

单词 必然性

See also:

必然 n

necessity n



External sources (not reviewed)

他们看清了风向,似乎 也已经接受了改革必然性。
They know which way the winds are blowing and appear to have
[...] accepted the inevitability of the changes.
关键并不在于这些预测正确与否,而是在于这些预测迫使政策制定者思索, 在一个经济增长必然性已不再是理所当然的世界里应作出何种选择。
The point is not whether these predictions are accurate; it is rather that they
challenge policymakers to think of options in a
[...] world where the inevitability of growth can [...]
no longer be taken for granted.
更重要的是,我發現很多同事均沒有留意到作出判罰 必然性, 故此想就此重點討論一下。
More importantly, I find that many colleagues have
[...] not noticed the necessity of imposing sanctions.
南苏丹为其 2011 年自决公投做出准备时,中国认 识到其独立与日俱增必然性。
As South Sudan prepared for its 2011 self-determination referendum, China recognised
[...] the increasing inevitability of independence.
但是,现在逐步 认识到传播的效果更多地取决于行动 必然性 : 此 类传播手段会产生什么影响?
However, awareness is growing that the [...]
communication issue is far more closely bound up with the logic of action.
在康定斯基的《艺术里的精神》中提到内在需要 必然性 , 当 我内心的需求告诉我要改变,要寻找的时候,我别无选择。
In his Spiritual in Art Kandinsky mentions
[...] a categorical imperative of the inner [...]
necessity: when the need arises inside me to change,
to search, I cannot do otherwise.
英港關係,是㆒項極其敏感的問題,亦相當抽象,沒有任何硬性條文或具體方針, 可必然性的套用。
China-the United Kingdom-Hong Kong relations are a very delicate issue, which
is rather hard to spell out in concrete terms since there is no fast rule or
[...] specific instruction that must be followed.
但 是 , 我 必須強 調 的 是
[...] ,政府 能 否證明 開 徵 銷 售 稅是有不能反 駁必然性 理據呢?
But, and I emphasize, can an
[...] irrefutable case of necessity be made out?
這種圖案的反比喚醒虛榮浮華和死亡忠告,提醒我們死亡與 必然性 , 突 顯出生命的無常,反映模仿性的媚俗事物在大規模創作中美學上的缺陷。
The core birth of his painting is exemplified
in his erudite
[...] assembly of heavily symbolic objects. Hong's oeuvres testify to act as redemption for the world where the good and evil are in mixture of [...]
each other, also reflecting
back to his memory of the arbitrary placement of the church within the bars, clothing store and restaurants.
巴基斯坦充分意识到促进宗教和文化和谐越来 越有其必要性,而且认识到不同信仰间对话 必然 性。
Pakistan fully recognizes the growing need to promote religious and cultural
[...] harmony and the necessity of interfaith [...]
總督答(譯文):我認為假如我們放棄在討論選舉安排時所經常提出的原則,這樣做便 會損害本局和它的角色,也會損害行政機關必須向立法機關負責的概念,更會損害法治 的原則,因此對社會的繁榮安定,均造成無可避免 必然性 和 巨 大的影響。
GOVERNOR: I think that if we were to abandon the principles which we have discussed so frequently about the electoral process it would undermine this Council and its role, it would undermine the notion of an executive accountable to the legislature, it would undermine the rule of law and would therefore inevitably, and certainly, and massively have an effect on the stability of this community and an effect on its prosperity as well.
我 亦 明 白 政 府 在 此 事 上 要 求 謹 慎從事必然性 , 因此,在施 政 報告發 表 後 , 我 第 一 時 間 公 開 呼籲在 與 中央商討 《 基本法》 法理問題的同 時,必 須 鼓 勵市民公開 發 表意見, 有關的諮詢工 作是可以同步進行的, 這 樣 的 做 法 有 助 減 低 拖 慢 政 改 檢 討 工 作的可能性。
So, upon the release of the policy address, I took the very first opportunity to make the public appeal that members of the public should be encouraged to give their views openly while discussions on the legal principles of the Basic Law are being conducted with the Central Authorities.
第㆓點是必然性」, 畢特勒與蘭利這樣說:「顯而易見,全民投票會繼續被 國家及㆞方採用,舉行的次數及重要性亦會與日俱增,這點是毫無疑問的。
BUTLER and RANNEY said, "One thing is clear: referendums are here to stay; and they are almost certain to increase in number and importance in the years ahead.
據 此 , 我 們 的 結 論 是 , 將 支 票 的 必 然 可 予 強 制 執 行 視 為 最 重 要 的 考 慮 因 素 會 是 有 違 常 理 及 商 業
[...] 實 況 的 , 而 且 這必 然 性 不 在 原 本 的 立 約 雙 [...]
方 的 預 計 之 內 。
