单词 | 低陷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 低陷 verb —sink v低陷 —settleSee also:陷—trap • pitfall • get stuck • cave in • fall (to the enemy) • frame (false charge) • capture (a city in battle)
此源的设计目的是在防止填充材料重新凝固并显著 降 低 缺 陷 的 同 时,生产高质量的含镓和铟的材料。 veeco.com.cn | This source is designed for growing [...] high-quality Ga- and In-containing materials, while preventing charge material [...] recondensation and significantly reducing defects. veeco.com |
质量专业人员的共同目标包括降低缺 陷率、 按规格制造产品和使交货时间标准化。 minitab.com | Common objectives for quality professionals [...] include reducing defect rates, manufacturing [...]products within specifications, and standardizing delivery time. minitab.com |
在快速开发软件产品的同时,企业要依靠质量保证和测试来缩短开发周期和 降 低 缺 陷 率。 pactera.com | Today’s technology companies rely on quality assurance and testing to develop products [...] faster and with fewer defects. pactera.com |
恶劣的电磁干扰和温度环境,以及对 极 低 缺 陷 率 和 产品长效使用的期望,要求这种系统必须经过精心设计和全面测试,以便管理数百伏的电池组,并达到毫伏和一度的检测与校正精度。 automotive.analog.com | The tough EMI and temperature environment coupled with the [...] expectation of extremely low defect rates and long [...]product life cycles demand thoroughly [...]tested and designed systems to manage the multi hundred volts of the battery stack, measuring and correcting to millivolt and single degree sensing. automotive.analog.com |
这就可能将经济推进低工资、低生 产力 的 陷 阱 , 即所谓 以坏工作排除了好工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | This could propel [...] an economy into a low-wage, low-productivity trap, with “bad” [...]jobs driving out good jobs. daccess-ods.un.org |
14個問責官員中,12個民望低於50分, 7* 個 陷 入 信任危機,是極之嚴峻的形勢,絕對不能坐視不理。 hkupop.hku.hk | Since 12 out of 14 principal officials now have popularity ratings below 50 marks, and 7* of them being caught in deep crises, the situation is extremely critical, and something has to be done. hkupop.hku.hk |
得可的Pro和Pro XF为钢网底部清洁应用而设计,提高工艺性能、 降 低 印 刷 缺 陷 的 风 险。 dekpsp.com | Designed for the understencil cleaning application, DEK Pro and Pro XF improve process [...] performance and reduce risks of print defects. dekpsp.com |
如果将中国对 [...] 1874 号决议及其制裁体系的支持视为 其政策转变的信号,那么就低估了 中国 对 陷 入 外交 孤立境地的恐惧。 crisisgroup.org | Those who read China’s endorsement of Resolution 1874 [...] and its sanctions regime as a signal [...] of a policy shift underestimated Beijing’s aversion [...]to being diplomatically isolated. crisisgroup.org |
這樣的低所得對身陷家庭 暴力的婦女有更嚴重的負面 影響, 婦女常常因為收入低而無法脫離受虐待的兩性關係. soroptimist.org | These low earnings have an especially negative [...] impact on women in domestic violence situations, as low wages are often a [...]contributing factor in keeping women trapped in abusive relationships. soroptimist.org |
在这种情况下,通过使用编入 ABSODEX 驱动程序的数字滤波器(低通滤波器 、 陷 波 滤波器),可以在 一定程度上抑制共振。 ckd.co.jp | For such application, the [...] built-in digital filters (low pass and notch filters) [...]will help reduce resonance to some extent. ckd.co.jp |
支助计 划将在秘书长关于冲突结束后立即建设和平的报告(A/63/881-S/2009/304)的基 [...] 础上,以成果总表的形式,确定联合国国家工作队、南苏丹特派团和重要伙伴为 帮助降低重新陷入冲 突的风险将采取的具体措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Building on the report of the Secretary-General on peacebuilding in the immediate aftermath of conflict (A/63/881-S/2009/304), the support plan will identify specific measures, set out in a results matrix, [...] that the United Nations country team, UNMISS and key partners will [...] take to help reduce the risk of lapsing into conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
具体来说,就是进一步提高生产力、 降 低 成 本 、减少 缺 陷 , 并 提供更多、更快的支持,从而让我们的客户受益更多。 softtek.com | To increase productivity, [...] reduce costs, minimize defects, support more, deliver [...]results faster, or any other combination [...]that benefits our clients in a long-term and highly efficient relationship. softtek.com |
