

单词 性接触



heterosexual sex

See also:

接触 v

access v
touch v


touch v

stir up sb's emotions
make contact with sth

External sources (not reviewed)

特别报告员希望这些会谈将推动政府与重要政治反对派利益攸关方之间 的实性接触。
He hopes that these talks
[...] will further substantive engagement between the [...]
Government and important political opposition stakeholders.
1.150 法治股预计能实现其目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 联合国的参与实体继续致力于法治协调和
资源小组的工作,相互开展合作,并拨出足够的人力资源,以确保为该小组执行任务提供可靠 和专家帮助;(b) 会员国、双边捐助者、法治援助接受国的国家利益攸关方、民间社会行为体
[...] 及其他有关国家和国际组织等外部合作伙伴与联合国开展一贯的实 性接触 , 以 努力提高法治 活动的效能,改进对法治活动的支持;(c) [...]
Target 2012-2013: 10 consultations 1.150 The Unit is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) participating United Nations entities will remain committed to the work of the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group, cooperate with one another and allocate sufficient human resources to ensure reliable and expert contributions to the implementation of the tasks of the Group; (b) external partners, such as Member States, bilateral donors, national stakeholders in countries receiving rule of law assistance, civil society actors and other relevant
national and international
[...] organizations, will engage consistently and substantively with the [...]
United Nations in efforts to improve
the effectiveness of and support for rule of law activities; and (c) the flow of voluntary contributions will continue.
一 些中国人认为如果中国政府要将其在南苏丹的战 性接 触定位于获取经济利益之上,它就必须加强其他形式的 [...]
合作,包括一些已经由那些已经建立关系的合作伙伴所 施行的合作,比如美国。该区域一位有经验的中国投资 者解释说中国政府必须继续多元化其接触模式:“看看
美国使馆的规模、地点和作用;再看看有多少苏丹学生 在美国求学,与那里的移民社群有着多么千丝万缕的联 系。
Some Chinese argue that if Beijing is to root
[...] its strategic engagement in South Sudan [...]
beyond mutual economic gain, it must enhance
other forms of cooperation, including those already exercised by established partners such as the U.S. A Chinese investor with experience in the region explained that Beijing must continue to diversify its modes of engagement: “Look at the size, location, and role of the American embassy; look at how many Sudanese students are educated in the U.S., look how many ties there are to established diaspora there”.
[...] 一年,阿斯马拉与欧阵的关系日益紧张,既因为战略问题,也因为埃塞俄比亚政 府与欧阵一些领导人就对话前景进行试 性接触。
This would be consistent with reports that the relationship between Asmara and ONLF has become increasingly strained in the past year, in part over
questions of strategy and in part over
[...] exploratory contacts between the Government [...]
of Ethiopia and some ONLF leaders about the prospects for dialogue.
我们欢迎在科索沃阿族人返回米特罗维察北部 地区方面取得的积极进展,也欢迎科索沃特派团行政 当局与米特罗维察市政当局为解决未决问题而进行 的建性接触。
We welcome the positive development on the return of Kosovo
Albanians to the northern part
[...] of Mitrovica and the constructive engagement between the UNMIK administration [...]
and the Mitrovica
municipality to address pending issues.
性接触感染艾滋病毒的病例越来越多:2000 年,在匿名艾滋病化验中 心登记的艾滋病毒病例,90%都是注射吸毒者;2006 [...]
年上半年,只有 50%的新 登记病例属于注射吸毒者。
There are increasingly more cases of HIV
[...] acquired through sexual contact: 90% of the cases [...]
of HIV registered in anonymous AIDS
testing centres in 2000 were injecting drug users; in the first half of 2006 only 50% of the new registered cases were among injecting drug users.
各种形式对儿童的长期损性接触, 如告诉儿童他们没有用、没人 爱、讨嫌、有危险,或者说他们唯一价值在于满足他人需要
(a) All forms of persistent harmful interactions with the child, for example, conveying to children that they are worthless, unloved, unwanted, endangered or only of value in meeting another’s needs
[...] 论坛上、包括在与会员国进行的战 性接触 中 得到充分反映,区域办事处和高级 [...]
人员获得及时和有用的支持和战略性咨询意见,以促进加强与方案国和发展伙伴 的双边关系。
The needs and rights of children and the operational needs of UNICEF are fully reflected in coordination and intergovernmental policy debates, and
their related forums, including through
[...] the strategic engagement of Member States; [...]
