单词 | 低音管 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 低音管 —bassoonSee also:低音—bass 低音 n—subwoofer n • woofer n 低音 pl—basses pl 音管—pipe (of organ)
全音域前置喇叭以及後置低音管系統擺放的位置都是為了讓聲音平衡達到最佳,並去除環繞音樂系統的聲波,讓樂音充滿您的起居室。 philips.com.tw | Full range front [...] speakers and back bass pipes are positioned [...]to optimize sound balance, and to emit sound waves that encircle [...]the music system, and filling your living room. philips.ca |
全方位前置喇叭,以及位於背面的 低音管 , 可帶來最平衡、最具環繞效果的音效,讓室內美妙音樂流洩不斷。 philips.com.hk | Full range front [...] speakers and back bass pipes are positioned [...]to optimize sound balance, and to emit sound waves that encircle [...]the music system, and filling your living room. philips.ca |
側面喇叭和中央低音管同時運作,帶來最自然、最真實的環繞音效。 philips.com.hk | The side-firing speakers [...] and the central bass sound pipe work [...]in tandem to radiate outstandingly natural and immersive sound in all directions. philips.ca |
側射喇叭和中央低音管系統完美搭配,往四面八方放射極為自然且令人沉醉的聲音。 philips.com.tw | The side-firing speakers [...] and the central bass sound pipe work [...]in tandem to radiate outstandingly natural and immersive sound in all directions. philips.ca |
其精巧的設計,結合了中央低音管和 四 種高清驅動器(兩個在前、兩個在側面),可為您帶來絕佳的音效。 philips.com.hk | Engineered to completely fill your room with superb sound, it [...] comprises a central bass sound pipe and four [...]high definition drivers - two front-firing and two side-firing. philips.ca |
除了小號演奏外,才華橫溢的音樂家莫里森亦擅長吹奏長號、低音號、翼號、大號、薩 克 管 、 低音 大 提 琴及鋼琴。 hkphil.org | Besides the trumpet, virtuoso [...] and multi-instrumentalist James Morrison also plays trombone, euphonium, flugel horn, tuba, saxophones, double bass and piano. hkphil.org |
主要行动涉及:评估和管理全球变化对水循环的影响;作 为一种稀缺资源对水进行管理;降低 与 水 有关的风险。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The main actions were on: [...] assessing and managing the impact of global change on the water cycle; managing water as a scarce resource; and mitigating [...]waterrelated risks. unesdoc.unesco.org |
畢竟, 對附近居民造成最大滋擾的是歷時數小時、有 重 低音 樂 器 組並經擴音系統傳送的流 行音樂。 legco.gov.hk | It is after all [...] amplified pop music with a heavy bass section lasting [...]for several hours that has caused most annoyance to nearby residents. legco.gov.hk |
本集團的整體風險管理計 劃將焦點集中於金融市場的不可預見事情上,並務求 減 低對 本 集團財務表現所構成之潛在不利影響。 asiasat.com | The Group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to [...] minimise potential adverse effects [...]on the Group’s financial performance. asiasat.com |
耳机配备了强大的低音组件 ,能为您提供卓越的通话和音乐音质。 jabra.cn | The headset is equipped with a [...] powerful bass component, so you get excellent sound quality, both for calls and music. jabra.com |
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減低空氣、噪音 和 水 污染,包括 : 管 制 手 提撞擊式破碎機; 增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管 制石棉的使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將 廢物排放入公共污水渠;設立㆒項收費制度,就處理工業污水,使之符合標準 而徵收費用,以及立例管制化學廢物的處理,並徵收費用。 legco.gov.hk | They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it. legco.gov.hk |
設於油門前鋁合金位置的前置低音喇 叭 系統 (Frontbass),與低音揚聲 器加強共振效果,令車內氣氛猶如置身於出色的演奏廳。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The likewise unique Frontbass system intelligently uses the free spaces in the aluminum structures in front of the footwell as resonance spaces for the bass loudspeakers. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
(ii) 負責清 拆荃灣七街 樓 宇的承辦 商 在進行拆 卸 [...] 工 程時,除 了要 遵 守《 空氣污染管 制 條例》外 , 還 要 遵 守其他有關 消 [...] 減 環境 污染的法例,如 《 空氣污染管 制 (建造工 程 塵埃) 規例》、 《 噪音管 制 條例》及《水 污染管 制 條例》等 , 以 減 低 該項清 拆 工 程所產 生的環境污染對 附 近居民的 滋擾。 legco.gov.hk | (ii) In addition to following the Air Pollution Control Ordinance, the contractor responsible for the demolition works for Tsuen Wan Seven Streets has to observe other ordinances and regulations relating to abatement of environmental pollution, such as the Air Pollution Control [...] (Construction Dust) [...] Regulation, the Noise Control Ordinance and the Water Pollution Control Ordinance, to reduce the nuisance [...]caused to neighbouring [...]residents by the environmental pollution arising from the works project. legco.gov.hk |
