

单词 低产

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塞内加尔欢迎赤道几内亚接受了有关现实经济和社会权利方面的建议,尤 其是受教育权和低产妇死亡率和贫困现象的建议。
Senegal welcomed the acceptance of the recommendations regarding the realization of economic and social rights, in particular access to education and combating maternal mortality and poverty.
最后, 少龄妇女推迟结婚和预防怀孕也可 低产 妇 死亡风险,各项预防艾滋病毒感染的 战略也可降低死亡风险。
Lastly, delaying marriage and preventing pregnancy among very young women reduce their risk of maternal death, as do strategies to prevent their exposure to HIV.
2008 年,人口基金、世卫组织、儿童基金会和世界银行四方结成伙伴关系, 即保健四方(H4),以协调和加强在 低产 妇 死亡率和普遍实现生殖保健方面向发 展中国家提供的支助。
In 2008, UNFPA, WHO, UNICEF and the World Bank came together as four partners, Health 4, with the objective of harmonizing and enhancing support for developing countries in reducing maternal mortality and achieving universal access to reproductive health.
低产妇和 婴幼儿及青少年死亡率方面,特别是在防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病方面, 办事处与人口基金毛里塔尼亚办事处合作,通过努瓦克肖特青年协会区域网络促进了 在艾滋病问题上与年轻人的互动。
In the context of reducing maternal, infant and child mortality, and combating HIV/AIDS in particular, the Office, in conjunction with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Mauritania, has helped to improve interaction with young people about AIDS through the regional youth associations network of Wilaya in Nouakchott.
另外,工业化国家利用贸易自由 化倾销廉价商品,使得地方工业发展受阻,导致增 速缓慢、生产能力利用程低、产出 不 高。
Moreover, industrialized nations had taken advantage of trade liberalization to dump cheap
manufactured goods, rendering local industries inefficient and leading to
[...] slow growth, low capacity utilization and low output.
(i) 所有妇女都应当有权享有优质、实惠和方便的保健、教育和服务,以低产妇死亡率、增加熟练助产士接生的分娩数量、获得安全有效的计划生育和避 孕方法以及降低生病风险; (j) 应当制定综合战略并做出全面努力,以消除对妇女和女孩的暴力,打击 一切形式贩卖妇女和女孩行为并防止针对胎儿性别进行的选择性人工流产。
(i) All women should have the rights to enjoy high-quality, affordable and accessible health care, education and services, so as to reduce maternal mortality, increase births assisted by skilled attendants, have access to safe and effective family planning and contraceptive methods and reduce the risk of diseases
由于这些方案针对具 体对象,对发展中国家而言,它们比其他形式,例如整个经济体范围的粮食或燃
[...] 料补贴等形式更易于负担,后者往往效 低 , 产 生 不 必要的费用,而且在广泛经 济意义上造成扭曲性影响。
Because they are specifically targeted, such programmes are far more affordable for developing countries than alternatives such as
economy-wide food or fuel subsidies,
[...] which tend to be inefficient, unnecessarily [...]
costly and distorting in their wider economic impacts.
无论高产量还低产量, 切割速度 均匀以确保向压延机压延辊稳定喂料,达到更 好的薄膜产品质量。
Ensures uniform cutting speeds
[...] for both high and low throughputs and helps [...]
to ensure smooth control of the filling operation
of the calender roller gap, which in turn leads to a better film quality.
委员会更适合采 取能有效低产妇死亡率的措施。
The Committee would do better to focus on the measures most likely to reduce maternal mortality.
其他途径还有改善营养状 况,包括产前营养以及加强特定的保健措施,包括紧急产科护理和熟练的分娩护 理,以低产妇和儿童死亡率。
In addition, this can be achieved by improved nutrition, including nutrition prior to birth, as well as by strengthening specific health interventions, including emergency obstetric care and skilled attendance at birth to reduce maternal and child mortality.
限制和压缩高耗水低产出作 物的种植面积。
Restrict and reduce the
[...] plant area of high water-consuming and low output crops.
儿童基金会、人口基金、世卫组织和世界银行将继续实施联合计划,以加速 在低产妇和 新生儿死亡率和发病率方面取得进展,最高度地强调切实向产妇死 亡负担最重的六个国家提供支持。
UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO and the World Bank will continue the joint programme to accelerate progress on reducing maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity, giving greatest emphasis to operationalizing support to the six countries with the highest burden of maternal deaths.