We have concluded accordingly that to regard certainty of enforcement of a cheque as the paramount consideration would be
contrary to common sense and commercial reality,
[...] and that such certainty is not contemplated [...]
by the primary contracting parties.
普遍 性与多样性并非是对立的;事实上,普 性必然 要 吸 取文化多样性的元素。
Universality is not opposed to diversity; in fact,
[...] universality necessarily draws on the [...]
diversity of cultures.
如果认为基于配额的渔业管理系统 始终必然比竞争性渔业 管理系统更安全,则过于简单。
It is overly simplistic to argue
that quota-based fishery management
[...] systems are always or necessarily safer than competitive [...]
fishery management systems.
发言还指出,那两条 并必然适用 于武装冲突的情形,且属于一 性 规 则 ;而委员会的任务是制定一 套条款草案,作为有关此类一般性原则的特别法。
It was also pointed
[...] out that those two articles did not necessarily apply to situations of armed conflict, [...]
and existed at the
level of general rules; whereas the task of the Commission was to develop a set of draft articles which would operate as a lex specialis in relation to such general rules.
鉴于海洋科学的重性,必需建 设进行海洋科学研究的能力,对发展中国家而言 然。
Bearing in mind the importance of marine science, it is therefore essential to build capacity, in particular in developing countries, to conduct marine scientific research.
然而,雖然她同 意是項質詢關乎一項與公眾有 重大關係的事宜,但不認為有任何急 性 ,必 須以急切質詢形式提出。
However, while she agreed that the question related to a matter of public importance, she did not see any urgency which warranted the asking [...]
of it as an urgent question.
主席女士,當我們提出兩性平等這個良好意願的時候,並非意味着性 必然要從 男性身上討回被剝削的權利,因為我們的目的,不是損人利己,而 [...]
Madam President, when we propose
this well-intentioned objective of gender equality, we do not
[...] mean that women must recover from men [...]
the rights that they have
been deprived of, for our purpose is not to seek gains for ourselves at other people's expense, but to enjoy the rights together with them.
另一方面,委员会一些委员拒绝接受下述想法:主权的双 性必然 意 味 着委员会 应当支持第 11 条第 2 款所采取的处理办法。
On the other hand, some members of the
Commission resisted the idea
[...] that the dual nature of sovereignty necessarily meant that the [...]
Commission should support the
approach taken in draft article 11, paragraph 2.
民间社会组织平台说,这些缺陷,再加上与负责组织选举投票和解决选举 纠纷的机构,包括全国独立选举委员会和宪法法院缺乏独 性 , 必然 使 人 们怀疑 选票表达的真实性以及当选者的合法性。
OSC adds that these shortcomings, in conjunction with the lack of independence of the institutions responsible for organizing the elections and settling electoral disputes, particularly the Independent National Electoral
Commission and the
[...] Constitutional Court, inevitably falsified the election results and hence called into question the legitimacy of [...]
the elected officials.
几个答 复者还认为,成立教科文组织的总目标 在当今甚至更有效和更有针对性。当今的环境是以 下列正在出现的倾向和全性挑战 为特点的,如:对和平与国际安全的威胁依然存在、贫困 及其造成必然结果 --社会排斥现象加剧、艾滋病病毒/艾滋病和其它传染病的蔓延、日益增 加的环境危害、不平等现象及冲突和暴力方式,包括恐怖主义的剧增。
Several also considered that the overarching goals for which UNESCO was established remain even more valid and relevant today, in an environment characterized by emerging trends and global challenges, such as the persistence of threats to peace and international security, the deepening of poverty, together with its corollaries of social exclusion, the spread of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, increased environmental risks, inequalities and aggravated forms of conflict and violence, including terrorism.
秘书长的报告以及今天的通报都强调了以下一 些重要而明显的要素:阿富汗未来需要一种明智而现 实的政治愿景以及实现这一愿景的可靠政治进程;尽 管单靠军事努力无法解决阿富汗冲突,但我们不能忽 视安全保障对于确保在其他领域,例如在治理、发展 和人权领域取得进展的重性;必须 使 阿富汗政府本 身成为一个能够提供基本服务和采取反腐行动的可 靠、有效伙伴;此外,然需要 高度重视发展阿富汗 的能力,以便朝阿富汗人发挥主导作用方向过渡。
