

单词 故业

See also:


cause n
reason n
former n

(of people) die, dead

External sources (not reviewed)

考虑其高 污染,高能耗的行业特性以及近期石油天然气公司所发生的 故 , 该 行 业 中 的公司确实应当更加 重视及改进在环境方面的信息披露。
This sector should greatly improve its performance in Environment, considering the nature of its activities, and the recent events which tarnished the industry's reputation.
由于粮食保存和低温运输系统对冷藏设备的需求不断增加 故 制 冷 行 业 被 认 为印度 的经济发展极其重要。
The refrigeration sector is considered critical for the economic development of India due to the growing demand for equipment for food preservation and cold chain.
但是,导致出现这种情况的部分原因可能是建筑行业在金融危机之后遭受的 打击比其他业更大的缘故,而建筑 业 雇 用了很多外国工人。
This may however be partly explained by the fact that the construction industry, where many foreign workers were employed, suffered worse than other sectors following the crisis.
因为目前的状况似乎是进 入本组织的起点决定以后的业前景 , 故 由 此 而造成的停止不前的情况更加使人感到失望和 不能接受。
The resultant stagnation is all the more frustrating and intolerable because the point of entry into the Organization now seems quite simply to determine the remainder of one’s career.
从1982年起,化学业的运输事故信息 和救援系统(TUIS)为化学品事故的妥善处理提供了有力支持。
The German chemical industry established its Transport Accident Information and Emergency Response System (TUIS) in 1982 to provide assistance in the event of chemical accidents.
在航空宇宙和国防工业、以及要求在演变引发危险性重大问题而付出昂贵代价之前必须查明细 故 障 的 各个 业 领 域 中,我们的便携式恒压型Lorad LPX 系列( LPX160 、LPX200 和LPX300)X 射线装置为无损检测成像系统树立了新的标准。
Our portable, constant potential, Lorad LPX series (LPX160, LPX200, and LPX300) x-ray units have set new standards for non destructive testing imaging systems in the aerospace and defense industry and in industrial applications where it is critical to pinpoint the tiniest fault before it becomes a dangerous and expensive problem.
业事故是指 工人在履行雇主所分配的职务,从事雇主同意的其他工作, [...]
An occupational accident defined as [...]
damage to the health or death of a worker which occurs in the performance of a duty
assigned by an employer or in other work performed with the employer’s permission, during a break included in the working time, or during other activity in the interests of an employer.
作为回应, 开发计划署说,鉴于第一阶段氟氯烃淘汰管理计划期间不会涉及到的行业的氟氯烃消费增 长速度很快,比如空调次级业,故 全 国氟氯烃消费的总体增长需要在 2012 年控制最高 增长 4%,正如行业调查所证实的那样,如果不加以控制,增长速度还要快很多。
In response, UNDP advised that given the substantial HCFC consumption growth rates in sectors that would not be addressed during stage I of the HPMP, such as the air-conditioning sub-sector, the overall growth in national HCFC consumption would need to be controlled at a maximum of 4 per cent in 2012, although unconstrained growth would be significantly higher, as substantiated by the sector surveys.
结果显示,每日配额比竞争性渔业产生的 业 事 故 更 少 的有力的 经验证据,原因是每日配额为渔民提供了安全捕捞的选择。
The results show strong empirical evidence
that daily catch quotas resulted in fewer
[...] occupational accidents than the competitive [...]
fishery because they provided fishers
with the option to fish more safely.
[...] 险)法》(1952 年),该法规定提供工伤、残废和业 事 故 死 亡 抚恤金;《社会保障 (非公开长期福利计划)法》(1996 [...]
年)和《社会保障(公开长期福利计划)法》(1997 年),其中包括老年养恤金、监护人津贴和鳏寡福利;《社会保障(保险)法》(1955
年)和《社会保障(非自缴保费的福利和失业保险)法》(1955 年),其中包括产妇 补助金和津贴以及死亡补助金。
The social security and welfare sectors in Gibraltar continue to be governed by the Social Security (Employment Injuries Insurance) Act (1952),
under which benefits are paid for injury,
[...] disablement and industrial deaths; the Social [...]
Security (Closed Long-Term Benefits
and Scheme) Act (1996) and the Social Security (Open Long-Term Benefits Scheme) Act (1997), which cover old-age pensions, guardian allowances and widow/widower benefits; and the Social Security (Insurance) Act (1955) and the Social Security (Non-Contributory Benefits and Unemployment Insurance) Act (1955), which include maternity grants, maternity allowances and death grants.
