

单词 熟稔

See also:


familiar adj
skilled adj
cooked adj
ripe adj

ripe (of fruit)
cooked (of food)
mature (of seeds)

ripe grain

stagnant water

External sources (not reviewed)

至於新聞自由,我十分留意聽黃毓民議員的發言,我當然不如他 跟香港電台節目製作人員工會那 熟稔。
About the issue of freedom of the press, I have listened attentively to the speech made by Mr WONG Yuk-man earlier.
主席,十多年前,我出差到德國,接待我的是一位德國人,我跟他 並熟稔。
President, more than a decade ago, I went to Germany on a business trip, and was received by a German whom
[...] I was not much acquainted with.
如果跟檔熟稔,甚 至可以選購自己 喜歡的肉類,而香港人對這方面的生活習慣一直相當熟悉。
Negotiation with the vendor is also allowed. Thus, the price of pork at meat stalls is sometimes more expensive than that in supermarkets simply because consumers can pick the meat.
无论是标准元件、定制设计的零件还是完全与众不同的设计,我们都能借助高度可靠和高效的产品以 熟稔 产 品及其性能的专家团队,来为客户提供最大的支持。
Whether it's a standard component, a part to be designed to specifications, or something totally unique, we can help you with highly reliable, efficient products and a staff of experts to stand behind the product and its performance.
這只是我的一個建議,如果湯專員曾公開表明他與黃楚標先生熟稔,又一起打高爾夫球,那麼為免將來又造成另一些是非醜聞,可 [...]
This is only my suggestion. If the ICAC Commissioner, Mr TONG, once
publicly indicated that he and Mr WONG
[...] Cho-bau are close acquaintances and there were occasions [...]
on which they had played golf
together, to avoid creating more scandals, he had better abstain from the investigation into this case.
這些華僑 來港投訴時有很大的抱怨,雖然他們跟銀行是客戶的關係,但亦有過往 背景和歷史的因素,他們從沒有想過,銀行跟他們這 熟稔 , 又 有歷史 淵源,竟會到菲律賓欺騙華僑的錢,這是他們原來的話。
These overseas Chinese, when lodging complaints in Hong Kong, aired considerable grievances and alleged that although their relationship with the bank is just a bank-client relationship, they had past dealings with the bank and some other historical factors were involved.
(c) 由 三 人組成的巨星匯籌備 委員會,對音 樂會的籌辦工作缺乏
[...] 認 識 , 與 行 內 的 專家也稔熟, 倍 增 他 們 的工作困難(報告摘 [...]
要 第 18段 )。
(c) The three-member Harbour Fest Organizing Committee was handicapped by their
lack of knowledge in concert promotion and
[...] their lack of acquaintance with experts [...]
in the field (paragraph 18 of the Executive Summary of the Report).
李教授表示,當時他與 羅太並稔熟,不 會說是受到羅太催迫。
Professor Li said he hardly knew Mrs Law then and would not have said that he was being pushed by her.
大家都知道,我除了與泛民的議員 稔熟 外 , 跟其他黨派的議員並不相熟。
Members all know that apart from those Members of the pan-democratic camp, I
[...] am not very familiar with Members [...]
of other political parties or groupings.
左拉用法语写了一封信— —稔熟法语,但有一段时间没有开口说了——那封 [...]
He wrote a letter in French —
[...] with which I am familiar but have not [...]
spoken for some time — the French title of which is “J’accuse”.
現時,所有隔油池廢物是運往位於屯 稔 灣 新界西堆填區的臨時 隔油池廢物處理設施加以處理,然後在該堆填區處置。
At present, all GTW is delivered to the interim GTW
treatment facility located in West New
[...] Territories landfill at Nim Wan, Tuen Mun for [...]
treatment before it is disposed of at the landfill.
三個堆填區(包稔灣新 界西堆填區、將軍澳新界東南堆填 區和打鼓嶺新界東北堆填區)共佔本港面積270公頃,而政府已投入大 [...]
The three landfills (namely, the West New
[...] Territories Landfill at Nim Wan, the South-East [...]
New Territories (SENT) Landfill in Tseung
Kwan O and the North-East New Territories Landfill at Ta Kwu Ling) account for a total of 270 hectares (ha) of land in Hong Kong, and the Government has already invested a large amount of resources.
