单词 | 太过 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 太过 adverb —too adv太过 —excessively太过 verb —overemphasize v
现在往往太过优先 考虑汽车,使骑自行车变得太危险,从而又 导致更多人需要汽车。 daccess-ods.un.org | All too often priority is given to cars, which can easily make using a bicycle too dangerous [...] to even consider; this leads [...]to more people actually needing cars. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,“在适当情形下”词语含义模糊而 且 太过 广 泛 ,一点也没有确认这项 措施的基本目的是以尽可能好的方式服务于破产程序本身。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the words “in appropriate [...] cases” are vague and too broad, with nothing [...]to confirm that the basic purpose of this [...]measure is to serve the insolvency proceedings themselves in the best possible manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样的设计迫使你去思考和处理错误,但是如果细粒度的错误处 理 太过 繁 琐 的话,你也可以总是对数据库添加一个总的错误处理程序。 developer.mozilla.org | This design forces you to think about and handle errors, but you can always add a catchall error handler to the database if fine grained error handling is too cumbersome. developer.mozilla.org |
倒数第二句提到编辑也应删除;尽管提到 委员会的判例很重要,但一般性意见应避 免 太过具 体。 daccess-ods.un.org | The reference to editors in the penultimate sentence should also be deleted: [...] while it was important to refer to the Committee’s jurisprudence, general comments should [...] refrain from being too specific. daccess-ods.un.org |
可能曾遭受酷刑;这一说法太过含糊 ,不足以 证实他们关于过去曾受虐待的指控。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another certificate only stated that [...] H.M. might have been subjected to torture; [...] this statement was too vague to substantiate [...]their allegations of past ill-treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是我们认为:象《数字千年著作权法》这样的立法使利益的天 平 太过 于 偏 向著作权材 料的制造者,而不利于使用者的历史性权利行使。 iprcommission.org | In particular, we take the view that legislation such as the DMCA [...] shifts the balance too far in favour of [...]producers of copyright material at the expense [...]of the historic rights of users. iprcommission.org |
他最后说,大会形成的共识似乎是,清 单 太过 广泛 了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He concluded that there appeared to be a consensus among the participants in the Conference [...] that the list was much too long. unesdoc.unesco.org |
与 GPA 其他条款一样 ,该条款措辞太过含糊不清,可以有多种不同的解释。 crisisgroup.org | As with other GPA provisions, it is sufficiently ambiguous to allow for varying interpretations. crisisgroup.org |
非洲经济委员会强调地球观测 技术对于多数普通的基层最终用户而言仍 然 太过 复 杂。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Economic Commission for Africa underscored that Earth observation [...] technologies were too sophisticated for [...]most common end-users. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为极少需要使用这些功能,所以,如果感 觉此部分太过复杂,则可随意略过。 redlion.net | As you will rarely have to use these features, feel free to skip this [...] section if you consider it too complex. redlion.net |
2011 年12月7 日播出的一次电视采访中,总统称,军队和安全部队没有收 [...] 到“任何格杀令或残忍行事的命令”,同时承认政府部队的一些成员 “ 太过 了”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a televised interview broadcast on 7 December 2011, the President stated that the military and security forces had [...] received “no command to kill or be brutal”, while acknowledging that some members of the [...] State forces had gone “too far”. daccess-ods.un.org |
假如你觉得在冰封的海面上溜冰太过 冒 险的话,那么乘坐公交或者步行前往市中心的溜冰场都是很方便的。 visitfinland.com | If skating on the [...] frozen sea seems too adventurous, the [...]ice-skate rinks in downtown are easily accessible by foot or public transportation. visitfinland.com |