又确认 又确认 又确认 又确认世界金融和经济危机极为严重且涉及多个层面,造成若干发展中 [...] 国家债务比率急剧恶化,强调指出必须继续协助发展中国家避免累积不可持续的 债务,以降低再次陷入债 务危机的风险,在这方面表示注意到在危机期间和自危 [...] 机以来,已通过国际货币基金组织和多边开发银行提供额外资源,并呼吁继续为 [...] 低收入国家提供优惠贷款和赠款,使其能够应对这场危机的后果 daccess-ods.un.org | the enormity and the multidimensional nature of the world financial and economic crisis, which caused a sharp deterioration of the debt ratios in several developing countries, stresses the need to continue to assist developing countries in [...] avoiding a build-up of unsustainable [...] debt so as to reduce the risk of relapsing into another [...]debt crisis, takes note in this regard [...]of the additional resources made available during and since the crisis through the International Monetary Fund and the multilateral development banks, and calls for the continued provision of concessional and grant-based financing to low-income countries to enable them to respond to the consequences of the crisis daccess-ods.un.org |
要逃离低生产力陷阱就需要采取一系列措施,包括投资于研究、灌溉、道路 和推广系统,采用创新办法帮助小农取得土地以及可持续技术和生产方法以提高 [...] 农业对碳排放的贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | Escaping the low productivity trap requires a [...] range of measures, including investing in research, irrigation, roads and [...]extension systems and instituting innovative ways of enhancing small farmer access to land as well as sustainable technologies and production methods in view of the contribution of agriculture to carbon emissions. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些疾病影响了全球几十亿人的生活,可以造成毁灭性经济影响, 使个人及其家庭陷入贫困,在低收入 和中等收入国家中尤其如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | Globally, they impact on the lives of billions of people and can have [...] devastating financial impacts that impoverish individuals and their [...] families, especially in low- and middle-income countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样的,使用Hydra代码质量(Hydra CQ),它可以监控编程过程,并有助于尽早发现 缺 陷 以 降 低 后 期 影响。 bleum.com | As such, Hydra Code Quality (Hydra CQ) monitors the programing and facilitates [...] early detection of defects to reduce downstream [...]impacts. bleum.com |
在有些情 况下,这可能导致严重的心理创伤与疾病或者重 新 陷 于 绝望 , 低 沉 或 者甚至产生 自杀倾向。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some cases, it may result in grave psychological trauma and illness or renewal of despair, depression or even suicidal tendencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
在研究、开发和生产中可应用一系列的分析手段,如FFT & CPB [...] 分析、阶次分析、噪声源识别、工作变形分析和运行模态分析等, 来识别分离出低效或缺陷部件 ,分析设计效果。 bksv.cn | A variety of analyses can be applied during research, development and production, including FFT & CPB Analysis, Order Analysis, Noise Source Identification, Operating [...] Deflection Shapes and Operational Modal [...] Analysis, to isolate inefficient or flawed parts, and analyse [...]design effectiveness. bksv.com |
最后,必须避免较大的结块,因为与分散良好的颗粒相比,在烧结过程中结块颗粒的变大速度更快,因此会导致形成 缺 陷 , 从而 降低烧结产品的强度。 malvern.com.cn | Finally, the presence of large agglomerates must be avoided as these can lead to defect formation during sintering, as [...] agglomerated grains tend to grow more quickly than [...] well-dispersed particles - again reducing the strength of the [...]fired product. malvern.com |
如果微软是明智的,它将很快承认这种所谓的“ 缺 陷 ” , 并发 表 低 调 的 道歉声明,承诺解决问题。 youngchinabiz.com | If Microsoft is smart, it will quickly address this [...] so-called “flaw” and issue a low-key apology with promises [...]to fix the problem. youngchinabiz.com |