如果一个国家在国内市场推行某种专利制度,而这种制度既不能提高产品质量,也不 能低产品价格,既不能提高自身的生产能力,也不会保证其专利产品制造商在别国市 场获取至少同等的专有权,那么任何国家在国内市场推行这样的专利制度都会失败。
Any country must lose if it grants monopoly privileges in the domestic market which neither improve nor cheapen the goods available, develop its own productive capacity nor obtain for its producers at least equivalent privileges in other markets.
潜在问题奶牛 -- 低产奶牛 或者有明显健康问题的奶牛(例如,奶牛中检测到血液,或者电导率大幅变化),或者进入发情期的奶牛 [...]
- 都将在挤奶时立即引起您的注意,并可在MPC予以分选以进行评估。
Potential problem cows – low yielding cows or cows [...]
with a visible health problem (e.g. blood detected in the milk or significant
conductivity changes), or if a cow is coming into heat – are brought to your attention immediately during milking and can be sorted for assessment on the MPC.
通过净化 高热蒸汽,不仅能消除结渣和积垢,还可低 产物流失。
By purifying the superheated steam, this not only eliminates clogging and
[...] fouling, it also reduces product loss.
此外,哈大沙还为老年妇女设立了方案,让她们开展活动、 与社会接触,以改善她们的身体和精神健康及生活质量;(b) 哈大沙通过培训助 产士和护士以及在阿布戈什和东耶路撒冷举办讲习班,帮助巴勒斯坦人社区低 产妇和胎儿死亡率。
In addition, it offers programmes for elderly women to provide them with activities and social contacts to improve their physical and mental health and their quality of life; (b) Hadassah helps combat maternal and foetal death in Palestinian communities by training midwives and nurses and by conducting workshops in Abu Ghosh and East Jerusalem.
(h) 有必要收集数据并分析多种歧视因素,以确保公共政策具有有效针对 性,可惠及被边缘化的妇女人口,包括老年妇女、移民妇女、土著妇女和残疾妇 女;(i) 通过扩大低产妇死亡率战略的规模和加强计划生育方案等方式来加
(h) Collection of data and analysis of multiple factors of discrimination are needed to ensure that public policies can be effectively targeted to reach marginalized populations of women, including older women, migrant women, indigenous women and women with disabilities
如果保护成效积累起来,或低产 以其 它某种方式处理,这可能是一种好的战略。
If reserves can be stockpiled, or the poor harvest dealt with in some other way, this may be a good strategy.
以“千年发展目标”为目标的政策和方案有无顾及残疾人的 权利 为贯彻“千年发展目标”,秘鲁已经对其公共预算进行了调 整,规定在 2010 年中央政府、区域政府和地方政府机构应 将其工作重心落在达成如下造福人民的目标上:a) 减轻儿 童严重营养不良现象;b) 降低产妇和 新生儿死亡率;c)提 高阅读理解水平和算术水平;d) 加强在使人民获得合法身 份方面的工作;e) 缩短到社会(卫生和教育)服务场所以及 去市场所需要的时间;f) 为农村地区提供饮用水和卫生用 水处理设施;g) 提高农村地区电话和互联网的普及率和使 用率;h) 提高农村家庭的能源利用率。
In 2010, it was established that national, regional and local government bodies should give priority to achieving the following results: (a) a reduction in chronic child malnutrition; (b) a reduction in maternal and neonatal mortality; (c) an improvement in the levels of reading comprehension and mathematics; (d) an increase in the availability of identity documents; (e) a reduction in waiting times for access to social service (health and education) centres and markets; (f) an increase in access to safe drinking water and sewage disposal services in rural areas; (g) an increase in the coverage and use of telephone and Internet service in rural areas; and (h) an increase in operational power coverage in rural homes.
主要特征包括购置成本低、产能高 、体积小、系统利用率提高以及能够在 NEXUS [...]
Key attributes include lower cost of ownership, [...]
high throughput, small footprint, improved system utilization and the ability
to cluster on the NEXUS platform.
公共卫生部、妇女和家庭促进部以及社 会事务部职责框架下都提出了该政策。这涉及到应对早孕的方法、 低产 妇 死亡 率、促进计划生育、对妇女进行节育技术方面的教育。
The reproductive health policy, formulated as part of the responsibilities of MINSANTE, MINPROFF and MINAS, comprises the
prevention of early
[...] pregnancies, the reduction of maternal deaths, the promotion of family planning (FP) and the provision of women with [...]
information on contraception techniques.