我與這項條例草案的負責官員余志穩 先生也稔熟,他付出了很大努力,而他本身也是一個對道德有很高要求的 人;但就條例草案在道德方面的問題,他並未作出充分的回應。
But on the issue of morality, he failed to adequately address it in regard to this Bill.
至於擴建工程項目,其擬議範圍則 包括(a)平整工地、填平現有一個溪水排放口、安裝公用設施及將排水
[...] (d)安裝堆填氣體收集及管理系統;(e)建造及遷移堆填區基礎設施; (f) 稔灣路改道;(g)社區持份者的參與; [...]
(h)實施緩解環境影響措施和進 行環境監測及審核;以及(i)建造修復和護理設施。
As for the extension project, its proposed scope includes (a) site formation, backfilling of an existing stream outfall, utilities provision and drainage diversion; (b) provision of landfill liner system; (c) provision of leachate collection and treatment system; (d) provision of landfill gas collection and management system; (e) provision and
relocation of landfill infrastructure;
[...] (f) realignment of Nim Wan Road; (g) engagement [...]
of community stakeholders; (h) implementation
of measures to mitigate environmental impacts, and environmental monitoring and auditing; and (i) construction of restoration and aftercare facilities.
(d) 進行工地平整及工地預備工程、安裝防滲漏層、收集、處理及 處置滲濾污水、收集及管理堆填氣體、提供水電設施、進行排
[...] 水渠改道工程、修復及修復後的護理工程、重 稔 灣 路 路段, 以及可能需要提供海道供轉運廢物往擴展部分之用;以及
(d) carrying out site formation and preparation, installation of liner, leachate collection, treatment and disposal, gas collection and management, utilities provisions, drainage
diversion, restoration and aftercare, re-provision
[...] of a section of Nim Wan Road, and possibly [...]
the provision of marine access for
the transfer of waste to the extensions; and
工程計劃說明: 工程計劃擬提升為甲級的部分項目,是為工程計劃的設計及建造階段進
[...] 行顧問工作,以發展和管理在目前屯 稔 灣 新 界西堆填區西面地段內堆 填區的擴建部分。
The part of project proposed for upgrading to Category A is for the consultancy services for the design and construction stage of the project to develop and manage the
West New Territories (WENT) landfill extension at a site to the west of the existing
[...] WENT landfill in Nim Wan, Tuen Mun.
2003 年,我們選出屯稔灣附 近的曾咀煤灰湖東端,認為在技術上是 興建污泥處理設施的最可行地點,因為該處遠離住宅區,未有任何已 [...]
In 2003, the eastern end of the ash lagoon at
[...] Tsang Tsui near Nim Wan, Tuen Mun, [...]
was identified as the most technically viable
location for the STF because the site is remote from residential areas and there are no planned developments in the area.
政府不應只擴展堆填區,看到擴建將軍澳 堆填區不行,便考慮擴稔灣或其他地方的堆填區。
When the extension of the Tseung Kwan O landfill is unfeasible, it should not consider the extension
[...] of landfills in Nim Wan or other places.
缔约国应进一步发展和加强教育培训和方案,确保所有官员,包括执法、安 全和监狱官员充稔知《 公约》条款、容许违反《公约》行为、并展开及时和有 效的调查,和追究违约者。
The State party should further develop and strengthen educational trainings and programmes to ensure that all officials, including law enforcement, security and prison officials, are fully aware of the provisions of the Convention, that breaches of the Convention will not be tolerated and will be promptly and effectively investigated, and that offenders will be prosecuted.
(一 ) 過去5年,香港3個堆填區(包括位於打鼓嶺的新界東北堆填 區、位於將軍澳的新界東南堆填區及位 稔 灣 的 新界西堆填 區 ) 接收到的固體廢物總量由2004年的640萬噸逐步遞減至 2008年的490萬噸,減幅為23%。
(a) Over the past five years, the total quantity of solid waste received at the three landfills in Hong Kong (including the North East New Territories (NENT) Landfill at Ta Kwu Ling, the South East New Territories (SENT) Landfill at Tseung Kwan O and the West New Territories (WENT) Landfill at Nim Wan) dropped from 6.4 million tonnes in 2004 to 4.9 million tonnes in 2008.
