单词 | 打字 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 打字 noun —typing ntype nExamples:打字机 pl—typewriters pl 打字员—typist 打字员 n—typists pl
打字組可設在偏遠㆞方,打字員與 經理之間可利用圖文傳真及 無需手提的通話設備互相通訊。 legco.gov.hk | A typing pool can be remotely located, with fax and handsfree voice communications between typists and managers. legco.gov.hk |
如今访问国家博物馆的游客可以看到泰王拉玛五世(King Rama V)的许多珍宝,另外还能看到泰国第一个室内浴室,以及泰国最古老 的 打字 机。 shangri-la.com | Today visitors to the Vimanmek National Museum will find numerous belongings of King Rama V. The first indoor bathroom of Thailand can be viewed here. shangri-la.com |
缔约国认 [...] 为该通告是拙劣的造假,因为上面的印章和签名是用彩色复印机制成,然后 用打 字机加上申诉人的个人情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party believes the notice to be a crude forgery, as the stamp and signature have been [...] copied using a colour photocopier, while the personal details of the party concerned [...] have been added using a typewriter. daccess-ods.un.org |
本網站所載內容可能包含不正確的技術資訊 、 打字 排 印 錯誤或其他類型的錯誤,亦或可隨時經予變更或更新而無另行通知。 seagate.com | Information on this Site may contain technical inaccuracies and/or typographical or other types of errors and may be changed or updated at any time without notice. seagate.com |
例题:运行一个办公用品的采购清单,现在它存储在以第19行开 始的程序内存中,打字机的 标价为$625,计算它的折扣价? vicinno.com | Example: Run the office-supplies program, now stored in the calculator beginning at program [...] line 19, for the typewriter listing for $625. vicinno.com |
光学字符识别,通常缩写到OCR,手写 , 打字 或 印 刷文字的扫描图像的机械或电子翻译机编码的文本。 cn.anypdftools.com | Optical Character Recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the [...] mechanical or electronic translation of scanned images of [...] handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. anypdftools.com |
書面」或「印刷」指包括以書面、印刷、平版印刷、 攝影、打字及任何其他清晰及非臨時性文字或數字顯示 方式,並包括以電子顯示方式作出的陳述,惟有關陳述 可在用戶的電腦下載或可透過傳統小型辦公室設備列印 或載入本公司網站,而無論哪一方式,有關股東(按本 細則條文規定須向其傳遞或發放任何文件或通告的股 東)已選擇以電子方式收取有關下載或通告,而發放有 關文件或通告的方式及股東的選擇均符合所有適用法律 及法規以及相關地區證券交易所的規定。 xingfa.com | writing” or “printing” shall include writing, printing, lithography, photography, typewriting and every other mode of representing words or figures in a legible and nontransitory form, and including where the representation takes the form of electronic display, provided that the same is available for download onto a user’s computer or for printing through conventional small office equipment or is placed on the Company's website and, in each case, the shareholder concerned (where the relevant provision of these Articles require the delivery or service of any document or notice on him in his capacity as shareholder) has elected for the receipt of the relevant download or notice through electronic means and both the mode of service of the relevant document or notice and the shareholder’s election comply with all applicable laws and regulations and the requirements of the stock exchange of the Relevant Territory. xingfa.com |
该处 还负责以下文件的打字和复 制:书状和附件的译本、听讯的逐字记录及其译本、 法官笔录和法官对判决书草案的修正的译本、法官意见的译本。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also [...] responsible for the typing and reproduction of the following documents: translations of written pleadings and annexes; verbatim records of [...]hearings and their [...]translations; translations of judges’ notes and judges’ amendments to draft judgments; and translations of judges’ opinions. daccess-ods.un.org |
( 和打字) 他的所有报 告,以确保其工作的独立性质。 daccess-ods.un.org | He has written (and typed) all his reports [...] himself to ensure the independent nature of his work. daccess-ods.un.org |
显示屏的使用:由于所有会议厅现在都装有双屏或相当于双屏的屏幕,只有在需要额 外打字人员时,执行局上述决定第 6 段中的建议才会产生额外支出,但条件是该系统的引入 (秘书处对此有保留意见)不会导致在有 193 个会员国的委员会大型全体会议上,通过决议 所用会议时间更多了(这反而又会造成加班、临时人员等方面的超时费用)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Use of screens: since all meeting rooms are now equipped with dual screens or equivalent, the Executive Board’s recommendation in paragraph 6 of the above-mentioned decision will only generate extra expenditure to the extent that extra computer typing teams will be needed, on condition that the introduction of this system, about which the Secretariat had expressed reservations, does not lead to extended meeting hours spent on the adoption of resolutions in large plenary commissions of 193 Member States (which would in turn generate major over-runs in overtime, temporary assistance and so forth). unesdoc.unesco.org |