報告者表示,自國外飛回中正國際機場時, 若能見度低 於落地限制,航機須選擇備降場,但由於預計到達中正 國際機場之時間已超過高雄國際機場之開放時間(高雄 國際機場 2400~0630 因噪音管制關場),故不得選擇高 雄國際機場作為備降場,而須選擇鄰近國家如香港、那 霸等機場,造成諸多不便。 tacare.org.tw | As a result, certain international flights have had to choose other airports such as Hong Kong and Naha 8 as alternated destinations, which had often caused inconveniences for dispatch and ground operations. tacare.org.tw |
(e) 支持国家一级的体制改变,强化关于自然资源的权利,改革不平等分配 制度,降低管理风险,提高人类-生态系统的适应性。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Support institutional changes at the national level to strengthen rights to [...] natural resources, reform inequitable [...] distribution, better manage risk, and increase [...]resilience in the human-ecological system. daccess-ods.un.org |
瘋子吧台 (Le Comptoir des Fous) 的演唱會大張旗鼓,把銅管、低音結 他 、鋼琴、色士風和即興共冶一爐,將爵士樂變成爵士搖滾樂(Swing'n'roll),化詩意憂怨為熱鬧狂歡,是超好玩的瘋狂音樂大派對。 frenchmay.com | The concert of Le Comptoir des Fous is a crazy musical fanfare which transforms blue Jazz into Swing’n roll madness through a poetic and frenzied cocktail of brass, bass, piano, saxophones and improvisation. frenchmay.com |
條例草案第 3(b)條擴大噪音管制條 例現行第 6(6)條的適用範圍,使住宅樓宇的業主、租 [...] 客或使用㆟所使用的非機動設備,亦獲豁免有關在晚㆖或周日或公眾假期使用時須領有建 築噪音許可證的規定。 legco.gov.hk | Clause 3(b) of the Bill expands the application of the existing [...] section 6(6) of the Noise Control Ordinance so [...]that it also exempts non-powered mechanical [...]equipment used by the owner, tenant or occupier of domestic premises from the requirement to obtain a construction noise permit for its use in the evening or on Sundays or public holidays. legco.gov.hk |
在计算管理费用方面,教科文组织 将继续执行重实际的政策,与联合国系统的合作伙伴磋商,以便就征收管理费用达成一致, [...] 从而避免当前不恰当的“压价竞争”以及捐助者利用这种竞争施加压力要求 降 低管 理 开 支的 趋势。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO will continue its policy of realism in terms of the calculation of overhead rates, and will pursue consultations with United Nations system partners so that a common approach may be agreed upon concerning the levying of overhead charges, thus avoiding the current trends towards unseemly [...] “price-undercutting competition” and the potential exploitation of such practices by donors to [...] increase pressure for lower overheads. unesdoc.unesco.org |
项目简介: Data Crow是一个多媒体管理软件,使用它可以非常容易 地 管 理 电 影、视频 、 音 乐 专 辑,相册和书籍等。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Data Crow is [...] a multimedia management software , using it can be very easy to manage movies, videos , music albums , albums [...]and books . javakaiyuan.com |
我 們 認 為 專 責 小 組 成 員 應 在 會 見 紀 錄 備 妥 後 立 刻 把 錄 音 帶 交 存 法 庭,讓 法 庭 保 管 錄 音 帶 直 至 後 來 進 行 的 法 院 程 序 完 結 為 止 。 hkreform.gov.hk | We believe that the panelist should lodge the tape in court immediately after the record of interview has been completed, where it will remain until the conclusion of any subsequent court proceedings. hkreform.gov.hk |
实现了低噪音,特别是通 过半圆柱斜盘,稳定了动作特性,运 行时噪音低。 nachi-fujikoshi.co.jp | In particular, a semi-circular barrel swash plate stabilizes operation characteristics to ensure silent operation. nachi-fujikoshi.co.jp |
张志强(Zhang Zhiqiang,音译)经营一个网站,为外地工人提供教育资讯;他建议:“政府关闭学校的真正原因是要 降 低管 理 数 以百万计的外地工人的成本,让他们在首都生活不易,促使他们返回家郷。 amccsm.org | Zhang Zhiqiang, who runs a website providing educational information to [...] migrant workers, [...] suggests: "The real reason they are [closing the schools] is to reduce the cost of managing millions of migrants, by making life difficult and driving them back [...]to their home provinces" (BBC). amccsm.org |