The Secretary-General’s report and today’s briefings underline some crucial and evident factors: the need for an intelligent, hard-headed political vision for Afghanistan’s future and a credible political process to achieve that vision; the fact that while military efforts alone will not resolve Afghanistan’s conflict, we cannot lose sight of the importance of security to making progress in other areas, such as governance,
development and human
[...] rights; the indispensability of a credible and effective partner in the Afghan Government itself that can provide basic services and take action against corruption; and the obvious need to give [...]
priority to developing
Afghan capabilities in order to transition to Afghan ownership.
与会者提到一些可持续消费和生产挑战需要采取全球、跨区域的办法来应 对,因为许多供应链是全性的, 而且对可持续消费和生产实行生命周期方必 然涉及多个区域。
It was noted that some challenges relating to sustainable consumption and production called for a global, cross-regional approach, as
many supply chains were
[...] global in nature and taking a life cycle approach to sustainable consumption and production would necessarily involve multiple [...]
但是,他可在两种 情形下收集证据:在一当事方或一参与诉讼的被害人的请求下,并且请求方或被 害人在然性权衡 后显示其本身无法收集证据而预审法官亦认为这样做有利于 司法工作(规则 92 (A));第二,当一当事方或参与诉讼的被害人无法收集“一件 重要的证据”而预审法官亦认为这一证据对于公正司法、权利平等和寻求真相而必不可缺(规则 92(C))。
. He may, however, collect evidence in two situations: at the request of a party or a victim participating in the proceedings, when the requesting party or
the victim
[...] demonstrates, on a balance of probabilities, that it is not in a position to collect the evidence itself, and the Pre-Trial Judge considers that doing so would be in the interests of justice (rule 92 (A)); and secondly, where a party or a victim participating in the proceedings is unable to collect “an important piece of evidence” that the Pre-Trial Judge deems indispensable to the fair administration [...]
of justice,
the equality of arms and the search for truth (rule 92 (C)).
在过去的二十年中,老挝 人民民主共和必然获得 了拆弹、风险教育和受害 者援助方面的大量经验,并且见证了多边合作在减 少伤亡和增加社区安性方面的成效。
Over the past two decades it had of necessity acquired a great deal of experience in bomb clearance, risk education and victim assistance and had seen how effective multilateral [...]
cooperation was in reducing
casualties and making communities safe.
我们认为,和平、安全、发展和人权的不 可分性,必然要求 我们对安全的三个方面相互关联 的方面,即人的安全、国家安全和国际安全,在概念 [...]
上有一个综合的认识,因为其中的一方面不足必将影 响到其他的两个方面。
In our view, the indivisibility among peace, security, development
[...] and human rights necessarily calls for an integrated [...]
conceptual approach to security
in three interdependent aspects — human, national and international security — whereby a shortfall in any one of those dimensions will affect the others.
3.4.8 深層隧道方案所需填海規模看來不必要地過大,考慮到終 審法院的裁決必然得出 以下結論:由於深層隧道方案所 需的塡海範圍較其他可用隧道方案為大,而且無論如何, 深層隧道方案均遜於明挖回填式隧道方案,因此,並無理 據或凌性需要支持該深層隧道方案。
3.4.8 The reclamation required
for the deep tunnel
[...] option appears unnecessarily extensive; in the light of the CFA ruling, it must be concluded that, as the deep tunnel option will result in a greater area of reclamation than an alternative available tunnel option, and as in any event the deep tunnel option does not perform as well as the alternative cut-and-cover tunnel option, there is no justification or overriding need to pursue [...]
this deep tunnel option.
[...] 会,有助于国际社会结合“联合国可持续发展教育十年”(2005-2014 年), 思考将被视为多性必然结果 的对话原则纳入到一切发展战略之中的问题。
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development affords the international community a welcome opportunity to reflect, in consonance with the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), on
the integration of the principles of dialogue,
[...] understood as a corollary of diversity, into all [...]
development strategies.




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