goleminov (1908-2000) composed numerous works that have their roots in the melody, metres and rhythm of Bulgarian folk music. unesdoc.unesco.org |
RW/RP琴颈减低两个拾音器同时使用时的噪音水平。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Neck isRW/RP forhum canceling when both pickups [...] are used together. tomleemusic.com.hk |
香港领导潮流的Fusion组合SIU2,以历史悠久的中国乐器笙为首,与三弦、古筝、钢琴、低音结他与爵士鼓等中西乐器争鸣发声,演奏风格游走古今却又跳出三界的自家创作,在欧洲、亚洲其他地区已广泛建立声名。 hifitrack.com | IU2 the Hong Kong fusion band is back with [...] their thirdalbum“Sonic Traveler”! The theme of the album is about world travel, featuring the musicalelements [...]of various cultures. SIU2 [...]weaving the tunes by the Chinese sheng, sanxian, zheng, the western piano, bass guitar and drum set, The seven ... hifitrack.com |
B 以半音为单位升高或降低数位钢琴的调音。 casio.com.tw | Raises orlowers the tuning of the digital piano in semitone steps. support.casio.com |
全国民间舞蹈音乐节”是较近代的“gammeldans”音乐的比赛,而“全国传统音乐比赛”则是较古老的 “bygdedans”音乐赛事,包括小提琴、声乐、民间舞蹈和古老器乐技巧的比赛。 norway.org.cn | The National Folk Dance Music Festival is a gammeldans competition, while the National Contest for Traditional Music [...] encompasses the older [...] bygdedansfiddling and singing tradition, folk dancing and mastery of older folk music instruments. norway.or.kr |
香港弦乐四重奏由小提琴家王思恒创立於1993年,乐队精於奏演室内乐,致力参与香港校园及民间的艺术教育、音乐传播工作。 yp.mo | Devoted to promoting chamber music, the Quartet has made recordings and radio broadcasts, participated in activities at schools and hospitals and has organised a number of chamber musicworkshopsfor the young. yp.mo |
疯子吧台 (Le Comptoir des Fous) 的演唱会大张旗鼓,把铜管、低音结他、钢琴、色士风和即兴共冶一炉,将爵士乐变成爵士摇滚乐(Swing'n'roll),化诗意忧怨为热闹狂欢,是超好玩的疯狂音乐大派对。 frenchmay.com | The concert of Le Comptoir des Fous is a crazymusical fanfare which transforms blue Jazz into Swing’n roll madness through a poetic and frenzied cocktail of brass, bass, piano, saxophones and improvisation. frenchmay.com |
在狂人监制Martin Hannett带领的独有Post-Punk曲式下,Ian的低调唱腔、Bernard的拉锯式结他;加上Peter旋律化的Bassline和Steve的机械鼓击,配合空旷的环境声响和简约琴音,整张专集的歌曲带出一份别树一格的疏离和脆弱感觉。 think-silly.com | Under the notorious production of [...] Martin Hannett, Ian’s subtle voice, Bernard’s guitar, Peter’s melodic bass and Steve’s mechanic drums made a unique combination with the spacious sound and minimalisticpiano. think-silly.com |