业事故次数 的增加导致严重的环境卫生、社会和经济影响,因此有必要加 强矿业部门制定和执行业事故预防 和应变战略和计划。
The increasing number
[...] of industrial accidents resulting in serious negative environmental health, social and economic impacts in mining communities highlights the need to enhance the capacity of the mining sector to develop and implement industrial accident prevention and [...]
preparedness strategies and plans.
一项研究审议了1991到2007年期间的 业 事 故 和 伤亡数据,最强烈 地坚持这一观点。
A study that reviewed the accident and fatality data from fishers between 1991 and 2007 made the strongest argument for this.
环保部几乎每年都会与地 方环保部门合作开展全国范围的污染源检查和整治活动,跟进重大 业 事 故 (如 2 005 年 11 月的 松花江事故)或解决特殊环境问题,如关闭十五小、采矿企业、工业园区、城市污水处理厂等问题 (OECD,2009)。
Almost every year, the MEP, in co-operation with local EPBs, conducts country-wide inspection and enforcement campaigns to follow up on major industrial accidents (such as the Songhua River accident in November 2005) or to address specific environmental problems such as excessive pollution from small industries, pollution from mining activities, industrial parks, urban wastewater treatment plants, etc (OECD 2009).
2007年,瓦克发起了一项旨在预防业 健 康 安全 故 的 倡 议“工作安全新动力”。
Avoiding accidents at the workplace is the goal of the “Fresh Impetus for Work Safety” initiative launched in 2007.
全球统一制度专家小组委员会还继续与管理某些涉及化学安全具体方面的 国际公约的条约机构开展了合作,通过有关公约促进《全球统一制度》的实施,
例如《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》、《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙 特利尔议定书》、《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》、《关于在国际贸易
[...] 中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约》;《 业 事 故跨 界影响公约》(另见下文第 46 段)。
The Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System has also continued its cooperation with treaty bodies that administer certain international conventions dealing with specific aspects of chemical safety in order to facilitate the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System through such conventions (Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal; Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer; Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants; Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides
in International Trade; and Convention on the Transboundary
[...] Effects of Industrial Accidents (see also para. [...]
46 below)).
在魁北克行政法庭由别人代理的情况只限于法律提到的 某些领域,例如依法就业事故或石 棉受害者赔偿而提出的上诉。
Representation by another person in the Administrative Tribunal of Quebec is restricted to particular domains mentioned
in the law, such as appeals submitted pursuant to the law
[...] on industrial accidents or compensation [...]
for asbestos victims.
根据有关的法律规范,被保险人有权在出现职业风险,比如由于 业 事故 或疾 病导致被保险人的工作能力丧失或下降或死亡的情况下获得社会保护。
In accordance with the norms of the respective Law the ensured persons have the right to social protection in case of occurrence of such professional risks, such as: loss or decrease of work capacity or the decease of the ensured person as a result of an industrial accident or disease.
[...] 马戏团和从事农业工作的儿童获得社会服务有限,受到最恶劣的童工形式、金加 工中使用的化学品中毒以及业或 其他 事 故 的 影 响。
Moreover, the Committee notes with concern the number of children dropping out of school and working in, inter alia, informal mining communities, circuses, and agriculture and, their limited access to social services and their exposure to the worst
forms of child labour, poisoning from chemicals used for gold processing,
[...] and occupational or customary other accidents.
这五位备受国际瞩目的杰出亚洲华人 业 家 , 他们 故 事 各 有精彩之处,但共同点是能够在纷繁的市场中准确地把握商业机会,以超人的智慧洞悉经商之道,以坚强的意志、果断的判断能力面对顺境、逆境,同时善用各方资源实现企业愿景和目标,最终获得了巨大的成功。