金 融 工 具 不 存 在 活 躍 市 場 的,本 集 團 採 用 估 值 技 術 確 定 其 公 允 價 值,估 值 技 術 包 括 參熟 悉 情 況 並 自 願 交 易 的 各 方 最 近 進 行 的 市 場 交 易 中 使 用 的 價 格、參 照 實 質 上 相 同 的 其 他 金 融 工 具 的 當 前 公 允 價 值、現 金 流 量 折 現 法 和 期 權 定 價 模 型 等。
Valuation techniques include reference to most recent market prices used by knowledgeable and willingness parties, reference to current fair value of other financial instrument with similar nature, discounted cash flow method and option valuation models.
特别委员会确认,维持和平行动可以发挥积极作用,促进进行对性别问题 敏感的安全部门改革,发展能更好地满足妇女需求的安全服务,例如,可通过以 下途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到东道国政府改 革后的安全部门工作;提熟悉性 别问题的专门人才,支持安全部门改革进程; 将性别观点纳入安全部门改革方案。
The Special Committee recognizes the positive role that peacekeeping operations can play in promoting gender-sensitive security sector reform and the development of security services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, the deployment of female peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of encouraging more women to serve in the reformed security sector of the host Government, through the provision of gender expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectives in security sector reform programmes.
这对建筑木工的技能标 准与培训课程正在接受同行审查,瓦工技术标准也在制定之中,其目的是为抗震建筑提供更 好熟练劳动力。
Skills standards and training curricula for building carpentry is undergoing peer review and the skills standards for block masonry are being developed to produce a better-skilled labour force for earthquake-resistant building purposes.
環保署解釋如新界東南堆填區不作擴展,則現時該堆填區收集 範圍的大約 1_400
[...] 輛垃圾收集車輛須駛往較偏遠位於打鼓嶺的 新界東北堆填區以及位稔灣的 新界西堆填區。
The EPD has explained that if the SENT Landfill is not extended, some 1 400 refuse collection vehicles within the collection area of the Landfill would have to commute to the
remoter North East New Territories (NENT) Landfill in Ta Kwu Ling and the West New
[...] Territories (WENT) Landfill in Nim Wan.
環境保護署建議於毗鄰屯稔灣的 曾咀興建一所污泥處理設施,設計處理量為每日二千公噸污泥,以解決日漸增多的污泥問題。
The Environmental Protection Department proposes to build a sludge treatment facility of a capacity of 2,000 tonnes per day at Tsang Tsui near Nim Wan, Tuen Mun with a view to solving the sewage sludge disposal problem.
位於屯稔灣的 臨時隔油池廢物處理設施,其運作量已超出設計 容量,而該設施佔用的土地不久便要撥供堆填廢物,故須以位於市區 的永久隔油池廢物處理設施取代。
It has to be replaced by a permanent GTWTF located in the urban area.
當晚,㆔艘水警輪及陸㆖若干名警員在后海 稔 灣 的 煤灰湖執行反走私行動,大約 在晚㆖十時㆔十分,警員發覺㆒艘木船駛離煤灰湖,在他們駛去阻截該木船時,㆒艘 舢板插入水警輪與木船之間。
When the police went to intercept it, a sampan interposed itself between the police vessels and the wooden vessel.
包 是 在 由某個家 族 經 營 的 超 級 市場購 買 , 多 士 爐 當 然 是經由 同一個 家 族 經 營 的 貨 櫃 碼 頭 , “ 多 、 快 、準”地運 到 其 家 庭 電 器 連 鎖 店 , 而那麼神奇的 可以將 一 塊 “稔稔” 的 包變為“卜卜 脆 ” 的 多 士,也 要 多得同一個 家 族 為 我們源源不絕供電。
The bread is bought in a supermarket operated by a certain family; the toaster is transported "abundantly, swiftly and accurately" of course from a container terminal operated by the same family to that family's chain store. And, to miraculously change a slice of soft bread into crispy toast, we also have to be grateful to the same family for inexhaustibly supplying us with electricity.




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