使用车载免提电话调高和调低音量 轻 按 Jabra CRUISER 侧边的“增大音量/减小音量”按钮调节音量。 jabra.cn | TURNING VOLUME UP AND DOWN ON YOUR IN-CAR SPEAKERPHONE Tap the volume up/volume down button on the side of the Jabra CRUISER to adjust the volume level. jabra.com |
目前,中国已初步建立起中央、省、 地、县四级音像市场管理网 络,绝大多数地区还建立了包括音像市场在内的文化市场稽查队 伍,认真履行音像市场监管职责。 uschina.org | China has implemented a [...] supervision network for the audio-visual products market at four levels: central government, province, prefecture and county, and in most areas teams of inspectors for culture markets including audio-visual products markets have also been formed to carry out audiovisual products market supervision in earnest. uschina.org |
此外, 我們亦須緊記,儘 管低硫柴油較一般車用柴油環保,但 使用低硫柴油 的車輛仍 會 產生污染物,引致 空氣污染問題, 即 使情況不如使用一般 車用柴油那麼嚴 重 。 legco.gov.hk | Although ULSD is cleaner than regular motor diesel, vehicles using it still produce the pollutants, albeit less seriously compared to regular motor diesel, that add to our air pollution problem. legco.gov.hk |
对于入墙式扬声器,您可以选择 CWM 8180(具有高端规格,包括一个 [...] Kevlar FST 中音驱动器和一个 200 毫米 Rohacell 低音驱动器)或者 CWM DS8(只需按一下遥控器按钮,您就可以在偶极模式和传统环绕声模式之间随意切换)。 bowers-wilkins.cn | For in-wall speakers, you could choose between the CWM 8180, with its [...] high-end spec including a Kevlar [...] FST midrange driver and 200mm Rohacell bass driver, or the [...]CWM DS8, which can switch between [...]dipole and conventional surround modes at the push of a remote-control button. bowers-wilkins.eu |
这款精巧的超重低音扬声器能以超凡的清晰度和精确度生成最低频率,添加到您的设置中,从而创造更丰富、更完整的声音体验,使您最喜欢的音乐或电影更加动人。 bang-olufsen.com | Able to produce the lowest frequencies [...] with stunning clarity and precision, adding [...] this compact subwoofer to your setup [...]will produce a richer, more complete sound [...]experience that will enrich your favourite music or film. bang-olufsen.com |
应该提醒南南合作提供方重视南南 [...] 合作产生的效益,因为援助通常会提供给与捐助方有着密切的政治和经济联系或 文化和语言关系的国家,从而使之更好地了解各种需求和机会并 降 低管 理 费 用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Contributors to SSC should be reminded of the efficiency gains brought by SSC, since assistance generally goes to countries with close political and economic links, or [...] cultural and language ties, which result in a better understanding of needs and [...] opportunities and lower administrative costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
MDD212M,MDD215音箱的组合150–200平方米的会议厅,KTV练歌房,加上独有特色MDD218S单18寸 的 低音 , 这 个组合非常适合150–200平方米多功能厅,如果您的项目再大一些的场地,您可选择MDD225双 15 寸 低音 的 大 功率音箱,这款音箱的最大声压级达到133dB,这是其它品牌同类产品所不能比拟的,用户可以根据需要增加MDD218S的 超 低音 , 这 个组在300–450平方米的多功能场地是非常适合的包括以上这些组合不仅能大大的满足用户的预期效果,更值得大家欣慰的是,整个系统的造价不高,真正是好而不贵,优而不俗。 acehk.com | MDD212M, MDD215 combination for 150-200 square meters speaker chamber, KTV karaoke room, with unique [...] characteristics, a [...] single 18-inch super-bass MDD218S, this combination is suitable for 150-200 square meters of function rooms, if your project again larger venue, you can choose MDD225 double 15-inch high-power super-bass speakers, this speaker to achieve the maximum sound pressure level of 133dB, which is of similar products of other brands can not match, the user can be increased MDD218S subwoofer, This group of multi-purpose [...]venue in [...]the 300-450 square meter is very appropriate, including not only significantly more than the combination of the satisfaction of the user's expected results that should be pleased that the entire system cost is not high, really is good but not expensive , excellent and impressive. acehk.com |
選擇合 適 的 寫字樓時,亦 會 優先考 [...] 慮樓面面積較大的 單 位,以 便擬議臨時港島中心可佔 用 最少數目的樓 層 , 減低管理 和 監控多個樓 層 所需的費用。 legco.gov.hk | When choosing suitable premises, preference will also be given to those with larger floor areas so that the proposed temporary Island Centre can [...] be housed within a minimum number of [...] floors, thereby lowering the cost of control and supervision [...]across multiple floors. legco.gov.hk |