审计委员会认为,鉴于外币交易数 额巨大,关于在财务报表中披露非美元数额的另一项建 议 太过 繁 重 ,而且按照《联 合国系统会计准则》,此项披露不是强制性的。 daccess-ods.un.org | A further recommendation relating to the disclosure of non-United States dollar balances in the financial [...] statements was [...] considered by the Board too onerous in the light of the extensive foreign currency transactions, [...]and in view [...]of the fact that such disclosures were not mandatory under the United Nations system accounting standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
后来有一名律师建议 第三申诉人停止调查,因为继续调查对他来 说 太过 危 险。 daccess-ods.un.org | The third complainant was then advised by a lawyer to close the investigation, [...] as it would be too dangerous for him [...]to continue. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果刚果(金)不采取这些措施,外国合作伙伴必须退出相关事务,以 免 太过 于 信任一个从根本上就有缺陷的进程。 crisisgroup.org | If these steps are not taken, foreign partners should disengage lest they lend undeserved credibility to a fundamentally flawed process. crisisgroup.org |
阿瓜斯卡连特斯位于墨西哥城和蒙特雷的中间,是那些既希望享受现代化城市基础设施又不喜 欢 太过 拥 挤 的人士的理想之选。 softtek.com | Located halfway between Mexico City and Monterrey, Aguascalientes represents an alternative to people that want to enjoy the infrastructure of a modern city, without the crowds. softtek.com |
就刚果(金)武装力量而言,虽然它承认有条件支助政策并欢迎联刚特派 [...] 团提供支助,但一些高级指挥官表示,有关程 序 太过 繁 琐 ,妨碍了军事行动的 进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | While FARDC, for its part, acknowledged the conditionality policy and welcomed MONUC support, some senior [...] Commanders expressed the view that the [...] related procedures were cumbersome and [...]hindered the progress of military operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
据传说,因为猴面包树太过于骄 傲,上帝把它从天堂拔了起来,头朝下种在了地球上……事实上,这种树看上去的确像是摔了个“倒栽葱”,树干粗壮鼓胀,树冠枝条虬结,形似巨大的树根。 clarinsusa.com | According to legend, God pulled the baobab out of Heaven and replanted it on Earth upside down because it was too proud... And indeed the tree does appear « upside down » with its large, swollen trunk topped by gnarled branches that resemble enormous roots. clarinsusa.com |
然而, 很难想像有任何一个适应选项能两全其美,同时解 决气候太过潮湿与气候太过干燥 的问题-这些问题 通常需要以不同的战略个别解决。 undpcc.org | Beyond the difficulties in estimating the global cost of adaptation to climate change, other areas of uncertainty or lack of clarity also influence the level of financing available. undpcc.org |
对于没有明确规定交货日期的赔偿要求, [...] 一审法院根据《荷兰民法》认定,把“1993 年秋季”作为交货期的规定未免太 过宽泛,没有对有效的交货截止日期做出明确规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding the claim that the date of delivery was insufficiently specified, the Court of First Instance, referring to the Dutch Civil Code, determined that the provision [...] referring to “autumn 1993” as the period [...] of delivery was too wide and lacking [...]in specificity to constitute a valid deadline. daccess-ods.un.org |
不幸的是,我们今天在这里开会时,当地局势中 大家太过熟悉 的格局看来没有多大希望发生真正的 转变。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sadly, as we meet here today there appears to be little hope for a serious turnaround in the all-toofamiliar pattern of events on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
在目前的背 景下,我们发现,任务规定太过宽泛,而且脱离实地 现实。 daccess-ods.un.org | In today’s context, mandates have [...] been found to be too broad and detached [...]from realities on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
生活是关于享受每个点滴时光,但现在我们总是因 为 太过 忙 碌 而忽略了身边的细节。 ba-repsasia.com | Life is about enjoying the little moments but now we’re so busy we [...] don’t even notice them passing us by. ba-repsasia.com |