and country and regional offices and
senior staff receive timely and useful support and strategic advice to facilitate strengthening of bilateral relations with programme countries and development partners.
因此我呼吁黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦当局继续开 展建性接触,并 吁请会员国提供继续巩固政治对话和难民营内的安全所需的任 [...]
I therefore call upon Lebanese and Palestinian authorities to
[...] continue their productive contacts, and upon Member [...]
States to offer whatever assistance
may be required to continue the consolidation of political dialogue and security in the camps.
工作组坚定地致力于遵守这些工作和包 性接触 的 原 则,不仅是因为所有 的利益攸关方已经认识到了其价值和有效性,还因为对话和参与符合立足人权的 [...]
The Working Group is firmly committed to these principles of
[...] work and inclusive engagement, not only [...]
because all stakeholders have recognized
their value and effectiveness but because dialogue and participation are consistent with the essence of a rights-based approach.
在德国,艾滋病毒/艾滋病的主要感染人群是有 性 恋 接触 的 男性(61%), 其次便是通过性接触传染而感染的人(17%)。
In Germany, the main group affected by HIV/AIDS consists of men with homosexual contacts (61 per cent), followed by persons infected as a result of heterosexual transmission (17 per cent).
(c) 敦促人类发展报告处继续与各国国家统计局进行建 性接触 , 以 解决一 些遗留问题,其中特别包括:㈠ 使用非官方或过时数据;㈡ [...]
提供足够的准备时 间,以答复人类发展报告处关于使用数据的来文;㈢ 涉及计算的技术性问题。
(c) Urged the Human Development Report Office to
[...] continue its constructive engagement with National [...]
Statistical Offices in order to address
some remaining issues, including, among others (i) the use of non-official or outdated data; (ii) the provision of sufficient lead time to respond to communications from the Human Development Report Office on data used; and (iii) technical issues involved in calculation.
亚洲及 太平洋统计年鉴》7
[...] 也向各成员国提供了重要服务,成为使秘书 处同伙伴机构的专家能够进行实 性接触 、 深 化并扩大亚太经社会 网络以及加强其处理成员国统计能力优先事项的能力的平台。
As well as providing an important service to member States, the Statistical Yearbook for
Asia and the Pacific7 also served as a
[...] platform for substantive engagement by the secretariat [...]
with experts from partner agencies,
deepening and expanding the ESCAP networks and ability to address the priorities of member States regarding statistical capacity.
特别报告员重申,他致力于与所有利益攸关方进 行建性接触,以进一步在全球范围内增进和保护见解和言论自由权。
The Special Rapporteur reaffirms his
[...] commitment to constructive engagement with all [...]
stakeholders in order to further promote
and protect the right to freedom of opinion and expression worldwide.
这 一变动将使得各方能够向各国政府和伙伴提供更相关和及时的支持,便利同性别平 等和增强妇女权能领域的区域及次区域政府间机构和专家机构进行实 性接触 ,并 加强该组织利用区域及各国经验和专门知识、来处理其普遍任务规定的能力。
That shift will enable more relevant and timely support to national Governments and partners, facilitate substantive engagement with regional and subregional intergovernmental
and expert bodies in
[...] the areas of gender equality and women’s empowerment, and strengthen the ability of the [...]
organization to draw
upon regional and national experience and expertise to address its universal mandate.
重申必须及时、充分地援助和保护难民、回返者和流离失所者,又重申 援助与保护相辅相成,而且物质援助不足和粮食短缺有损保护工作,指出必须采
[...] 取以权利和社区为本的方针,与难民、回返者和流离失所者个人及其社区进行建性接触,以 实现合理公平地获得食物和其他形式物质援助的目标,表示关切存 [...]
15. Reaffirms the importance of timely and adequate assistance and protection for refugees, returnees and displaced persons, also reaffirms that assistance and protection are mutually reinforcing and that inadequate material assistance and food shortages undermine protection, notes the importance of a rights- and community-based approach in engaging constructively with individual refugees, returnees and displaced persons and their
communities so as to
[...] achieve fair and equitable access to food [...]
and other forms of material assistance, and expresses concern in regard to situations
in which minimum standards of assistance are not met, including those in which adequate needs assessments have yet to be undertaken