请拨的会议临时人员经费是用于支付短期口译员、笔译员 、 打字 员 和 其他 会议服务人员,减少约 3 [...] 300 万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The provision under temporary assistance for meetings, which reflects a reduction of [...] approximately $33 million, is requested for short-term interpreters, [...] translators, typists and other conference-servicing staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
書面」或「印刷」包括書寫、印刷、平版印刷、攝影 、 打字 及 以 易 讀及非短暫形式表示文字或數字的任何其他方式。 perfectech.com.hk | writing" or "printing" shall include writing, printing, lithography, photography, typewriting and every other mode of representing words or figures in a legible and non-transitory form. perfectech.com.hk |
TypingMaster中的教学系统独树一帜,其中包含的盲打教学方式既可以提升学 员 打字 速 度 ,又可以让学员获知字母在键盘上排放的位置,一举多得。 typingmaster.cn.uptodown.com | The teaching and learning system implemented by TypingMaster is called touchtyping and by this way you'll learn the place where all letters are placed in the keyboard step by step. typingmaster.en.uptodown.com |
(a) 每年 2,052,000 元可變現的節省款項 可變現的節省款項 可變現的節省款項 可變現的節省款項,即減省一個 [...] 助理文書主任、一個文書助理和一個 打字 員 職 位後 預計可節省的員工開支共 [...] 800,000 元,加上因無須 重複核實業權資料而減省向土地註冊處繳付的費用 約共 1,252,000 元。 legco.gov.hk | (a) realisable savings of $2,052,000 per annum. This will be achieved through an anticipated reduction in staff costs of posts of one [...] Assistant Clerical Officer, one Clerical [...] Assistant and one Typist, totalling $800,000; [...]and a reduction in fees payable to [...]the Land Registry of about $1,252,000 as a result of removing duplication in ownership checking. legco.gov.hk |
2.5 「書面 書面 書面 書面」或「印刷 印刷 印刷 印刷」指包括以書面、印刷、平版印刷、攝影 、 打字 及 任 何 其他清晰及非臨時性文字或數字顯示方式;並(僅在本公司向股東或其他 有權收取通告的人士發出通告的情況下)應包括存置在能以清晰可見形式 查閱的電子媒介內以便日後用作參考的記錄。 sitoy.com | 2.5 "Writing" or "printing" shall [...] include writing, printing, lithograph, photograph, type-writing and every other mode of representing words or figures in a legible [...]and non-transitory [...]form and, only where used in connection with a notice served by the Company on members or other persons entitled to receive notices hereunder, shall also include a record maintained in an electronic medium which is accessible in visible form so as to be useable for subsequent reference. sitoy.com |
前方外殼向後收摺,便可完成免持式立架,讓您能輕鬆觀賞與舒 適 打字。 geniusnetusa.com | The front cover folds back to [...] form a hands free stand for easy viewing and comfortable typing. geniusnetusa.com |
法規」指公司法及開曼群島適用於或影響本公司而當時生效 的所有其他法案、命令、規例或其他具有法律效力的其他文件 (經不時修訂)、組織章程大綱及/或本文件; 「書面」或「印刷」包括書面、印刷、平版印刷、影印 、 打字 及所 有其他以可見及非過渡形式表示文字或數字的所有其他方 式;如表示形式為電子顯示,則須可下載至用家電腦或可透過 傳統小型辦公設備打印或放置於本公司網站,在各情況下,相 關股東(如本細則相關條文規定將任何文件或通知交付或送達 致股東)選擇透過電子形式收取相關下載或通知,且送達相關 文件或通知的形式及股東的選擇均符合所有適用法律及規例以 及有關地區證券交易所的規定。 chinaallaccess.com | “writing” or “printing” shall include writing, printing, lithography, photography, typewriting and every other mode of representing words or figures in a legible and non-transitory form, and including where the representation takes the form of electronic display, provided that the same is available for download onto a user’s computer or for printing through conventional small office equipment or is placed on the Company’s website and, in each case, the shareholder concerned (where the relevant provision of these Articles require the delivery or service of any document or notice on him in his capacity as shareholder) has elected for the receipt of the relevant download or notice through electronic means and both the mode of service of the relevant document or notice and the shareholder’s election comply with all applicable laws and regulations and the requirements of the stock exchange of the Relevant Territory. chinaallaccess.com |
尽管 Despatch Industries 已尽力提供准确及时的信息,但仍有可能因疏忽而出现技术或事实性错误 和 打字 错 误。 cn.despatch.com | While Despatch Industries has tried to provide accurate and timely information, there may be inadvertent technical or factual inaccuracies and typographical errors. despatch.com |
5.2 委员会注意到,缔约国仅在2007 年即在提出上诉后5 [...] 年多就此案提交了材 料,这一延误仅仅是因为未能对诉讼记录进 行 打字。 daccess-ods.un.org | 5.2 The Committee notes the State party’s only submission on this case in 2007, more than five years [...] since the appeal was filed, that the long delay has been merely due to the failure to have the [...] record of proceedings typed. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 申请未使用正确的正式表格,未打字 填 写或用其他方式打 印,或者原属局未签字; (b) 申请用传真发给国际局的,未收到商标页的原件(参见第 B.I.02.06 段)。 wipo.int | (b) in the case of an application sent to the International Bureau by facsimile, the original of the page bearing the mark has not been received (see paragraph B.I.02.06) wipo.int |