在高純水應用的領域中,水的純度直接關係到器件的性能、可靠性、閾值電壓,導 致 低 擊 穿 ,產生 缺 陷 , 還影響材料的少子壽命,因此高純水要求具有相當高的純度和精度。 kincle.net | Applications in the areas of high water, the water purity is directly related to device [...] performance, reliability, threshold [...] voltage, resulting in lower breakdown, defects, also affects the [...]minority carrier lifetime of [...]materials, so the high water require very high purity and precision. kincle.net |
除此以外,在可专利性问题上的低标 准 以及专利审查制度的 缺 陷 , 都 可能导 致 低质 量专利的出现,从而对竞争构成威胁。 cgfwatch.org | In addition, low standards of patentability and shortcomings in patent examination may lead [...] to the granting of “poor quality” patents that can hamper competition. cgfwatch.org |
尤其在当前的金融危机之下,全球经 济 陷 入 低 迷 波 及中国,不但钢铁出口前景不佳,内部需求也形势堪忧。 rolandberger.com.cn | Especially in today’s crisis, the world economic slowdown is also hitting China, the export of steel has slumped and domestic consumption is also not looking strong. rolandberger.com.cn |
博朗,拥有CMMI [...] 5认证,多年的软件开发经验使得我们已经实现了极高的质量水平:每千行代码0.019的 缺 陷 率 以 及 低 于 0.5%进程偏差。 bleum.com | Bleum, CMMI Level 5 accredited companywide, [...] has achieved extreme high quality [...] over the years with a defect rate of 0.019 per [...]thousand lines of code and less than 0.5% schedule variance. bleum.com |
这一功能完全消除了停机重启的过程,可将停机时间和焊接 缺 陷 风 险 降至 最 低。 esab.com.cn | This minimises downtime and [...] the risk of weld defects, thanks to complete [...]elimination of the stop/start sequence. esab.it |
促成这一趋势的主要原因是,高收入者有资金进入和投资股票市场,股票 2009 年初陷入低谷,现在已大幅攀升。 china.blackstone.com | A key contributing factor to this trend has been access to and investment in the equity markets, which have appreciated meaningfully since their nadir in early 2009. blackstone.com |
其他制度存在各种缺陷:决策质量低 ; 相对于难民个人特点类似而上诉成 功率高的其他国家,难民确认率过低;经常缺乏正当保障使用加急程序;自动适 用与加急程序有关的拘留;无暂停效应的上诉;缺乏获得法律咨询的机会;大量 [...] 案件积压。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other systems were [...] marred by poor quality decision making; disproportionately low recognition rates [...]vis-à-vis other countries [...]with similarly profiled individuals and high success rates on appeal; routine use of accelerated procedures without proper safeguards; the automatic application of detention in connection with accelerated procedures; nonsuspensive appeals; lack of access to legal advice; and large backlogs. daccess-ods.un.org |
经济和社会事务部有效支持了政府间决策、全球统计系统和在实现千年发展目 标方面取得进展,但其全系统范围的协调工作存在 缺 陷 , 并 因可见 度 低 和 内 部协 同增效不足而面临考验 daccess-ods.un.org | The Department of Economic and Social Affairs has effectively supported intergovernmental decision-making, the global statistical system and progress towards the Millennium Development [...] Goals, but fell short in its system-wide coordination [...] work and was challenged by low visibility and weak internal [...]synergies daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,值得提及的是,《刑法典》第146 条对虐待未成年人、配偶、无能力 之人或因年龄、疾病或者身体或精神 缺 陷 而 能 力 低 弱 之 人或使之过度劳累的犯罪 行为作出规范。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it is worth mentioning that Article 146 of the Criminal Code provides for the crime of ill treatment or excessive burden on minors, spouses, incapable persons or those who are vulnerable due to age, illness or physical or mental disability. daccess-ods.un.org |
公司的综合多维视频质量管理系统通过无缝数字视频传输,不仅提高了客户的满意度,而且还减少了视频 缺 陷 , 降 低 了 运 营成本,提高了投资回报率(ROI),增加了盈利,进而实现收入保证(Revenue [...] Assurance(TM))。 tipschina.gov.cn | The company's comprehensive, multi-dimensional video quality management systems enable Revenue Assurance(TM) through [...] the seamless delivery of digital video [...] by reducing video defects and operational [...]expenses, improving ROI and increasing profits [...]while simultaneously improving customer satisfaction. tipschina.gov.cn |