Although each of these five outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs have most intriguing individual experiences to relate, they do share something in common:  being able to grasp the right business opportunities within a complex marketplace, having the wisdom, resolve and analytical skills to face up to any situation and predicament, and to fully utilise the resources at their disposal to fulfil their vision and dreams, and secure eventual success.
随着巴拿马建筑业的不断 发展和壮大,巴拿马正在不断强化各种措施,来降低建 业 的 事 故 发 生 率。
Measures to reduce the level of
accidents in the construction sector have been strengthened in response to an increase
[...] in the number of on-the-job accidents.
这些政策和 行动构成欧洲经委会克服十年挑战的对策,其依据是 1992 年《跨界水道和国际
[...] 湖泊保护和利用公约》及其关于水与健康的议定书和关于 业 事 故 造 成 损害的民 事责任议定书。
The policies and actions that form the response of the Commission to the challenges of the Decade are based on its 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International
Lakes and the two Protocols thereto, on water and health and on civil liability for
[...] damage caused by industrial accidents.
由於多溴聯苯醚通常積聚在脂肪內 故 市 民應進食低脂食品, 切去肉類和肉類製品的脂肪,減少使用動物脂肪配製食物,以及採用低脂的烹調方法。
As PBDEs tended to accumulate in fat, the public should consume low fat food, discard fat from meat and meat product, reduce the use of food made from animal fat and adopt low fat cooking methods.
(f) 由于德意志联邦共和国对该中心的大力支持,它提供必要的基础设施、设备和高 级业人员,故教科 文组织在建立该中心中承担的风险应该不大。
(f) The risks that UNESCO would incur in the establishment of the Centre would be low, due primarily to the strong support of the Federal Republic of Germany in providing an appropriate infrastructure, facilities and highly specialized personnel.
由於會計政策的 變動只導致需要作出額外披露故此 對 每股盈利並無影響。
As the change in accounting policy only results in additional
[...] disclosures, there is no impact [...]
on earnings per share.
于 2008 年在欧洲经委会关于业事 故越境 影响的公约和保护与使用越境水道和国际湖泊公约下制定了关于尾矿管 理设施的安全指导方针和最佳做法。
Safety guidelines and good practices for tailings management facilities had been developed in 2008 under the ECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents and Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes.
[...] 会通过的多边环境协定,包括关于以下方面的重要文书的价值:水、空气、环境 影响评估、业事故及环 境事务的公众参与、信息获取和公正。
It recognized the value of multilateral environmental agreements adopted by ECE, including important instruments on
water, air, environmental impact
[...] assessment, industrial accidents, and public participation [...]
and access to information and
justice in environmental matters.
OTN层和IP层可以共享网络资源信息,优化传输路径规划、提高光层网络的利用率,同时实现快速 业 务 部故障定 位,由此提高运营效率,降低网络25%的运营能耗。
The OTN layer and IP layer can share network resource information, optimize transmission path planning, improve the utilization rate of optical
layer networks, and realize rapid
[...] service deployment and fault locating, thus improving [...]
the operational efficiency and reducing
the energy consumption of networks by 25 percent.
这些课程最初为海卓泰特的技术人员而设计,提出了“完全完整性”的理念,内容涵盖检查、准备和最终连接组件,帮助海卓泰特实 业 内 最 低的 故 和 资产 故障率
The courses, originally designed for Hydratight's technicians, have contributed to a "total integrity" philosophy covering inspection, preparation and final
joint assembly, that has helped Hydratight to
[...] achieve one of the lowest accident and asset failure rates [...]
in the industry.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲型流行性感冒(H1亞型)病毒逸漏 故 , 必 須受法定呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關 故 , 並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from laboratories to be subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.




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