(a) 凡提述書面,須兼指打字機打印、印刷、平版印刷、攝影及任何以可見 及非臨時性方式呈列或複製文字之其他模式,包括(為免生疑問)電子 紀錄(定義見香港法例第 553 章電子交易條例 chinaagri.com | (a) references to writing shall include references to typewriting, printing, lithography, photography and any other mode of representing or reproducing words in a legible and non-transitory form, including for the avoidance of doubt an electronic record (within the meaning of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Chapter 553 of the Laws of Hong Kong)) chinaagri.com |
V. 用英文撰写的关于候选人资格、主要科研成果及贡献的概述(篇幅不得超过 5 个 打字页)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (v) a summary in English [...] (maximum of five typed pages) of her [...]qualifications, main scientific achievements and contributions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
答:Seagate.com 一直在努力提供精确的产品和订价信息,不过,难免可能会发生订价 或 打字 错 误。 knowledge.seagate.com | A. While Seagate.com strives to provide accurate product and pricing information, pricing or typographical errors may occur. knowledge.seagate.com |
小鍵帽結構提供最大的打字舒適 度,以及安靜 的 打字 體 驗;共有六顆快速鍵供媒體控制和網路存取使用,只要按下按鍵,就能存取音樂、控制音量、使用網際網路,方便您更快完成工作。 geniusnetusa.com | There are six hot keys for media control and Internet access, giving you one touch controls to access music, volume and the Internet so you can accomplish tasks faster. geniusnetusa.com |
他们也喜 欢科学用品,如磁铁、调色工具、放大镜、手电筒、棱镜、温度计、天平、听筒、速度计、 [...] 步程计、指南针、太阳系模型、岩石/贝壳藏品或组合包、动物栖息地、显微镜、望远镜、 双筒望远镜、可看见齿轮的透明钟、简易计算器、字母印台和 可 打字 的 玩 具 打字 机 等。 cpsc.gov | They also enjoy science materials such as magnets, color mixing equipment, magnifying glasses, flashlights, prisms, thermometers, scales, stethoscopes, speedometers, pedometers, compasses, models of the solar system, rock/shell collections or kits, animal habitats, microscopes, telescopes, [...] binoculars, see-through clocks with visible gears, simple [...] calculators, alphabet ink stamps, and functioning toy typewriters. cpsc.gov |
有特别教育需求的大中学生或小学生,在参 [...] 加考试(甚至课程终结考试)时,有权利做较长时间的准备,必须向他提供使用普 通班级使用的特殊设备(如打字机、计算机)的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The student/pupil with special educational requirements is entitled to a longer preparation time when he takes an exam (even the final exam) and he has to [...] be offered the possibility of using special equipment used in the course of [...] ordinary classes (e.g. typewriter, computer). daccess-ods.un.org |
通过FlexiCapture提供的识别类型包括了:支持190种以上语言的award-winning OCR(机打字符识 别),90种以上语言的ICR(手写字符识别),条形码识别(1D和2D类型条形码),识别核取标记,以及全文识别未组织的文档并输出到具有查询功能的PDF文档。 evget.com | Recognition types offered through FlexiCapture include: [...] award-winning OCR [...] (recognition of machine-printed characters) with support for 190+ languages, ICR (recognition of hand-printed characters) for 90+ [...]languages, barcode recognition [...](1D and 2D barcode types), recognition of checkmarks, and full-text recognition of unstructured documents with export to searchable PDF. evget.com |
.Samsung 智能無線鍵盤讓您體會無拘無束電視操控新感受,只要安坐梳化上便能隨 意 打字 和 上 網瀏覽,內置觸控板操作像使用滑鼠一様流暢自如,快速熱鍵方便您彈指間掌控多個最常用的遙控器功能。 samsung.com | The build-in touchpad gives smooth control – like using a mouse – and convenient hotkeys deliver access to the most-used remote control functions. samsung.com |
本网站上复制的任何前瞻性声明显示的都是载有该声明的文件原公布或报备之日的情况,且应与在表10-K中的公司年度报告(在标题"前瞻性声明"项下)、表10-Q中的公司季度报告(在标题"其他信息"项下)以及本网站或证交会Edgar数据库(http:/www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm)中可得的孩之宝向证交会报备的其他材料中所述的、可能会导致未来的实际事件或结果与预计的事件或结果显著不同的某些因素一并解读。孩之宝并无任何责任或政策更新本网站所载的任何信息或声明,因此,该等信息或声明在您访问本网站之日不应作为最新资料而加以依赖。此外,本网站上提供的资料的任何部分均可能存在技术方面的不准确性 或 打字 错 误。本网站上提供的资料、软件和本网站上所述的产品可不经通知而不时加以变更。 hasbro.com.cn:80 | Any forward-looking statement reproduced on this site speaks as of the original date the document containing such statement was published or filed and should be read together with certain factors set forth in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K under the heading "Forward-Looking Statements", the Company's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q under the heading "Other Information" and in other Hasbro filings with the SEC available on this site or on the SEC's Edgar Database (http:/www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm) that could cause actual future events or results to differ materially from anticipated events or results. hasbro.com.cn:80 |