它不仅会低产品性 能,而且破坏生产工艺, 从而影响质量和生产效率。
It impairs product properties and disrupts processes.
一是市场上无更多的强势品牌,无品牌竞争;二是各厂家未与商家建立稳定的合作关系,无通路之争;三是市场上流通的大多数属于通用产品,技术含 低 , 产 品 差 异程 低 , 无 产 品 差 异化的市场运作和技术之争;价格成为单一竞争手段,低价格市场运应该是企业形成规模化生产后形成成本优势且能保证产品质量,而大多数企业无品牌优势、无较高的市场占有率、无规模化生产,成本居高不下,只能偷工减料,所以出现以次充好,不同品牌同一价格竞争现象。
First, the market is no more a strong brand, no brand competition; Second, not all manufacturers and merchants to set up stable cooperative relationship, no access dispute; Third, the market most of circulation are
common products,
[...] technology content is low, the product differences between low and no product differentiation [...]
in the market
and technology dispute; price competition means a single, low-price market operation should be the business formed after the formation of large-scale production cost advantages and can ensure product quality, and most enterprises have no brand without a high market share, no large-scale production, high cost, can only cut corners, so there are shoddy, the same price competition in different brands.
实行计划生育和预防计划外怀孕,每年可使产妇死亡率降低 25% 至 40%。1 所有利益攸关方必须认识到,妇女和男子必须充分获得生殖健康用品 (包括计划生育用品),才能确保实现目标 5,低产妇死亡率。
Family planning services and the prevention of unplanned pregnancies could reduce maternal deaths by 25 to 40 per cent annually.1 All relevant stakeholders must acknowledge that unless women and men have access to sufficient quantities of reproductive health supplies (including for family planning), Goal 5 will not be met and maternal mortality will remain high.
WBCSD 将生态效率定义为:
[...] “生态效率必须提供有价格竞争优势的,满足人类需求和保证生活质量的产品或 服务,同时能逐步低产品或 服务生命周期中的生态影响和资源的消耗强度,其 [...]
The WBCSD defined Eco-efficiency as following: “Eco-efficiency is achieved by the delivery of competitively priced goods and services that satisfy
human needs and bring quality of life, while
[...] progressively reducing ecological impacts [...]
and resource consumption intensity throughout
the life-cycle to a level at least in line with the Earth’s estimated carrying capacity.
(p) 欢迎秘书长的全球妇女和儿童健康战略,该战略由一个基础广泛的伙伴
[...] 联盟实施,以支持各国作为当务之急大幅度 低产 妇 、新生儿和五岁以下儿童死 亡率的计划和战略,为此将推广一套具有优先地位的一揽子高效干预措施,整合 [...]
(p) Welcoming the Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, undertaken by a broad coalition of partners, in support of
national plans and strategies, in order to
[...] significantly reduce the number of [...]
maternal, newborn and under-five child deaths
as a matter of immediate concern by scaling up a priority package of high-impact interventions and integrating efforts in sectors such as health, education, gender equality, water and sanitation, povert y reduction and nutrition
2006年7月,建设部宣布“十一五”规划城市绿色照明工程,在清澈的,要实现每单位GDP的能源消耗降低20%的目标,强调要节省资源和保护生态环境,实现建设的要求低、能 低 、 产 量 高 、少排放、能量循环、可持续的国民经济体系和资源节约型、环境友好型社会,“绿色光——在公共设施、酒店、购物中心、办公大楼和在中国推广高效节能住宅照明系统,“十大工程之一的能量。
July 2006, the Ministry of Construction announced the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Town Green Lighting Project, in the clear that to achieve the per unit GDP energy consumption reduction target of 20%, stressed the need to conserve resources and protect the
environment to implement the
[...] requirements of to build low-input, high output, low power consumption, [...]
less emissions, energy cycle,
sustainable national economic system and resource-saving, environment-friendly society, and to the "green light - in public facilities, hotels, shopping centers, office buildings and in the promotion of efficient energy-saving residential lighting systems, "as one of ten key projects energy.
(j) 鼓励小农和牧民逐渐从产低价值产 品 转 为生产高价值产品,同时考虑 到专业化、有利的市场和基础设施发展条件以及更好获得金融和风险管理的途径
(j) Encourage small farmers and
pastoralists to change gradually from
[...] the production of low-value to high-value products, taking [...]
into account specialization,
favourable market and infrastructural development conditions and improved access to financial and risk management




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