只有通过进一步的研究、测试后 [...] 金米才能够推向市场,但理清这一系列复杂的专利所需的法律程序对有关科学家来 说太 过于复杂和麻烦,于是在 2000 年 5 月他们和 AstraZeneca 公司(现在是世界最大的农 [...]业生物技术公司 Syngenta 公司的一部分)达成了协议。 iprcommission.org | The legal complexities of navigating this complex of patents, so that the rice could be further [...] developed, tested and [...] marketed, proved highly onerous for the scientists who, in May 2000, negotiated a deal with [...]AstraZeneca (now part [...]of Syngenta, the world's largest agricultural biotechnology company). iprcommission.org |
因为我有一些童话情节,喜欢巴洛克洛可可时期的宫廷服饰,华丽感和装饰感十足的时装非常吸引我,虽然不能直接把那个时代的服饰直接穿在身上,但珠宝上身等元素因为2012年秋冬的T台趋势,已经逐渐能融入我们平时的穿着了,如果觉 得 太过 华 丽 ,一些古董首饰也可以起到画龙点晴的作用,有种把时光穿在身上的感觉。 citij.com | The sense of royalty and exquisite decorations are very appealing to me. I agree it is hard to apply clothes and accesories from that era to our dailywear; yet, on the other hand, we all have seen those in the passed Fall/Winter 2012-13 Season and how skillfully they were implemented in modern pret-a-porter. citij.com |
中国家长式作风的行业监管机构在2011年最终决定这一趋势已 经 太过 度 了 ,当时它对电视台可以播放的选秀节目和其他真人秀的数量做了严格限制。 youngchinabiz.com | China’s paternalistic industry regulator finally decided the trend had gone far enough in 2011, when it placed severe limits on the amount of talent and other reality shows that TV stations could broadcast. youngchinabiz.com |
然而,国际人权机构和其他一些机构也提出了关切问题,认为旨在制止煽动 行为的某些措施可能太过严厉 或涉及面太广,有可能侵犯人权,包括表达自由和 不受歧视的权利,从而带来适得其反的结果,因为某些群体可能因此而被排除在 国家和国际反恐努力之外。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, international human rights bodies and others have also raised the concern that certain measures aimed at tackling incitement may have been excessive or overreaching and may have infringed on human rights, including the rights to freedom of expression and freedom from discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
早在电影《星际迷航》里的Spock先生(嵌入图所示)出现之前,19世纪到20世纪早期的很多天文学家都曾设想过一颗名叫“祝融星”的行星存在,它在水星的轨道内侧绕太阳运行(其 经 过太 阳 时 如主图所示),牵引着水星,导致了水星独特的运行轨迹。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Long before Star Trek's Mr. Spock (inset), many astronomers during the 19th and early 20th centuries thought a planet named Vulcan circled the sun [...] inside the orbit of [...] Mercury (shown transiting the sun, main image) and tugged on the latter, accounting for peculiarities in Mercury's motion. chinese.eurekalert.org |
教科文组织于 2011 年 6 月组织了一次关于气候变化教育促进可持续发展的加勒比小岛 [...] 屿发展中国家讲习班;编制了有关该计划的新材料——如:多语言版本的新 Sandwatch 手册 [...] 及在圣多美和普林西比编制新的生物多样性教育材料; 通 过太 平 洋 地区可持续发展教育 (ESD)框架解决区域性脆弱问题;通过组织联合气候变化教育和联合国气候变化框架公约 [...] (UNFCCC)缔约方会议第十六届会议的提高认识活动,与其他联合国机构积极协作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO organized a Caribbean SIDS workshop on CCESD in June 2011, developed new CCESD materials such as multilingual editions of the new Sandwatch manual and the preparation of new biodiversity education materials in São Tomé and [...] Principe, addressed region-specific [...] vulnerabilities through the regional Pacific ESD framework, [...]and collaborated actively with [...]other United Nations agencies through the organization of a joint climate change education and awareness event at UNFCCC COP16 in Cancun. unesdoc.unesco.org |
区域取得的主要进展包括:论坛关于区域运输服务的原则(2004 年)、建立太 [...] 平洋航空安全事务处(2005 年)、通过《太平洋群岛空中服务协议》、正在为在加 [...] 勒比地区开设区域航空公司而进行的努力、太平洋区域数字战略、农村因特网联 接计划网站、让每个孩子拥有一台手提电脑倡议以及南太平洋信息网络。 daccess-ods.un.org | The notable regional progress made includes the Forum Principles on Regional Transport Services (2004) and the establishment [...] of the Pacific Aviation Safety [...] Office in 2005, the adoption of the Pacific [...]Islands Air Services Agreement, ongoing effects [...]to create a regional airline in the Caribbean, the Pacific Regional Digital Strategy, the Rural Internet Connectivity Scheme sites, the One Laptop per Child initiative, and the South Pacific Information Network. daccess-ods.un.org |