虽然在非洲撒哈拉以南地区艾滋病毒主要是通过 性性接触 传 播 ,但注射 吸毒是一个正在出现的问题。
While HIV in sub-Saharan Africa is transmitted
[...] mainly via heterosexual contact, injecting [...]
drug use is an emerging problem.
我们敦促所有各方与安南联合特使进行建 性接 触,以 便开始一个可信的、由叙利亚人主导的政治 [...]
进程,实现叙利亚人民要求和平、自由、民主和平 等的正当愿望。
We urge all
[...] parties to engage constructively with Joint [...]
Special Envoy Annan on a credible Syrian-led political process that
will meet the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people for peace, freedom, democracy and equality.
委员会赞赏地注意到,缔约国派出了高级别代表团,在缔约国处于政治和 社会冲突之时,与委员会进行了建 性接触。
The Committee notes with appreciation the high level of the State party delegation, and its constructive engagement with the Committee at a time of political and social conflict in the State party.
尽管赞赏地注意到缔约国与传统民间领袖( 苏丹,埃米尔和酋长) 保持建性 接触,但 委员会感到关切的是,尽管地方当局对于地方一级有效执行《公约》和 《儿童权利法》起着关键作用,但目前却没有充分参与地方一级儿童权利政策的 协调和执行。
While noting with appreciation information on constructive engagement with traditional leaders (Sultans, Emirs and Chiefs) in the State party, the Committee is concerned, considering their critical importance at local level for the effective implementation of the Convention and the Child Rights Act, that at present these local authorities are not sufficiently engaged in the coordination and implementation of child rights policies at the local level.
同刚果妇女和女孩的面谈证实,时常发生同维持和平人 性接触 的 情 况,通 常是为了得到粮食或小额金钱的回报。
Interviews with Congolese women and girls
[...] confirmed that sexual contact with peacekeepers [...]
occurred with regularity, usually
in exchange for food or small sums of money.
这种病毒通过血液之间的接触(输血,受到 HIV 感染的针头)性接触在人 与人之间传播。
This virus is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood contact (blood transfusions,
[...] HIV-infected needles) and sexual contact.
HNS 对海洋环境的影响取决于其性、 接触 情 况 及海洋生物对所涉及化学品敏感度。
The effects of an HNS on the marine environment
[...] depends on the toxicity, exposure and sensitivity [...]
of marine organisms to the chemical concerned.
在所有案件中,没有一个特遣队成员承认 性接触。
In no case did any member of a
[...] contingent admit to sexual contact.
北京认为,奥巴马政府对缅甸的政策从以制裁为中心 转向在现有制裁同“实性接触”间 谋求平衡,98 而这种转变主要是因为美国企图遏制中国在缅甸及 [...]
Beijing believes the Obama administration’s shift from a sanctions-centred policy to one which balances existing sanctions
[...] with “pragmatic engagement”98 is driven
会议注意到艾滋病毒在亚太区域内的 传播和蔓延具有的以下各种独特性:所发生的新的感染案例大多集中
[...] 于主要的高危人群,包括与男子有性行为的男子、注射毒品者、嫖娼 者和卖淫者、变性人、迁移人群、以及与之有亲 性接触 的 伙 伴。
The Meeting noted the unique characteristic of the epidemic in the Asia-Pacific region: new infections were concentrated among key populations at higher risk, including men who have sex with men, people
who use drugs, people who buy and sell sex, transgender persons, mobile populations
[...] and their intimate sexual partners.
自 2005 年以来,拉加禁核组织总秘书处同其他无核武器区保持经 性接触, 以 便加强在核裁军问题上进行合作和交流信息。
Since 2005, the General Secretariat of OPANAL has maintained regular contact with other nuclear-weapon-free zones to increase cooperation and exchange information in the subject of nuclear disarmament.
其他 伤口不接触性、近乎接触性或近 距离射击的结果,但在其他方式下很难确定确 切的射击距离。
The other wounds were not the result of firing in contact, near contact or close range, but it is not otherwise possible to determine the exact firing range.
我们在工作场所禁止与性相关的要求或身 接触 、 性 导 向 手势或言辞,以及显示或传播性导向的图片、动画或笑 话。
We ban sexual advances or physical contact, sexually oriented gestures or statements, and the display or circulation of sexually oriented pictures, cartoons or jokes in the workplace.
绝大部分工业用水并未用于实际的生产工艺,而是相当大的非消耗性使用,如:接 触性冷却(从制糖业的 30%到工业有机化学品制造的 91%)。
Most water in industry is used not for the actual industrial processes, but for substantially non-consumptive uses such as non-contact cooling from (30% in the sugar industry to 91% in industrial organic chemical manufacture).




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